J "" " ' Eiht THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 28, 1920 js j v v v v v v v v v v v v v j , T" ) ! j .J. LOCAL XEWS ITEMS ! . Wc cxtcnb to all our Patrons Mrs. Walter Moore left Sunday J'. H . j D t j I morning for Tacoina where she will ijlj! H3b t tt It and rnends our tsest spend the hoiid sfeason wun h-r i: tj)fj JyCdl I W flOC f ff T 111 ' w"illiams sl"PPed two cars of jj ( (j TVIblltJj I ill U ill fine steers to Benton Commission Co. jj Ij i 111 ol Portland, December 19. . It ,,. jj f 1 4 ( i I . 1 I Alt Happy New Year E. N. Gonty Shoe Store Exclusive Shoe Merchants What $2 A WEEK WILL DO J ii less than a year $2.00 saved every week will amount to over $100 and by that time you're on the sure road to successful, profit able savins'. Start NOW. As little as a dollar opens a savings account at this bank. A welcome awaits you. We want yoou to regard this bank as YOUR bank to meet its officers, and to feel that we have your every interest at heart. There is no red-tape here. We believe in the "Service" idea and that means cheerful, helpful accommodation, always. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. I STAR THEATRE The House of Welcome Wednesday and Thursday "TRUMPET ISLAND" A FIRST-RUN PICTURE W. C. Moore and daughter, Us ance, left Sunday morning for Hils- boro and other Willamette valley points. Hummel & Woolen, painters and paperhanKers, were shipping some of their tools to Irrigon Sunday morn ing where they are going to paint the new Irrigon school house. c. W V. Straight shinned a car 0 cattle to tl Portland markets Sun day. They were consigned to Kid well & Caswell. P. C. Farley left on the. local' Sun day morning for Portland, where he will spend the holiday season. S. A. Pattison left for Portland Sunday morning to attend the Slate Chamber of Commerce, meeting, held there this week. Miss Thelnia Miller who is attend ing school in Pendleton this winter arrived in Heppner Wednesday eve ning to spend the holidays with rela tives and friends. Mr. Phil Brady of Cecil was in town yesterday morning and reports that, everything at Cecil is as tine as ever, which must be pretty good, ac rmdine to the average Cecilite. Mr. n,iv sava that the late snow cover ed the ground in his neighborhood only about four inches. Mr and Mrs. Ellis Minor and fam ily of lone, spent Christmas at the Van Vactor home in this city. Miss Gwendolyn Darbee came in from Portland Friday evening to spend Christmas with her parents. Miss Darbee is attending high school in Portland. Everett Fattison arrived from Se :,ule Fridav evening for the holidays Koilv Corson, of lone also arrived the same evening from the Sound city. Both boys are siuubiii. University of Washington. ban fojn Terriss rrodmiion adapted by I.il- and Course Randolph Chester Irom the story bv ("iotiverneur Morris. Holds 1 on Spellbound Thrlllo fultiiw in r:mid succession. 1 110 tllow 1,11 rapid succession 0,,1'ovini-, liiurv ol New Nor rinplm.MA'd by the simple splcudot t ure's wonders in racv life is ol n;i- ... v. v.f Sunday FRANK MAYO IN THE MARRIAGE PIT" . Miss Vera Mahoney is home foi the holidays from U. of W. at Seattle, wbere she is a senior. Miss Mahoney ii:iM nlreadv been recommended foi the II. A. degree and will complete her course next June. J. A. Waters went to Portland Frl ,.,v m snend Christmas with his fam n ,..i, nm siiendinir the winter ow.r.. where Wilbur is a student 111 Hill Military academy. .: iin,.n(hv Hill nf Portland, is ..;u!,ir !,..- mother. Mrs. Eugene I'enland, this week. ii.. ..,.i,.,n hiir sheenman of lUUve nu.iii, wo thn unnrdman country, was a busi ness visitor in Heppner during the week. Jack Hynd, mayor of Cecil, was a LM-inPHH visitor here Thursday and v.-i.inv Mr. Hvnd is willing to in vest the entire amount of his salary .,u v.,vr in liberty bonds at par or belter. Claud llaney went under an opera iinn for ai.tiemlicitis at the Moor iw,..n,i.,.v 1S and Dr. Mc- tnido reports, was able to be up the following Friday, gelling in shape for his regular Christmas iiinnei. Mat Mollahaii. who has been seri ously ill at the Moore hospital for several weeks, is improving rapidly and will soon be on the streets again. Cathaleen, Miry and Fatricia, the small daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monahan, returned to Hepp ner Thursday evening to spend the holidays with their parents:. liiey 4 1 K n...l.,lV are attending ah. aush i..".' this winter. Prices 20c and 30c A Good Show Every Night During the Holidays "star theater B. G. SIGSBIE, Sole Owner VK. l.S ll.VKHKU SHOr HAS M.W LOCATION" The Wells barber shop is lHill-e moved this week to the new hotel building, where rooms have been es pecially planned for this kind of a business. There will be three chairs and they are installing the very lat est equipment for the convenience or their patrons. Due to the scarcity of buildings, the Wells Bros, were forced to oper ate in temporary quarters for the last year where they hae been han dicapped for room and conveniences, and were not able to run a f"H' enuinneJ shop. But they now re- Vrf 1 eauiiHieu smu. MM.HH.'V-tftrtf-K-iSfJfiCfiSOafiSOOSJOOOOSSSI do to be Mo to handle their trade We are offering real values at greatly reduced prices in all of our departments. .We are putting prices where they belong regardless of cost, and are making 'every effort to allow your money to buy as much here as anywhere. We quote a few of our reductions here : "Black Bear" Bib Overalls, heavy blue, $1.75 Blue Stripes, Gray, Etc. ....... $1 .75 "Boss of the Road," heavy blue bib . $2.25 Heavy Blue Waist Overalls .... $2.00 $7.00 and $7.50 Corduroy Pants 20 Reduction on Suits, Overcoats, Dress Trousers, Sweaters 'I I! Si r i 11 1 Heavy Blue Waist Overalls .... $2.00 n ilSI n: o p,t;nni! CVinc TTtc P.sns ("Vlnves. Snx. Shirts I! t1& Ottldl iv,UULJViio wuuwg, -l-im.., "J;-, ' J 7 jj jjj DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW AT I ' "GOOD GOODS" I i Starving in Europe! ! 3,5oo,ooo Hungry Children! A TERRIBLE CONDITION FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. FEED ONE A Magnificent Christmas Gift Ten American dollars will literally give one child a Christmas present of its own life. Can you beat it while playing Santa Claus? Morrow County is Asked for $1,250 Will You Do Your Part? The campaign is on this week. Turn in your donations to any of the following Vawter Crawford, County Chairman, M. D. CLARK JENNIE LOWE FRANK GILLIAM W. P. MAHONEY E. M. SHUTT, Heppner C. B. SPERRY, lone W. F. BARNETT, Lexington M. B. SIGNS, Boardman. ' 1 4i r t i I. i w In a most up-to-date manner.