Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 21, 1920, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Tuesday. December 21. 1020.
Buy a Barrel of Flous
The "Buy a Barrel of Flour" move
ment started by the farmers of the
middle west, and encouraged here, Is
expected to benefit not the millers
but the growers themselves, says the
East Oregonian. A few statistics
were given today and add interest to
the movement.
A barrel of flour will use four and
a half bushels of wheat, or nearly two
Eight barrels of flour will use the
crop from ie average acre of grain
in this country.
A barrel of flour is four sacks, or
198 pounds.
A barrel of flour retails for approx
imately 111.
At present wheat prices a barrel of
flour would mean about $6.75 worth
of wheat.
If every family in Umatilla county
buys a barrel of flour the above fig
ures should be multiplied by 5000 or
While it must be acknowledged that
L. VanMarter, who holds the respon
sible position of window trimmer at
a down-town garage, has the artistic
temperament, ito must also be stated,
in sorrow, that he sometimes plays
exceedingly mean tricks on innocent
and unsuspecting persons. Van trim
med his window for the Christmas
holidays the other day in a most ar
tistic manner, showing an open fire
place with chimney of ample propor
tions to admit the rotund form, ot
good old Santa Claus, who occupies
a conspicious place in the setting.
An old-fashioned mantle is in place
over the fire place and on the mantle
stands a full-sized quart bottle, neat
ly wrapped and enticingly labeled,
on which Santa's twinkling eye is
fixed with an expression of anticipa
tion of what he will treat himself to
when he gets the stockings filled.
To show the baseness of the artis
tic nature, however, Van admits that
if Santa tries to get any comrorc out
of that bottle he vail get mightily
fooled, because the bottle's empty.
"Think I'd risk a full one in tnat
window with all those Elks coming
to town? Not on your life!" quoth
Telephone Credit
The telephone company will be compelled to borrow large amounts of money in
the next few years, not only to extend its service to new subscribers, but to take care
of the constantly increasing use of the service by present subscribers.
A lender in business will demand of a borrower ample security and will insist
that its value be maintained without deterioration. He must be shown that this se
curity has an assured earning power. He must be satisfied that his investment is
safe: that it can be disposed of at any time without loss and that it will bring him
a continuous return.
At the present time this company's operations in Oregon are conducted at a de
ficit. Its expenses are greater than its revenues. No return is being received by its
stockholders from their property in Oregon. Not even the interest on ita bonds pro
perly chargeable to its Oregon properties is being paid from Oregon receipts.
With new capital scarce and commanding high rates of return, a business show
ing operating results such as these will find it difficult, if not impossible, to secure
money for its necessities.
We assume that the people of Oregon wish to treat the utilities doing business
in this state justly and fairly, and in this belief we have asked the Public Service
Commission to approve a schedule of rates increasing our revenues. The amount
asked for is relatively small to the individual rate payer, but the' aggregate will place
us in a position where we can obtain the outside capital necessary in our operations..
Under present conditions an adequate telephone service efficient and suffi
cient is dependent upon higher rates.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
Let's settle
this right now!
No man ever smoked a
better cigarette than Camel!
You'll find Camels unequalled by
any cigarette in the world at any
price because Camels combine
every feature that can make a
cigarette supreme
Camels expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos puts Camels in a class by
themselves. Their smoothness
will appeal to you, and permit
you to smoke liberally without tir
ing your taste!
Camels leave no unpleasant ciga
retty aftertaste nor unpleasant
cigaretty odor 1
You'll prefer Camels blend to either
kind of tobacco smoked straight 1
Cammlu re told wmrjrwhmrm in Bcitntificstlr bM
pc4ea of 20 cigantlm for 20 nf or (en pack
6cm (200 cigarmtfa) tn m glsmaiifprnpT'Cormred
J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Wintton-Salem, N. C.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Sheriff of Morrow County,
Oregon, will, pursuant to an execu
tion and order of sale duly issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow Couniy, on the
19th day of November, 1920, in the
suit now pending in said Court
wherein H. Y. McCune, as guardian
of Joseph Kenneth McCune, a minor,
was plaintiff, and R. C. Grimm was
dpfendent, upon a judgement and de
cree rendered in said Court on the
6th day of November, 1920, in favor
of said plaintiff and against said de
fendant, sell, at public auction, to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, at
the front door of the County Court
House, in the City of Heppner, in
Morrow County, Oregon, on the 7th
day of January, 1921, at the hour of
one o'clock in the afternoon, the folJ
lowing described real property of said
defendant, to-wit:
All the undivided one-half interest
in and to that tract of land situated
in the County of Morrow and State
of Oregon, commencing at a point on
the West line of the East one-half of
the Southwest quarter of Section
twenty-two, Township five North,
Range twenty-six East of the Willam
ette Meridian, said point being at the
intersection of said line with the
North boundary line of the O. W. R.
