Four THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesdav. December 14. 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD! AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ! S. A. PATTISON, Kditor and Publisher church xotict:s Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postotfiee as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $.?.oo Six Months $1.00 Three Months S0.50 hUKKM.W 1 AIIMKKS CLAIM WHIvAT COSTS $1.81 I'KU I5C Careful iiiv ;;tigations made by the Sherman Conn I. v Farm Bureau, based "n ligures -:')( by cooperating fartn T, reveals Ilic fact that: the average Oi t of producing a bushel of wheat year wv $1.85. H.ill of the tnrm a produced their, crop at a figure above this, .some running as high as $2.40. Whal will happen to wheal fanners foife lo fell on the present marki't is only loo well known by those familiar with conditions. The county farm bureau, which has TO per conl of Die fanners in its membership, and which has been very active along these lines, is in a posi tion to speak for the section. At the last sesion of the executive committee a draft of the available figures was made and sent to the representatives and senators from Oregon as well as the American. Farm Jiureau Federation. twenty guesls at bridge last Wednes day afternoon at the Spencer home on Chase street. Handsome prizes were awarded to Miss Mary Farns wort.h, Mrs. V7. II. Irwin and Mrs. Sam E. VanVactor. Those present declare the afternoon was a most en joyable one. Horses Lost On" bay gelding branded 1! under qunilir circle; weight about 1100; one blaelt gelding branded It under quarter circle, weight about 1400; one hay gelding branded bar over in verted V, while stripe in fare, weigh! about 1 400. All three have had manes roached and are work horses. Any informal bin will be paid for. Address Powell & Fellows, Vale, Ore gon. ?,3-?i Informal llriilgc Parly Mrs. A. W. Ayers and Mrs. S. W. Spencer informally enlertaiued ahoul SCHOOL l'l,.V I KID.W VIC NT Student body of Heppner high school will give the popular play, "Fanny and the Servant Profi le,,!," at the Star theater next Friday evening. Regular' school notes were received too late for publication this week. The Backward Bird. The lanilngo performs a number of Its dally ri;:tles In n backward or up side d'jwn manner. When tin: flamin go dines, It rests Its head In the mud oil the bottom of a shallow stream, and irhlle It strains the Insects out of the Rater It takes both u backward and un upside-down view of the world abo jt It Point for the Dog. fo nnbnals think? asks a scientist Well, a dog turns armnd three or foui fillies before lying down to go to sleep while n man, without giving the mattei any thought, lies down, goes to sleep and then turns over several times waking himself each time. Louisville Courier-Journal. hus- The Wise Wife. A smart wife won't let her band get up and give one of the clill dren n drink after he goes to bed, be cause f she does, be will go around all the next day complaining that he was up all night anil never got a wink of sleep. Arknnsiiw Ttmmns Cut. HOGS MAKE BIG MHNEY Mr. Pete Wing, of Hawk Point, Mo., made a lot of money out of his hogs. He says: "I fed them Dr. LeCear's Hog Prescriptoin. It has given wonderful 'esults in putting gains on tbeiu with less feed. They were on hoc'.' feed for only a month; averaged a gain of 2 Mi pounds dai'y, and were only 7 months, IP 'days oltl when sold." Mr. Wing profited by the advice of Dr. LeGear,. Graduate Veterinarian and F.xpert Poultry Breeder of 28 years' standing. Dr. LeGear's Hog Prescription will put weight on your hogs also, be cause it expels worms, purifies the blood and conditions them so that they gain flesh on less feed. It makes no difference what ail ment is prevalent among your stock or poultry, it is money in your pock et to get the propeiDr. LeGear Rem edy from your dealer, on a satisfac tion or money back offer. HEPPNER LODGE, NO. 358, Will Celebrate the Holiday 2 Dancing P Season with arties For Members of the Order, and Their Ladies, ONLY (5 :&Va? Held in the Big Ball Room, New Elks' Building Christmas, December 25 An Old Time, Yule tide Party and the Social Event of the Season Unrivaled Music Furnished by Portland Orchestra New Year's Eve, Dec. 3ist. An Informal Party of Good Fellows and Fair Ladies Adieu to the Old Year-Welcome to the New Snell's Superb Orchestra, of Arliugton All Elks Within Reach Cordially Invited Tickets - - - - $2.00 H. A. Duncan, B. P. Stone, Gay Anderson, Com. The first Christian Church. The usual services of the Church : will be held on Sunday, consisting of the Bible School at ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion Service and Preaching at eleven o'clock. The evening Services will consist of the Christian Endeavor Service at seven o'clock and song Service and Preaching at eight o'clock. Everey one is cordially invited to attend these services. V. O. Livingstone, Minister. GILLIAN & BiSBEE Christian Science Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday Sshool at 9:45 a. m. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Siocum. All inter ested are cordially invited to attend these meetings. Established 1887 Largest Exclusive Retail Hardware & Implement House in Oregon Christmas Gifts That Count Buy something useful this time and make Christmas joy last all year. We are offering substantial reductions on many lines of de sirable presents, including China and Glass Ware, Parker Foun tain Pens, Pocket, Table and Kitchen Cutlery, the Famous Gillette Safety Razors, Aluminum Ware, Flashlights, Electric Lamps, and many other useful and beautiful articles. SPECIAL COMMUNITY SILVERWARE at 25 per cent Reduction Cosnpaoy Wholesale Supply House Heppner, Oregon Owned and Controlled by Farmers WE PAY CASH for Chickens, Tur keys, Geese, Ducks, all kinds of Poultry both live and dressed, based on Portland markets and grades, less transportation. We can furnish you coops. Make this place your headquarters when in Heppner. We are glad to serve you in any way possible Tri-State Terminal Co. -fit