Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 07, 1920, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Tuesday. December 7. 1920.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Ofrice at La Grande, Oregon,
October 9, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 5th,
1917, made homestead entry, No.
017545, for SESE'i, Sec. 5, E
NEi4 SW4NEy4, and SEy4, Sec
tion 8, Township 2 South, Range 29
xt, Willamette Meridian, has filed
j';e of intention to make three-
tllf rloullu esuiuusn ciaini to the
uid above described, before J. A.
Waters, Clerk of Circuit Court, at his
office,, at Heppner, Oregon, on the
16th day of December, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Keggan, .
Frank McCabe,
Phil Hirl, and
Phillip Higgins, all of Lena, Ore
gon. C. S. Dunn, Register.
First publication October 19, 1920.
Last publication Decemeber 14, 1920.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 28, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Hardman, Oregon, who on Febru
ary 28, 1917, made Homestead Entry
No. 018509, for NSE and SE
SE14, Section 25, Township 5 South,
Range 24 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to
make three-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before J. A.1 Waters, Clerk of Circuit
Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the
17th day of December, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John McDonald,
Raymond Steers,
Robert Steers,
Carry Hastings, all of Hardman,
H. Frank Woodcock-, Register.
First publication, Nov. 9, 1920.
Last publication, December 14, 1920.
Notice for PublicationIsolated Tract
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
September 17, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
In spite of the fact that a great majority of the telephone using public! thorough-
ly understand the rights, duties, and obligations of public service companies, we find
now and then an individual who does not understand the matter.
A telephone company, in its broadest sense, is a partnership consisting of the
State as an institution, the public as a group of customers, nd the company. The1
State determines the extent to which the company may go and regulates its rates, ser
vices and practices. The company furnishes the facilities with which these rights are
exercised and the services rendered. Those members of the public who constitute
the customers furnish the revenue with which the company is enabled to perform these
services. No telephone company can exist without customers', and these customers
must be treated with fairness both by the company and by the State. The State does
not permit any undue burden to be placed upon a customer.
A public service corporation, in a broad sense, is merely an organized right to
render the public a service, and in the same larger sense the-. service belongs to the
company's customers. What benefits or harms the one lias a like effect upon the
other. ' ,
We are anxious that our present customers, applicants for service, and the)
company shall be treated fairly. To continue to extend our service under present
condition is impossible. We Invite our customers, the public of Oregon, to interest
themselves in our problem.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
reile to meet KSJ
P f ycur facte!
lj 7b tt : K v v -i 5?
v V yA&S'r'ti J w , y &h y a
e J . ' -1 J h&l fr.-i t M" 4 pi
CAMELS have wonder
ful full-bodied mellow
mildness and a flavor as
yjrefreshing as it is new.
... Cnmch aunlitv and Camels expert
icnd of choice Turkish and choice JiT
Domestic tobuccos win you on merits. CJ. V"
Camels blend never tires your taste. Arid. Sr
Camels leave no unpleasant ciarctty aftertaste
nor unpleasant ci?aretty odor I
What Canvb quality and expert ttend can
mean to your satisfaction you tlwld fad
out at once! It will prove our say-so when
you compare Camels with any ciaretto
in the world at any price!
W 4 1. mmmmtt I mm tm urn
Wimmm iUm, K C
1.. 1
General L??;'',
sions of Sec.
to the applic;
Serial No. 02:
public sale, '
but at not le
at 10:30 o'cl
day of Deceiv :
the following
ilj of
3. w
the 1:
u:..;tr provi
. pursuant
will offer at
-:hest bidder,
'i';'n f j. 50 per acre,
V M., on the 14th
wx, at this office,
tract of land: NWU
NW, Sectionl4, Township 3, South
Range 26, East, W. M. (Containing
40 Acres).
The sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when those
present at the hour named have
ceased bidding. The person making
the highest bid will be required to
immediately pay to the Receiver the
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advis
ed to file their claims, or objections,
on or before the time designated for
First publication November 2, 1920.
Last publication December 7, 1920.
