Two THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 28, IQ20 ! J J J 4. PROFESSIONAL CAKDS DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located In Odd fellow's Bailding HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHrSICIAX and 8URUEOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTOBXEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXErS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORXEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. CLYDE R WALKER PHYSICIAN a-nd BURGEOX Phone Connections IONE, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIKE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON MATERNITY HOME I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS. O. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS: AT THIS FESTIVAL SEASON WE ARE MINDFUL OF A DEEP AND ABIDING SENSE OF APPRECIATION, AND OUR HEARTY THANKS GO OUT TO YOU FOR THE GOOD WILL AND CONSIDERATION YOU HAVE BESTOWED UPON US DURING THE PAST YEAR. WE SINCERELY WISH YOU GREAT f APPINESS AND PROSPERITY THROUGH OUT THE NEW YEAR. PATTERSON & SON The Rexall Store Heppner, Oregon Uncle Walk Let Us Show You Our Line of "HIS. Seeders and other seasonable farm machinery and implements Peoples Hardware X BEGINNING THE DAY (ITFA MAN begins the day In a good humor," observed the professor, "everything will prosper with him." Tou talk as though beginning the day in a good humor was as easy as falling oS a log," said the low-browed man. "I suppose you have been reading one of those fool sun shine books, and . you think a man can be In a good humor just by saying he Is going to be. Buta man can't control his tumors any more than he can con trol dreams. "Some days I feel like the ortg inal Sunny Sam uel, and I Just naturally go around shedding light Into the dark plncea, and making everybody glad. At such times the world seems an unqualified success, and the fact that I was born Into it does not cause me any remorse. If some prominent citizen backed me up against a fence and asked me what made me feel se gay, I couldn't give him any helpful Information. I don't know, myself, what causes the chip per feeling. I suppose it must be be cause my works are In good condition, doing their digestive stunts at the old stand. "After a few days the glad feeling passes away, and Instead of being a Sunny Samuel I become a Mournful Moses. I have all kinds of presenti ments of evil. I have a firm convic tion that the bottom Is about to drop out of everything, and that I'll be mixed up with the wreckage. I take a pessimistic view of everything, and go grouching around until even the cows are sick of seeing me, and they give me a lift with their hind feet as a gentle hint that I should come out of my trance. "If a lending business man asked me to explain my melancholy I couldn't do it. The world seems to be moving along as though nothing had happened, the same old sun Is shining on the day shift, and the scented zephyrs are blowing through my whiskers as of old. "Often a man begins the day wrong, through some accident or unpleasant experience. Then he knows why he tins a grouch, but that doesn't help him to get rid of It. This morning I wns lying In bed drenmlng that I was the enly original white hope, and that I was mnklng a heroic effort to bring the laurels bnek to the Cauca sian nice. I was Just administering an uppercut thnt seemed destined to bring home the bacon, when I fell out of bed nnd practically ruined my head against the floor. "I came downstairs in a beastly hu mor, nnd after hrcnkfnst I went over and picked a quarrel with old Doo llttle, so tlmt lie had to shin up a tree to escape violence, nnd all because I wiia feeling ornery. It wouldn't have been snfe fur nny man to tell me that In order to begin the day right nil a innn litis to do Is to begin It right. "I lmve gone out from the house to milk the cows In the morning, many n time, feeling its blithesome nnd glail as a rtlekeyblrd, mid quite snlistied that the ilny wns going to lie one round of pleasure. Then n cove would give rii! a poke in the ribs with one of her celluloid horns, or puh her big sobv foot Into a brimming Imchet of in'.'k, nnd the joyous stuff wns nil elf. I'd be so sore nil liny that Aunt .Tu'lsi would hand me my meals, Willi :: pti.-hM-k. " I'll;' oilier ii'vii';!:; T :,,( v,n feeling so ir.emi (list I v. si tixlintm-il to loek in the mirror. I went downtown after lui a a, in i he mood to rob n blind organ g'.