i THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 28, 1920 lye Al FW ' gri --..:: HflBHHiyHHnn I E6IiMHSfeWIlilIi 111 -milERE Is a natural liking for IHl 1 music in the mind of every child, 1 llilf fsSI'I.l8iiil I in . - ., . sr.3'Ij? a&isiiaMi 1 1 Lf cal education early and correctly. f;$ 6pi'lfi I If Wifh a T5ninswick PhonotrraDh and llKif$9i'$ EKtSJiallllKNiiSI I ) Bwic Records in your home I 1 1 ? 1 H ., i' the means of producing music at its flff 8 i MIMM .4 best are always at hand. $ ilfflMiil II 1L W tll .WVdistinctlvto WFGSSml&m w Bewick m wmm it 1 PhonoraDhs and Brunswick; Rec- K.1 11 Q I crda before you make your choice. fc I I 1. . . . i. -A feS ITS! III I r III come in wnen convcrucui a-v. gi y 111 III m AJivhteA to assist you in, B III III I'nnln to a decision. ill mmammmmmKmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmtmmimmmmmmmm a coot P ' S o 1 fl 11 k AA --U x f 11 rarBus miifcj HiflH opy m i u-.i ii.hu vhi i 1 RIG PRE-INVENTORY SALE iffy, ltiO. Weatorn Nwpfcpr Union.) IPS? CANNING WITHOUT COOKING. Any fruit except perhaps pineapple, which la hard to mash to a smooth pulp, may be kept Indefinitely when mixed with equal parts of snpar. The fruit must be thoroughly blond- ed, if berries, ev ery one crushed, or tite mixture will be sure to ferment. To Can . Rhubarb. Wash the rhu barb cut into small pieces aadNpack Into a sterilized jar. Fill the jar to overflowing with cold water. Seal as u.sim!. Some advocate Uie repeating of the process fox two morning, then Uip third rlriF seal and sot away, leav ing 24 hours between each diatige of water. Tomutoes should be firm, ripe, but not overripe. Scald, peel and pack In jars. Be sure that the bard, green center la all removed, rack when thoroughly cold; add a teaspoonful of salt and the same of sugar to a quart. Cover with cold water, seal and let stand upside down tor two days, Then get away. ' Crjipe Jelly without cooking Is de- iroue tiiB luu'A rroni tne r w ilii.-iuuo. - 1- - . fmlt and add an equal" quantity of sugar; stir and let stand until tne sugar Is thoroughly dissolved and then pour Into the glasses and set In the dhn for a day or two. eai as usuau Th flavor of this Jelly Is much su perior to that which is cooked. Beet Relish. Tne oeets ior mis m trso . fwkwl. then chopped; add an I equal quantity of chopped cabbage, half as much celery ana one cuprui 01 ,mrttu hnraeradlsh. one ctuful I L1 " . of swifar, one teaspoonfnl of cayenne and cover with tresn snappy vulgar. Can and seal. on Plcklea. Slice, wnnow peams, cueumbersi one Inch In diameter J . nnurto of the sliced encumbers, IV" inw " ' four tti.lply-slieed onisns, or a fQeo small ones will make a. oetr loowng mixture. Cover with strong salt wa ter sad let stand oyerntgb. ttoata and add one cupftri of we ou, mus- I tor A aOPfl wlerv see m& enough Via- I egar to Just cover. S.eal and keep a cool place. With Best Wishes for A Happy and Prosperous New Year We extend the Season's Greetings. G. FRANZEN, Proprietor may be Sure53 says the Gdod Judge That you are getting full value for your money when you use this class of tobacco. The good, rich, real to- il bacco taste lasts so long, yy I you don't need a fresh cnevv nearty as oncu uur do you need so big a chew as you did with the ordi nary kind. Any man who has used the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles WB CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, ETC., OUR ENTIRE STOL INVENTORY AT REDUCT IONS OF FROM HAS BEEN PLACED ON SPECIAL SALE PRIOR TO MAKING OUR TEN TO FORTY PERCENT. Extra Special Prices . i- V: m$8:m:: I J li l WMBm mm Ms4i 1111 7&$m ' kmmf 1 on nn fflt 1 1 1 EJS 1 CASE FURN PATHE PHONOGRAPH MATTRESSES mm 1 WAS $150.00 NOW ONLY $100.00 ITUR CO