Tuesday, January n, iq2 :he heppner herald, heppner, Oregon Three dis a- F. Pv. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO GOOD RESIDENCES IX HEPPXEI IUG11T, v FOR SALE. PRICED Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 Heppner,' Oregon YOIR HOME TOWX PAVER When people want to interest dis tant friends in their home town they send away copies of the local news paper. When anyone wants to know what kind of a place a distant town is he sends for a copy of the local newspaper. When the merchants are full of courage anci advertise freely an impression is created among the many people outside the town who see the paper that this is an exceed ingly bright and wide-awa'ke business town. If, at times, the merchants lot Up a little on the advertising the town does not look so good to out siders. Your paper, then, is (lie ren- 'esenlative the snnkosm.m fm- your community. As your publica tion appears to those outside your immediate local city, so must your town paper appear to them. Editor ials and items of news all have then place,, but the stranger to your town will closely follow the advertisements carried in your paper, for by tin.-: means he judges the charatcer and extent of the business of the com munity. Lander (Wyo.) State Journal. British After Trade. Pritish merchants are planning ex hibitions in large cities of China tfl recover their commercial position lost during the war. Fill Fountain Pen Without Dropper. How can the fountain pen be filled without having a dropper handy? A man does not usually carry a dropper with him. Hut in Che crowd at hand there is likely to be someone who has a self-tilling foumain pen. If he can he induced to lend it for a moment the trick is done, says the Popular Science Monthly. Take the self-filling pen and steep it in ink until it is full. Assure the owner that no damage will he done to the point of his valuable self-tiller and permit him to watch the following performance : Press the lever of ihe borrowed pen, and through its point discharge its contents of ink into the barrel of your own pen. Then refill the borrowed pen and return it. LEGAL NOTICES NOT: CIO l'OK PIBLICAITOV Deparfment of the Interior, U. S. fh-e at LnGrande, Oregon. - 15. 1920. Is hereby given that -UAM II. HUCKABV, Oregon, who, on November made homestead entry, Xo. t XK U and S '.. hip 1 South on Emergency Call. "We've got llsaids in our basement, arid I just killed a snake in the front Sard. Can't yon send some one out right away to kill them?" waiied a voice over the telephone to William F. Weary, clerk of the hoard of public works. It was a woman's voice, or Mr. Cleary would have sent a request to the board of public safety that one of the morals squads lie sent out with a suggestion that they might find what ever it was that made people "see snakes." However, he asked the board to send out an ordinary policeman to kill the reptiles. Indianapolis Newa. Land (1 Decern in Notice Wl of Echo 21, 1!M:, 1 01SG1S. !, 12, Tov.v.. East. Whip notice of year Proof land aUn e Circuit C.j- on tht 1 all Clais.s'ii W. 10. gon. J. W. Wheeler, of Heppner, Ore gon. Pay Pi itijohn, of Echo, Oregon. F. K. Payne, of Echo, Oregon. C. S. DFNN, Register. First publieatioa, Jan. i, 1921. Last pub! h a I ion, Feb. S, 1921. 'i, Sec Range 2 mono .Meridian, lias filed intention to make three to establish claim to the described, before Clerk of tit, at Heppner, Oregon, ; day of February, 1921. names as witnesses: iglesworth, of Echo, Ore- I11 the Circuit Court of the Slate of j NOTICE FOR PVHI.ICATlOX rf1...v r t ... """" "i - " iuuiii) i Department of the Inte SUMMONS Crawford , of 1 he XOTlC O i-' S.ii.K OK PKOriiKTY ESCHEAT r J vrU v ... -. 1-J 4 ,t , ri -j iT'-i ' 1 ' ''.', r i iu.t s , I, f ..V K O BEroRE-THE-WAR PRICES Still Better Willard Service CCME IN AND GET THE NEW PRICE If you need a new Battery NOW is the time to buy. PER CENT u li-ii PURPOSE PRICE SIZE . 