-imler of h's few plugged nickels. Then I went to the post of fice and got a registered letter. A man who had owed me ?.' for five years had an Ingrowing conscience at last, und sent the money to me. When I left the post office everybody com mented on my winning smile mid said 1 was the little sunbeam of the town." VERY SPECIAL I M A fortunate purchase of a large assortment of onopole Jams and Preserves enables us to price same at 35c per 10-oz. Jar or 3 Jars for $1.00 Considering the price of fruit and sugar this is indeed a bar gain worth taking advantage of Phelps Grocery Co. All Kinds of Eats for the Holidays GRAY SAMARITANS RESCUING CHILDREN Company F. R. BROWN n.vnt for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL. ACCI DENT AND 1 1 EALTH INSURANCE two i.iHin m siiu'm i s i m i'i'M u itm sai.k. piucko I'.IUHT. Office Upstairs in Roberts lUiiMing rii"'i f t. Heppner, Oregon Twins Strangely Linked. Albert (irierson ami Waller Crler son. St. I.ouis twins, were members of the wine company, ami each wore a small diamond ring and a watch unit chain In Trance. Albert lost the stony of tils ring ami n few days later Wal ter lost the stone ef bis. Then Albert lost li's watch and chain and soon af terward Walter's disappeared. Then Albert was wounded and Walter fol lowed suit. And now they intend to marry twin s!s:ers. (Vnilditic and Hici'iline Snmlley of Sheldon, 111. )u u!uu.ills New . The Toung Women's Chrlitian Asso ciations of the United State tire keenly Intsrestod In the movement far the re lief of Hie 3,500,000 starving children of Europe because a group of their members, the Polish Gray Samaritans, bave ben In charge of dlatrtbutlng food to children In Poland. They have been serving under th American Relief ad ministration aud have conducted food kitchens mid distributing suatous In nil iiuila of Poland otitalde Warur.v. In u II the relief work belns done In Europe, that of the Polish days tv-i been unique because all the glils, thoujrh sent from America, were either horn in Poland or are of Polish pan-n-tnD. When the need for social e-erv-ice lu their country became ncuia many ?'rls of Polish desient unsworn! (he call if the Young Women's Chris tian Association for overseax service and tin'.ir-ted In the piellmiiuiry train m? eourse that was given In several cities of the United S'utca. I-'rum this Kroiip thlity ctr'.. were chosen anil sent to Poland where, slain l!M'i, they have been caring for the children of the country. The distribution of clothing Ims takn Lheia Into all parts of Polan.L Tliey are now spending their entire time lu arranging for the feeding of children this winter. Groups of them travel to strategic centers In outlying illstriotB where they set up distributing stations, recelvt supplies, preparu meals, arrnugu fur Inipunlal d'stribn lien ii nd train lielpeis to continue I lie n'ork hen they ure sent ou to the next lowu. iCOLUMEUS KNIGHTS I AID CHILD APPEAL All Depends. "Can you support my danchter In the style she's been accustomed to?' iisked the father of the yoimc man who sounht his il.iUL'htcr in marriage. "Well." replied the ymmt; man thoughtfully. "Is she strong for a $-"(v baby vTntnl piano or a talking mfc chine'?" THE MEM'NER HERALD, ONLY $-oo A YEAR A Good Wish. Candidate Election day Is also r.;y tdrthiiay. Friend t!ood I I hope yoo Will have many lr.'.ppv returns. James A. Flaherty, of Philadelphia, supreme fcntght of the Kuights of Co lumbus, declared that the K. of C, In, response to no appeal from Herbert Hoover, chairman ef the European Re but Council, UaJ dceli'.ej to take an exception In thrtir policy of refralnlin from nny national campaleu for funds fer relief or charitable wurk. J'TI; r.eed oi the fc arvpji; and sick children of I uro; is urgent," Mr. Fluberty said, "ll at the Knights of Civ Iambus feel li duty tiound tu ilsvute thcm-elves to tht conuiHiti ttk of nils lug funjs for the relief of thes,, chil dren. An an crsanl'atlua It Is our In'entlon tu coi duct no distinct K. jf C. itilve for fumls, sltlionah meuiiiers ef the ervunl-..tion urn freqi.tut cui irdi'.ilora to all t-liar.iah'e dr',. Hat in tiii case k fcl tiuit tlie emerjremy calls for the united efforts of all Amer-h-uns atul we eoi'.snier It a prtvlleue to h" partners!, p It tbla grv! Wwrk uf Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best hr Meats to her family. . She can be assured she is doing so if she buys her Meats at this shop which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central M arket McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. THE BRICK. McAlee CD. AiKen. Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks POOL YOU ARE WELCOME ! Advertisini; on Calendars 7ht advortii.-.g of cfilcndara is al most nil. The pictures ro far cut-i--h;.in' the rriiuins: ea she calendars C.ii-.i it is never seer. Wh;-n the cal endar is hung on the wall the picture alone gets the eye. It may be (,-reatly ndmired. but that is of no advantace to the donor unless it is connected with h: business in tome way. 'V