Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 25, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    y?ii mm 1
Notice is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of a Judgement and or
der of sale duly made and entered in
the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, on the
18th day of November, 1920, in a cer
tain action therein, wherein the State
of Oregon was plaintiff and Nancy
M. Meek was defendant, and wherein
it was adjudged that the real proper
ty hereinafter described was escheat
ed to the State of Oregon, and order-
l . ed sold as upon execution:
j ;uni:e is inereiore nereDy given
that I will on Wednesday, the 2fith
day of January, 1921, at the hour of
eleven o'clock, in the forenoon or
said day at the front door of the
County Court House in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder lor
cash in hand all of the following de
scribed real property, to-wit:
Commencing at a point in the mid
dle or center of the flume or ditch
formerly used by the Heppner Milling
Company, (as described and set
forth in the plat and specifications
filed by Nelson Jones, in the office
of the County Clerk of Morrow
i S
OREGON needs more and larger payrolls. Prosperity is a con
crete condition, not an abstract thought. It is created by the
opportunity for work, the investment of money in new and enlarg
ment of old projects, the development of trade, the meeting of pro
ducer and consumer, the exchange of labor for purchasing power.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, representing
a payroll of approximately $3,000,000 per year in Oregon, has
reached a point beyond which it cannot go with its present income.
It has asked for higher rates, which will enable it to maintain its
service, meet its payroll obligations and earn ;a reasonable return
upon its investment in Oregon. If it obtains this it can carry on
its construction program, offer more- work in Oregon, enlarge its
payrolls and take its proper part in the progress of this state. If
it cannot secure adequate rates it must limit its expansion in every
way, abandon its plans for extensions and lay off its construction
The rates asked for will not work a hardship upon an- indi
vidual; they represent but a small increase per station over present
rates, but in the aggregate would permit the telephone company
to continue to fully serve the public, carry out its plans for the de
velopment of Oregon, and do its part in creating and maintaining
the prosperity which is essential to this state.
Adequate .service is dependent upon adequate rates.
x. -
Americas Winter Playground
Ouldoor life ideal. An endless variety of healthful recrea
tion, pastimes and sight-seeing tours. Its thousands of miles
of picturesque paved highways are the admiration and delight
of motor enthusiasts. A real semitropic winter paradise.
The Direct and Pleasant Way to California is Via the
which places at the disposal of its patrons two extremely at
tractive and interesting routes the world-famous Columbia
River and Shasta Routes, or through Salt Lake City and one
hundred miles of orange groves in the Sunny Southland.
A circle of rare scenes and experiences not excelled on the
continent. Through sleeping car and dining car accommoda
tions make the trip either way comfortable and interesting.
C. PARBKK, Agent, Heppner Omton.
VM. MrMCRKAY, (ienerul Passenger Agt., Portland, Oregon.
County, Oregon, and recorded in
Book H, Records of Deeds for said
county at page 457 thereof, on the
6th day of February, 1892.) where
said ditch or flume intersects the
South line of Block Two (2) of Nel
son Jones' addition to the town of
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon,
and running thence East on said
South line of Block Two (2), ten
feet to the Southwest corner of Lot
Four (4) of said Block, running
thence in a Northwesterly direction
ten feet from and parallel with the
center of said ditch or flume, to a
point where the same intersects the
North line of Lots Four (4) and Five
(5) of said Block, being the North
west corner of said Lot Four (4),
thence running West on the North
line of said lots, twenty feet to a
point ten feet West of the center of
said flume or ditch, and being the
Northeast corner of Lot Five (5) of
said Block, thence running in a
Southeasterly direction ten feet from
and parallel with the center or mid
dle of said ditch or flume to a point
where the same intersects the South
line of said Block Two (2) being the
Southeast corner of said Lot Five (5)
of said Block, thence East on the
South side of said Block Two (2), ten
feet to the middle or center of said
ditch or flume, the place of beginn
ing, and being a tract of land twenty
feet wide and lying between said lots
-. I
u i our a--ni urn you all aljout it, pre
pare your itinerary, make your reserva
tions, deliver your ticket? and supply in
structive California literature.
