Tuesdav. Tanuarv iS, 102 r COAT WITH CAPE OVER BACK Garment Gives the Wearer Much Younger and Less Staid Appearance. - . - - ;0 " WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOnXEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON .J. MCOFESSIOXAIi CAJIDS 4 DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST 1 ' Permanently located in Odd ' . fellow'H Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO I'lrSK'IAX and SI HGEOX Telephone 122 Office rattcrson's Drug Store HEI'PNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN I, A WV Eli Office Plume Main G43 Residence Phone Main GG!5 lioberls Uuilding IIEI'I'NER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOItX E Y-AT-LA W First National Bank Bidg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIHH INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ftl ATEItXI IY HOME I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Write or plione, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 39 G. 23tf ATTOKVEY-AT-I.UV Office in Court House HEITNF.lt, OREGQN COUNTY TKEASl HEK'S NOTICE All county warrants registered up to and including October 11, 1920, will be paid January 22, 1921 upon presentation at ruy office. Interest ceases January 22, 1921. T. J. HUMPHREYS, 37-38 County Treasurer. Take a glance at our windows NOTE THE FINE DISPLAY OF ALUMINUM WARE, PYREX WARE, THERMOS BOTTLES PER (f& on These CENT VlT LINES Peoples Hardware 15 Company wimmrmTiiwMmmmmmirmxsam JJV Sll-V 7Mf', MIA Choice Cuts of the est meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE fj best in Meats lo her famiiw. Site can he assured she MANY LONG WINTER JACKETS Three-Piece Suits Afford Separate Wrap Popular Model Shows Three-Quarter Length Semi. Blousing Effect. There is mu eh to he said for coats with cape hacks other than that they ure exceedingly fashionahle, observes a prominent fashion correspondent. They have the (jraee of a cape without any of ils impractical features. There is the comfort of a fi'md, substantial long coat combined with the artistic outline of the llowint; cloak. That the cape is never really ab sent from fashions proves that iti must have some threat staying power. There is some reason for women's always wanting it for It is always finding a ready acceptance. What can this reason be other than Its feminine grace? We may pr.ite at length upon the practical in dress, but the practical minus beauty and artistic appeal never limls real favor. The cape lias considerable roman tic and historical background. This probably bears a subconscious Influ ence in its favor. Coiniiiir down tu the purely practical, a coat is made much warmer by a cape falling over the back, but I cannot say that this lias any thing to do with its hold on fashions. It can be claimed, however, that its youthfulness does much for it. Cer tainly a coat of this type gives Its wearer a much younger and less staid appearance than the old-fashioned practical topcoat, which put the fin ishing touches in more ways than one on a perfectly good-looking costume, for, no matter how smart one's dress and hat might be, the effect was lost through the addition of a prosy look ing coat. Where Parisienne and American Agree It may safely be said that the cape coat is one of this winter's greatest successes. It is much favored by both the Parisienne and the Ameri can. A most interesting cape from 1'remat Is gray velours de laine, and the lining, which is satin, exactly matches the cloth in color. This coat has practically two capes, as the large collar forms a short shoulder cape at the liack. The large cape extends In a point at the back. It falls to with in six or eight inches from the bot tom of the coat. Another model shows the short cape w 4 infer Ik ma ir. :v.::f:i''uvVii P mm VI. 'I is cois'i'.i'U'il im C(M!inni!: w s;t ni i v mark el i uu'. .' assured she U t, IZ' v' I f ;" sh-n which J V ;V: '-' UiHlei n liiel Inn's ot ri v. ..:..... centra! iViara K.ivy Ci.c Velours cie If., me Co.it A 1 iimmcd With Bands of Royal Blue Velvet. McNAMKK & SOM2NSON. Props. ZZJTutZCli JKaaOBBaManiS suit jackets. In this inMance the cape Is of blue scree, while t lie collar Is - - j of seal. This cape covers the hack !1 I i i THE BRICH McAtee (EL AiKen. Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks ; oiily. It does not extend over the jtj shoulilefs, as many do. j j A coat from I.anvin features the entire length of the ciat. A soft shade POOL YOU ARE WELCOME THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR of gray ilnvetyn was eho-eu or this model. The iv are trimiumg hands V of green a ipl ij ;:. embroidery down ; ' both sides of the from, also deep A l-niHls of the enibroiileiy on the full V s!eee. C.ipe B.ick Effects Feature Suit. The planed cape almost In 7 ti c fonii of a panel, is i ,101 but not 1 ;,ev to find the favor t! ..it the plain . euiv backs have. Some of the t est f 1 'reach maker fi attire ; e cape back ' of fur, 1101 only on lor.- .oats but on '.' sbort box eoa.s. tnak i!ie-e cape bucks the same length ri me coat )t- The cape back effect on suits Is also n noted feature. (hie very at t , tractive model of blue verge has a high moleskin collar, from the back f which hutii;s u cape reaoliiin; tc A WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF FINE QUALITY AP FROM THE . PLES They run GOOD SIZE, CLEAR and entirely FREE FROM WORMS or BLEMISHES, In fact, are STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WHILE THEY LAST 2 00 A ROY Phelps Grocery Co, R Pi m ORE and more every clay the demand for the Fordson Tractor increases because the Fordson has demonstrated so much usefulness, so much economy, so much labor sav ing, so innch money saving, along so many lines of activity. The farmer has discovered thatnot only for plowing, harrowing, discing, seeding, mewing, rearing and threshing, but a multitude of other uses; cutting wood ; teed; grinding feed; churning; wash ing; furnishing water in the house; making electric light possible in the house and around the barns; so that, as a matter of fact, there is hardly an hour in the day when the Tractor cannot be , made a profitable servant. There is ditching to do; there are roads to fix ; and so on all down the line of the numerous calls that constantly face the farmer the Fordson steps in and does the work, shoulders the complete burden of the toil and the hard work, one might almost say "drudgery." This is the age 'of Machinery, the day when man plans the day's work, or, the year's work, and then turns it over to the Trac tor to execute. Get the book, "The Fordson at work," because it is free. If you cannot call for it, write and we will mail it to you. The Tractor is not only a necessity to every farmer, but is an es tablished utility along a great many commercial lines. Our allot ment is limited to so many each month. Let's have your order now. WE ARE PREPARED TO SELL YOU A FORDSON TRAC TOR ON TIME PAYMENTS. LET THE FORDSON PAY FOR ITSELF WHILE WORKING FOR YOU. 9UKI Latourell -Auto Co. i 1 m