Tuesday. December 7. 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Five 1 ptjf mm o a o o O o a ?; o o i Q O O O ft 0 o O 0 0 " ib o o 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o O OCAL HAPPENINGS I From Neighboring Towns Toe Money Crop 4. j, AA, , A A "WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWS, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP." This is an unchanging law. There is no getting around it. If a man wants corn he plants corn. If he wants potatoes he plants potatoes. Therefore if he wants money he should plant money. 1 How? By planting it in a savings ac count at our bank, where it will grow. There is no surer crop than the money crop if properly planted and carefully cultivated. Make a start. Let us help you. First National Bank Heppner, Oregon IONE A 3. 4. A A A A A A A A A A A One day last week Albert Pettys, who Is employed by the Farmers Elevator company, was quite badly injured in an attempt to reach the top of the elevator. ''The accident occurred when the cable which car ries the man-lift on which he was riding, broke when he was sixty feet in the air. Mr. Pettys was forced to slide down the rope with the weight of the lift pulling him, and in so do ing his hands were badly burned and his limbs were also bruised. He was attended by Dr. Walker and is get ting along nicely. Miss Eleanor Swanson and her cousin, Miss Gladys Lundell, went to Cecil Saturday, where they visited at the home of their uncle, Oscar Lun dell. They returned Sunday. Mrs. Roy Cochran and her sister, Miss Muriel Cason, were visiting rela tives in lone last week. C. B,. Sperry, local grain dealer, was a business visitor in Heppner Monday. He was accompanied Ty Mr. Hanna of Portland, who has been spending a few days in our city. business matters. We understand Mr. Akers is planning to move back to this part of the country in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hopkins left Sunday for Pendleton, where they will spend a few days on business. Walter Dobyns made a business trip to Pendleton Thursday return ing Saturday. R. W. Brown returned home Fri day from Walla Walla, where he spent the past two months with his family. Mrs. C. B. Sperry is spending this week in Portland visiting her daugh ter, Miss Beatrice, and other rela tives. The friends of Volna Ray are sorry to learn that he is seriously ill at his home at Stites-, Idaho. Mr. Ray is suf- feoring with heart trouble. He and his family moved from here to Idaho about three years ago, and have since made that their home. Mrs. D. H. Irwin of Prescott, Wash ington, has been enjoying a visit with her two sons, Charles and Arthur erwin. The lone high school student body will give a play next Friday evening. December 10, at the rink. The title of the play is, "Assisted by Sadie." Everybody come and enjoy your- Mrs. Edna Hassner and two chil- J selves. dren, who spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1'ke How ard, returned to their home at Gres ham Wednesday. Mrs. W. T. McNabD returned home Tuesday from Hood River, after spending a few days with friends. Mrs. Art Davis of McClury, Wash., came Monday and will enjoy a few week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Imus, of Well Spring. Harley Sperry and wife returned home Wednesday after spending a few weeks in the valley visiting rela tives. Mrs. C. J. Jamison left Sunday for a three months visit with her mother, Mrs. E. Eiesfeldcr, at Caldwel, Kan sas, and will also visit relatives In Missouri before returning. Lowell Akers returned Friday to his home at Freewater after spending the past week attending to some Theatre WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 "Erstwhile Susan" Featuring CONSTANCY P.IXXKY. A sparkling comedy bit , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9 Lester Baker, who has been visit ing relatives tor a few days, has re turned to Walla Walla. ?AAA A.; HARDMAN a t i f kferior -A t 1 A diamatic 'comparison f( Every vife should sec of tfv? sexes ir a reman- that her hustana sees ce of modern marriage this picture with her s a woman juMiiicil in flirting to. stimulate the interest .f her .sweetheart or huhanl? See Mrs. Chaplin in this pi.