Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 14, 1920, Image 1

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    S. E. N0T30N
Volume 7.
Members of Farmers' Vnion Will
Cooperate in Marketing
Products .
At the convention of the Farmers'
Union o Oregon and Southern Ida
ho held at Dallas last week it was
unanimously agreed that the presi
dent of this union take steps immed
iately to prepare a binding contract
,'.'or the individua lgrain grower to
f f ii m: m r
ill Willi me lll-iatilLB ifiumiai lyui
The following resolutions were ad
opted at the Dallas meting:
We, j'our committee on marketing,
beg leave to report as follows:
1st Board of Trade: yre believe
that speculative trading on the ex
changes abrogates the normal rela
tionship between supply and demand,
and ask for legislation prohibiting
sales for future delivery, unless the
vendor is in actual possession of the
commodities sold; and we further en
dorse the Capper bill now pending
in the United States senate and in
struct our secretary to notify Senator
Capper, Senator-elect Ladd and our
senators from Oregon of our action.
2d We believe that all farm prod
ucta should be sold cooperatively,
thereby enabling the grower or his
representative to have a voice in fix
ing the price thereof.
3d We believe that all marketing
organizations that have shown pro
ficiency should be supported and
used as far as possible. We believe
ihat the Tri-State Terminal Co. is the
most practical cooperative grain mar
ketinc ore.in izatinn in the conntrv.
and we believe the individual grain
grower ";ot in a position to proper
ly market his crop by reason of biT
isolation and lack of sufficient' in-
Therefore, we recommend that the
president of this Union and hie board
and ruch assistane as he may request
shall at once prepare a binding con
tract for the individual grain grower,
to sign with the Trl-State Terminal
Co., and if the president shall find
that this cannot be legally done, then
the president and his assistants shall
at once prepare a contract whereby
the grain growers shall form a-pool
of their grain for a term of years,
with the Tri-State Terminal Co. as
their selling agent.
Inasmuch as transportation is so
expensive, we recommend that all
raw products be manufactured into
finished products as nearly as possi
ble, especially wheat.
1 . Dr. C. J. WHITAKER,
y- vuimiiiiiee
Deputy Sheriff Harry Selby re
turned from Pendleton Friday even
ing bringing with him one Buck
Chayme, who is now in the county
jail charged with defrauding Mrs.
Hein, who conducts a boarding house
at Boardman.
Chayme had stopped at Mrs. Hein's
place for several days, and, so the
lady avers, one day borrowed $5.00
from her to make a short business
trip io Hermiston. After he left, so
it is said, Mrs. Hein missed a couple
of valuable rings and a fountain pen,
kjand as he did not return at the time
he faiu he would sue oecame suspict
,ous, and securing an officer, started
on his trail. Going to Hermiston
they found the man had not slopped
there, and upon arriving at Pendle
ton Mrs. Hein discovered Chayme at
the depot In the act of buying a tick
et to Walla Walla. She called an of
ficer and had him placed under ar
rest, and later placed a charge of de
frauding a boarding house keeper
against him. The fountain was found
in his pocket, but the rings were not
Dell Alstott met with a painful ac-
cident o few days ago while feeding ! Goodman, M. L. Case, W. H. Cronk.
an alfalfa cutter. A strong wind was i
blowing and a stalk of alfalfa was I Local ?Hts are planning a big time
driven into Mr. Alstotts right ear ! when the new Elks' temple is dedl
with sufficient force to puncture the cated. Arrangements may be made
ear drum. He 19 recovering from the to bring Carry Houseman and his
injury and it la believed his hearing company of entertainers from Port
wi!l not be permanently Impaired. land for the occasion.
Band Appropriation Cut Eightmile
Rural Route Urged Delegates
A well attended meeting of the
Commercial club was held in council
chamber last Wednesday evening,
when considerable busines-s of impor
tance to the welfare of Heppner and
Morrow county was transacted.
Considerable discussion was had
on the question of continuing the ap
propriation of $100 a month to. the
city band as salary to Prof. James
Austin,, band instructor. While all
members endorsed the value of a well
trained band to the community many
members took the view that rmnnc:ai
support of the organization should
come from the city rather than from
the Commercial club. It was pointed
out that with the present membership
and income of the club an appropria
tion of $100 a month to the band
would leave but little money for oth
er purposes. It was finally decided
by a vote of the club to cut the ap-
propriation to. $50 a month, and a
committee was appointed to confer
with the city council in an effort to
aid the band in securing further aid,
from that source.