11 't; mm PHONE So s mm . . W. FRITSCH, Prop. HEPPNER, OREGON BSIItHl ELECIn C JOS. i 4v n X; The 1 elepiione Company 31111 Wages Salaries and wages constitute 720'- of the expenses of this company. Out of every dollar spent by the telephone company, cents is turned over to its-employees in tile form of compensation. It is our purpose to retain competent and expr l ienced employes. An efficient and contented organization is the main factor in good service. . The deficit in earnings which we have ex prrii-nd l in Oregon litis been largely autr nientel by nic-.sary increases to our employer s. It will bo of interest to our Oregon pa trons to 'know what our increased expense for s. darns ami wag"s in On iron lias been since 1916 as shown in one of the exhibits filed with the Public Service Commission in connec tion with our recent application for an increase in telephone rates. Increase in wages of Plant employees, present over 1910 307,000 Increase in wages of Traffic (operating) empoylees, present over 1916 681,000 Increase in wages of Commercial employees, present over 1916 98,000 Total annual increase in wages $1,08(1, OOO Although these large increases in wages have b-cn r:iad- they represent only approxi mately a 60' increase over pre-war wages, as compared w ith Increases of ov. t 1 ))' in many trades and occupations requiring no greater skill or preparation on the part of the worker. We do not think our employees' wai-f-? (should be reduced under pi em ut, condi tions or under conditions now possible to forecast. THE PACIFIC TEEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. V if !'. 'felly g;ven that under ' virlv." or a .1 udg-.-nieiit and or- saio iniy made a.ttl entered in ircuit Court for the State of ; for Morrow County, on the ay of .'s'oveniber, 1 920, in a cer 'lien therein, wherein the Stale gon was plaint iff and Nancy - k was defendant, and wherein adjudged that the real proner iuartcr deseri'ied was eseheat !ie Siaie of Oregon, and order E tu'en execution : '' i:' iherirote lieteby given will on Weilmvday, tlio 2fith .faiiuitry. :l!.'2.1, at: the hour of o'l-ie'k, in the forenoon of ! "' the front door of Ihe - Court House in Heppner. v Cmiiily, Oregon, sell at ptib tion to the highest bidder for 1 l'fjul ail el' the following de ' I pr.-tpei 1 y, to-w it : nteneiiiK at. a noint in the mid liii'tr of the f liiine or ditch : the Ileromi r Milling ilesf-rilied p.nl set tit ami specifications 'ieu oy -poison .;('.!!:;, in me 01 1 ice of tile County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, and recorded in Pool; ;j, P.ee.ords of Deeds for said county at p;igo 457 thereof, on the tilli day of February,. 1 892,) whore said ditch or flume intersects the Strath line of filock Two (2) of Nel son Jones' addition to the town of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, and running thence Fust on said South line of Plo.k Two (2), ten feet to (lie Southwest corner of Lot Four (4) of said Ploek, running thence in a Northwesterly direction ten feet frci.i end parallel villi the (inter of ,i, dW-h or flume, to r point where too came intersects the North line of Pol;; Four (4) and Five (5) of said iilock, being the North west corner cC said Lot Four (4), thence running West, on the Norlh line of said I'd"., twenty fief, to a point ten feet West of I lie center of fitiid flume or ditch, and being the Northeast corner of Lot Five (!) of said Plock, thence running in a f'eulheas.teriy direction ten feel from and parallel with the center or miri jdle of said ditch or flume to a point i where the same intersects the South I line of said Iilock Two (2) being Hie j Southeast corner el' said Lot, Five (.1) j of said ISlor'l;, 1 hence Mast on the j South side of raid Mock Two (2), let) i' et. to the middle or center of said Hynd Brothers Company a Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. K. L. Crawford, Xora Crawford Moor-1 and tlei.rge Moore, her bus- 'ijiiil, Mablo Crawford I Wade and Alvin Watle, her rus'oand, Defendants. TO K. L. Crawford, Mable Wade and Ah in Wad above named defendants: IX Till: NAM 10 OF THK STATU OF OUKO.OX: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and tiiiswer the complaint filed again.