4 t 'I Tuesday. December 21. IQ20. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Friday and Saturday 8:00 p. m ec. 31 and Jan. 1 A Big Show with a Big Punch. Strictly Professional-No Home Talent The biggest jubilee Heppner has ever seen. The Elks will dedicate their new Temple with appropriate ceremonies. Pat Foley will have the new hotel wide open. A spe cial trainload of visitors will be present from Portland, Pendleton and The Dalles. Something Big! Something Extraordinary! A Big Time for Everybody! Move to Heppner Friday prepared to stay until Sunday Auspices Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E. Tickets $1 .50; war tax 1 5c Dinner and Dance Frocks ffilp flifll SOME f.ihrles nre so decorative la themselves that the plainer they are made up the better the effect. They cannot be made the background for embellishment and must play the star role themselves. Such a fabric appears In the skirt of the dinner dress, which makes a handsome dance frock as well, that Is portrayed above. One of those heavy, crvpoy, two-toned silks, that nre so highly lustrous and so supple, was chosen for the full round skirt, that has its fullness disposed of at the waist line in deep, free plaits at the front and back. ' Plain sutin seems to be always chosen when another fabric must be combined with these two-toned silks, and plain satin it is in the case of the bodice for this dress. The satin Is chosen in one of the two colors represented in the skirt. Imagine this skirt in sapphire or bright navy blue and henna, in which case the bodice would be tn matching blue satin. Or, In black and green, the bodice in black In turquoise and American beauty with the bodice In turquoise. The bodice is cut surplice fashion and ex tended into long sash ends that tie In a bow at the left side, one end hanging half way down the skirt and the other a little below its hem. The bodice might employ one of the crepey weaves of silk, corresponding with the skirt, In a solid color, instead of satin. Its edges at the neck and front are outlined with a narrow tin sel and silk border of embroidery. To place it in the class of the gorgeous skirt Its creator has worked out an embroidered motif In tinsel and silk that finds place on the left shouhbT and over the right bust. It app'-ars also on the long sash end. Thee handsome Hiibrnidf red motifs finish off the frock with an Important chic touch. Kor evening then? are very pretty metallic lace dance cap.) to be worn with such frocks. (orvucKT n vbhw kiwatu waom You Will Be Pleased to Iinow We Are Making' Further Reductions in Our Re-Adjustment Prices OVERALLS AND JUMPERS Best Blue Bib Overalls $2.25 Best Blue Waist Overalls . .$2.00 Best Blue and White Striped Overalls $2.00 Best Blue Jumpers $2.25 Best Blue and White Stripsd Jumpers $2.00 Boys' Overalls Best Blue Bibb Overalls, 22 to 26 waist $i-75 Same in 27 to 31 waist . . . .$2.00 MEN'S SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR 20 OFF on all Men's Wool Shirts from $4.00 to $o.cx) 20 'o OFF on all Men's Under wear from S3. 50 to $o.cxj SHIRTS AND SWEATERS Work Shirts, each $1.50 Si 5.00 Silk Shirts $10.50 S9.50 Silk Shirts $7.50 S8.00 Silk Shirts $7.00 $16.50 Men's Sweaters ...$12.50 S12.50 Boy's Sweaters . . . .$10.00 $8.50 Boy's Sweaters $6.50 Men's and Ladies' Gowns Re duced 50c each 20 OFF ON ALL LADIES' UNION SUITS from $3 to $7 NECKWEAR A beautiful line of Men's Neck wear for Christmas for . 50c to $2.00 Men's SiS.oo Mackinaws for .. DRY GOODS J'leisher's Germantown Zephyr J11 ...45C Hcisher's knitting Yarn, ball 60c Best made 36-in. I'ercales, per vard .25c White Outing Flannel, per yard 20c to 40c Best Colored Outing for . . . .35c Devonshire Cloth 45c Romper Cloth 40c Frolic Cloth 40c School Day Cloth 40c I lope M usliii 25c Berkler Muslin No. (o 45c Apron (jingharns 20c A. I'. C. ( liiighams 35c Toile (lu Nord Ciinghains . . . .35c GENUINE PENDLETON INDIAN ROBES $10.00 $13.50 $16.50 Beautiful Christmas Gifts MEN'S PANTS Men's Wool Pants ..20 OFF $4.00 khaki Pants for $3.50 LESS THAN TODAY'S MAR KET ON ALL SILKS 10 OFF ON ALL MEN'S HATS AND CAPS ROCKFORD SOX, 20c A PAIR A fine line of Men's and Ladies' Eath Robes, which arc good Christmas Gifts BLANKETS Wool Blankets in Mottled Gray and Brown S lb Blanket for $18.00 7 lb Pdanket for $15.75 o 11) Blanket for $13.50 5 11) Hlanket for -$11.25 Plain Gray Wool Blankets 5 lb Blanket for $16.00 7 lb Blanket for $14.00 6 lb Blanket for $12.00 5 lb P.lanket for $10.00 LADIES' SHOES Si 5.00 Shoes, now $12.50 $12.50 Shoes, now $10.00 $10.00 Shoes, now $9.00 MEN'S SHOES Si 5.00 Shoes, now $12.50 $12.50 Shoes, now $10.00 $10.00 Shoes, now $9.00 $1.00 OFF ON ALL BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES 50c OFF ON ALL INFANTS' SHOES SUITS AND OVERCOATS Men's Suits for . .$25.00 to $50.00 Men,s Overcoats $25.00 to $40.00 Ladies' and Children's Coats at a llig Reduction 10 ',' OFF ON ALL BOYS' and GIRLS' UNION SUITS Numerous Other Articles at LESS PRICES $13.50 Men's $16.50 Mackinaws for $12.50 We Are Here to Serve at Less Prices Three