Tuesday, December 28. 1920 u m m m ra m. u. v k a Friday A Big Show with a Big Punch. Tickets Unusual Styles AuooD many women have the dra matic Instinct that makes them enjoy masquerading In unusual styles, some of which are commandeered from remote countries and some of them original or even bizarre creations which find Inspiration near home. Fabrics, passing whims of fashion, and current events lend a ijnd In the evolution of the latter and occasionally the garb of other lands is worked out in the fabrics of our own country, and more or less modified to suit ourselves. There Is Just one place where the woman of good taste in dress can af ford to indulge her whims and fancies to her heart's content, and that Is within the four walls of home. Very definitely borrowed from the Orient in its style, the distinctive gar ' 0 ment at the right of the picture above, is fashioned of a purely American "Mandarin" brocade and plain satin. The designer has accom plished a unique pantaloon effect in the satin and an odd. and graceful drapery of the brocade. THE evnie and Saturday .G The biggest jubilee Heppner has ever seen. The Elks will dedicate their new Temple with appropriate ceremonies. Pat Foley will have the new hotel wide open. A spe cial trainload of visitors will be present from Portland, Pendleton and The Dalles. Something Big! Something Extaordinary! A Big Time for Everybody! Move to Heppner Friday prepared to stay until Sunday $1 36; war in Negligees The negligee at the left is a bril llnnt affair in which a material known as Pan Ondulay a heavy crepe-llke silk Is simply draped. One arm is covered with the. most ample of sleeves and the other is uncovered. A wide sash of plain satin ribbon goes over the shoulder and a twisted girdle of It makes a luxurious rope in effect. White glass beads In a wide lattice pattern, add a frosty glitter. All this glitter of beads and sheen of silk makes the mnnetmng nnri sinister looking SDider, emfiroidered In black beads, a horribly fascinating beastle. He seizes ana holds the attention as if It were caught In his web, and that Is what he was pyr there for. His presence might be difirwnsed with, for this Is a quite practical style in negligees which was originally designed for exhibition pur poses hence the spider. daman rr btiui ttmtnt Km HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON 8:00 p. m. tax 1 4c 1 " 11 1 ' : rui THOMPSON You Will Be Pleased to Unow "We Are Making' Further Reductions in Our Re-Adjustment Prices OVERALLS AND JUMPERS Best Blue Bib Overalls $2.25 Best Blue Waist Overalls . .$2.00 Best Blue and White Striped Overalls $2.00 Best Blue Jumpers $2.25 Best Blue and White Stripsd Jumpers $2.00 Boys' Overalls Best Blue Bibb Overalls, 22 to 26 waist $I75 Same in 27 to 31 waist $2.00 MEN'S SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR 20 OFF on all Men's Wool Shirts from $4.00 to $9.00 20 OFF on all Men's Under wear from $3.50 to $9.00 SHIRTS AND SWEATERS Work Shirts, each $1.50 $15.00 Silk Shirts $10.50 So. o Silk Shirts $7-50 $8.00 Silk Shirts $7-00 $16.0 Men's Sweaters . . .$12.50 $12.50 Boy's Sweaters $10.00 $8.50 Boy's Sweaters $6.50 Men's and Ladies' Gowns Re duced 50c each 20 7o OFF ON ALL LADIES UNION SUITS from $3 to $7 NECKWEAR A beautiful line of Men's Neck wear for Christmas for 50c to $2.00 Men's $18.00 Mackinaws for . . We Are Here to Serve at ar Dec 31 ACTS Strictly Professional-No Home Talent DRY GOODS Fleisher's Germantown Zephyr ball 45C Fleisher's Knitting Yarn, ball 60c Best made 36-in. Percales, per yard 25c White Outing Flannel, per yard 20c to 40c Best Colored Outing for 35c Devonshire Cloth 45C Romper Cloth 40c Frolic Cloth 40c School Day Cloth 40c Hope Muslin 25c Berkler Muslin No. 60 45c Apron Ginghams 20c A. F. C. Ginghams 35c Toile du Nord Ginghams 35c GENUINE PENDLETON INDIAN ROBES $10.00 . $13.50 $16.50 Beautiful Christmas Gifts MEN'S PANTS Men's Wool Pants . .20 OFF $4.00 Khaki Pants for $3.50 LESS THAN TODAY'S MAR KET ON ALL SILKS 10 ffo OFF ON ALL MEN'S HATS AND CAPS ROCKFORD SOX, 20c A PAIR A fine line of Men's and Ladies Bath Robes, which are good Christmas Gifts $13.50 Men's $16.50 and Jan. 1 8 Auspices Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P. 0. E. BROS. BLANKETS Wool Blankets in Mottled Gray and Brown 8 lb Blanket for $18.00 lb Blanket for $15.75 6 lb Blanket for , $13-50 5 lb Blanket for -$11.25 Plain Gray Wool Blankets 81b Blanket for $16.00 7 lb Blanket for $14.00 6 lb Blanket for $12.00 5 lb Blanket for $10.00 LADIES' SHOES $15.00 Shoes, now $12.50 $12.50 Shoes, now $10.00 $10.00 Shoes, now $9.00 MEN'S SHOES $15.00 Shoes, now $12.50 $12.50 Shoes, now $10.00 $10.00 Shoes, now $9.00 $1.00 OFF ON ALL BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES 50c OFF ON ALL INFANTS' SHOES SUITS AND OVERCOATS Men's Suits for . .$25.00 to $50.00 Men,s Overcoats $25.00 to $40.00 Ladies' and Children's Coats at a Big Reduction 10 OFF ON ALL BOYS' and GIRLS' UNION SUITS Numerous Other Articles at LESS PRICES Mackinaws for $12.50 Less Prices Three . . s i r. 1 . K t r