Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 28, 1920, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Tuesday, December 28, IQ20
Children Chief Sufferers in Land
I Stripped of Necessities,
I Says Relief Worker.
I Poland ! to the destitute it ate for
J want of food and clothing among the
poor that Belgium would bare been
I daring the war, had there been no coin
; mission for relief In that country, ac
cording to Dr. Vernon Kellogg, Ameri
can Relief Administration official, who
recently returned from Warsaw.
' Dr. Kellogg waa a member of Mr.
'Hoover's staff In Belgium, and at the
conclusion of hoatlltlea, entered Po
land as the Hoover emissary In charge
of food relief. Be first entered Poland
In 1015, a few months after the Ger
man occupation. Hla report of starva
tion, disease and suffering that exist
ed at that time la one of the most
harrowing documents In the records
of American relief work overseas.
Dr. Kellogg made the following
statement regarding the work after the
Armistice :
"With Warsaw as our headquarters,
we Began operations In Poland In Jan
vary, 1919, and within a few weeks
there was establlahed s steady Impor
tation of food Into that country. Tons
and tons of It came from overseas
through the Port ef Danzig.
"It was Impossible to de all thai
tae administration wanted to do, be
cause the wk6 ot Poland wng too great,
bjit It was agreed that enough food
should be sent to Poland to care for
tfce four million people until ttie grout
agricultural districts could again pro
mmmmm t
You chould know x-A-.y Cartfa
5w , ?V I ere so unucua!. ?o r:'.- ? - i
V-jlV - J HI FJfJ3 I 7i '-"" lor iO omit, or l-n i ,M . -
J' ' I ?MTt 9 Jr.m ! W,r.., , ,-, ,
vide for them.
"But In addition to these four mil
Hon people who o pressing!; needed
relief, there waa another call for relief
from a source that ootid net be re
sisted: the children of the land. Many
of these were orphan, hungry, ema
ciated, destitute and diseased. So the
American Relief Administration added
to' its work by Instituting a system of
feeding these children. In few
months a million and a quarter Polish
children were setting free neal ev
ery day ef special food prepared to
counteract the effects ef their previous
To flnah the job eight great organ
Izatloos have united onder the nam
of the European Relief Council to rals
the funds necessary te car for the
food needs and the medical needs of
the 8,500,000 children of Eastern and
Central Europe. These organizations
are the American Rellof Administra
tion, the American Red Cross, the
American friends Service Committee
(Quakers), the Jewish Joint Distribu
tion Committee, the Federal Council of
the Churches ef Christ In America, tlw
Knights of Columbus, the X. 11 0. A.
and the I. W. C A
How to Test a Current.
To find out If an electric circuit h
fed by continuous or alternating cur
rent, approach a magnet to the fila
ments of an Incandescent lamp. Thes
will be attracted If the current be con
tinuous ; they will vibrate if It bo al
Proper Pride Necessary.
Pride, like laudanum and other poi
sonous medicines. Is beneficial in
small, though injurious in large quan
tities. No man who Is not pleased
with himself, even In a personal sense,
can please others. Frederick Saun
ders, s a
o figure why
Camels sel
For your
"In all the rime t waa la Poland, I
scarcely one saw a child laugh,"
declared Dr Harry Plots, discoverer ef
the typhus baccilus, In report te
the European ReHef Council on nod
ical condition among the Jewish popu
lation ot Poland, based on hi recent
Investigation there for the Jewish
Joint Distribution Commtttea.
"The most deplorable sight of all
the miseries tn Poland Is tfce condi
tion of the children," Dr. Plot said.
"Infant mortality le exceedingly high
because of undernourishment and the
high percentage of contagions diseases.
In large part mothers mult resort to
artificial feeding as they are nnable t
nurse their children. In many cities
I saw underfed children, snnTerta; with
diseases, wandering about the streets
with no plac to go, begging for bread."
Tuberculosis has become prevalent
among the Jewish children, largely
due to the overcrowded condition In
which they are forced to live, their
lack of nourishing food and warm
clothing, according to Dr. Plots.
Typhus, which killed thousand ef
Jews last winter In the worst epidemic
Poland has over seen will recur again,
he said, as conditions are much worse
among the Jews than ever before. .