A pleasant variation from the all-rail trip
to California is the ocean trip from Tort
land to San Francisco. Sailings on the
"Rose City" or "Alaska" every fifth day.
Direct connection in Portland. Let us tell
you about it.
Four (4) and Five (5) of said Block
Two (2).
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this
20th day of November, 1820.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
First publication Nov. 38.
Last publication Jan. 2 5.
Department of the Interior, IT. S.
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon,
December 15, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that
of Echo, Oregon, who, on November
21, 1917, made homestead entry, No.
018618, for NE'4 and SEV4, Section
12, Township 1 South, Range 2 7
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Clerk of
Circuit Cpurt, at Heppner, Oregon,
on the 15ih day o February, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. E. Wiglesworth, of Echo, Ore
gon. J. W. Wheelor, of Heppner, Ore
gon. Fay Pettijohn, of Echo, Oregon.
F. K. Payne, of Echo, Oregon.
C. S. DUNN, Register.
First publication, Jan. 4, 1921.
Last publication, Feb. 8. 1921.
The first Christian (lunch.
The usual services of the. Church
will be held on Sunday, consisting
of the Bible School at ten o'clock, fol
lowed by Communion Service and
Preaching at eleven o'clock.
The evening Services will consist
of the Christian Endeavor Service at
seven o'clock and song Service and
Preaching at eight o'clock. Everey
one ifl cordially invited to attend
these services.
W. O. Livingstone, Minister.
Christian Science
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock in I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday
Sshool at 9:45 a. m. Testimony
meetings are held every Wednesday
evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All inter
ested are cordially invited to attend
these meetings.
ikk; ow.nki'-s i.i able
Owners of stock damaged by dot?,
may submit a verified (statement of
damages to the hoard of county com
missioners within 10 days after in
jury, and may be awarded just com
pensation out of the fund created
from dog license fees. The Etatutes
governing such cases are found in
9369 and 9370, Oregon Laws, ac
cording to R. R. Hewitt, of the O. A.
C. political science department.
In the Circuit Ccuit
Oregon for Jlurw, .
Hynd Brothers Comp....
a Corporation,
E. L. Crawford, N01
Crawford Moor ? am!
George Moore, In r I.
band, liable 1 'rsv. .
Wade and Alvin Wade,
her rusband,
TO E. L. Crawford, M.i. .
Wade and Alvin W. ..
above named defendi.. .
OF OREGON: You ami 1
are hereby required to ; ; .
answer the complaint fi'.i ,1
you in the above eutitlul s' ':
before six works from the 1 ; j
of December. 1 0 J 0 , to-wit: on . '
fore the 20; h day of January,
and if ymi fail to so ansv e
plaintiff will apply to tlio cour
the relii :' prayed for in its com;-!
herein, to-wit:
For a divrcc of the court decro- h
that you and each of you have m
estate or in wrest In or to the follow
ing described real property, or any
part thereof, to-wit:
The West half of the South
west (matter and the Southwest
quarter of the Northwest quar
ter of Section Twenty-four (24),
and the Northeast quarter of
the Soulheast quarter of Sec
tion Twenty - three (2"), in
Township Three (3) South of
Range Twenty-eight (2S), East
of the We'amelie Me i.l.t.n in
the Co.'uly of Morrow, Slat-'' of
ami further decreeing that plaint if J
is the owner in fee of the whole
thereof,, and thai you and each of you
bo forever enjoined from asserting
any claim in or to said premises, ad
verso to the plaintiff.
For such other relief as may in
equity be just.
This summons is served upon you
by publication hereof once a week for
six consecutive weeks in the Hepp-i
ner Herald, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation in Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, published at Hep, nor, by
virtue of an order duly made and en
tered herein on the 11th day of De
cember, 1920, by the Honorable W.
T. Campbell, Counly Judge of Mor
row County, O.-ognn. and the date of
the fist publication of this summons
is December 14th, 1 920, and the
date of the last publication hereof
will be' January 5, 1921.
Attorney for Plain I ill.