L. A. Booth, Receiver.
examination of applicants for State in aud . trai tra.-i 0! land situated
Certificates at the Court House as I i Hie County of Morrow and State
ul m 11 liwaiiM ! 1 1 PKnii iwm nan 1 mil mi 11w miiiwiiii 1 iwiiim iim
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a Judgement and or
der of sale duly made and entered in
the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, on the
18th day of November, 1920, in a cer
tain action therein, wherein the State
of Oregon was plaintiff and Nancy
M. Meek was defendant, and wherein
it was adjudged that the real proper
ty hereinafter described was escheat
ed to the State of Oregon, and order
ed sold as upon execution:
Notice is therefore hereby given
that I will on Wednesday,-the 12th
day of January, 1921, at the hour of
eleven o'clock, in the forenoon of
said day at Uie front door of the
County Court House in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, svll at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all of the following de
scribed real property, to-wlt:
Commencing at a point in the mid
dle or center of the flume or ditch
formerly used by the Heppner Milling
company, (as described and set
forth in the plat and specifications
filed by Nelson Jones, in the office
of the County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, and recorded in
Book H, Records of Deeds for said
county at page 4 57 thereof, on the
6th day of February,. 1892,) where
said ditch or flume intersects the
South line of Iilock Two (2) of Nel
son Jones' addition lo the town of
I Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon
and running thence East on said
South line of Iilock Two (2), ten
I feet to the Southwest corner of Lot
! Four (4) of said Illock, running
I thenco In a Northwesterly direction
ten feet from and parallel with the
j center of said ditch or flume, to
point where the same Intersil is th
North line of Lots Four (4) and Fiv
(5) of said Illock, bring the North
wcit cirniT of said Lot Four (4)
I tin nee. running W ' t on (he North
line of said lots, twenty f 1 I to
point ten feet WVft of the center of
aid flump or ditch, lind being tin
Northeast corner of Lot Five (5) of
nald Illock, thence running In
fJoutlii jisti rly direction ten feet from
mid painll. l with the rent- r or lull
die of s.i Id ditch or flume lo a point
where tin- name lni inicln the South
line of wild IiliK-k Two (2) lieln;: Hi
Sou; l art corni r of n!d Lot Five (
of na!d r.lix-1:, thenri Karl on Hi
S'iuMi hide of until ;lni k Two' (2), ti
fiit to the middle or nii'i r nf dill
llitrll or flume, the l:tre of liirllin
Inc. ami lietnK n inuM .f .m iwmiy
leil Wie Mild lylniS lielWif l) 1,1 1. nl
Fi.'ir ) and I'iw :.) nf h. i.I III.,, k
Two C).
l'.i'-d nt II i.j.ti- r. (u . .,n, tlii
.'' h il. .f Nmn,il.i 1, J'..: J
; I n it : 1 ; ViMU'i i:,
M ' I if t of Ml.Hinl I '.111: ) , I M ' : .'l
Fii 1 I 'll. In ii'imi S.iv. JO.
I.:i 1 I "t Hi a'i'.n J u it I I.
follows: Commencing Wednesday,
December 15,. 1920, at 9:00 o'clock
a. m., and continuing until Saturday,
December 18, 1920, at 4:00 o'clock
p. 111.
Wednesday Forenoon V. S. His
tory, Writiifg (Penmanship), Music,
Wednesday Afternoon Physiolo,
gy, Reading, Manual Training,. Com
position, Domestic Science, Methods
in Reading, Course of Study for
Drawing.Methods in Arithmetic.
Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic,
History of Education, Psychology,
Methods in Geography, Mechanical
Drawing,. Domestic Art, Course of
Study for Domestic Art
Thursday Afternoon Grammar,
Geography, Stenography, American
Literature, Physics, Typewriting,
Methods in Language, Thesis for Pri
mary Certificate.
Friday Forenoon Theory and
Practice, Orthography (Spelling),
Physical Geography, English Litera
ture, Chemistry.
Friday Afternoon School Law,
Geology, Algebra, Civil Government.
Saturday Forenoon Geometry,
Saturday Afternoon General His
tory, Bookkeeping.
Very truly yours,
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Sheriff of Morrow County,
Oregon, will, pursuant to an execu
tion and order of sale duly issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, on the
19th day of. November, 1920, In, the
suit now pending in said Court
wherein R. Y. McCune, ns guardian
of Joseph Kenneth McCune, a minor,
was plaintiff, and It. C. Grimm was
defendent, upon a judgement and de
cree rendered in said Court on the
6th day of November, 1920, in favor
of said plaintiff and against said de
fendant, sell, at public auction, to the
highest bidder, for cash In hand, at
the front door of the County Court
House, in the City of Heppner, In
Morrow County, Oregon, on the 7th
day of January, 1921, nt the .hour of
one o'clock in (he afternoon, the fol
lowing described real property of said
defendant, to-wit :
All the undivided one-half Interest
of Oregon, commencing at a point on
the West line of the East one-half of
the Southwest quarter of Section
twenty-two, Township five North,
Range twenty-six East of the Willam
ette Meridian, said point being at tho
intersection of said line with the
North boundary line of the O. W. R.
