Four THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, January ir, 192 1 v ! S. E. NOTSON Uncle Walte Sior D ID K 4- I'ltOFESSIOXAL CAIiDS ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW -h 4. .j. .j. .j. 4. 4. .j. .j. ffic8 In Cour' HoBe " HEPPNER, OREGON DR. R. J. VAUGHAN ' IJENTI.ST I WOODSON & SWEEK Permanently located In Odd- ATTOKXEYS-AT-LAW fellow's Building Ma8oQlc BuUdlng HEPPNER, OREGON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO SAM E VAN VACTOR IVSIGIA.Y and SIKGKON VAIN VALIUK TI ' , ' ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW . Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN WATERS & ANDERSON LAWYIClt FIRE INSUJtANCE Office Phone Main 643 - , , r,v. Hjt i r e r: Successors to Residence Phone Main 665 c fi ptterson Roberta Building HEPPNER, OREGON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. CLYDE R. WALKER x am limIted PHYSICIAN and BU1WVEON number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure Phone Connections bent attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp IONE, OREGON nor, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf Take a glance at bur windows NOTE THE FINE DISPLAY OF ALUMINUM WARE, PYREX WARE, THERMOS BOTTLES IE" PER f X r on These 3 CENT JiJ LINES Peoples Hardware Company Choice Cuts of the Meats g EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE I best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she f is doing so it' she Inns her Moats at this sh"i which 9 is conduct i-il in enni'onnity with modern met hods of ft s.inil .'O'v m i rk el id c. .1 ' Central Market McNAMER &' SORENSON, Props. rm CLEANINGJHE DOG i'THIS Is the most wonderful soap X ever offered the public," ex plained the voluble agent, as heopened his grip. "It will clean anything un der the sun. It will remove grease spots, polish tinware" "Oh,-1 have no doubt it will re store hair to bald & J neaus and make bf chickens lnv eggs," said Mrs. Curfew, sarcas tically. "I feel quite satisfied it's made of barks an ' buds and healing herbs, but I don't want any of your marvelous soap, having had expe rience with other marvels of the same kind. Last fall an agent came along, selling a soap that would do everything you can think of, from beautifying the female complexion to chasing the cows out of the corn. The agent talked as though he had eight- ; day works in him, like our old grand ; father's clock, and he didn't make any Impression until he said the soap would heal all skin diseases of man or beast. It happened at that period that Mr. Curfew had an imitation bird dog that he traded a good watch for, and gave a dollar to boot, said dollar having been extracted from my prl vute savings, and never returned. "This dog had the mange or some disagreeable disease that caused hlra to itch In the most reprehensible man ner. He was always scratching and nibbing against everything he could find, first and last. , One day he up set my parlor table and broke all my best china, which I had placed on the table a few minutes before. He also upset the sewing machine and the churn, and I don't know what else. "So when Mr. Curfew heard that the agent's soap would cure skin dis eases, he insisted upon buying a cake, and after he had gone he began to wash the dog with that marvelous soap. I don't know what Ingredients suid soap contained, but after it was rubbed into the dog's skin that un fortunate animal became frantic and acted as though its reason tottered on its throne. Mr. Curfew tried to hold the beast, and it reached around and bit his ear almost dft, and of course he released it then, and the uproar he made, as he danced around the house, holding his ear with one hand, and summoning the police with the other was simply scandalous. "Meanwhile the dog ran off, en tirely demented. . Mrs. Turpentine wo crossing the road pushing her baby buggy, when the animal collided with said vehicle, and spilled her off spring into the mud. , I am willing to admit that suqh. an experience was aggravating, hut I' don't think it was ladylike In Mrs. Turpentine to come over to my house with her muddy in fant under her arm, and shake her fist under my nose, and tell me that for five cents she'd pull all my hair out. "Old Mr. Poppinjay was standing on the corner, leaning on his cane, waiting for a street car, when the crazy dog ran against bis cane and he tool; a header Into the gutter, and I really felt sorry for him when I saw him going home ten minutes later, dripping slush and mud like a sea serpent, but I couldn't sympathize with him so very much when he picked up a brick as ho wus passing our place and smashed a panel in our front door. "For two days people wore coming here claiming that we ought to reim burse them for damages done by that ting. It scented that the unfortunate animal made a circuit of the town, and left a trail of desolation behind him. He upset six pans of milk for Mrs. Trumpeter, and seared Sinith's family burse so it ran away ami in jured several members of the faintly, and killed eight prize chickens for Mr. lippy, and 1 don't know what else. In view of which, I think we can struggle along without any of your marvelous soap." I THE BRICK McAtre CO. Aihen,' Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks u. : s . I r ;;v . POOL YOU ARE WELCOME I THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR An Intellectual. "You often hoar It said that Mrs. Olitlicry has all the brains In the Gil th ery family." "Rut Mr. Gllthery is a successful business man." "Oh. yes. However, he merely makes money. While sipping tea and smok ing a perfumed cigarette. Mrs. Gllth ery can discuss more abstruse ques tions that have nothing to do with housework, or the upbringing of the Gllthery twins than any other w,man In her set." IMrtutngham Age-Herald. Block Easily Rmovd. A prominent tradesman In eouth west London expstulated with a gang of road repair regarding a suwll mountain of wood block duuipwl In front of his premise. The protest being Ignored, he sur reptitiously stuck a card, bearing the Inscription : "1'lease take one," on the offending heap. The philanthropic suggestion was quickly acteti on by passers-by. and more than half the blocks had disap peared before a vigilant policeman re moved the Card. Louden Exjirosw. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ii V ' A LARGE STOCK OE FINE QUALITY APPLES FROM THE FAMOUS IMBLER DISTRICT They run GOOD SIZE, CLEAR and entirely FREE FROM WORMS or BLEMISHES, In fact, are STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WHILE THEY LAST 00 A BOX rocery Co. LIBRARY CHANGES LOCATION AND MANAGEMENT The Heppner public library, whtoh since the fire has been located in the council chamber In the Humphreys building, has been, removed to Mrs. L. O., Herren's millinery store and Mrs. Herren has been Installed as li brarian. The new location, it is be lieved, will be very much more con venient for the public than heretofore. ! . ' ' ' ii a v i i i THERE is a natural liking for music in tht mitrl r.f nnr -ViIl therefore fill the all-rcceptive child mind with harmony. Begin its musi cal education early and correctly. With a Brunswick Phonograph and Brunswick Records in your home the means of producing music at its best are always at hand. It will, therefore, be distinctly to your advantage to know Brunswick Phonographs and Brunswick Rec ords before you make your choice. Come in when convenient and we will be delighted to assist you ia, coming to a decision. Oscar R. Otto Mih