Four THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. December 28. 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD! AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISOX, Editor and Publisher ! Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as sooond-class Matter j 1 - ( 1 - - Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 The Standard Indictment of Husbands: "He Never Gave Ale Any Money." By CHARLES E. ERBSTEIN, Chicago Lawyer. "And Ik; never, never pave rue any money." What a familiar ring there is about those time honored words of complaint, this standard in dictment of go many erring husbands. I row many times in the course of a long practice at the bar have these or words of similar import come to my ears, not from a beaten, ab ject creature clad in the livery of destitution, but oftener than not from well groomed, cultured women of the world. And more potent to foment deadly hatred and disgust than the dis colored optic or the straying affections, is this cardinal marital sin, "tight wad ism." It represents that inevitable revolt of the independent, freo-Rpirited American woman against the last struggling gasps of old world ideas of masculine tyranny, the natural reaction of a liberty loving, active, keen minded woman against the sordid state of affairs which maki her the object of her husband's capricious bounty rather than the partner of his struggles and his prosperity. A clear statement of assets and liabilities, a char understanding of income and outgo in dollars and cents, not in glittering generalities, with out fourfiushing or self deception, the adoption of a budget system to reg ulate the expenditures of both, the entrusting to the wife of a fixed, defi nite allowance fur personal necessaries, a rigid adherence to the standards laid down when the budget is adopted, and above all, a cheerful recogni tion of the fact that marriage is a partnership, full of joys, sorrows, won h:m, disappointments, but above all, of mutual responsibilities, and in my judgment you have at least taken a step toward the solution of the financial question in marriage. THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR C'Hl'Ilt'H NOTICES The first Christian Church. The usual services of the Church will be held on Sunday, consisting of the Bible School at ten o'clock., fol lowed by Communion Service and Preaching at eleven o'clock. f The evening Services will consist of the Christian Endeavor Service at seven o'clock and song Service and Preaching at eight o'clock. Everey one is cordially Invited to attend these services. W. 0. Livingstone, Minister. Christian Science Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday SBhool at 9:45 a. m. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All inter ested are cordially invited to attend these meetings. FOK SALE A few choice, standard bred, S. C. R. i. Red Cockerels. Now Is the time to get your next year's matlngs. My birds are all a good rich red and full I of vigor; birds that would cost you j from $10.00 to $25.00 from outside breeders. I am making a special price of $5.00 for the month of De cember. A. W. GAMMELL, 3 2-3 5 Lexington, Oregon H Formal Opening OTEL ST. P ATRICR. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1920 DINNER 5 P. M. TO 10:30 P M. $1.50 per plate Horses Lost One bay gelding branded B under quarter circle; weight about 1400; one black gelding branded B under quarter circle, weight about 1400; one bay gelding branded bar over in verted V, white stripe in face, weight about 1400. All three have had manes roached and are work horses. Any information will be paid for. Address Powell & Fellows, Vale, Ore gon. 33-34 NEW YEAR'S GREETIN GS TO EVERYBODY and for your liberal patronage of our Willard Battery Service during the past year we wish to extend our thanks. TOS. W. FRITSCH. Proprietor Battery Electric Service Station. 1 . .... ... I - l,T r waaa WE WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR ft " " V.'rill'i ' "for (.? 5 iff I' 1 Its'. lr 1' BM ufi'AM .tm .h m u 4 -U, J " V w V iw . -.1 .... . r-fi THE ELKS' SPECIAL WILL ARRI VE IN TIME FOR DINNER AND A LARGE NUMBER OF OUTSIDE VISITORS IS EXPECTED. Make Your Reservations Early No Regular Dinner will be served at thi s hotel on New Years Day on account of the Elks' Banquet which will be served at 5:30 p. m. JAMES HART, Resident Manager. PAT FOLEY, Proprietor. VIENNA DEATH RATE BECOMES APPALLING Condition of Children Even More Harrowing, Declares Authority on City's Desperate Plight. "The Winchester Store" Established 1S87 Largest Exclusive Retail Hardware & Implement House in Oregon l'r thirty three years vc have supplied the people of Morrow cotinlv, not only with man useful and beautiful