& N. right of way and distant fifteen
chains, more or less, from the South
west corner of the East one-half of
the Southwest quarter of Section
twenty-two, Township five North,
Range twenty-six East of the Willam
ette Meridian; thence Easterly thir
teen chains and twenty-seven links
to a point on the north boundary or
said right of way; thence North
ninety-one chains and twelve links,
more or less, to a point at the low
water mark of the Columbia River;
thence Northwesterly along said low
water mark, to a point of intersec
tion with (he North extension of the
West line of the East one-hr.lf of the
Southwest quarter of Section twenty-
two. Township five North, Range
twenty-six East of the Willamette
Meridian, thence South ninety-nine
chains and forty links, more or less
to the point of beginning, containing
126 acres, more or less, to satisfy the
judgment recovered by the plaintitT
against the defendant in said suit,
for the sum of $765.75, with Interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent
annum from the 6th day of Novem
ber, 1920, and the further sum, of
$100.00 attorney's fees, and $19.00
costs, together with the accruing
costs of and upon this writ.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this
4th day of December, 1920.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
filed by Nelson Jones, in the office
of the County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, and recorded in
Hook II, Records of Deeds for said
county at page 4 57 thereof, on the
6th day of February,. 1892,) where
said ditch or flume intersects the
South line of Block Two (2) of Nel
son Jonos' addition to the town of
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon,
and running thence East on said
South line of Clock Two (2), ten
feet to the Southwest corner of Lot
Four (4) of said Block, running
thence in a Northwesterly direction
Wade and Alvin Wade,
her rusband,
TO E. L. Crawford, Mablo Crawford
Wade and Alvin Wade, of thd
above named defendants:
OF OREGON: You and each of you
are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before six weeks from the 14th day
of December, 1920, to-wit: on or be
fore the 26th day ot' January, 1921,
and if you fail to so answer, tho
ten feet from and parallel with the plaintiff will apply to the court for
center of said ditch or flume, to a
point where the same intersects the
North line of Lots Four (4) and Five
(5) of said Block, being the North
west corner of said Lot Four (4),
thence running West on the North
line of said lots, twenty feet to a
point ten feet West of the center of
said flume or ditch, and being the
Northeast corner of Lot Five (5) of
said Block, thence running in a
Southeasterly direction ten feet from
and parallel with the center or mid
dle of said ditch or flume to a point
where the same intersects the South
line of said Block Two (2) being the
Southeast corner of said Lot Five (5)
of said Block, thence East on the
South side of said Block Two (2), ten
feet to the middle or center of said
ditch or flume, the place of beginn
ing, and being a tract of land twenty
feet wide and lying between said lots
Four (4) and Five (5) of said Block
Two (2).
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this
20th day of November, 1920.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
First publication Nov. 30.
Last publicat ion Jan. 2 5.
Department of the Interior,. U. S.
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon,
November 3 6, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that James
Ayers, of Echo, Oregon, who, on Au
gust 17, 1916, made Additional
Homestead Entry, No. 016348, for
Section 32, Township 1 North, Range
28 East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
three-year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
United States Commissioner at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on the 13th day of Jan
uary, 19 21.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Harve McRoberls, of Lexington,
Stella McRobcrts, of Lexington,
O regon.
Fay Pettyjohn, of Lena, Oregon.
Frank Ayers, of Echo, Oregon.
C. S. DUNN, Register.
First publication,. Dec. 7, 1920.
Last publication Jan. 11.
the relief prayed for in its complaint
herein, to-wit:
For a decree of the court decreeing-
that, you and each of you have no
estate'or interest in or to the follow
ing described real property, or any-
part thereof, to-wit:
The West half of the South
west quarter and the Southwest
quarter of the Northwest quar
ter of Section Twenty-four (24),
and the Northeast quarter of
the Southeast quarter of Sec-
tion Twenty-three (23), in
Township Three (3) South of
Range Twenty-eight (28), East
of the Willamette Meridian in
Ihe County of Morrow, State of
and further decreeing that plaintifi
is the owner in fee of the wholo
thereof,, and that you and each of you
do torever enjoined from, assorting
any claim in or to said premises, ad
verse to the plaintiff.
