Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 21, 1920, Image 1

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    V -
Volume 7.
Heppner, Oregon, Tuesday, December 2i, 1920.
Number 34.
? ' ''. V.' I'..'.
1 4
I 5
Mary Clark in Title Role, Roland
Humphreys as Butler, Make
Jerome K. Jerome's popular play,
"Fanny and the Servant Problem,"
was presented by members of the
Heppner high school to a large audi
ence at the Star theatre last Friday
evening and it is not too much to say
that every one in the cast from lead
ing lady to, chorus girls covered
themselve with glory and won credit
for their school and particularly for
''f their coach, Miss Palmateer, and
4 their musical director, Miss Dafoe,
who directed the production.
Miss Mary Clark, in the title role,
made a decided hit showing much
real ability in depicting tne ideas and
emotions of a real actress, and Ro
land Humphries, as Martin Bennett,
the butler, also showed merit. El
mer Peterson, as Fanny's husband,
took his part well, and Kathryn Pat
tison didn't need to act much to take
the part of the typical old maid
housekeeper. Margaret Woodson
and Honoria Bennett took the part
of maids splendidly and Ray McDuf
fee was the ideal footman. Reliance
Moore and Evelyn Humphreys, as
Fanny's aunts by marriage,, had an
awful time adjusting themselves to
the thought of having an actress in
the family, while Ellis Irwin, as- us
ual, made the typical family doctor,
and Elwood Orr very nicely repre
sented Fanny's business manager.
Other members of the company were:
Ethyl Mikesell, Coramae Crawford,
Florence Cason, Bernice Sigsbee, Iris
Winnard, Elizabeth Huston, Velma
Case and Esther Neel.
- Chorus girls were: Velma Case,
Leola Bennett, Bernice Sigsbee, Es
ther Neel, Reita Neel, Coramae Craw
ford, Florence Cason, Violet Merritt,
Dorothy Pattison. Violet Hynd, Bes
sie Yoakum. .
Special choru:-es and other num
bers introduced between acts were
all of leal merit among them being
the choruses, "For Me and My Gal,"
"Thop Your Thuttering Jimmie,"
"Alice Blue Gown," from the musical
comedy, "Irene," and "Reduced to
$1.99." Ted Young also favored
with a few reels of pure "Nonsense."
Mrs. A. Henriksen of "Willow
Creek" ranch left on Friday for a
three-months' visit amongst her rela
tives in Illinois and North Eakoi.
' Cashier Weavers from Iouo Bank
-onored Cecil with a short visit on
' jVhday.
'( -Air. and Mrs. Goo. Miller of "FHgh
view" were visiting at "Fairview,"
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lo
gan on Sunday.
Mrs. Hazel Logan of Four Mile
was visiting her Cecil friends on
Zecnith Logan left on the local
on Sunday for Yakima where he will
visit for a short time. When he re
turn:! Cecil expects he won't b'i alone.
Charley Sperry of lone was a busi
ness man in Cecil on Monday.
Three fine bands of sheep belong
ing to Smythe of Arlington, passed
through Cecil during the past few
Ed Martin arrived at "Butterly
Flats" on Sunday fronr. Hynd Bros.
7 ' h at Freezout with another fine
.i-'Ch of sheep belonging to Hynd
',o's., which will winter at Cecil.
Geo. D. Anderson, camptender for
Hynd Bros., came to "Butterly Flats"
from L'kiah on Monday with some
cattle to obe fed eJ the Cecil ranch.
T. W. Wilde of "Broadacres" wa9 a
business visitor in Cecil on Wednes
day. Claire Calkins who has been work
ing around Yakima, paid Cecil a
short visit on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters of
"Shady Dell" were lone visitors on
Jack Hynd left on the local on
Thursday for Pendleton where he
will attend the Woolgrowers' meet
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Honriksen of
Rhea, spent a short time amongst
their Cecil friends on Thursday.
FOR $250,000
Millions of Children Starving
lurupe olive vno
Baby's Life
"Ten dollars will buy the life of a
child until next harvest."
Let America entertain at Christ
mas dinner as many children of Eu
rope as the can afford as their little
invisible guests.