-turr, She known. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10 KINVr V. VI DOR'S "The Family Honor" A romance "f th- Smith, with its beautiful women. it love anl chivaln . The T darkies will be there, ami the piccaninnies. SATURDAY, DECEMBER n J L N K CAl'RI C K a n.l C R I ". 1 1 IT N 1 1 A I . K i n "The Love Cheat" l.owt'tv anl l.atiyhtir A Romantic Cmm !y .f I."-. " SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 "Shipwrecked Among Cannibals" ix reels i.f the tm-t atnair.K j-u'iurc i-wr 1,Vi"t.'li-,.ii. '""'i itig a.Ucntures two camera nun among the MAN LA I I.K.S r-l NKY C.L'lNr.A. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v v v v r v v v v v v v v A baby boy was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Howell on Monday, Nov. 29 The baby cued the following Thurs day morning, and funeral services were held Friday at one P. M. In terment was at the Odd Fellows cemetery. Dr. Gaunt of Condon pronounced the ailment of the Craber's children as German measles Juanita, Owen and Ivan Lentheri and Leslie Ilrannan, chaperoned by Mrs. Belle Leathers, went to Foshil on Thanksgiving day to play for the dance there that evening. On Friday evening they played in Mayvllle, and on Saturday In Condon. A baby boy arrived ut the homo or Mrs. Hiram Johnson on Thursday, December 2. Mother and baby doing nicely, Hurdman celebrated Thanksgiving with two dances, one on Friday night and one on Saturday night. A crowd from Lone Hock came over to enjoy the celebration on Friday cv nlm;. Tl:c parents of ITamman m-lmol lilldren have cooperated with the glad to hear from Mr. Farnsworlh thai his daughter, who was operated on in Portland some time ago, is go ing on satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and family of Ewing were doing business in Arling ton on Friday. Misses A. C. and U. M. Hynd of Butterby Flats, who are students of Heppner high school, came down on the local on Friday, accompanied by their friends, Misses Doris Mahoney and Reita Neil of Heppner. All re turned to their studies on Monday, after having the time of their lives at the big dance in Cecil hall Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Everrett and son,. Master Leslie, and a party of friends came over from Boardman to Cecil on Saturday and took in the dance. Miss Blanch Bristow, who has been visiting friends in Cecil for a few weeks, left on the local on Sunday for lone, where she was suauemy called by Dr. Walker to nurse a seri ous case on hand. Miss'Zella Kelly, teacher of Cecil school, and also Miss Lois Eastly, teacher of Four Mile school, who have been spending the week-end at their homes in Hood River, returned to Cecil on Sunday. Earl Cronk of Heppner was visit ing during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of But terby Flats. Ed Bristow, one of Ione's promi nent merchants,, his wife and fr.niily, and friend, the worthy Judge Robin son of the same town, spent, a busy day around Cecil hunting on Sun day. Luck was against the hunters, and it was with long faces and sorry les they returned to their own home town. W. G. and David Hynd and sister, Miss Aunie, all of Rose Lawn, Sand Hollow, left on Sunday for their home, after spending a few days vis iting relatives around Cecil. They were accompanied by Mr. Joe Doney of Yamhill, who is having a tour around Oregon before returning to his home In Yamhill. O. E. Lindstrom and son Albert of Morgan have been busy with their wood saw around Cecil for a few days. Walter Pope left on the local on Wednesday for rortlund, en route for Stockton, California, where he in tends to reside for the winter months. 