Post Office addiess, Hepprer, Oregon
Notice is hereby given thai I, the
undersigned, under the laws of tie
State of Oregon, have tal. m up the
animals hereinafter described,
while running al largo on
my premise s nine and ciue-hal,'
miles southeast of llcppnor, in
Morrow coun.y, Oregon, to-wit:
One brown Idim; about 1 1 x
years old, w-Wr. about 700 pound: ,
no visib! brands
One bl-icc hor;e mule, about three
years old, Wei.. Ir aoout t ij u pounds,
no visible .11 a'. Is.
That. 1 will 011
SATURDAY, FEBliC M! V 12, Mi. I,
at, the hour of 2:00 o'cb rk in tl
afternoon of said lay, unless the
same shall have been redeemed, at
my ranch, nine and one hap miles
southeast of Heppner, in. tuid county
and state, sell said a.JmaU to the
highest and best udder, tor cash in
hand, for thte purpon-.j of paying lie'
cosls of taking up, ho' lip;; and sell
ing said animals, together with rea
sonable damage:; for injury eausw!
by said animals 1 anion,", at large on
said premises.
Dnt. il ami fir t pi.mi., 0 11 i bis
25th tiny of Jaiif.ii.-.
Nil'! M'K l ull pi liMCVI i
Dopari 1,0 nt of lh. Int. rio'-, ;-
Land (ofioe, at La ,i,.io, Ore
gon, January 1 1 . . 2 I .
Notice is hereby ..ven .hal Eddie
A. Hammer, of Ourdane, On gon,
who, on January 3, 1921, made addi
tional homestead entry, '.). OiTiOJ,
for w 1-2 nw 3-4, no 3-4 swr 1-4.
section 22, nw 1-4 n ,v 14 and nw 1-1
so 1-4, section 27, township J south,
range 29 east, Williamefte merid
ian, has filed notice of in'eniion 10
make three-year proof, to .1 hi i: !i
claim to the land above d .oiin,-l,
before United State:; f.'em m i. siote-r ,
at Heppner, Oregon, on : be jOih day
of March, 3 92 1.
f'laiiuatit. names as witnesses : Da
vid S Pearson, Howard E. pe-ir-on,
Jacob II. Pearson, Ma-! all iio .
lit own, ail of L na, Ot ' :. .m.
C. S. DI.'NN, !fe,,, 1. r.
Last publication March 8.
vo'ii' i; of j ixai, sirm.iMiM.
In the matter of the estate of Frank
McCartan, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, John McCartan, adminis
trator of the estate of Frank McCar
tan, deceased, ban filed his final ac-
county court of Mor
igo.n, and that Wed
-ti:h day of Januar
':our of fiu o'clock it
.. :' said day, ami in tie
room, in the count;
'. at Heppner, Morro
"on, is the time and plac-
hearing of objection
"J he settlement thereo:
ministrator of the estate o'
; 'r ink McCartan, deceased.
.' 't 1 u -liration December 2S, 1920
' Last publication January 25, 1921.
Dopartinent of the Interior, U. S
Land Office at La Grande. Oregon
December 29. 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that Ida
L. Dykstrn. whose rest-office ad
dross is Heppner, Morrow Co., Ore
Ron, did. on the 20th day of Febru
ary, 1920, file in this office Swori
Statement and Application,' ,'o
02035S, to purchase the N E 1', . Sec
tion 32. Township I South, Range 2
East, Willamette Meridian, and in.
timber thereon, under the provisions
of the act of Juno 3, 1S7S, am', acts
amendatory, known as the "Timber
and Stone Law," at such value as
might be fixed by appraiseraom, ami
that, pursuant to such application,
the land and Umber thereon haw
been appraised at $-115,110, the tim
ber estimated CSo.OOO board ft et al
$1.00 per M, and (lie land $1C.0.00;
that said applicant will offer lin.il
proof in support of his application
and sworn slatemenl on the 2 1st day
of March,. .192 1, before the l i.it.al
Slates Commissioner, al his olfiee, al
Heppner, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to pro
test, this purchase before entry, or
initiate a contest at any Cms- before
patent issues, by filing a corroborated
affidavit in this office, alleging facts
which would defeat the enlry.