& N. right of way and distant fifteen
chains, more or less, from the South
west corner of the East one-half of
the Southwest quarter of Section
twenty-two, Township five North,
Range twenty-six East of the Willam
ette Meridian; thence Easterly thir
teen chains and twenty-seven links
to a point on the north boundary or
said right of way; thence North
ninety-one chains and twelve links,
more or less, to a point at the low
water mark of the Columbia River;
theVice Northwesterly along eaid loft
water mark, to a point of intersec
tion with the North extension of the
West line of the East one-hr.lf of the
Southwest quarter of Section twenty-
two, Township five North, Range
twenty-six East of the Willamette
Meridian, thence South ninety-nine
chains and forty links, more or less,
to the point of beginning, containing
126 acres, more or less, to satisfy the
judgment recovered by the plaintiff
against the defendant in said suit,
for the sum of $765.75, with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent
annum from the 6th day of Novem
ber, 1920, and the further sum, oP
$100.00 attorney's fees, and $19.00
costs, together with the accruing
costs of and upon this writ.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this
4th day of December, 1920.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Hon. Charles A. Enslow, a well
known Wisconsin lawyer, was recently
making a trip from New Orleans to
Washington. While in the smoking
enr of a Southern railway train he was
talking about ambition.
"Yes, gentlt men," he said, "real am
bition Ktarts In childhood. And If we
obey Its Impulses we not only attain to
It, hut we aclunlly go far beyond It
Yes, our ambition Is gratified beyond
our w ildest dreams."
"Yes, gentlemen," snld a' military
looking gentleman who was also a pas
senger. "I lind In my childhood an am
bition. I desired to become a pirate."
"Well" said Lawyer Enslow "you
are pretty close to It are you not? I
believe you are Ueneral Amer, manager
of a hotel In New Orleans."
630 Tillable
Small house and barn. Good well.
One-half of place in summer fal
low. Price including all stock
and machinery
Good terms at 6 per cent
II , t i
i jir'"" "
Nuin t: i (u pi in it iin
In pi 1 1 mi n' of tin- lul-rioi, I' !
I.fttid Hf.'lre m .,i;riiii.''. ()t'i'n.
Viinii t.fr 15, l'j;o.
N'flif" I hrirhjf ft n llwil Jalnm
A)"f. iff lii ho, Or'ivn. Itii. on An
clt IT, !il5, fun. I- Ad li'mnkl
Moo,..!. , Kmry. No. oi3, f.if
SWUKK'i. N'HW', H;,NWi4,
(Wilon 22, Towtmhip I North. Iuru
r.'. Willmnello rii.fll, ha.
flt'd rimlr i,f iniftvu.n to in
IhiM' (rf I'fiHif, . 'ih r ta tin
l' Ihe land leie it..ff,!.., I,, (uri.
1'mlxl fulfil ("mrifi.i. if.iif r nt ll'Wf
ft-1, fit' (tun, on I he I t'h tit) i.f J
Ur)r, J'lJI.
I'Uiii un! fining, na
Millie Mr Jf. Ill fit,
om if, n
Hi. I. a
it (nil
I iunk
' IV 'i
i.f I ..
M'll-ftffft. if l.i M
ii ) ji.l.n. i f l.i nt, i t , f i
1 1, iff r .o (lift '.n
f it NS. iit. i.f.
I if t 'i'.l,i'ifin, !. 7, ;n.
I.a.f l i.l. .. Mf J,n II.
S'f'." t km Uf t in ii.i ii
(f.Hilff KnlfHiUM' ' ff M'fffn
("jn'j. 0'i'fi, iil fc'il'l lh ftfil.f
"Accommodation" i-. an t inpiy .lr;iM- until
I'tit intoa.lu.il . rat lit f. . hank's in.iny f.(.
tilitiro arc a nanlit until nitu.ilh tii.i!
II M of.
That is Why - i.fiVr t, ih, ttnuinir I.iim
im'ss man a hanking Miviic tliat will lu-lp
liim urovv Mill l.im;i r. It may he in ,.iir
Iti i !in i pat I iiif-tit, nr in all I pat l nn i.t
I'.i'.l. Iim IM.itti r li If, 'If Ik . illy, i.tn.itr
at i oniiiiinl.i! imi i.f tin , I ,ii,l. v uitr i a! .
Wc Iklicvc in a hank n I I. I: INC a. r..m
i.'ftilat I-. n. i.tllur llian Hailing t Ii al r.J
l'r it. 'I li.it i I V mi tn.iiiv ..!!.; I, ;t ifl .
I'.'i, I l; l l!v j'.ml
t;i' n. l!n- i.lf !i r i him mi,
t!.i. .1, TIII.Ii: l,..r.l..
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank