Eight THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, January 18. 1921 at $2 A WEEK WILL DO Start NOW. ;M: in In less lli an a year $2.cx) saved every week will amount to over $100 and by that time you're on the sure road to successful, profit able saving. As little as a dollar opens a savings account at this hai:!:. A welcome awaits you. We want voou to i'c-:;rd t!i'- hank as YOl.'R hank Id i;x-;- ii . i,fi'iT-. and to : eel j hat we have . ( 'i r ('.( v m; 1 -re t at ! it. a rt . 'i ia re i !io red !:;. a n-. c hi -i ! in the ".r idea-- and that mean., clieert'ul, . ai. a. 1 v. a .' -. Fanners gr Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. f! Pi H n an THE BROTHERHOOD AGAIN. j The preliminary organization of j the Brotherhood effected on January j 10, in the lobby of the new hotel, de signated January 24 as the time for the general meeting to effect a per manent organization, so on .Monday evening next all tins men of r li cn im munity are requested to meet in the lobby of the hotel promptly at 0 12 oclock for luncheon and organization. Tickets will be sola in advance for the liincheon, ana may be had from the advertising committee, consh-tlnif of S. E. N'otson, J. A. Wat. r.-. J V. Kurt and W. O. L'vihLtonc and tli" price v.ill be 60 vnt.-. rf e o.-i. oi tii-'ve lm-n not uu-r i!:an .M"i:d noun, and ?at, yovr ticket. Tf.i- m-;, 01 s ,:i.:-t be ;;ohl in :,dv.i !! :! : "Sleepy Hollow" MFN'Q that t!' nv i liotel dt;.:;' lair or ili' ijroi r; aim-. ' p.r I I V, I'l .:i:td the J.M & & 9 e 9 STAR THEATRE B. G. SIGSBEE, Sole Owner 1 1 ere is a treat in store for you tears, sobs, sighs, smiles, chuckles, laughter and everything. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JAN. 19th and 20th ibtar -1N- i & & & .I KH30O00-30$0 J0000000 "Judy of Rogues Harbor" FRIDAY, JANUARY 21st Tom oowe una The GREAT ACCIDENT" The Rattling,, Battling Romance of an Ac cidental Mayor. (Particularly appropriate to 1 leppner just at this time.) SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd Rommirjr T!hiIby -IX- U RIO GRANDE" A romantic Drama of Holder l.ife Alon he U in Grande. FOR SALE I I have for sale lease on t)U acres, including u!l necessary stock ami machinery, 700 acres good w heat land, ot which 50 acres are in crop this year. This Offered at a Bargain if Taken at Once. Roy V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE ST. PATRICK HOTEL deli! t... .-..Pi.ly a j ; 1 1 11.:-. The. men of I'ep.u tet K,..,'etlier a comuirm f.-t f. cir matii.'i! welfare, and M'.nJ of the eit'r.? coaiinin.a .'. v.s ya.ve that it can be done by the oiganization 0f a i. Irons iri lier tioi d. Every nan in Uie wliole com munity above thtj nee t ;). toon 1 n: . is requeue- 10 pure::;, so a tidal for the luncheon, untie wit', .he M'Kanizal'.n... and boost for its permanent success. The annual membership fee is only fifty cens, and this, together with the luncheon pric?, is the only financial outlay required. The benefits to be derived from such an organiza tion are many and lil ting, and will in a few months be worth many times the cost. The meetin? will close in time for the High School lyeeum number that will begin at S:30 o'clock. Be present on .Monday even ing. Meantime boost to the limit fr r the Brotherhood. THE ADVERTISING COM. WOKIv ITKK KOH C'RI.MK SAYS I) KAY F. O. VOUX(J University of Oregon, Eugene. "Get everybody busy," said Dean Frederick G. Young of the school of sociology, when asked to give a rem edy for the crime wave sweeping over the country. "There is no magic about it. If everybody is busy at the right sort of productive employment he will have a surplus to exchange and will be free from the post-war financial troubles." A sort of clearing house for the na tions in which they will get together and bolster up the credit of those that are down and see that the ex change ig not tampered with, was given as another effective cure for the chaotic condition of afrairs that leads to a large amount of crime. This would require a great deal of generosity on the part of the nations but would be a great aid to the sta blliaation of conditions. The causes of the crime wave come directly from the war, according to Dean Young. There are two main factors that cause this trouble. "The first is that war always dis integrates the moral standards of the people, develops in them a spirit of recklessness, nnd dulls their sen sibilities," said the dean. The, general shake-up of the occu pations, and the displacement of the workers was the second rear.on given by the doctor. The war, he said, in developing armies too'k the people away from their former peaceful call ings and it was difficult for them to get back. NOTHK. Notice is hereby given to all prop erty owners in the John. Day Irriga tion district that there will be a meeting of the tioard of directors of the district held in lleppner, Oregon, Tuesday, February l, mm, at S : l' 0 o'clock p. m. All taxpayers within the John Day Irrigation district should be present at this meeting. JAMKS CAUTY. I! NOTK-rr. Deputy Collectors of Internal l!ev enue H. C). Payne and 1". Caffney, who will assist the people of Morrow county in making and filing their in coniB tax returns for the year 1920, will be at lieppner court houfv Feb. 7 to 10 inclusive, aud u't Iono Ftb. 11 to 12 inclusive SS 39 J. A. WATERS. County Citrk. Mankind Analyzed. Man la physically ns well aa nieta physically thing of shred and patch cm, borrowed unequally from good and Ancient Wlnea Perfumed. Greek and Uoiima wliira ere per fumed, senerally hy ateeplng tha leuvea of roses ot violets Id the liquor tmd ancestors, and a uibtit from Ui I ""ill It had acquired the odor uf th lf tuning. Kmerson. i flowers. KiOTICK OF SA1.K OF F.STUAYS. Notice is horeby given that on Jan uary 5, 1921, I took up the following described horses and the same will be sold at public auction at my place on section 14, south east of th city of Uoardmaa at 2 o'clock p. m., Feb ruary 10, 1921, unless redeemed be fore that date by their owner or own ers or their legal representatives: Cne brown filly coming three years old, branded on right stifle but undis tingulshable. One bay gelding, coming three, game brand as brown filly. RAY L. BROWN, 3 S-4 0. Boardman, Oregon. MEN'S GOWNS and PAiAMA! ARE NOW SELLING AT Less Thssi Cost: .. $5.50 FORMER PRICE... FORMER PRICE. . . .. $4.50 NOW $3.00 The label "SLEEPY HOLLOW" assures you of Perfect Satis faction in nightwear it guarantees you QUALITY, FIT AND WORKMANSHIP. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON Suits, Overcoats, Mackinaws, Dress Pants r:: now $35.00 THOUSANDS OF REAL VALUES AT "GOOD GOODS" I If Heppner, Oregon n Heppner, Oregon Saturday JaiL 29 Immediately After the Show FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF MORROW COUNTY HARVEY BAUMAN of Lexington VERSUS CURTIS VAUN of Boardman, Ore. Who Wrestled for Carnivals All Last Summer WINNER TO TAKE ALL GATE RECEIPTS A good, clean, fast match is assured, a? both men are in fine condition, and are in constant training. Ladies Are Especially Invited. Ladies Are Especially Invited. ADMISSION: Ringside, $1.00; General, 50c. Good, fast boxing and wrestling preliminaries assured. Nil i hit Ii! I mi