Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 21, 1920, Page Four, Image 4

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Tuesday. December 21. 1020
i T " " " " 5 ESflBia3nMMaMMBBhfririiri-iiiriiii7aTT-ii . t mm HHMmTi.
j church notices 4 1 I
S. A. PATTJSON, Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year $2.00
Six Months $1.00
Three Months $0.50
v : :
Mr. and Mrs. George Eleaknian
wero in llcppner Friday, Deec-rnbef
30, attt.-ndinf,' tho funeral of Mis.
lileak man's nUot; Eli neor McDuffee.
.Mr. and Mr. CiarftiW- Howxll are
making a short vir:il in Hardman.
Mr. Howell U hanking wood out of
Hip riioiiiiliiir.;;.
Tin re wiil be a Christinas enter
tainment at thf church on Clwistrnas
Kvo. Kveiyone coining is asked to
hrini; n stick of wood, as an admis
sion ticket.
Mr. Uuf'UH Farrenn, an old-time
icsidcrit of ilardrnan, is iw.ru for a
nhort visit. He lias recently sold his
property in lone, and is contemplat
ing moving to Koseburi;.
A number from Hardman attended
the dance in Hooker on December 11.
Kveiyone reported a fine time.
Mrs. fieorse Iiurnside of Koon Can
yon, lias returned to her home from
Hoppncr, where she has been w!tn
Jier son, who lias been receiving treat- I
menl tor liis broken leg.
The Rebecca Indue ave a supper
for four new members on December
7th, in the 0:1(1 Fellows hall. The
new members are Mrs. I.avelle Hams,
Mre. I.aville Howell, Mrs. Opal Ayers,
and Mr. I,csn Robinson.
The Hardman road workers have
been improving the road between
Ilardrnan and Parkers Mill during
Hie past week.
A line baby girl arrived at the In
nklp home on Saturday, December 11.
Iioth mother and child doin;? nicely.
Mrs. Bertha Stoneman spent the
week-end at the John Hadly home.
J. H. Walker arrived Monday, De
cember 6, from lioise, Idaho. He ex
pects to spend the winter with rela
;ives in Hardman,
v v -.- V V vvvvvvv V
The First Christian Church.
The usual services of the Church
will be held on Sunday, consisting
of the Bible School at ten o'clock, fol
lowed by Communion Service and
Preaching at eleven o'clock.
The evening Services will consist
of the Christian Endeavor Service at
seven o'clock and song Service and
Preaching at eight o'clock. Everey
one is cordially invited to attend
these services.
W. O. Livingstone, Minister.
tT'io late for last week)
Greenfield Grange of Boardman
has elected the following officers for
the ensuing year: Master, C. II. Dilla
baugh; Overseer, H. J. Cason; Lec
turer, Fred Edmunds; Stewart, Ray
Brown; Assistant 'Stewart, B. K.
Mulkey; Chaplain, Mrs. Edith Craw
ford; Treasurer, Tom Hendriks;
Secretary, Mrs. IS. K. Mulkey; Gate
keeper, It. Wasmer; Ceres, Olive At
terberry; Pomona, Mrs. Jas. Howell.;
Flora,. Mrs. Ray Brown; Correspond
ent for county papers, Chas. Nlzcr.
Chas. Dillon of Madras lias pur
chased 40 acres improved alfalfa land
from Alex Wilson. The tract lies two
miles southwest, of Boardman and the
consideration was $!),500. Mr. Dillon
has taken possession and his family
will arrive imediately.
The Ladies Aid held a Christmas
Bazaar in the school house laut Fri
day night which netted $33. The
same evening Chas. Ilummcll gave an
entertainment in the school auditor
ium, consisting of music, ventrilo
quism, and motion pictures. About
100 people were present.
Christian Science
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock in I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday
Sshool at 9:45 a. m. Testimony
meetings are held every Wednesday
evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Eugene Slocuni. All inter
ested are cordially invited to attend
these meetings.
A few choice, standard bred, S. C.
R. I. Red Cockerels. Now is the time
to get your next year's matings. My
birds are all a good rich red and full
of vigor; birds that would cost you
from $10.00 to $25.00 from outside
breeders. I am making a special
price of $5.00 for the month of De
cember. A. W. GAMMELL,
32-35 Lexington, Oregon
Horses Lost
One bay gelding branded B under
quarter circle; weight about 1400;
one black gelding branded B under
quarter circle, weight about 1400;
one bay gelding branded bar over in- j
verted V, white stripe in face, weight
about 1400. All three have had !
manes roached and are work horses, i
Any information will be paid for. '
Address Powell & Fellows, Vale, Ore- i
son. 33-34'
and for your liba-al patronage of our Willard Battery Service during the past
year we wish to extend our thanks. ' & 1 -
JOS. W. FRITSCH, Proprietor
Battery Electric Service Station.
Established 1887
Largest Exclusive Retail Hardware & Implement House in Oregon
Christmas Gifts That Count
Buy something useful this time and make Christmas joy last all
year. We are offering substantial reductions on many lines of de
sirable presents, including China and Glass Ware, Parker Foun
tain Pens, Pocket, Table and Kitchen Cutlery, the Famous Gillette
Safety Razors, Aluminum Ware, Flashlights, Electric Lamps, and
many other useful and beautiful articles.
COMMUNITY SILVERWARE at 25 per cent Reduction
1 WJfBtttWflKBffl
Will Celebrate the Holiday Season with
A Big Dancing Party
For IVJfmlifi-c ff f V10
Order, and Their WV
Ladies, ONLY
Held in the Big Ball
Room, New Elks'
Wholesale Supply House
Heppner, Oregon
Christmas, December 25
An Old Time, Yuletide Party and the
Social Event of the Season
Unrivaled Music by Fletchers' Pendleton Orchestra
All Elks Within Reach Cordially Invited
Tickets - $2.00
H. A. Duncan, B. P. Stone, Gay Anderson, Com.
Owned and Controlled by Farmers
WE PAY CASH for Chickens, Tur
keys, Geese, Ducks, all kinds of
Poultry both live and dressed based
on Portland markets and grades,
less transportation. We can furnish
you coops.
Make this place your headquarters
when in Heppner. We are glad to
serve you in any way possible.
Tfi-State Terminal Co.