13. J. Falrhurst of Rhea honored Cecil willi a visit on Wednesday. Jake Wells and E. M. Slnitt of Heppner made a short call In Cecil on Thursday before going on to Ar lington. R. E. Duncan of Busy Bee ranch, and Pat McEntire of Killarny, spent Friday at the county seal. The "Mayor" anil his niece, MIsh Louise Shaw, li ft lliitleiliy KliilH on Friday for Heppner, where tliey In tend to visit for a few days. The on Saturday from Portland, and will resume his duiies in the absence of the "mayor," assisted by John Krebs, newly elected i onstable of Cecil. Mrs. T. H. Lowe enrolled fifty-two members for he Red Cross Member ship,, and wishes to thann all those who responded to the call, and thinks Cecil will be hard to beat ac cording to size of the town. Don't Forget Mrs. Hynds is selling Christ mas seals at Cecil store, and wil'. be on duty night and day. b ! I ! " 'I- 4 ' BOARDMAN J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. ,j ,j .j, .r, Ed Miles has sold the Pastime pool hall and confectionery to C. Snively, from Rufus, Oregon, and his resi dence to Frank Cramer, of Boardman and will leave about the first of the year. Mr. Snively plans improve ments in tne business by adding a fountain, and tables for ice cream service. He has been in the con tracting business and will bring his outfit to Boardman with the idea of continuing the work as opportunity offers. His family will follow as living quarters can be obtained. The first reading of the community play, "Al Martin's Country Store." took place last night, with nearly the full cast present. It is planned to present the play early in January. Steps are being taken to equip tho stage in the high school auditorium with an up-to-date sliding curtain. Mrs. Gibbous' house on Newell Avenue is being enlarged and when finished will be a neat and comfort able residence. H. W. Grim, a well known citizen of the Inigon district, was a business visitor in Heppner during the week. Mr. Grim appeared befor the county court while here, representing Irri- gon's interest in the northern termi nal of the proposed north-couth mar ket road to connect the Columbia riv er communities with the county seat. WANT ADS LOST Automobile the, 30x3. on wood wheel. Finder return to Hum phrey's Drug Co. and receive re ward. It WANTED To buy, two or three lilt hogs, alive or dressed. Clns. H. Latourell, Ford Agency, lli-pp. ner, Oregon. 31tf LLOYD HUTCHINSON cIckiih, dyes, presses und rcpa'iii nien'r and la dies' clothing, ratisfiielion guar anteed, 2t-.1I FASHIONABLE DliKSSMA KINO Remodeling and Ladles' Tailoring. Mis. Ciiiren, Church street. 2 7l P tichem of Hardman In organizing a arenl-Teachers association. Mrs. McCarty was elected president, Mr. Mary Hadley vice president, Mrs. Jda llleiikman secretary, and Mrs. lielle ealhera treasurer. The next uieet- liiK wilt be held on Monday eventnc, December 6, at eV( n o'clock. In the hiKh "chord auditorium. Mr. Chan. Itunm came up from 'firtlatld on Wednenday. December 1. She will make a visit if a few days. Mis. Ilanm N a former resident of ILirdmun, and used lo run I In- umt hotel. Itlio r.leiikiniin liink a irii'k to II. ppner on Tlniii-ilay. tin hU r utin he became vinlenily Ml. and a ar w:m sent fur Mm. II l tliowrM ih.it lie aH poihllh) d by MMIiettnllH ,e llle lille In lleppller. 1 lie ii-h n Imk.I pupil tid a "fir in out" kh nil In I'"- Ii . Ii cfi"' iiii'lH'iiliini on r'ri'l.'V wihui. Ahout llf 'III people -.lX!"'l lll'le 111 7 il i !ik K mi pluyeil -.' l ' i.il'ii ii amllrie nnd pukl-i 'm .ii"l I O at lime. If n'!,-e t ftn llnl rM"ll iif i njiiim til, Hn ..il ji 'I' ll l) ()" . HOOD RIVER APPLES Newtown Pippins, Spitzcnbcrg and Ortlcys PRICE $1.85 Per Box Phone Main 464, or call L. YEAGEK RESIDENCE WHEN CHILDREN EAT CECIL .;. .j. .j. .5. .5. .;. a a a a a Mr and Mi. 0 Ki Tt." l.. fan p M'. hi ."..I'lflar and Hun Ui ratline fin 't"lr fiiti'l I'l llM'P M I' i-f 1 mn Mi . I: I! I' if,' an 1 r tunrh, inul: .. I ) .. r. Mi V !n 1 1 it irnii Ii i ! ' 111, !,. ,!) I.f t -. um m 1' Ii V V. . I i W li.'e.rn en - j' ! lr llinl ran I '. . ennd d-ir r. V - hair li'i D : '.I in I'' '1 l'tlt, Itn.e i'"ilti l' t.iar, Itu r ' i ' ' 1. f s,n t. an '-f I i' M.' 11 , f Heppner Bakery Bread they ore usu.illy liw!llty Afi happy brjdusr ihflr iKnlif urp vi II nourislH-iJ. KECP YOUR MONLY AT HOME ly pitf(Kiiint; Umf lnluslrip iml your lovn r pf oN(rrous Mml pfot;rrssir lirt.iusr As lusifif iKnly le rMHirishrd. BUY REFFKER-UOE BREAD. ONLY 10 LOAF lli:l'l'Ni:i( l;AKl:i',Y, M. W. Ilammtr, flop. it)t.r. af r rft...fHi tt, .m, r,. ' ..r Cri f A rt. " it rilii ih t'ij"!r. W o o O000000000000000300000000O00000000O000000000000O