(Signed) C. S. DUNN,
Date of First Publication, January
11, 1921.
Date of Last Publication, March 15,
Department of the Interior, U. S,
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
December 29, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that Alice
Pearl Dykslra, whose post-office ad
dress is Heppner, Morrow Co., Ore
gon, did, on the 1 8th day of Febru
ary, 1920, file in this office Sworn
Statement and Applical 1011 , No. 020
331, to purchase the SE ',4, SI-'-i , sec
tion 25, Township 4 South, Range 27
East, Willamette Meridian, and the
timber thereon, under the provisions
of the aft. of June 3, 1878, and acts
amendatory, known as the "Timber
and Stone Law," at. such value as
might bit fixed by iipprui.sor.10nt, and
that, pursuant to Mich application,
Ihe land and limber I hereon have
been appraised at ? I TO. Oil, Ihe lim
ber estimated 120,000 board feel al
$.50 and $1.00 per M, ami the lam!
40.00; that t-aid applicant will olfet
final proof in support of his applica
tion and swot 11 sialement on the 2lsl
day of Match, 1921, before Ihe 1'nil
ed Stales Commissioner, at his office,
at. Heppner, Oregon.
Any person is al liberty to proles!
this purchase before entry, or ini
tiate a contest at any time before pat
ent issues, by filing a corroborated
affidavit in this office, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
(Signed) C. S. DUNN,
Dale of First. Publication, January
11, 1921.
Date of Last Publication, March 35,
'. S. Laud Oi'liee
Ol'el-oll, 1 I. Colo ber
NOTH'E io, !,. rei.y
A . ' '.. r tii r, v. ho.1'
' The I):ll,
r, 1 920.
iv. n that V.'il
a ) ot'l io" nd
1, did, O'l lie
i:i2n, l.h' in
oe nt : 10I Ap
to purchase
;VV ', , S. e. 1 !i,
30, Town: hip
East, Willam-
n :; 1 ! ...
the nw 1 , sv,' i;k
NEU NW'i,4, Sen ion
0 - South. Home 20 -
ette Meridian, and Ihe limber Ibere
on, under the provi.-.ions of the act
of June 1878, and acts amenda
tory, known as the "Timber and
Stone Law," at such value aH might
be fixed by appraisement, and thai,
pursuant to such application, thei
land and limber thereon have been
appraised, Six hundred fifty dollars,
the limber estimated 120 M lid. Ft.
at 75e and 290 M board fei 1 at
1.00 per M, ami the land J 170; .
that, said applicant will offer final I
pioof in support of bis application'
ami sworn statement on Ihe 17lb day I
of Match, 192 I, I), lore David E, Pax-
t"i', I.'. S. Com mi. ,-.:oner, at. Spray, !
Or gon. j
Any person if liberty to protest t
this pin chase before entry, or inl
itiate a contest at. any time befoi'i
patent is'Oi'a, by filing a corroborat
ed affidavit, in thlH office, alleging
factK which would defeat (be enlry.
Uncle WaU's
1 M
4TT HEATS all how fate puts a
crimp in a man's fondest atuht.
tions," said the retired merchant. "Re
cently I have bee:i hungering for an
old-fashioned boiled dinner, composed
of corn beef and all the standard vege
tallies, I men-
v iioneo rue mailer
f several times, ami
my wife said she
would give the
V ? hired girl a holi-
f tiny and get me m
L.f; ; . a boiled dinner,
t v 1 smb. us we used
to have in the hal
cyon days. The)
b a 11 ( u e t was
scheduled for yes
terday, a n d I
looked forward ti
it like 11 hungry
wolf. I couldn't
think of nnylliing else for three days.
And when the meal was dished up f
had an allack of jumping toothache,,
and was Jumping over the chairs with
my bead under my arm."
"That's always the way in (his
world, (io-aone il." eommenieil tin. h,,.
tel keeper. "Just 11s sure as yon look
forward io semelliing you're going to
run up a: a'eisl a !i--':iMio;t::;;:eiit thai,
will break y, ;:r heart.
