Tuesday. January 4. IQ2I Two THE HKPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Uncle alfe I'ltOI-'KSSIO.VU, CARDS S. E. NOTSON ATTOP.XEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON Dr. R. J. VAUGHAN DKNTIS'I. Permanently located in Odd fellow's building IJEITNKR, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN and Sl'KCKO.V Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNEK, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN I.ASVYKIt Office Phone Main 6 43 Residence Phone Main 6C5 Huberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. CLYDE R. WALKER PHYSICIAN ami SCIIOKO.V Phone Connections IONE, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOK.VEl'S-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON' SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOK.N E Y-AT-LAW First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON I IKE IXSCKAXCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON r--w i rvf s.in WATEIIMTY HOME I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf - ,? n Adequate Punishment for Motorist Who Kills and Then Speeds Away. By LAMBERT WALTERS, Laredo, Texas. No punishment could be too severe for an autornobi'ist who kills a person and then deliberately drives away in the hope of escaping. The laws of Texas make this a felony, but there should be a punishment to fit the crime. What is needed is a drastic law, fixing a punishment as severe as can be fixed under the Constitution, for speeders who crash into a pedestrian or another car, kill one or more persons and then speed away. The law should be so severe that the first person caught after it went into effect would form an example that would deter motorists in the fu ture, from taking any chances and, when they do have an accident, from shirking responsibility by running away. Traffic accidents are largely duo to pedestrians. But the accident that happens out on the open road is, with very few exceptions, the fault of the motorist. I hope to see the Texas law in this respect strengthened, and I think every state in the Union would be doing a general good to humanity by passing laws against this practice as drastic as they can be made under the Constitution. Let Us Show You Our Line of Plows Brails, Seeders and other seasonable farm machinery and implements Peoples Hardware Company IRONIES OF LIFE I WpOMUELSON made a talk to the ' A Commercial club, on 'Business Efficiency,' " observed the retired mer chant, "and the next day his store was closed by the sheriff." j "Life is full of such ironies, doggone it," said the hotel- j jsPWv. keeper. "Low; aown jokes are ' being played on the best of us, al most every day, and I often won der what sort of an evil genius is behind it all. j "I used to know j a man who was a wonderful horse ' breaker. He used to give public ex hibitions, taming man-killing brutes, and the way he could make them eat out of his liand, half an hour afteT being formally Introduced to them, was a sight worth going miles to see. He always had immense crowds at his ex hibitions, and It seemed that his future was assured. But one day he was Ioafiing around a livery stable, just because he liked the atmosphere of the place, and an old, weary hack horse reached out a long, crooked limb, handed him one with It, and broke his leg. "lie had to go to a hospital for a while, and when he came out, his oc cupation was gone. He was as good a i horse breaker as ever, but people ' , wouldn't pay their hard-earned money '. to see the exploits of a conquering , hero who had been manhandled by an ', ' old hack horse. You must admit that there was some sardonic intelligence 1 back of such a joke as that. If the 1 man had been hooked by a cow, or run ' i over by a traction engine, or chewed j ! up by an honest watchdog, it wouldn't ; have hurt his renown and prestige, l But, no ! A blnmed old relic of a horse I had to put him out of business, j "A long time ago, a very Important i case was tried In an Irish court. The : people were greatly wrought up over It, and the courtroom was crowded. When It was announced that the jury was ready with a verdict, the judge addressed the audience, saying he knew there was much feeling over the case, but the hall of justice was no place for a display of It, and If there was a least sign of jlWurbance when the verdict was mfy, nown, the guil ty parties would be arrested. "The jury brought In Its verdict, and the people heard It In silence, but just then a whole doggone gallery, with about a thousand people In It, came crashing down, and the noise could have been heard forty miles out at sea. After the Judge's solemn warning against a disturbance, the fall of that gallery has always seemed to me like a painful Joke. "A long time ago, I was called upon to address a crowd of voters on the living Issues of the day, and I framed up a speech that would have been a credit to any orator. I swiped It from Roscoe Conkllng, and I have always Insisted that he was one of the 'great est of American speakers. The house was full of refined and cultured peo ple, and I was determined to make the hit of my life. I was just getting warmed up to