It appearing that the postoffice at
Eightmile has been discontinued, and
that the people of the Rhea creek,
Eightmile and Dry Fork neighbor
hoods are in need of a rural route, a
committee composed of L. E. Bisbee,
W. H. Cronk and S. E. Notson was
appointed to take necessary steps in
preparing and circulating petitions
asking for the establishment of the
proposed route. ,
One of the most important meas
ures for the public weal yet under-,
taken by the club, the matter of mov
ing the Heppner depot from its pres
ent location "down toward Lexing
ton," into Heppner, was taken up
and pretty thoroughly discussed. Ac
cording to local tradition the railroad
company expected to build into Hepp
ner when the road was first con
structed, but that obstacles were
thrown in the company's path in the
way of excessive right-of-way de
mands and the company officiale re
fused to be held up. It is said that
the real object of the right-of-way
owners was to try to make Heppner
move down to where the depot now
is. The scheme failed and after all
these years in which the mountain
ha3 steadfastly refused to go to Ma
homet, the club has decided to make
a mighty effort to have Mahomet go
to the mountain.
Arguments were made Wednesday
evening in support of the contention
that the present is an opportune time
to urge the claims of the city of
Heppner on the attention of the rail
road company, and a committee com
posed of C. E. Woodson, W. P. Ma
honey and Frank Gilliam was ap
pointed to take action.
The question of sending delegates
to the meeting of the State Chamber
of Commerce on the 28th and 29th
;of the present month, and to the Ore-
gon Irrigation congress on January
7th and Sth brought out a unanimous
expression that the club should be
represented by strong delegations at
both meetings.
Upon motion by Hunt It was de
cided to send five delegates to the
irrigation congress and a delegation
of two to the State Chamber meeting.
The matter of the need of suitable
quarters for club rooms and gymna
sium for the boys was brought to the
attention of the club by Ted Young,
member of the senior class of the
high school. Mr. Young pointed out
tpat as minors are barred from pool
rooms, etc., there Is no place left for
them but the streets, and such a con
dition is not good for the general
moral condition of the city. After
discussion a committee was appoint
ed to confer with the American Le
gion and see what arrangemenrs
could be made with that organization.
iThe committeemen are: Deau T.
Heppner, Oregon, Tuesday, December 14, 1920
Playing Mother and Father to His Baby Brother
This Is a common sight In Poland today, eight and ten-yenr-old children
mothering and fathering their baby brothers and sisters. Ths photograph,
secured bj an American Jewish Relief woier at Brest-Lltovsk, shows mi
eight-year-old boy feeding his little brother from a bowl of hot soup Just
secured at a feeding station supported through American funds. The relief
workers found 10,000 children, mostly war orphans, living In deserted dug-outs
at Brest-Lltovsk.
It Is to aid such waits as these that the European Relief Council has
been formed by merging the relief activities of the American Relief Admin
istration, the American Red Cross, the American Friends' Service Committee
(Quakers), the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In America, the
Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Knights of Columbus, the V. M. O. A.
tad the Y. W. C. A.
Long Court Fight Ends in Alleged
Murderer Being Found Not
Guilty '
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 10. Freder
ick Rader, Grant county rancher
charged with the murder of E. E.
McCue, whom he fatally shot in an al
tercation arising In February, 19 IS,
at the latter's ranch near John Day,
today was acquitted by a circuit court
jury here after six hours dellberttion.
Rader was convicted before circuit
court in Grant county In the spring
of 1918, sentenced to seven years in
the state penitentiary, fined $7,000
and costs. His case was appealed
soon afterward, however, and appeal
argued before the state supreme
court twice. The supreme court re
manded the trial to the circuit court,
here and the tase opened under
Judge Phelps Monday.
Attorneys for Rader brought a
strong case against the state, using
self-defense as the foundation of
their plea.
Testimony presented showed that
Rader had shot McCue in a quarrel
which resulted over a pasture bill
McCue owed Rader's father.
Witnesses also testified to the fact
that McCue was the aggressor in the
fatalfight, and that he was much
larger in stature than was the defend
ant, who fired the six shots which
resulted In McCue's death two days
later, only after he had taken a beat
ing at the hands of McCue.
The defense called Frank Hales,
only eye-witness of the fight, to tes
tify after the state had rested Its
case without his testimony.
Would Amend Pure Bred Bull I .aw
Changes in the Oregon Pure Bred
Bull Law will be asked at the coming
legislature. The preseD laws do net
properly define the term "pure bred
Lull" because by the law je same
ae not required to oe registered.