"Favus, a contagions skin disease,
Is now rapidly spreading from child
to child," he continued, "is Yflna
there are 11,000 cases among the Jew
ish children alone. Smallpox, too. Is
prevalent 'hroughout Poland and the
Ukraine nd children, with wide
spread eruptions and temperature.
have been seen running about th
streets. There are thousand of case
every year, which vaccination would
prevent, but there Is Bo vaccine."
Dr. Plots told hew In Lithuanian
villages he found children, six and
seven years eld, unable to walk or
talk, the result of malnutrition. In
regions where whole town bad been
destroyed during the war, ho found
families crowded tn miserable dug
Th Greatest Gift
Yeur Chrlstmaa gift to th Euro
pean child relief oollactien may help
In saving a child's Ills and I earn
estly selleited. Send cheek te th
local eemmlttee ef th joint organ
ixatlona or direct t European Re
lief Council, 42 Broadway, New
York City.
Yet to Be Determined.
London runcn declares that an
American newspaper has announced
the grafting of a tomato shoot upon a
potato pi tut so as to obtain a crop
of fruit above ground with roots be
low. "But," says Punch, "the article
doesn't state whether the plant should
be known as the "pomata' or the "to-
tuto.' "
Remarkable Swimming Feats.
Copt Matthew Webb, In 18T5, suo
ceeded In swimming from Dover to
Calais in 21 hours and 45 minutes.
On September 8 and 8, 1911, Thomas
WIlllHiii Burgess, an Englishman resld-
lug In Purls, swam from South Fore.
land. England, to Le Cliatelet, France.
Tip firm whh 24 hours and 3ft minutes.
First, quJ.'tj second.
Camels cxtiort blend cf ch-lca Tvrt
and choice Domestic t-ubac-os vhi::'-i
you'll certainly prefer to c:ther kinJ
smoked struujht i
Camels blend mclct.-; po-sle -.t
wonderful meilov milcJnc:? yet ,., j
desirable body is there ! And, Qc. 's
never tire your tte I
You'll appreciate C?.:r.o!3 frc3om
from any unpleatnt chfszw? after
taste or unp!?aant ci-jc-ctty dor !
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Sheriff of Morrow County.
Oregon, will, pursuant to an execu
tion and order of sale duly Issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, on the
19th day of November, 1920, in the
suit now pending in Bald Court
wherein R. Y. McCune, as guardian
of Joseph Kenneth McCune, a minor,
was plaintiff, and R. C. Grimm was
defendent, upon a judgement and de
cree rendered in said Court on the
6th day of November, 1920, In favor
of said plaintiff and against said de
fendant, sell, at public auction, to the j
highest bidder, for cash in hand, at
the front door of the County Court
House, in the City of Heppner, in
Morrow County, Oregon, on the 7th
day of January, 1921, at the hour of
one o'clock in the afternoon, the folJ
lowing described real property of said
defendant, to-wit: I
AH the undivided one-half interest
in and to that tract of land situated
in the County of Morrow and State
of Oregon, commencing at a point on
the West line of the East one-half of
the SouthweBt quarter of Section
twenty-two, Township five North,
Range twenty-six East of the Willam
ette Meridian, said point being at the
intersection of said line with the
North boundary line of the O. W. R.
ft N. right of way and distant fifteen
chains, more or less, from the South
west corner of the East one-half of
the Southwest quarter of Section
twenty-two, Township five North,
Range twenty-six East of the Willam
ette Meridian; thence Easterly thir
teen chains and twenty-seven links
to a point on the north boundary or
said right of way; thence North
ninety-one chains and twelve links,
more or less, to a point at the low
water mark of the Columbia River;
thence Northwesterly along said low
water mark, to a point of intersec
tion with the North extension of the
West line of the East one-hclf of the
Southwest quarter of Section twenty
two, Township five North, Range
twenty-six East of the Willamette
Meridian, thence South ninety-nine
chains and forty links, more or less,
to the point of beginning, containing
126 acres, more or less, to satisfy the
Judgment recovered by the plalntlfr
against the defendant In said suit,
for the Bum of $765.75, with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent
annum from the 6th day of Novem
ber, 1920, and the further sum, of
$100.00 attorney's fees, and $19.00
costs, together with the accruing
costs of and upon this writ.
' Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this
4th day of December, 1920.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Department c! the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon,
December 15, 1920.
Notice is hereby given t Vint
of Echo, Oregon, who, on November
21, 193 7, made homos-tend entry, No.
018618, for NE Vi nd SE'i, Section
12,. Township 1 South, Hnngo 27
East, Willamette Meridian, has I'llefl
notice of intention to make three
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Clerk of
Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon,
on the I 5th (lay of February, 1921.
('lainiant nyi.ies as witnesses:
W. E. WiKlesuxrth, of K.-l.o, Ore
gon. .1. W. Wheeler, of Tfenpner, Ore
gon. Fay Tottijohn, of Echo, Oregon.
F. K. Payne, of Echo, Oregon.
C. S. DUNN, Register.
First publication, Jan. 4, 1921.
Last, publication, Feb. 8. 1921.
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a Judgement and or
der of sale duly made and entered in
the Circuit Court for the Slate of
Oregon for Morrow County, on the
18th day of November, 19 20, in a cer
tain action therein, win-rein the Slate
of Oregon was plaintiff and Nancy
M. .Meek wa.s defendant, and wherein
it was adjudged that the real pro'e-r-ty
hereinafter described war; escheat
d to the State of Oregon, and oidi-r
ed sold as upon execution:
Notice is therefore hereby hive
that I will on Wednesday, the ?6t.
day of January, 1921, ot the hour of
eleven o'clock, in the forenoon o:
aid day at the front door of the
County Court House in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, st-11 at. pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
"isli in hand all of the following d---
.'.cribed real properly, to-wit:
Cmiim-HCing at a -oir t in the twid
dle or center of the flume or ditch
formerly us"l by the Heppner .Milling
Company, (as described and st
forth in the plat and flp"':ii ieatior.it
To our friends and patrons
We extend to you the compli
ments of the season, and hope
that the coming year of 1921
wil! be a happy and prosperous
one for you.
filed by Nelson Jones, in the office
of the County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, and recorded in
Book H, Records of Deeds for said
county at page 457 thereof, on the
6th day of February, 1892.) wHere
said ditch or flume Intersects the
South line of Block Two (2) of Nel
son Jones' addition to the town of
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon,
and running thence East on said
South line of Block Two (2), ten
feet to the Southwest corner of Lot
Four (4) of said Block, running
thence in a Northwesterly direction
ten feet from and parallel with the
center of said ditch or flume, to a
point where the same intersects the
North line of Lots Four (4) and Five
(5) of said Block, being the North
west corner of said Lot Four (4),
thence running West on the North
line of said lots, twenty feet to a
point ten feet West of the center of
said flume or ditch, and being the
Northeast corner of Lot Five (5) of
said Block, thence running In a
Southeasterly direction ten feet from
and parallel with the center or mid
dle of aaid ditch or flume to a point
where the same intersects the South
line of said Block Two (2) being the
Southeast corner of said Lot Five (5)
of said Block, thence East on the
South side of said Block Two (2), ten
feet to the middle or center of said
ditch or flume, the place of beginn
ing, and being a tract of land twenty
feet wide and lying between said lots
Four (4) and Five (5) of said Block
Two (2).
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this
20th day of November, 1920.
Sheriff ot Morrow County, Oregon.
First publication Nov. 30.
Last publication Jan. 25.
Department of the Interior,, U. S.
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon,
November 16, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that James
Ayers, of Echo, Oregon, who, on Au
gust 17, 1916, made . Additional
Homestead Entry, No. 016348, for
Section 32, Township 1 North, Range
28 East, Willa.nette Meridian, has
filed notice-of intention to make
threo-year Proof, to establish claim
to the land nbove described, before
United States Commissioner at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on the 13th day of Jan
uary, 1921.
Claimant names as wilnesr.es:
Harve Mcliohi i-ts, of Lexington,
Stella Mclloberts, of Lexington,
Fay Pettyjohn, of Lena, Oregon
Frank Ayets, of Echo, Oregon.
C. S. I.H.'NN, RegiHter.
First, publication,. Dec. 7, 1920.
Last publication Jan. 1 1.
Notice of Annual Mneting
To the stockholders of the Farmers
& Stoekgrowers .National Hank: The
annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Farmers ,& Stoekgrowers Na
tlonnl Hank will be held at Heppner
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 11th (lay of
January, 1 921, 3:00 o'clock p. m., for
the i-h-i-iion of directors or the en
suing year, and the transaction of
such other busini-is an may properly
con," before the meeting.
32-30 S. W. SPENCER, Cashier.
In (lie Circuit Court of (lie Stato of
Oregon for Morrow County
Hynd Brothers Company,
a Corporation,
L. Crawford, Nora
',.. ..foul Moore anil - .'-'' M M ON S
' i e Moore, hi i; m?
ed, .'.'.' iile i 'rawford I
': '.de and Alvin Wade,
, r rn;;b; ml,
Oi-f: nd-mls.
TO E. I. Crawford, Mabb- Crawford
Wadu and Alvin Wade, of the
;.' '-,, i.ained defendants:
in name of the state
OF 'i'; ' ON: You and each of you
: n- !,' ', required to appear and
ui '..'. complaint filed against
you i:. 'i'- above entliled solt on nr
bit'.' - weeks from the 14th d:iy
Of I ( . ;. 'her, i:i20, to-wit : on or be
f.j.e t!i- 'JOih day of January, 1921,,
and if you fail to so answer. th
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relict prayed for in its complaint
herein, to-wit:
For a decree of the court decreeing
that you and ai:h of you have no
estate or interest in or to the follow
ing described real property, or any
part thereof, to-wit:
The West half of the South
west quarter and the Southwest
quarter of the Northwest quar
ter of Section Twenty-four (24).
and the Northeast quarter of
the Southeast quarter of Sec- -tion
Twenty -three (23), In
Township Three (3) South of
Range Twenty-eight (28), East
of the Willamette Meridian, in
the County of Morrow, Stata of
and further decreeing that plalntlfr
Is the owner in fee of the whole
thereof,, and that you and each of you
bo forever, enjoined from, asserting:
any claim In or to said premises, ad
verse to the plaintiff.
For such other relief as may in
equity be just. , '
This summons is served upon you
by publication hereof once a week for
six consecutive weeks In the Hepp
ner Herald, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation In Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, published at Heppner, by
virtue of an order duly made and en
tered herein on the 11th day of De
cember, 1920, by the Honorable Wv
T. Campbell, County Judge of Mor
row County, Oegon. and the date of
the fist publication of this summon
Is December 14th, 1920, and the
date of the last publication hereof
will be January 25, 1921.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Post Office address, Heppner, Oregon
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office at LaGrande, Ore
gon, Dec. 2nd, 1920.
Notice Is hereby given that tha
State of Oregon makes application,
under tho provisions of (ho Act of
Congress of August 14, 1 848,. and
February 14, 1859, and tho Acts
supplementary thereto and amenda
tory thereof, for the. following do
scribed unappropriated, non-mineral
public lands, In lieu or, or us Indemni
ty for losses to its grant for common.
schoolB assigned and designated an
base therefor:
Lots 1 and 4, Sec. 31, Tp. 3 S., R.
28 E.,, Willamette Meridian, contain
ing 43. G2 and 44.37 acres respective
ly. During Uie period of publication,
or any time thereafter, t,nd beforn
final approval and ecrlifirnilon, tho
local officers will n-eeive. protest or
contest as to any of I he tracta ap
plied for and transmit the samo tr
tho General Land Office.
When lands .nought to ho selected
are alleged, by way or protest, to b
mineral, or where applications for
patent therefor are presented under
the mining laws, or are otherwise ad
versely claimed, proceedings lu mich
cases will be in the nature or a con
test, and will bo governed by the
rules or practice In force in content
C. S. DUNN, Register
First publication, Dec, 1 1,1 920.
Last publication. Jan. 20, 1921.
votk i; of i i va i, m; i ri.i:Mi:T.
In the mailer of ihe .state of Frank
McCartun, deceased:
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, John .McCarfan, adminis
trator or (lie c;.;iatc of Frank MeCnr
tan, deceased, ban filed ht: final ac
count In the county court, of Mor
row county, Otegon, find thai. Wed
nesday, the 2 1 1 day of J -Miliary,
1921, fit the hour of ten o'clock In
the forenoon of s,ll day, and in the
count v court r-''.m, In the county
court l.mn-e, at Heppner, Morrow
county, Oregon, Is Ihe lime anil placo
set for the heading of oliji cteiiiK
thereto, and the H-itlcmeni thereof.
AdiiiiniKtu.'or of the estate of
Frank MeCartan, d. i-easi d.
First publication Dcunber 2S, 1920.
Lu:it publication January 23, 1921.