"Lust week I laid so mueh business
T was on my feel day and nlghl. 1
didn't ge any sleep to speak of for
several nights, and my eyes felt like
hard-boiled eggs. I was just dead on
my feet I was so played out. I looked
forward to (lie time when I could saw'
off 11 few lengths of slumber just us;
you looked forward to that boiled fod-i
"At lust things slacked up and I;
went up to my room at seven o'clock'
In the evening, prepared to sleep
round the clock, or us much longer nn
I felt necessary. I whs so drowsy V
could hardly see to get my rags off,;
and I heaved a sigh of relief when tl
eniwled In between the sheets. Hut:
before I had been there three minutes;
old Jlggleson came along with Ids!
brass band and begun playing scloe-j
Hons under my window. The congress-j
man from this district was occupying!
Ihe room next to mine, and those In-
coed musicians were serenading hiin.j
probably hoping to lie appointed post-;
muster before long. They played ev-'
fry blamed tune you ever heard of. j
mil I had to leave my own room 11ml
go to one at the 1 k of the hotel.
"That room hadn't been used for a:
long time, and things: weren't In good
repair. I climbed Into the bed and
was snoring a few quolntions from the
slasslcs, w hen all the slals came down
ill once and I landed on the Hour on'
my ear wilh my feel u; on the foot
11I' the bed. I thomrhl my back was
iroken In three places, but I tniinagec'
Io gel up, mid Ihen I hiked buck t
my own room. 1 bad left Ihe window
open when I yelled al .ligglesnn and
'brew some furniture at bis musicians,
Mid I was so sleepy I forgot Io close It.
"The bed was rigid up agninsl Ihe
window, and 1 was just gelling asleep,
nice more when l began to rain.
About forty gallons of water blew In
hi me before I could get the doggone .
window closed. I bud to rustle around
for 11 dry nlghl shirt mid some sheets
mid things, and by Unit time I was
pretty near desperate. I don't know
if anything more iiggrnvut Ing than to
ne dying for 11 good old-fasliloiied
deep and then be unable to make con
nections. "At last I got Into bed again, till j
snug mid comfortable, mid was doing
some ground and lofly sleeping. Then
nlorig came a guest who mistook my;
room for his own, which was on the;
Moor above. II happened that bis key;
lilted the lock of my door. : Ic (ipe':fil
It and came In. When be saw me there'
lie look mi" by the iinliles and drugged1
me out. onto (be floor ami sat on me,
and asked me what in thunder I meant
I.V ooiipyiiig bis bed, for which he h:o'
paid In advai I1 look t.
to make t.'iiu:'-; clear to hi
thai lime I fell like n driv
"I'.ut f bad sense eiiou.Oi
back Into bed and mal e mm
11 minute :
111, Mill by
doe; idiot.
c II In gel
ilher try ar
sleeping. I had slept about tw.iily
seven watts when a big framed pic
lure of my wife, which bung over the
bend of the bed, came down and
smashed Itself on my face and put. my
nose out of Joint, Then I gave up. I
put on my chillies and went down-,
stairs mid sitt up ull night, hoping the
building wouldn't cave in 011 me. It
didn't, and that was the only bit of
luck I had that night."
, 04 i !
"I don't like to throw bowincts at
myelf, but. I must wiy folks are
afraid of my drive."
"Oolf or charily '" . '
Chinese Medical Practiced.
In , e ( bine-e begun to vaerl-
mile. There u..,,. three vaeeliaillnu
Millions fi, uhl.h Ihe concoction win
poured Into the 111..111I1. Stooe medlel
were used to am. iiie swellings niol
the Idea was not Introduced Into Eu
rope until centuries later, ('tinted
zutlou was prai llood by burning tlm
rolled leaves of 11 niiiiiII plant. It wu
held to be good for rheumatism iiml
nosebleed. Anesthetic effect)) wort
produced by certain mushrooms ami
the root of aconite. Cases of. nklit
Kruftliii; ure early recorded, ,