Hence the act lacks the necessary
teeth. Forest Reserve officials and
other agencies are asking to have
i this law strengthened when it then
will be rigidly enforced.
Matt Mollahan, of Rhea creek, who
has been for some time suffering
from gall stones, underwent an ope
ration by Dr. McMurdo last Wednes
day and yesterday wag reported to be
improving rapidly.
Slight Taste Is Due to the New Wood
Says Superintendent
Heppner folk who have been wor
rying about the purity of the water
supply brought to the city by the new
municipal gravity system should take
courage and a big drink of mountain
water, and snap their fingers at the
dreaded bacteria ' coll, or typhoid
germ, for, according to a report just
received by Water Superintendent
Pruyn from the state board of health
showing the result of a recent analy
sis of samples of Heppner city water,
"there is no such animile" in Hepp
ner water.
Two samples of the water were
submitted to the state board of health
by Mr Pruyn, No. 1 being taken from
the pipe line after being chlorinated,
but before entering the distributing
system, and No. 2, which was taken
from the distributing system.
The report follows:
Sample No. 1 Bacteris per CC, 8;
Bacteria Coll. (typhoid germs) per
CC. 0. ?
Sample No. 2 Bacteria per CC,
10; Bacteria coll. per CC, 0.
It is understood that water carry
ing as much as 100 bacteria per CC
is inimical to health and the above
analysis shows that Heppner enjoys
a pretty pure product in her water
supply, while the total absence of
typhoid germs should ally all fear on
the part of consumers and permit
them to enjoy the act of thirst
quenching without stint.
To a Herald reporter Saturday Mr.
Pruyn stated that the slight wood
taste detected In the water and of
which many people have complained,
Is doubtless due to the new redwood
pipe through which the water pasi-en,
and this view seems to be home out
by the fact that on occasions when
repairs were being made on the upper
line and the water stood In the wood j average Oregon horse working under
pipe for two or three ricys the taste j average Oregon farm conditions for
was much more noticabie than at any ja 5"'ar; the aggregate cost of this feed
other time. i ls "17.35 per year; From this
While it is probable that during : should be substracted $33 value of
freshets in the creek above the intake the manure, leaving an expense of
the water may have to be shut off for i hut. $78.35 for the year's feeding,
a day or tw;j and the ptipply pumped i These figures show really how cheap
from the weljs, such a condition may , ly a Rood draft horse may be main
only be expected to continue for talm-d puder farm conditions; fancy
short periods. attempting to compe te with auto mo-
Taken all amend Heppner people ( live or tractor power with this bill of
nhould be, and no doubt arr, mighty expense. Good draft mares should all
i road of their new' water system.
Imports of Foreign Wools Declines
Improved CaUle Market Expected
Demand lor Horses Grows
The State Live Stock Sanitary
Board, of whith body W. B. Barratt,
of Heppner, is vice president, sends
out the following interesting resume
of the present: live stock situation in
Oregon and t;he future outlook for
this iniportan I industry:
The live st ck industry is passing
through the long looked for read
justment period that everyone at all
familiar with the industry knew must
take place before the busines would
get back on a, firm foundation. The
surprising thi ng has been that things
are as good as they are. No great
amount of fonred liquidation, has tak
en place. The Presidential election,
which always brings about, business
stagnation, has passed and soon a
new Congress and a new President
will be, asked t:o pass what appears to
be much needed legislation for the
industry. Already it is reported that
there is a letting up in the buying of
certain foreign wools for import, (he
would-be purchaser fearing that he
may get caugh.t with his import prod
uct in the protection barbs of the
new tariff fence that this special ses
sion of congress may establish. Feed
is plentiful and must remain cheap.
In order to market the enormous hay
chop of nearly every section of Ore
gon, much winter feeding must be
resorted to, and a brisK home mar
ket for much Df our feeding stuff
ought to be in evidence.
The desert section of Oregon, which
has formerly bem used as a winter
range for many of our interior shep
herds, but which owing to the high
price of sheep during the war period
was not used beenmse of certain win
ter hazards, is now being thrown In
to use for the cheap carrying over of
many of our range flocks. The early,
fall rains have insured a rank growth
of all desert grasses, and a spring
lamb crop far above the average
ought to result from this year's carry
over of all range breeding ewes. The
spring market, which has been ex
ceedingly poor for the paHt year,
should be materially helped by pur
chasers from Montana, Wyoming, and
Rocky Mountain states Ihat have ex
perienced heavy winter losses during
last year, and a lamb crop of but
fifty per cent of the normal.
Cattle seem to have reached the
bottom, and a slight climb in price
might well be loo'ked for. Were it
not for our abundant hay crop the
feeder and yearling end would be a
source of some little concern, but as
the feed situation, is entirely satis
factory and much outside range is
everywhere reported, these unsold
animals may well be put to I ho prof
itable task of garnering a feed crop
that might, otherwise go ungathercd.
Statistics show that, Oregon cattle
profits are made from the range
running of cattle rather than from
the feed lot. This year might show
a much better spring balance than Is
now looked for. The Oregon rattle
producer has materially improved the
quality of his animals by bringing in
the use of pure blooded bulls on the
range and with good feed, a high and
desirable lype of animal will bo of
fered the range state fucders and
Horses are steadily becoming more
In demand. Decreased feed costs and
stationary or increased giwollno coHt
Is swinging the pendulum back In
favor of the horse. At present, fig
uring barley at 90c, oats at 60c, hay
at $25, per ton and pasture at $15
per acre for the year's pasture run
rent of 170 days, we find that 25.3
bushels of rolled barley, 27.8 bushels
i of oats, 1.7 tons of hay will keep an
be hied In the spring and rnge mares
Number 33.
Dining Room Pi-obably Ready
Christmas All Equipment
First Class
The new Heppner hotel is the scene
of much activity this week with a
small army of workmen installing the
carpets, furnitoure and other equip
ment. The work is being rushed in
order to accommodate the public at
the earliest possible moment.
Pat Foley,, lesso of the building and
proprietor of the new hostelry, is
hero in person, and with the ablo as
sistance of James Hart, resident man
ager of the establishment, is losing
not a moment in getting ready to
serve the public.
The new furniture is strictly first
class in every respect, being all high
ly finished hard wood, mostly ia
quarter-sawed American walnut and
oak. Carpets and rugs are also of
fine quality and texture.
Mr. Foley expects to have the
rooms ready for occupancy during
the present week, and the opening
of the dining room, will not bo de
layed more than a few days. It ia
expected the hotel will be running
smoothly in all departments before
Christ mas.
Mr. Foley is now proprietor of two
hotels at The Dalles in addition to the
Heppner hotel, which are known as
Ihe Foley etring of hotels, those al
ready in operation having an estab
lished reputation as first class places.
Arrangements are in progress be
tween a committee of the Elks lodge
and Mr. Foley by which the formal
opening of the hotel and the dedica
tion of the Elk3' building will be held
on the same date.
Mr. Foley has requestood the Her
ald to extend an Invitation on his be
half to everybody in Heppner and
Morrow county to call and inspect
the new building and furnishings
while they are being Installed or at
any other convenient time. He wishes
it understood that the Heppner hotel
is for the use of the Morrow county
public as well as the tourist and conv
merclal trade, and he says the guest
In overalls will be as welcome and
wil be accorded the same attention
as tho guest in business tweeds or
evening dress.
The furniture and other equipment
being put in by Mr. Foley will cost
in excess of $20,000, o an average;
of nearly $500 for tho 4 8 guest
chambers the building contains.
Those American Legion boys am
go-getters when It comes to keeping
things stirred up, and whenever they
can't think of anything else to do,
they give a smoker that practically
everybody attends. That's what's on
Ihe program for next. Saturday even
ing, December Sth. The mat will be
spread and the ropes si retched in I.
O. O. F. hall and there will be some
wrestling and sparrln gcxhlbil.ions
that will be good for what alls you.
There will also be eats and every
thing will bo free as air to all legion
members, while the nominal fee of 2.1
cents will be colli-cted at tho door
from others, simply as a reminder
that the show is worth several times
that amount.
If you like good clean sport and
want to encourage the organization
you should be there, you don't have,
to wrestle or box if yo don't want
to, but, if you get to feeling sporty,
there's nobody barred.
FrlendH of the Irish IU-piiMlc
Will hold a public meeting at. Pen
dleton December 19. Oregon Wool
growers will meet at the same city
on December 17 and IS. A largo
delegation will attend both meetings.
of fair type and reasonable bone and
Hl.e will be l Incensing demand.
Live stock growers havet a right, to
be optimistic about tho future of tho
industry. 1021 ought to be an aver
age year. It will call for the practise
of thrift and good feeding and better
farm and range care of our animals.