I Tuesdav. December 2S, 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Five OCAL HAPPENINGS 1 X I y 'it I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I JHII I If S3 9 M ft j From Neighboring Towns 1 he Money Crop "WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWS, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP." This is an unchanging law. There is no getting around it. If a man wants corn he plants corn. If he wants potatoes he plants potatoes. Therefore if he wants money he should plant money. How? By planting it in a savings ac count at our bank, where it will grow. There is no surer crop than the money crop if properly planted and carefully cultivated. Make a start. Let us help you. BOARDMAN Boardman has organized the John Day Development League with the following officers: S. H. Boardman. president; A. W. Cobb, vice-president; M.-B. Sigus, secretary; W. A. Goodwin, A. L. Larson, .and C. M. Dillsbaugh, directors. Invitations are to be sent to all towns in this section to cooperate wjth the organization by appointing three directors who will look after the activities of the league in their respective communities. The object of the league is to promote in every possible manner the development of the John Day irrigation district, and will include all forms of publicity in cluding the annual barbecue, and co operation with the directors of the John Day district. M. B. Signs, secretary of the Com mercial Club, will represent Board man at the meeting of Commercial secretaries in Portland. December 27, and will also be a delegate to the State Chamber of Commerce, at the same place on the 28 and 29. Officers for 1921 for the Board man Farm Bureau are C. H. Dilla baugh,, president ; A. L. Larsen, vice president; M. B. Signs, secretary treasurer. pils. The Christmas festivities reach ed a climax on Friday night when the community gathered in the school auditorium for a general cele bration. The program was in charge of the Sunday school, and treats for all were distributed. School will convene again on January 3. HEAVY WIND sTOKM AT KCHO Echo experienced an unusually severe wind storm Friday night, which blew down the electric light and left the city without light or power Friday night and Saturday. Considerable damage was done in the neighborhood to small buildines. hav stacks and chimneys. In the city the greatest damage was done to the Ross Co.'s store, a large plate glass window being broken. The grand stand at the ball park was also blown down. Echo News. HAPPY NEW YEAR To Our Many Friends and Patrons In appreciation of our good Christmas busi ness we wish to thank you one and all for your sup port and patronage. With a more complete stock for the future, we will be better fitted to supply your need in the jewelry line, than ever before. &r H AYLOR jz? ay- First National Bank The family of C. Shively, recent purchaser of the Pastime, has arriv ed and are occupying rooms in the Dodd Block on Main street. Three children of this family have enterec school bringing excelent records' with them. There has also been enrolled one pupil from the family of Chas. Dillon who recently purchased the Alex Wilson place. Heppner, Oregon Mrs. J. R. Johnson returned FrI day from a trip to Portland and Van couver: ueo. cartiow accornnaniwi is mother to Vancouver, B. C. last week. WE THANK YOU We take this method of extending our thanks to the people of Morrow County for their goop will and patronage dur ing the past year, and to extend to each and every one our best wishes for a happy anb prosperous New Year. Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. The Boardman schools closed for the holidays at 2 p., m. Thursday in order that all teachers might reach home in time for Christmas. There were Christmas exercises in the var ious departments of the school and treats were distributed to all the pu- bvsiskss Locations changed Several changes in business loca tions will be made this week when Roy V. Whiteis will move his real estate and insurance office into new quarters in the new Hotel St. Pat rick building. Wells Bros, will also move their barber shop into the new hotel, the business room adjoining the lobby having been divided for the occupancies. It is also understood that E. J. Starkey will remove his electrical supply store from the pres ent quarters in the Gilman building into the building being vacated by Mr. Whiteis. WANT ADS FOR SALE Two extra good Bel gian stallions, one three years old, the other two years old,, both reg istered and home bred. Also one roan Shorthorn bull calf,, register ed. Call on, phone or write W. I. Ebbert, Condon, Oregon. 3 5 JTcfa Wears fortunes ,3jor ilic Bjjlcnbih patronage acroriicit us birring ilje past mnnilja foe hush; la r.vprcss rnir fullest appre ciation tortile cxhuiuiug our lieat uiisl;es fu rfcery lioog for a jHappy anb prospermia Nrfu TJear. LLOYD HUTCHINSON'S CLEANING AND PRESSING PARLOR LOST Automobile tire, 30x3, on wood wheel. Finder return to Hum phrey's Drug Co. and receive re ward, it LLOYD HUTCHINSON cleans, dyes, presses and repa'ip men'1: and la dies' clothing. Satisfaction guar anteed. 29-31 FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING Remodeling and Ladies' Tailoring. Mrs. Curren, Church street. 27tf Heppner Lexington lone . - wish to thank my customers for their kind patronage dur ing the past year and hope to have a contin uance of the satne for the coming year. Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 1921 THOS. H. LOWE Cecil, Oregon - oo-o 0-0 000- - CALIFORNIA Gulls You TO A WORLD OF INFINITE BEAUTY AND CHARM Americas Winter Playground Outdoor life ideal. An endless variety of healthful recrea tion, pastimes and sight-seeing tours. Its thousands of miles of picturesque paved highways are the admiration and delight of motor enthusiasts. A real semitdopic winter paradise. The Direct and I'loasant Way to California is VUi tho UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM which places at the disposal of its patrons two extremely at tractive and interesting routes the world-famous Columbia River and Shasta Routes, or through Salt Lake City and one hundred miles of orange groves in the Sunny Southland. WHY NOT GO ONE WAY AND RETURN THE OTHER A circle of rare scenes and experiences not excelled on the continent. Through sleeping car and dining car accommoda tions make the trip either way onifortable and interesting. Let our agent tell you all about it, pre pare your itinerary, make your reserva tions, deliver your tickets and supply in structive California literature. A pleasant variation froiri the all-rail trip to California is the ocean trip from Port land to San Francisco. Sailings on the "Rose City" or "Alaska" every fifth day. Direct connection in Portland. Let us tell you about it. O. DARIIKK, Agent, Heppner Oregon. W.M. McMVKHAY, General Pa-sscnger Agt., Portland, Oregon. nJlulUI I I GREETINGS I wish to express my appreciation of the liberal patronage enjoyed by my store dur ing the past year, and to extend Holiday Greetings to my friends and customers. May each and every one enjoy a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Bowers' Shoe Store .... . By C. M. BOWERS, Proprietor Headquarters Men's Florsheim Shoes, $1.00 to $2.00 off each pair Hole Proof Hosiery, 25 per cent off on this entire line DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY I n j WHEHILDREN EAT j SAM HUGHES COMANY Heppner Bakery Bread they are usually healthy and happy because their bodies are well nourished. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT NOME by patronizing Home Industries and your town will be prosperous and progressive because its business body will be nourished. BUY BEPPNER-MAOE BREAD. ONLY 10 II LOAF HEPPNER BAKERY, M. W. Hammer. Prop.