Christmas Holi day goods, but throughout the year with thousands of staple ar ticles for the home, farm and ranch which are everyday necessities in home-making and business- building. We Specialize in Majestic Ranges. Stoves, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints and (his. Table, Kitchen and Pocket Cutlery, Farming Implements and Machinery During the coming year we will be found in our new big build ing, better prepared to serve you than ever before. With Compliments of the Season and believing that better limes are just aroiyul the corner and coming this way, we remain. "We Have It, We'll Get It or It Is Not Made." GILLIAM & BISBEE Five years of famine have resulted In greatly Increased mortality and morbidity In Vienna which before the war was counted as one of the health lest cities In Europe. Figures prepared by Dr. Gustave Bonn, head of the Vienna Health Department, show that In 1913 the death rate was 15.3 per thousand. In 1018 the rate was 22.Z per thousand, an Increase of more than 47 per cent. Professor Hans Spel of the Uni versity of Vienna, says that "even more terrible than the molality sta tlstlcs are those referring to the con dition of children and their mothers Owing to under-nourlshment few moth ers can nurse their babies, and the milk shortage affects uot only Infants, but all children In spite of el that lias been done to help. At Professor Clemens Pirqnet's clinic In the uni versity some f4,S49 children were ex amined In 1U1S. Only 4,GG7 of -hese or about one-thirteenth were passed ns skin food, fat Rood; 23,0 9 were pale and thin, or very pale and very thin. "The health of these children shows most disquieting features. Skin disease, ruchitls and Hnilow's disease are rife. "The chief medical oliloer of Vienna asks, 'What Is going to happen to these under-fed children. In who bodies the germ of tuberculosis Is latent, when they reach the twenties, at which time It becomes active?' " To combat these conditions the Amer ican Relief Administration of which Herbert Hoover Is chairman fed last wluter to the city of Vienna some 300,000 of the deitltute and under nourished children, supplyli g them with a substantial meal of Amerlrun food, served in Dumber of large kitchens opened for that purpose. The conditions In Vienna are more or less typical of those In Poland md other countries of Central i.nd Eastern Europe. Last year the Relief Admin istration was able to reach some 3.500, 000 under-nourished children and this winter the program calls for the feed ing of a like numler, but eight of the great charitable organizations of America have united under the name of the European Relief Council, of which Mr. Hoover Is the chairman The child feeding task will be carried We wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year and assure one and all that we fully appre ciate their patronage during the past year. FOUNTAIN OF SWEETS J. E. MAXWELL, Proprietor NO WOMi;il DIVOKCK COVIiTS ARK BUSY Vancouver, Wash. No less than 11,000 persons, 5500 couples, have been married since the first week in January, 1919,. according to records of the county auditor, J. L. Garrett. It is possible that this number will be increased by 100 couples try the end of two full years. Last year on the day before Christmas 38 couples were married. However, during 1919, thrr? were many soldier weddings in the city, and now there are almost none. The persons getting married during the past year were on an average older than for 1919, the average that year being reduced by war conditions, and the fact that this was a military post and thousands o soldiers wer? sta tioned here. It was noted that many widows, both "grass" and "sod," have been married during the past year, and in hundreds of cases the bride was as old, or older than the bridegroom. If the number of soldier weddings were subtracted, it would si-eia that the number of persons married here this year was actually greater than dur ing 1919, though the total shows about 90 less to date, but there are yet six days for the office to be open this year, which will reduce this shortage. on-Success in Sheep. Ontario Argus What has happened here In the sheep and cattle game has and will happen in other communities and in other lines of endeavor. The men who are well grounded in a business, as well as its avenues for profit, and are governed by that knowledge and strictly attend to their affairs will undoubtedly succeed in the long run. Postage Stamps. The adhesive postage stamp had Its origin in England Id 1840 as a dlred outcome of the postal reforms of Sit Kowland Hill, in 1S47 the United States adopted this mpthivt r.t n.. Ing postages, with two beautifully er kucu portraits of Franklin and Washius'ou,