my work, when the lights went out, and the hall was plunged In black darkness. There's nothing makes a man feel more Idiotic than to have the lights shut off at such a time. The women In the audi ence were giggling, and the men hnw hnwlng. It seemed funny to everybody hut me. "I thought I knew where the little table was. thnt held the pitcher of Ice water, and I moved toward It, and fell over n chair, and flattened my nise against the edge of a piece of Scenery. When the lights were flashed on again, as suddenly as they v.ent out. the audience bohcd the silver tongued orator on his hands and fences, climbing slowly to his feet, nnd t-ylng to mold his nose Into its origi nal shape. "I never saw such a delirious crowd In my life. Some of the women l.iughed themselves into hysterics, and t"u fool men weren't much better. They never heard the balance of that eration, nrul the last part was the test." F. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO UOOD KKiHK'CKS IX HKri'.NKK IX1 SAI.K. riUCKD UK i I IT. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 Heppner, Oregon Alliteration. Alliteration occurs sometimes In the writings of the ancients, but not. It Is supposed, designedly, as they regard ed all echoing of sound as a rhetorical ; Wemlsh. Cicero, In the "Offices," has this phrase: "Senslm sine sensu aetas Vnesclt;" and Virgil in the "A- oeld," has many marked alliterations. ! William Mathews. Try, Try Again. "Lortarox was telling me that he j has been trying for six months wtth 1 out success to get passage to tee the battlefields of France." "Evidently the wind has changed, fie spent tw years trying not to see them, with success." The American Legion Weekly. THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR SPECIAL A fortunate purchase of a large assortment of Monopo le Jams reserves enables us to price same at or 3 Jars for $1.00 Considering the price of fruit and sugar this is indeed a bar gain worth taking advantage of rocery Co Ail Kinds of Eats for the Holidays RECOGNIZED AN OLD FRIEND Countryman Visiting in City Had No Fur of Being Harmed by "Thrashing Machine." An elderly countryman stood on a Broadway curb with more fear In his heart than he had ever experienced In his home county and more than his son had experienced In Argonne forest. To him the crossing of that crowded street was truly the "great adventure." In the middle of It were two lines of tracks, up and down which hurtled great "tanks" of street ears Jugger nauts, seemingly Intended for the sole purpose of crushing his aged limbs should be venture Into their path. On either side of them were endless lines of chugging trucks, with an oc casional horse-Urawu vehicle, and dodging In and about were touring cars and autos of nil kinds. Now and then the sharp whistle of a traltic policeman would spell safety to the acrobatic and Initiated, who dashed across the street, skillfully dodging traffic, which turned the cor ner In a way no one but an old Xew Yorker can understand, and even he cannot explain. Finally there rumbled down the street a steam roller used In asphalt pavement work, belching clouds of smoke hut attracting no attention. The old countryman was electrliled. Iteso lutely he deserted his shore of safety and plunged across the street In Its very path. "Huh," he grunted as he reached the ether side. "That's one .thing I ain't afraid of. They used to scare horses when I was a kid ; used to make a man out of the thrashing crew walk ahead of them. I know they won't hurt you. but I don't know what these other things will do. Never expected to see a thrashing engine here, but you never can tell. Xew York's a great city, all right." New York Evening Sun. CHARLES CHICK EXTEKTAIXS Charles Chick, a student at the University of Idaho, who 19 spending the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Chick, entertained las-t Tuesday evening with a select danc ing part at his home. Ten couples, mostly of the college set, were pres ent and a delightful evening was reported. Greatest Revenue. The Internal revenue bureau. In the fiscal year ended June W, made the greatest annual tax collection since Its establishment In lOi Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family. . She can be assured she is doing so if she buys her Meats at this shop which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. And Dew Drops. Struck by the notice "Iron sinks" In a hardware shop window, a wag went Inside and said that he was per fectly aware of the fact that "Iron sank." Alive to the occasion, ttM smart shopkeeper retaliated: "Tea, and time fllea, but wine vaults, sulphur springs, Jam rolls, grass slopes, music stands, Niagara falls, moonlight walks and holiday trips, scandal spreads, standard weights, Imlla rubber tires, the organ stops, trade returns, and" But the visitor had bolted. After collecting his thoughts he returned, and showing his head at the doorway, shouted : "Yes. I know, and marble busts 1" Science und Invention Magazine. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. THE BRICK. McAtee CO. Aihen, Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks POOL YOU ARE WELCOME it i 4J