These appeals from Herbert Hoov
er, Chairman of the European Relief
Council, premise Oregon's initial ap
peal for $2 50,000 to be raised be
tween December 19 and 2 5, as part of
a nation-wide effort to save the lives
of 3,500,000 of Europe's baby war
Enlisted in the emergency organi
zation recruited under the impetus
of the powerful appeal within a week
of Robert E. Smith, State Director,
and his assistants, are Liberty Loan,
Red Cross, Knights of Columbus,
Jewish Relief Association,. Y. M. C. A.
Y. W. C. A., and many other workers.
Financial assistance will be so
licited in Morrow county during the
week of December 19 to 2 5 to help
feed the lives of starving children in
Europe. Herbert Hoover, world-honored
practical philanthropist, .caye
that 3,500,000 children are actually
dying of starvation in war-torn Eu
rope, and that $10 will save the life
of one child until the coming harvest.
A Btate wide organization has tak
en hold of the work in Oregon, and
an active campaign will be put on
between the dates named. Vawter
Crawford has been appointed director
for the drive in Morrow county.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and family of
Ewing, were doing business in Ar
lington on Thursday.
Grover Curtiss was also an Arling
ton visitor and Mrs. Jack Hynd and
son, Herb, and nephew, T. W. Lowe,
were also in Arlington on Thursday.
Homer Nash who has been work
ing for A. Henriksen at "Willow
Creek" left on the local on Friday
for The Dalles, where he will visit
with his parents during the Christ
mas holidays. '
Miss Hazel Winter of "Shady Dell"
who has been visiting in North Yaki
ma for several weeks, returned to
Cecil on Tuesday.
Miss Olive Logan, who has been
visiting with her brother, Leon, at
Four Mile for the last month, left on
the local on Thursday for her home
in Portland.
Mr. E. Warfield of Morgan was a
caller in Cecil on Friday.
Masters Herbert and Jackie and T.
W. Lowe motored to Heppner Friday
and took in the school entertain be
fore leaving town.
The "Mayor" of Cecil was seen
puffing and blowing for all he was
worth on the Cecil railroad crossing
on Thursday morning. He stood and
viewed a moving object in the dis
tance and was then seen to toss up
his liat and heard to murmur "Blame
me for the first time in my life I have
missed my train and needn't have
done that if my blamed "Deputy" had
not been to Beek and find before I
could leave my town."
"Dr. Yak" at last has been able to
crank up his "348" at Cecil and has
taken to travelling once more. Last
seen of him he was going like the
wind bound for the Egg City.
Dr. Van Water.' o; Portland, will
give a Christmas service in Cecil hall
on Monday, December 27 at 8 o'clock
in the overling. All are invited to
come end jjoin In the suvice.
Snow fell in Cecil on Saturday to
the depth of two or more inches, but
at time of writing, was slowly dis
Little Miss Erma Duvall enter
tained a number of friends at the
Duvall home north of Lexington, De
cember, in honor of her !ith birthday.
The afternoon was spent playinc
games after which delirious refresh
ments were served. Those present
were: Cecil Gibson, Billy Mishey,
Lloyd Ward, Etila Gibson, Earl Jones,
Louis Mishey, Dale Ward, Virgil Gib
son, Richard Jones, Clarare Mishey.
Ethel Jones. Vivian While, Haze:
Ritchey. Harriet White, Olin Ritchie,
George White, Winford Duvall.
Joy Will Be Vncoiifmeil in Heppner
December 31 mid January 1
B. P. O. E. stands for Benovolent
Order of Elks. Sometimes written
by admirers of the order, Best Peo
ple on Earth, will hold a high jinks
in Heppner about the time Old Man
19 20 is gathered to his fathers and
the infant prodigy, 1921 makes his
first appearance on earth for, be it
known, on December 31, 1920 and
January 1, 1921, the new temple re
cently completed by Heppner lodge,
No. 358, will be dedicated to the uses
for which it has been erected.
The occasion will not be marked
by any consideration degree of gloom
for the Brother Bills are noted for
their sunny dispositions, their broad
and heartening smiles and their abil
ity to stay up all night when occasion
requires and to laugh and dance and
eat during all their waking hours.