-t you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from ihe 14th ibn of December, 1!)20, to-wit: on or be fore the 26th day of January, 1!12 1, and if you fail to so answer, the plaint iff will apply to tin; court, for the relief prayed for in its complaint herein, to-wit: For a decree of the court decreeing tha' you and each of you have no estate or interest in or to the follow ing described real properly, or any part thereof, to-wit : i The West half of the South west quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Xorlhuost quar ter of .Section Twenty-umr (2-t), and the Northeast; quarter of the Southeast quarter of See t ion Twenty - three (2" ) , in Township Throe (I',) South of Range Twenty-eight (28), Mast of the Wibantctte Meridian in the County of Llorrov, Slate of Oregon. ;nd further decreeing thai, plainlifi.' is the owner in fee of the whole thereof., and that von and each of ran be forever enjoined from asserting lay claim in or to said premises, ad verse, to the plaintiff. For such other relief as may in equity be just. This sunfe.ions is served upon you by publication hereof on-o a week for six consecutive weeks in. the Uonii- ner iter. lid, a wct.Mv uewsoaoer of neral circtilalion in Morrow Cottti , Oregon, I'lttliiii lied at Heppner, by 1 order duly made and ni- on the 1 1 lb day of Do- Honorable W. 01- terior, V. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, I December 2ft, 1020. j NOTICK is hereby given that Ida L. Dykstra, whose post-office ad dress is Heppner, Morrow Co., Ore gon, did, on the 26th day of Fetou ary, 1020, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 02035S, to purchase the X P Vi , Sec tion 32, Township 4 South, Lance 28 East, Willamette Meridian, ami the timber thereon, finder the provisions of the act of June 3, 1S7S, ar,d acts amendatory, known as the "Turber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at. $445.00, the tim ber estimated 2S5,000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land SlliO.OO- I that said applicant will offer tinal : proof in support of his application !" "worn statement on the 21st day I of March, 1021, before the United 1 States Commissioner, at his ol t'leo, at I Heppner, Oregon. j Any person is -at liberty to pio I test this purchase before entry, or ; initiate a contest at' any tlm. before patent issues, by tiling a corroborated ! a I'fidavit in this office, alleging facts 'which would defeat the entry. (Signed) C. S. DFNN, ' . v Kegislor. iDalo of First. Publication, January j 11, 1021. Ditto of Last Publication, March 1.1, j 1021. NOTICK Department Laud Ot'fi December 20 rot: ii Pii.ic.v'i'iov of the Interior, l". S. e at La (! ramie, Oregon, 1 020. ditch or ing, and feet Wide ;. Four (4) ::t Two (2). Dated til 20di day of 1 lUilK beieg lie pi a I' yit: Kik ict of 1 l,ol we. (:,) of Of beginn- Itd twenty :i said lots said Iilock " ii, this ty vit tin ercd ho:e!n on the ('ember, 1 020, by tiie Honorable T. Campbell, County Judge of J row (loutiiy, '.V.....OH, and Ihe date of Ihe fist publication of this sum moan is December Mlh, ;1020, and Ihe date of the last publication hereof will be January 2,1, 10 2 1. H. VAN VACTOll, Altoiney for Pl:imij. Post. Office addicss, Il ppner, Oregon xo'nn; i oi; ri plica tio.v Dejiarl iiienl of dm Interior, Foiled Staler, Land Office at. LaG rande, Ore gon, Dec. 2nd, 1II20. Ne.l ice it; h reliy giv Slt.le of Oregon maltes iinder the pro-, isions of i.ongiess 01 August 14, J8IX, and February 14, 180, and Hie Acts supplementary thereto and amenda tory thereof, for Ihe following do si riled unappropriated, non-mini nil public lands, in lieu ol' or an indemni- n (i'-it appli.-a the ;r . J84X. ty for beses to ils gt ant. .schools to signed and d base therefor: Lots I and 4, Sec. 3 1 . 28 Willamette Met id ing 43.62 ami 44.37 acta ly. D'irir ihe period of jiubl ice! ion , or any ,,.,:e thereafter, and before final approval and cerl ifiea! ion, Hie locitl officers will receive protest or conli.d as to any of the tracts au- le-r comtnon iiigtmled .a,, Tp. 3 S., It. an, conlain i 11 specl ive- NOTIC10 is hereby given that. Alice Pearl Dykstrii, whose post-office ad dress, is Heppner, Morrow Co., Ore gon, did, on the ISIh d:y of Febru- . ary, 1020, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 020 33 1, to purchase the SM Vi , XV. '..J , i:ec tion 25, Township 4 South, Range 27 Masl, Willamette Meridian, and lite timber thereon, under the provisions ' of the act of June 3, 1 878, and acts amendatory, known as the 'Timber' and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and' that, pursuant to such application,: the lit ml and timber thereon have' been appraised at $ 1 50.00, the tim ber esiiuialed 120.000 board feet at $.50 and If 1.00 per M , and the bind 40.00; that, said applicant will otter'' tinal proof in support, of his applica tion and sworn statement on tic 2 1st day of March, 1021, before Iho Fail-, ed Stales Coiiimi.