For such other relief as may in
equity be just.
This summons is served upon yon
by publication hereof once a week for
six consecutive weeks in the Hepp
ner Herald, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation in Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, published at Heppner, by
virtue of an order duly made and en
tered herein on the 11th day of De
cember, 1920, by the Honorable V
T. Campbell, County Judge of Mor
row County, O.-egon. and the date ot
the fist publication of this summon
is December 14th, 1920, and the,
date of the last, publication hereof.
will be January 2 5, 1921.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Post Office address, Heppner, Oregon
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon,
December 15, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that
of Echo, Oregon, who, on November
21, 1917, made homestead entry, No.
018618, for NEVi and SE4, Section
12,. Township 1 South, Range 27
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Clerk of
Circuit Court, at. Heppner, Oregon,
on the 15th day of February, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. E. Wiglesworth, or Echo, Ore
gon. J. W. Wheeler, of Heppner, Ore
gon. Fay Pettijohn, of Echo, Oregon.
F. K. Payne, of Echo, Oregon.
C. S. DUNN, Register.
First publication, Jan. 4, 1921.
LuHt publication, Feb. 8, 1921.
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a Judgement and or
der of sale duly made and entered in
the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, on the
18th day of November, 1920, In a cer
tain action therein, wherein the Slate
of Oregon was plaintiff and Nancy
M. Meek wm defendant, and wherein
it was adjudged that the real proper
ty hereinafter described was escheat
ed to the State of Oregon, and order
ed sold as upon execution:
Notice is therefore hereby given
that I will on Wednesday, the 26th
day of January, 1921, at the hour of
eleven o'clock, in the forenoon "I
-:uld day at. the front door of the
County Court House in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, M il at. pub
lic, auction to the highest, bidder for
'ash in hand all of tin' following de
scribed real property, to-wit:
Commencing at a 'joint, in tin- mid
dle or center of the flurn" or diwti
formerly used by the Heppner Milling
Company, (as de-iirii.ed arid set
forth In the plat and specifications
Notice of Animal Meeting
To the stockholders of the Farmers
& Stockgrowers National Bank: The
annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Farmers & Stockgrowers Na
tional Bank will be held at Heppner,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 11th day of
January, 1921, 3:00 o'clock p. m., for
the election of direrrors or the en
suing year, and the transaction of
such other business art may properly
come before the meeting.
32-36 S. W. SPENCE, Cashier.
In (lie Circuit Court of the Statu of
Oregon for Morrow County
Hynd Brothers Company,
a Corporation,
E. L. Crawford, Nora
Craw foul Mooi-i and I SUMMONS
Ge rge Moore, her littH-
Wand, Mablo Crawford I
Department, of the Interior, United
Slates Land Office at LaGrande, Ore
gon, Dec. 2nd, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that the
State of Oregon makes application.
under the provisions of the Act of
Congress of August 14, 1848,, and
p-ebruary 14, 18 59, and the Acta
supplementary thereto and amenda
tory thereof, for the following de
scribed unappropriated, non-mineral
public lands, in lieu of, or as Indemni
ty for losses to its grant for common
schools assigned and designated as
base therefor:
Lots 1 and 4, Sec. 31, Tp. 3 S., R.
28 E., Willamette Meridian, contain
ing 43.62 and 44.37 acres respective
ly. During the period of publication,
or any time thereafter, and before)
final approval and certification, the
local officers will receivo protest or
contest as to any of the tracts ap
plied for. and transmit I ho samo to
the General Land Ort'ice.
When lands sought to he selected
are alleged, by way of protest, to bo
mineral, or where applications for
patent therefor are presented under
the mining laws, or uro otherwise ad
versely claimed, proceedings in such
cases will be In the mil uro of a con
test and will lie governed by the
rules of practice in force in contest
C. S. DUNN, Register
First publication, Dec. 1 1,1920.
Last publication, Jan. 20, 192 1.
630 Tillable
Small house and barn. Good well.
One-half of place in summer fal
low. Price including all stock
and machinery
Good terms at 6 per cent