As a sort of appetizer for the fes
tivities to follow Pat Foley, proprie
tor of the new St. Patrick hotel, ab-
ly aiaea ana abetted by resident man
ager James Hart and his able corps
of assistants, will make formal open
ing of the new hostelry with an elab
orate dinner at 5:30 Friday evening,
just after the visiting members of the
antlered herd arrive in town. This
dinner,, so it is said, will mark a new
era in Heppner's hotel history and
will be earnest of the future service
the management expects to render
the Heppner public.
Following the dinner Carry House
man, of Portland, with his company
of specialty artists, will put on a big,
8-act vaudeville show at the Star,
the like of which has never before
been presented in the Inland Empire.
Following the show a grand ball will
be given in the big ball room in the
Elks' temple and it is understood the
clock will stop at the mystic hour or
eleven but the dance will not stop.
The vaudeville show, with an en
tire change of program, will be re
peated Saturday evening and another
dance, for members of the order and
their ladies only, will follow.
Saturday morning at 10:00 o'clock
the corner stone ceremonies will be
held when the tablet will be placed
in position and at 2:30 in the after
noon the dedication will be held in
the lodge room.
At 5:30 in the afternoon the Elks'
banquet will be given at the new
hotel when Heppner lodge will en
tertain visiting brothers and their
ladies. Two hundred covers will be
laid for this occasion.
Delegations will be present from
Portland, The Dalles, Pendleton, La
Grande, Baker and Walla Walla and
the occasion will be a gala time in
Chas. B. Cox, exalted ruler of
Heppner lodge of Elks, is in Portland
this week under treatment of a spe
cialist in stomach troubles. Mem
bers of the lodge are making daily
invocation that Charlie will be fully
restored to health hefore the 31st
and that he will return with an ap
petite in good working order for the
A pleasant birthday party was giv
en at the Benge home last Saturday,
the occasion being the 10th birthday
of Mr. and Mrs. Benge's son, Tirril.
Games and refreshments were the or
der. Those present, all of whom are
members of Terrel's Sunday school
class were: Vivian Cason, Ethel
Craddick, Patricia Mahoney, Margar
et Notson, Kenneth Oviot, James
Hager, Homer Hager, Lawrence Case.
White House Ready
The coal yards of Washington
are being taken nt the White II
1. ...... I. '.,..! .! ut..,...t l tt ivi.t...
"' "' 11. , j-,.,,.., ii, ii.t: . jiii
tlblllty of a coalles.i winter.
CIATION" Pine City, December 26, 1920
Since the appointment of ?.he joint
committee from Umatilla and Mor
row counties, there has been much
Important work done in securing a
part of the survey and getting work
started on this road, but matters of
vital importance in regard to immedi
ate future are now pending, and a
meeting is hereby called, of all in
terested in the building of the road
from Lena to Columbia, to meet at
Pine City, December 26, 1920 at 3
p. m.
Since three
held in Umatilla county, one at Uma
tilla, and two at Thompson, school
house, this one is called to meet at
the Junction of Big and Little Butter
Creek, which is the most central
point of all concerned in the build
ing of this road, and your president
and secretary urges a full attendance
and free discussion of the reports of
commiuees, and plans for future
work, and the election of officers at
this annual meeting. ,
J. P. CONDOR, President.
F. A. CHEZIK, Secretary.
The following information and
suggestions, relative to the wheat
and flour situation are being sent out
by the Tri-State Terminal Co., of
romana: .
Buy a Barrel of Flour.
There is danger that the United
States will be confronted by a severe
shortage of flour before the next crop
is harvested.
Aided by speculative low prices
which were brought about in thetr
interest and helped along by our own
government, the foreign buyers have
already secured enough of our own
wheat 'o "irmr a shortage in the
carry over.
If the present movement continues
for another thirty days, we, before
iieai aai vesi, win nave lo euner go
back to war rations or else buy back
from them the wheat that we must
Flour will undoubtedly advance in
price very soon and steadily. It Is
good business for you to buy your
requirements now.
In addition you will be helping the
wheat growers as a flour buying
movement which is now being start
ed all over the country will put. the
mills in the market and will provide
competition for the foreign buyers.