-.sioner, at, his office, at, Heppner, Oregon. Any person in at liberty to protest, tills purchase before entry, or ini tiate a contest, til any lime before pat ent, issues, by tiling a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts' which would defeat the -entry. (Signed) C. S, III 'NX. . tfej.kter. Dale or First Publication, January II, 1021. Ditto, or Last Publication, March 15, 1021. VOTicii t o:; I'l Jil.K ATION UHl'AI.'T MMNT OF 'IT IF, INTKIflOll, II. S. Land Office a :, The I) ilh;, Oregon, 1 leceinbef 27, I 020. N'OTICK is hereby given Dial Wil- A. Car; nor, whose ;;;; is Spray, Oregon i Sheriff of Morrow Oo-.n-: First publica ' ion Nov. :: 1 . Last pub! icii'inn Jan. - I. N'OTICM I'OIt Departinen' of prin.K '.VI IOV Hie Interior, F. S. Land Officii ai LaGrande, Oregon, November 16, 1020. Notice is hereby given ftiat James Avers, of Ib bo, Oregon, who, on Au gust' 17, 1011, made Additional Homestead Mrdry, No. 0 16348, for NW M SM , , N Vi i-iw Vi , S i'l Vi N W Vi , Section 32, Township 1 North, Range 28 Last, W iliiiinelie Meridian, has filed notice of intuition to make three-year Proof, to osiatilah claim to Vli'e land above described, lalore Fnitod States Commlrsioner j-t Hepp ner, Oregon, oti'the 13th day of Jan uary, 1021. Claimant, names as v.: tie- : Harve M'Uob'tt.,, of Lexington, Utegon. Stella Mc(o!a r's, of Lexinqtoa, Oi egon. F.ay Pettyjohn, of Lena, Oregon. Frank Ayets, of Mrho, Oregon. C. S. DFNN, KcgiHter, First publication, Dec. 7, 1320. Last publication Jan. 11. lied for and tr.im-niii the same to io (b neral Ltuid Oflice. W'ai U lillids SOIIght, to be sel, cled ' alle;;eil, l,y v.'iiy of juoieid, to bo inei al, or where ,',iplica I ions, for lieat therefor tire pre.j.nteil ,indi r ie iiiiniii!' laws, or are ollii rwlMi :td igely claimed, proee.-ilioa:; in kiicIi 1: ' ;'. w ill be in 1 In- ua I in e of a con 's I ami will be governed by Ihe ties of practice in foiee in contest la dres;; is S 24 ih day this office plicat ion, Hie N W ', NF.Vt NW 6 - Sou' Ii. elte M. 1 id on, ut'!' r of j 1 1 1 1 " :: of F, brttii ry, Sworn Stiiae No. 0 2 115 5, ::l ol hoc ad, did, on the I02n, lib' in ami and Ap lo purchase li, I'l Seel 10 . 2 6 - I'll llle till i,- ions Sec. I 0, , Township si, Willaiii- iber there of Ih arl lor;. Oil I.T, d 1 1 in I C. S. PI.'NN, Itegi: First publication, Dec. 1 I ,.1 020. Las! publication, Jan. 20, 1 021. tor land npprai.ad, Six t he 1 in Ie 1 1 si at. 75c and fl.Ol) per ,M, thai said ,1 men ppraf 1 such 1 r tin h 11 ml 1 a ho ill , ind :li I ,1 1 ind thai, Ihe on h; 1 1 ,r in VOTK M Ol' I INM, siirniiMiivr. of Frtiiik In the matter of the estat M f.'in'l an, ib ceaseil ; Not ice is iteieby given that, the 11 ri ll II MrCartan, adminis e,,late of Friinli Metlar- iiil dersignml, . 1 rat or or 1I1 tilt), cb i'i a.n count in tl i'O'.C Cfjllttly rie,day, t h. 1021. at th the 101 county court lion con 11 1 7, Or d, lias tiled t, e roilllly com Oregon, and 26ih day o s final tie t. of Mor- tli.it. Wed- Janiiaiy, a ml sworn of March, tor, V. ri. Oregon. Any pei this puichasi itiale a con! patent i, sin st iiffidavil 0; which H. I I 16. 'PI ipport later, ie 021, be Colo in i I'd 120 M M board d the land lit will off' lid. I'l. lei I at, $170; r hunt his application on t he I 71 ii day e David II. P:ix- iioiii r, at Spray, 01 ol fiii- il liberty to it-ol.'Sl. In fore 1 nt ry, or in i- 1 :,t til, any t ien- tn foi ') , by tiling a corrohoral ie this, office, alleging 1.011I.I de, .at II. e entry. :,M'I WOODCOCK. Uoged'-r. hour o noon of said court room, ti 11 o'l'lock in -day, and in Ihe in the coun I v j Eat , a 1 Heppmr, M01 row 1 on, is the 1 ii, i. ami place , In s ally Arsenic .- parts With '.f An- I'd lor the loaning of objection,1 tin reto, and the seltlement tbeieof. ' JOHN Mi'CA UTAN, Administrator of the estjite of Frank McCartan, deceased. j First publication Ijeei-iubcr 28, 1020, Lust publication January 25, 1021. 1 rv, tta tla hi Impunity, 'na, and e-pi- iintry toward the ei.tt'jior- diiiary iietoai ..f eaiieg ar-itii'-. one of the mie ! dead.v po; oiiH. There, however, the pea-. .tie. are so accus tomed to Its 11-e that they lire able to tuko huge quantities without harm, and tiny assert that the remarkable beauty of their women folk Is entirely due to comitunt drugging with arsenic