THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesdav. December 2r, 1020. f n eatern New pa per L- n ion. ) Six m THE Epg CABINET USED ,W "jor zz : vRI IE,. Wf ,rl Hint r B ft rs. lit' i lit Ml ' . I r it rpiIERE is a natural liking for music m the mind ot every cima, therefore fill the all-receptive child mind with harmony. Begin its musi cal education early and. correctly. With a Brunswick Phonograph and Brunswick Records in your homo the means of producing music at its best are always at hand. It will, therefore, be distinctly to your advantage to know Brunswick Phonographs and Brunswick Rec ords before you make your choice. Come in when convenient and we will be delighted to assist you in coming to a decision. . Oscar R. Otto I K i IT JiA 11 R?3 GOOD THINGS FOR THE FAMILY TABLE. A good dish for a busy ;lny, wlien a good, substantial meal is needed, is: Irish Stew en Casserole. Have two Hounds of chops from the best end of a neck of mutton, trimmed of all fat. Have pared and sliced two quarts of potatoes and six onions. Put a layer of potatoes ajy onions te tot torn of the casseroiS, Sml gphukie with salt and pepper. I'lace the meat above the vegetables, seasoning well, then a layer of vegetables as before. Pour boiling water or broth to come nearly to the top of the last layer. Cov er atjiJ cook gyMtly in a moderate oven for three homrs. Baked Sweet Potatoes and Bacon. Scrub potatoes or yams well and put into the oven to bake. When nearly done, remove from the oven and care fully remove the skin. With two wooden toothpicks fasten a slice of ba con around each ; set them Into the .yeQ irj a faking dish and pake until the bacon ls"cooEe(T. Serve at fineo. Hashed Brown Potatoes. Chop five or six cold l;(ije( notntjes flue, add a. half tenspoohful of salt and a few dashes of pepper. Have ready one- lliird of a cupful of fat, tried out of salt pork, hot In an iron frying pan. I'ut in the potatoes and stir while they become hot, then spread evenly over the pan, cover and let stand until brown on the bottom; with a spatula carefully fold over the other half and turn onto a hot platter. Garnish with parsley. Banana Fluff. Peel three bananas nnd cover them with two tablespoon fuls of lemon juice and one of grape fruit juice; cover and place on ice. After an hour mash them and heat well, adding one-half cupful of pow dered sugar and the unbeaten whites of three eggs, one at time. When light add a teaspoonful or two of vanilla and serve In glasses with one third fresh fruit (or canned will do), dusted with minced pistachio nuts or candied mint leaves. A few good used tires 30x3 1-2 I Up While They Last Better Come Early LatoureSle Auto Company "You'll Always Find" says the Good Judge 4 .A-j.y That you get more -genuine satisfaction at less cost when you use this class of tobacco. A small chew lasts so much longer than a big chew cf the ' ordinary kind. And the full, rich real tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing catisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles " K W -B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco T T,TT vr- u ko PT7FM pt ACFD ON SPECIAL SALE PRIOR TO MAKING OUR OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, ETC., HAs BEEN PLACLU ON bFi ANNUAL INVENTORY AT REDUCTIONS OF FROM TEN TO FORTY PER CENT. Extra Special Prices S AVES MILE 5 Q F 3 T E JgL-j ' j ;'! K ; .' - A 1 J; ; I -M A'tv: , ' : " '";".: r i-'.HT 'r;i:iWA spli FELT iHMkT:iMi o, .ted CASE FURNITU A H PHONOGRAPH 1 91TiT?V MATTRESSES U 0 1 WAS $150.00 NOW ONLY $100.00 CO I fx I. 8 n I t i