According to the best information
obtainable the following statement
shows the visible wmeat supplies, De
cember 1:
Carry over 1 59,000,000
Govt. Crop Estimate 751,000,000
Imported from. Canada.. 20,000,000
Domestic consumption
last season 480,000,000
Lost in screenings 5,000,000
Exports 176,000,000
Sold for export, but not
yet Bhipped 60,000,000
Required for seed 75,000,000
Annual disappearance
of wheat, based on
last season 45,000,000
Used for feed based on
last year 32,000,000
Normal or average car
ry over 80.000,000
Immense stocks have been sold for
export since December 1, 1920.
Springlike weather cannot always
last during December even In Hepp
ner ns the present snow storm proves.
for Coal Shortage
ii,iy ami win
r coming on, no ehimees
U,.t,...l l...'u ..... , 1 . .
...I n-iT. ,i .in wiioii niive inreu'iy
1r I.i..., - ... ...
.live iilreudj
list till! pOS-
- i.ii.tc i'iii it, ij u 1 1
Situation, in Congress for Irrigation
Legislation is More
John H. Lewis, engineer for the
John Day Irrigation district, has ad
dressed a letter to the district direc
tors in which he announces tits in
tention of being present at the next
regular meeting of the board to be
held January 4, 1921, when he will
make a preliminary report of the
present status of the engineering
work on the project on which he has
been at work with three surveying
parties since mid-summer. Mr. Lew
is will have maps, drawings and pic
tures showing many interesting rea
tures of the work in which he is en
gaged and will alr-o prepare a brief
summary of the work already ac
complished and the general status of
the project which will be presented
by the directors to the Oregon Irriga
tion congress to meet in Portland on
January 7 and 8.
Mr. Lewis also states in his letter
that the situation, in congress Is be
coming more favorable for construc
tive irrigation legislation and lie be
lieves that by the date of the irriga
tion congress the situation in Wash
ington will have progressed to a
point where plans for financing and
constructing the project may reason
ably be taken up.
It is the wish of the directors of
the district that the business men
and citizens generally of Heppner
and Morrow county be present at the
January meeting to learn first-hand
from Mr. Lewis just what the situa
tion is. -
The annual election of directors
will be held on January 11, 1921,
when two directors are to be elected:
one for a three-year term, to succeed
C. C. Clark, of Arlington, present
chairman, and one for a one-year
term to succeed Ed Reitman, who
was appointed to fill an unexpired
Secretary Brown wishes it to be
known that all nominations for di
rectors must be filed in his office by
January 1, 1921.
If no regular nominations are
made the election cannot be held and
the present incumbents will hold
About 50 young people of Heppner
and vicinity planned and put over
a pleasant surprise party at the
Fianl: floiahan home last Thursday
ev nirg, the surprise- 01 Ing James
Sheridan, for years foreman on the
Monalian ranch, and John McCartan,
also cinp'oyed there. The occasion
for tli" party was the eve of the de
parture of these two estimable young
niei, for New York City where they
will spend a portion of the winter
visiiin I'rii mis and relatives.
While the Herald has no direct
proof lor the statement, It. may be
said tiiiit the closest, friends of the
I young nu n w ill be In no way sur
prised If they should each bring back
a bliiHliing bride from the eastern
The evening was spent most pleas
antly, the entertainment being large
ly of a musical nature,. "the entertain
ers being Mii.scs Grace Mollahan and
Mary McVena, who sung several
aongH of the Irish Republic, and
i Messrs Barney Devlin and John Prior
both of whom are talented violinists.
Mr. Sheridan and Mr. McCartan
left Friday morning for the East.
The members of the Lexington
Farm Bureau met In the loinl hull
Monday afternoon and held an enihu.
slasiic discussion of the proposed
; plan to provide a co-operative mar
keting Hheme for the wheat crop of
1921. I liese men are all tired of the
'present method of marketing wheat
and feel that something must he done
to provide belter methods for the lu
ture. Joe iievine was elected as a
delegate to the wheat marketing
meeting wiih J. II, Carinae'lieul alter-
. nale. In providing Ihe re-organization
of the Kurm liureau for the next
'year, V. E. Way was elected presi
dent; J. It. Ciirinacliejil I'ommjtiee
mun in charge of wheat varlems;
.George While, eo-opct a 1 1 ve market
ing committeeman; Joe Iievine, toad
I supervisor for the district with
Minister Present Boars Witness To
Value of Physical Training
In Character Building;
If there is a man or lmv in u.
