THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. December 7. 1920 HOME TOVN HELPS Let Us Show You Our Line of Plows WILL HAVE CITY MANAGER i add1 lid ad eft Six fWtWTiSCWW.'JtJ ... J1 1 . ) I!' '-;J' " " ' ""' """""" L II I I I II' 1 I I I if,', t , ".-' Vrt.iV I J I F7 421? 8 II rPHERE is a natural liking for music in the mind of every child, 5 j ! therefore fill the all-receptive child f)ht l mind with harmony. Begin its musi- &ti $ t n I a hill. :i fS'F 4 jgi.t i.-A 1 rHERE is a natural liking for music in the mind of every child, therefore fill the all-receptive child mind with harmony. Begin its musi cal education early and correctly. With a Brunswick Phonograph and Brunswick Records in your heme the means of producing music at its best are always at hand. It will, therefore, be distinctly to your advantage to know Brunswick Phonograph' and Brunswick Rec ords before you make your choice. Corne in when convenient and we will be delighted to assist you in. coming to a decision. Oscar R. Otto r J w i he ip N't tWi 8'h ' 1 IS P Moina resent Prices of ??Z?J&j&J&J&J& Arc Fully 25 Per Cent Below Any Other High Grade Range i v.l a. ft I mi I S !, Mi Range Satisfaction The MONARCH Malleable meets every requirement of the American Kitchen. Perfect construction Economical in fuel Handsome in appearance Easy to operate. The Malleable construction prevents fuel waste and breakage. The vitreous enameled linings protect against rust. CASE FURNITURE COMPANY Mcppncr's Home Furnishings Headquarters Montreal's Experiment in Government Will Be Interesting to Many Com munities in the United States. Thfit American cities have no monopoly In political misgovernment is shown by the record of Montreal, re marks the I'ittsl)uri:li Dispatch. Twelve years ago the old-style council of two members from each of the ol wards provoked a scandal and investigation that led to a recasting of the form of municipal government. Kver since the ward politicians have been trying to get back and to restore their discred ited system, which was at first sup planted by a smaller council of one member per ward without authority over money matters and a body of four appointed commissioners with the mayor as the fifth. Two of the new commissioners and the mayor were soon charged with practices akin to those of the old system and the com missioners were removed and the mayor reduced to a mere figurehead, while charge of the city was given to four newly appointed commissioners, their chairman being empowered with managerial authority. The politicians naturally made the most of this im position of an appointed city admin istration by the provincial govern ment anil recently the prime minister named a committee of leading Mon treal citizens to draft a new charter on a representative basis. This body has now received the report from its sub-committee' favoring a council of nine members elecled at large, ,,the election of n mayor by council and the appointment of a genuine expert city manager. Drills, Seeders DETROIT VALUES ITS TREES seasonable farm machinery and implements Peoples Hardware 0 Corn rcKs '-spates Newspaper Pays Tribute to Thought fulner.8 of the Early Settlers Who Planted Them. If a woman's crowning glory is her hair, a city's Is its trees. De troit is particularly fortunate in the preservation of Its splendid tree lined corridors, and it Is a proof of the thoroughness of earlier citizens that they saw the beauty which nature had provided, and carefully preserved It for the glory of the metropolis to Come. Imagine, for one minute, Second boulevard, or any other prominent thoroughfare of your acquaintance, stripped of Its curtain of leaves and boughs! It Is too haVsh even to con template. If you could view the city from the top of one of Its tallest buildings, you would obtain an even more Impressive lesson In .lust how much of Petrolt Is sheltered and enhanced by Its trees. The department of parkj and boule vards declares rescue work Is imper ative to save the elms; It Is a matter on which every citizen can unite. The work should lie dope, nnd doubtless will be dune, with the Indorsement fnd eager co-operation of every citi zen. Fr Detroit to penult her hand some trees to perih wou'd he nothing less than n crime against the bounty of nature. Detroit News. H J H EL. i 3 9 Do you ever think to give your motor a fresh drink of oil? . You will find it makes a differ ence. We are prepared to wash your motor with flushing oil at a low cost. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE FELL BROS. FORD GARAGE MACHINE SHOP Phone 193 IV Keep en Planting Trees. As i n a to m y piece of proper . a irrt" r !: s rvn let I vere. t ! d. '1 be iti"'f ! t a ti N pb'to- v! tin. , .ill f a pb'e.yif prop-rty N P'.-iv: I. A Mr. Kennedy ! to II , l-ev. "Mine :m ci !nt tbc "iiiuo," V, h' t.nt pl'lllt k-'t'ie trees. The five .!.-iit'iis i-Httipalvn H at Is occupy p..: t'i- a:ci 't":i of the cniiiitry now !;iV'i on eemv ph::"-'. and 111 fieli nf l;ir pi. ,!' 1'ie Millie "f the rnper'v l Pi ou tin Teased wbetl.iT ll be n I 'il win! or n "llmid of !!. t.leliiliHin. i ." ui ll US l belli',' planted with t:n'llinrlal irees In Icnliv purls of the country. A properly planted rwl ini'Mii l-eiicr tniiKporiiitloii to or froui or between town. Tluit nil menus belter biitiie. belter llvlh condi tions, nnd n better ciioniry. Sbeldi.n !U.iUile In Niiiloiml Property Owner. Prepiration of Annual Lin. The niiliuil biwn, which Is liecc. nry In siMiie cnes repariitry In the iinAInc of the permanent liin, mny be made by seeding with I'lihiin r own rllber III full or sprint: at the rate of two tinhel n-r aire. Wtim pnH-r!y cared t-r tld will make tnii!lfil grevn t !Tlil weeks from Una'. It Is Imperative thai this rn be nit when It has rvai hl hetiibl uf three trt four Inches ; other wise the lawn will te uiiltratl. Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she is doing; so if she buys her Meats at this slun which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. fr4 014 Nman Tamba. Kmir Human tnmt-a. built In third retilurji and ron'alninf in'dm ttt'Jfsl s. urns, glass work. tteff and bone, naire leen found In a geael j.:t near lleertm in Innch Msnf of the Ih'ngs r 4 great .-len-tifr salne and furibrf riatlia are being tna le Kiliifig n.a rwa td. T kl.l " ea wl'h a ..f f..ftn. Iln er formahlelijde In wntrf tt.e me'bivl Is r-i a frit-.e.f it of f.-r r a imV is'i a t i-. -f ' a 'n f ier atel ri-w ( "- r .1 V ' , - e.l. I f ' !m i r . r Headquarters Men's Flortheim Shoes, $1.00 to $j.oo off each pair Hole Prcof Hosiery, 25 per cent off on this entire line DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY SAM HUGHES COMPANY 0 i y n 'i k ft n 1 I