Eight THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 7, 1020 J J J a j IXJCAL NEWS ITEMS Horace Wells, young son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wells, whose life was tlespaireci of last week, is reported to le improving. C. II. Canmiell and family of Helix spent. Thanksgiving wok visiting his paients, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gammell and other relatives and friends. ISarnet.t Cloldstein, one of Port land's most prominent youn.T lawyers, spent the week-end in lleppner and flcliverod the oration at the Kilts me liiorial service Sunday afternoon. I'M Reitman is in town attending the John Day directors' meeting, of which board he is a member. Mr. Keitman sold a lot of weat. Monday while the sidling was better than 'it liad been. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tuilislon have moved into the residence recently va ca'ed by C. W. Milholland and family on Terrace Heights. Mr. Tulliston is Western Union operator at the 0. W. II. & N. station. Mis. John Far is, who left for Cen tral I'oinl. early last week to make a visit with her parents and other friends b'it became ill at Portland and returned to Heppner the next day lias recovered from her illness. Weather just like southern spring time in lleppner. Great country. liel Ii r buy a barrel or flour as a Christ mas present, for your family. It's good to have in the house and will help lo boost the price of wheat. A, hu ge delegation of local Knights of I'hylhias went to Pendleton yester day afternoon to attend the district convention of the order in session there last night. The delegation in cluded Chas. Thompson, L. A. Hunt, Ira Thornton, and several others. Clarence Hickey and family expect to leave in a day or two for Everett, ,'ashington, their former home. Mr. Hickey has been the engineer in change of construction of the new municipal gravity water system since about the first of the year. W. A. Goodwin of Board man re cently returned from McMinnville, where he was called by the death of his son, F. S. Goodwin, who dropped dead from heart disease while en gaged in his- usual work. Deceased was 37 years old, and leaves a wire and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Hammer of Heppner spent last Sunday in lone, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dapthorn. Mr. Hammer is the jolly baiter who fur- j nishes the people of Hennner with bread, cake and other good things. lone Independent. J. C. Ilallenger, lumber merchant, A. W. Cobb, president of the Board man Commercial Club, and Mr. Price, alfalfa grower, were in Heppner last Thursday putting the claims of their community before the county court in the matter of the intersection of the proposed north-south market road with the Columbia River high way. The geographical center of lioardman is the only place for that road to strike, affirms Mr. Cobb, and he is prepared to prove his position by facts, figures or oratory any old time. Heppner Herald Want Ads bring home the brcon. ."harter Number 3774 Reserve District No. 12 BEPOBT OP CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER at I (epjiner 111 the state of Oregon, at the dose of business on Nov. 15th, rut). BES0URCX3 loins mid illscniinlH, tnrliiilhu,' rediscount s (ex i nl.l thusc Hhowti (ln I, ii ml c) $1)07,219.33 'n il itiu-i-'-t1 liability accmint i,f m itunres tif this lunk jiii'i'h:isoil or (llsi DUlileil by it 7,400.011 T..U1 Leans DEDUCT: Ni.tex it hills ri-il i K.ciii ii I with I'Vileral Reserve ll.inli lullicr Hi. in ImiiU iiciipliiinis snlil) est-,. 1 1 4-m f, la.) i iverili-.it U, unsecured 'j74,i;rj.:a C.-.1l1.1i 2,1:58. (ill V. S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES OWNED: liM"elited lo m-:iire el ivulut Inn (IJ. S. bunds pur v.tllle) I wiled II ml unpledged Wir Siiviiikh I'crlil leaiiiH iind Thrift Mluiiipx ne- lu:l uwtieil Tutul IT. H. Ouvermiient tieeiiritittii OTHEB BONDS, SECURITIES, ETO.I he iirit tea, other limn It. H. hnmis (not including Hhii-HHl owned and llllpleduiU Htoek of Koderul Unnerve Hunk (fit) per cent of Hlltileripl loll ) V-tlue nf hiinkliiK hoiiHu, owned and unincumbered l'lH'llltllK illld flKtlllnH It.vil -Mtite owned other than bunkum Iioiiho .... Iuwfiil reserve with I'ederitl Kfxerve Hunk (Vin in v unit mul net iiinountH due from imtlouul I'.mkH Nm iiriiiiiinlH due from iNtiikH, hulikerH, and trUHt i-iilti"niii,"H til the t tilled ll!leM (oilier lllllll 111- eluded in llina II. 11!, or I'lifki on iilher hunk Hi Hie mum elly or town iiH reirtiiiK tiiink otlir tlui llem 6 T.ilill or II. ins I J. HI, II, IG, Hint 14 ' Ink. k4 'in l.ink"l lo uled nillK.tif of ellv or town of I i';-"i mt 1'iiuk Hil t I llli-r e.ish lleuiH U.".i-mi,;.i inn fund Willi I' S. Trt'iisuriT und ilua t i"'lu I . l I le:isni,-r Int. -.Hi , i . l(,tl hill in ( i'iM"' ted - u"lttlnule it i. .!", und t'.lU h" elviitiie tod i; due 2fi.000.00 31,0110.00 31. 320.40 83.811 9 LIABILITIES ' k p.u I In i , I. v ,i ., , t .in. . .I.'..--', nil. Ii-l, i if! I.ir p.ild.. ti I it -". "nut n..-' I, .1 t . ii .III.-. I in .t.l I ui.il.iiitv .inl .! i.iiiii.I i .it pi tni.il i-1 I I f i ii. . tin. I S 7.! I ." "O .i.i I : i "I'll niiii N" i ..,i,ls,1,e t." Ni'n-li.il Iiiokh ."i- i n'4 it., i. ik- !'..i.k.i. iind tlu"t . .'. . - ii in. I ii i "I ... ..n. I ."ll". .ii ' ' " "I i.'l I li tii ill. i 1. 1, .t I I I Ii III" . S ill . I ' ' ....... k .. : - ,i,.l i.,; ' h. "I' " Ii I' 'ilk ." iIh ituhiiiJ I, ..f "I.mi. . . '. ,. i i. ,.ii.i C.uiiui DCfiiHlTn lOOi.r I1.4U bunk dm'. ilil uji.ir m kci.kVi: .i.h bi w.tiiu 4yal: l .. I., i 1 k ... i i i - i in . ti. .in :.'i .i i - ' ." t ' . " 1. H.1J1 1 1 1. H 11 1 .it ,1 1. 1 .t. j 'I-. 1 it m i-.,i-k 1 ii ii-11. .. 1. ..." I i Ttir tirio ir tuujciT to aiicifi nr " itt la ! ur vubi, t 10 JD) A" J wr iuoi '!. AMtl M"tl IVkt4t I ' f it.",. .1! i".i!tir Dun f.-r iiioiii'' ! i-.-'i, I " .! ..I 1 t' .1 i-..t.'t it.) is t Hi ,-er, Ii. 1 . 1 t II. "'"! t: . . I"". . 1 Ii t il'il w'th i.d.-lrtl It.wrrie i.'m .. 1) l'i( . ie.lK,,ii i,-.ri- ntiog "-. i,..i i,u.. r itmi iptiioi .miiip 1 I . 1 o ii-l, I ImiMli ilie. ka t-t, fur ,l 41 I ."11 1.41, I ll , . , .- '...... rtf ,t, , l (tin, t"4iik f.-r 1 il"meia I I I ill" l-l I .... It,,. lit II. a l-atik $"ir- lianil "f iHa ll i:.:i s: 1 1 '-' 11 . f..t r-. . I in I 1 1 . . 1 1 ;r to l-r,l lie ' if 'I it' 1 I -il ma w th KvMlnial M'-ni .-. n. ,l , ... GO 60S. 00 31,320.10 4.500.00 :a,i)iiii,iio 8,144.37 4.175.00 40.5'.U.: 41,162.Sli 42,327.75 403 39 MOID 1,250 00 17.02.1 7ii DJH.till Ml llOII.Ollll.llil i.. 1, eii.i nu 6B.s:i; ! Inn Vil k..lj lit 2 1. 3. hi no 3, l 3.;i;.; m 4 in 4.i.!ti i.y 4 I Ill f, ii.n.ui n.) lii-i ml it. 111 ;s 1 r t in .it e i 2i.ti.io nil ll'. DO 10 I .1 tit J ; J : J a 17 j:i tii 1: ..l nm, aa H f l a -1 lil .1 I II. '. - . i.t,.li Hi e.i'ernnt aeir Ii... i.t 1 I.. 1 .( m, ai." eu anj lei.i f W f M4II 'Si T. CaaMar 1 . V N I . IN. t I 1 . 1 . ,f ... I a I K .1,, ,f ,,,tf j ;, Hi 1 i I lit.lt at I, N..ut fub.K. . A t . . it: 1 In the great re-adjustment of prices now going on we are going to treat the people of Morrow Co. to the Greatest Sale of Winter Merchandise that they have ever had and this at a time when every one needs just the things that we are offering. .We can only list here a few of the many bargains we are offering you. .You will find many more when you visit our store. .BE SURE TO SEE THESE BARGAINS. Coats and Dresses $50.00 Value Garments, now . . $37-50 $45.00 Value Garments, now $35.00 $40.00 Value Garments, now $30.00 $35.00 Value Garments, now $25.00 $30.00 Value Garments, now , $22.50 $27.50 Value Garments, now $19.00 $25.00 Value Garments, now ( $18.00 All Children's Coats at Materially Reduced Prices SEE THEM WomesVs Underwear All qualities can be had in long or short-sleeves, high or low neck, and in sizes 34 to 44 Cotton Union Suits, heavy fleece, white, $3.00 value, now $2.15 Wool Union Suits, all wool and part wool, me dium and light weights, $3.50 to $4.00 values, now $2.75 Silk and Wool Union Suits, knee or ankle lengths, $475-$5.oo values, now $3.95 Two-Piece Underwear, ladies, misses and chil dren's vests or pants, cotton, very spl. $250 ea. Wool, very special 65c ea. Unionallsand Koveralls Reduced from $6.50 to 4.95 Reduced from $5.00 to $3.85 Reduced from $4.25 to $3.65 WATCH FOR OUR NEXT ADVERTISEMENT Men's "Sleepy Hollow" Gowns and Pajamas, Good Quality Flannel Nicely Finished Priced $5.50, now $4-45 Priced $4.50, now $3.45 TWENTY PER CENT REDUCTION ON ALL SUITS, OVERCOATS, SWEATERS, MACK INAWS, STAG SHIRTS, BOYS' UNDERWEAR, DRESS PANTS. TEN PER CENT REDUC TION ON HATS AND CAPS, FLANNEL SHIRTS. Women's Silk n Hosiery Fibre Silk, colors black and white, special , .$5S)C $1.75 Silk Hose, black and white $1.50 $2.50 Silk Hose, b.lack, white and brown $-95 $3.00 Silk Hose, black, white and brown $2-45 $3.50 Silk Hose, black white and brown $2.95 $4.00 Silk Hose, black, white and brown $3-45 (Luxury tax extra.) WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S Sweaters All Sweaters reduced, a splendid line ot colorings, styles, and prices $10.50 Value, now S13.75 $15.00 Value, now $12.00 $12.00 Value, now $10.00 $10.00 Value, now $8.75 $7.50 Value, now $6.25 $5.00 Value, now $3-75 $3.75 Value, now $2-95 $0.50 Scarfs, now $7-95 $$.75 Scarfs, now $7-35 All Knit Caps, Toques, and Tarns 25 Cents Less All Leather Coats and Vests $45 () Reversible 36 -inch Co.it s at $37-5 $u;o heavy lined drcs vest at $27-50 $.'.' ;o leather vet at $18.50 Corduroy Pants Best Grades "Boss of the Road" and "Can't Bust Em" Regular Price, 7.50, now at the exceptionally low price $5.95 Cotton Piece Goods Devonshire and Crescent Cloths 32-in.. now 45c Mother's Pride Romper Cloth, now 15c Best Domestic Ginghams ...35c lies.t Apron Checks 25c Amoskeag Outings 25c Bleached Muslin. 27-in 15c Bleached Muslin, 30-in 25c Women's Shoes Finest Kid Lace Boots, New est styles and most popular colors. .Luxury tax extra. $10.50 Shoes, now ...$12.50 $15.00 Shoes, now ...$11.50 $14.00 Shoes, now ... $11.00 $13.50 Shoes, now . . .$10.00 $1 J. 50 Shoes, now . . . .$9.50 $10.00 Shoes, now . . . .$8.75 All other Ladies' Shoe and Oxfords at a saving to you of 50c per pair Felt Slippers, popular colors. comfy or leather soles. $3 .m values, now $2.35 Outing Night Wear Children's Outing Sleeper special 95c Children's Dr. Denton's sleep ers, special $1.35 Children's Outing Gowns, sizes 2, 4, 6 years $1.45 Men's Outing Gowns, sizes 10, 12, 14 $1.95 Women's Outing Gowns, $2.75 and $3.00 value $2.35 Women's Outing Pajamas. $4.50 values . $3.45 Men's Dress Shirts "BEAU BRUMMELL" at these prices $10.00 Shirts at $7-95 $8 cw Shirts at $6.45 $7.00 Shirts at $5-45 $6.00 Shirts at $4.65 $5.00 Shirts at -$3-85 $4.50 Shirts at $3.45 $3 75 Shirts ta $2.95 $3.00 Shirts at J2.35 $2.50 Shirts at $1.95 Men's Overalls First grade heavy blue bib Overalls $2.75 Light weight, blue and stripes $2.50 Men's full cut heavy Lhle bibs. Hlack Bear brand, very special at $3.00 Men's first grade waist over alls $2.50 MINOR & COMPANY 1