ner between the ages or 10 and 100
who wasn't present at the American
Legion smoker last Saturday night
that individual missed anvwhern
trom $10 to Sinn worth ai ,
. . - - .. . .... wl f-uuiue
joy and real sport depending on how
many dollars he hud in his pocket
ami now mucn rea blood in his veins
Judging bv the
there could not have been many stay-
ni-uuiiiea ior uie Dig lodge hall in the
Odd Fellow's buildine- hq i,,,..,.
with as enthusiastic a bunch nf (as
as ever came down the pike. It was
a truly cosmopoitan crowd composed
of all ages from lower grade school
kids to grandfathers, and all classes
and conditions of men ranging from
sheepherders and other workns men
right down the line to Krcnants,
bankers, doctors,. lawyrrS, editors,
and a minister.
The program of boxing and wrest
ling bouts was, like the audience
varied as to age, weight and training
but every fellow was a real Spartan
in that he did his darndost and re
fused to lay down except when he
was knocked down and then came up
smiling every time ready for another
go. And the funny thing about it
was that every match was just ns
good as any other match which is the
natural result of everything being on
the square and no faking. The 10-year-old
kids with their sock heels
out received the same applause as
did the two old-time heavyweights
Jack O'Neil and Put Foley, who In
spite of a bit too much avoirdupois,
put on a splendid wrestling exhibi
tion and looked like a couple of mil
lion dollars rollini? nnmnH in ,.,t
title is too Short to rieaerlho lhn
many matches in detail because, for
three solid hours there was some
thing doing every minute with Harry
uMinuiiKS ana nis violin ttt fill in the.
short time required to tie on the
gloves or unroll the mat.
Following the entertainment cor
fee and sandwiches were served to
everybody,, and Rev. George U. Van
Waters, I). D., pastor of the Episco
pal church, who was an interested
spectator of the evening's entertain
ment, made a short address com
mending the value of athiotics In tho
buildim; of sound hndlea elmin tni,,ja
and admirable characters.
Too much praise cannot bo given
the members of the American Legion
for their eJ.orts in promoting clean,
healthful sport in Heppner.
To tho Editor:
We are mailing a copy of this
communication to each paper In Um
atilla and Morrow counties, asking
you to give it as wide a publicity a
you will, as wo feel V'iat everyone In
each of these two counties Is Interest
ed not only as taxpayers, but the
traveling public, In passing from ono
county to the other,, must pass over
some portion of this road.
We believe that nn Inspection of
this road will reveal that one of lhe
most used roads In. Morrow and Um
atilla counties has been neglected
through a lack of interest and atten
tion of those most, concerned In tho
distribution of funds, and all that is
necessary to get this road completed
In the near future Is to concent rati)
thought and attention upon 11.
The meeting Ih called for Sunday
afternoon thai the businessmen from,
the di.J-erenl towns and cities, who
have expressed the preference tor
this time that the stores and offices
will be closed, limy attend. lone,
Lexington, Heppner, Hardiniin, Lena,
and intermediate points almost uni
versally pass over some of this ronto
In getting Into and from I'matilla
county, and practically the whole or
I'matilla county must pass over sumo
in getting into Morrow county. Tim
deplorable condition of part of thin
road has thus been marked by local
as well as through travel and doubt
less there will he a large attendanro
if the meeting Is well announced.
Important matters will be decided,
early In the New Year, In regard to
this road and all Interested should
attend this meeting, that the fullest
and freest discussions may be hail of
these very vlial questions.
Thanking you In advance for what
ever discussion and space you may
give to this announcement In your
paper, I am
Yours for "GOOD ROADS",
Geon'e Peck deputy for the south
side of the district; Frank Moore, al
falfa and Irrigation committeeman;
J. K. Gentry, labor committeeman;
W. K. Harnett, orchard committee
man. There was considerable dis
cussion regarding the locution and
financing of the market toad leading
out of Lexington. Altogether lliln
was one of the most important meet
ings ever held by the fanners around
L. A. HI 'NT,
County Agent.