THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON, cahds S. E. NOTSON ATTOH X E Y-AT-I.AW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON Uncle YcM Two i DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DHXTIST 1 Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO J'HYNICIAX anil SUIGEO.Y Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKXEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOUX EY-AT-T,A W First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN I. VWVKK Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. CLYDE R. WALKER PHYSICIAN' and SVRGEON Phone Connections IONE, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON HKK IXSIRAXCE Successors to C. C. Patterson x HEPPNER, OREGON MATKKXITY HOME I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St Phone 467 Walla Walla, Wash. "In Every Respect" says the Good Judge You get more genuine chew ing satisfaction from the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the ordinary kind. The good tobacco taste latfs so long a small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much longer than a big chew of the old kind. That's why it costs less to use. Any man who has used both kinds will tell you that. Put up in two styles CUT is a lng fine-cut tobacco R 1(1 1 IT CUT is a short-cut tobacco I L fx fa I THE BRICfl Mi Aire ftl Aihm. Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks POOL YOU ARE WE L CO M K A GREAT HELP 4T SUPPOSE you do your own J- washing, ma'am?" inquired the wedy stranger. "Yes, I do, although I don't see that It's any of your business," re plied Sirs. Curfew, with some warmth. 'I suppose you'll be telling me that you're collecting statistics for a government bu reau, or maybe for the state board of health. It seems that the" authorities are greatly inter ested in family matters that don't concern them nowadays, and every day or t W n snrrmhl comes along asking impertinent ques tions as to how many children I have, and my maiden name before I was married, and whether there's Insanity In the family. "I'm sick and tired of answering such questions. If my old friends want to dig Into my family history, I'll give thorn all the information they want, although I may consider tin Ir conundrums in bud taste, but when a perfect stranger comes along and asks me if I do my own washing, I feel that the line must be drawn somewhere. Kvery jack in ofllce asks questions. It used to be that the assessor would come to the door nnlltolv nn.i I........... ."w liiuuj nogs we Kept, and take our estimate of the value of our prop erty without looking as though he knew we ought to be prosecuted for perjury. But now he must know the color of your grandfather's side whis kers, and If you tell him that you keep no dogs he goes out and looks under the house, and In the hnrn, and when he comes back he warns you that the penalties for giving false Information are severe. "Mr. Curfeuj says that the next time the assessor comes, he Is going to throw him over the bnck fence ami kick him down the alley for a dis tance of seven blocks, and I hope he'll keep his word." "I didn't mean to offend you," said the stranger. "I'm Introducing a wash ing powder that saves half the labor, lUid dispenses with soap altogether With this marvelous powder n wonmU .can do the week's washing and have Jier clothes hung on the H?e, !nsk!e of two hours." "Well, mister,- you take a package ;of your marvelous powder down to !lhe creek, and give yourself a good scrubbing, for you look ns though you hail been fishing out of somebody's dustbin. Your whiskers are full of 'sawdust, and your face Is covered with grime. If you were Intrndmitig bituminous coal, there might be some exmse for your appearance, but n man. wbi Is selling wuhlttg powder Kiitlit to ! like the driven timv, or nobody will have cimllilehee In Mm. ' "And f wouldn't have anything t do with y uir washing powder If yon offered to bring me a wngiml.'nd fur twenty cents, t make my own mi of lye aii'l grens,., ami although It Imi'i Indorsed by the rrnwnH heads of KiiMpe, r by prelate or vbv pre blent", It's the het snap ever tiuide. and I know the Ingredients are whole "ini even If ihey don't roii. prise b.irks and buds mid healing lierl.s, "When I ne my on n soap, I fctimv the tluiiu-" I weti'l be a ,y the Witr-e fur It, bin (n Mii-lihu .,d'T ..rd by ML'eiit" lire fuele .f it'i:itii!te and lunar rim-sic. nnd a i:ir ..nee I1-Id Willi tin til Will Dewr be f.t to I;-' iig iltt. "I.'i I m i :i : t f. '.!) t poor ly to lo.i!..' i'ih l-nt-li ..f .ip, il I e 'il a ;l k.ik'e nf :. M.ig " t 'lif fre"! mi J-.l l h .( his 1" I l'l full -if t. . l'l ,1 g be . . ! f.,Ki .f !i . h i,., .1 .if, lfer It ' PI" I ll that e. k Ittsl i.'l ef Sr I f . ' r . tn III tie vnh. Mr 'ir i t,r It -ill ir ' ' b! ,. tiin.f he n li . t e b" sn tli- ?n., .r iy ! r:te arotm't the I. a i- gttliv. Will, I Utt s-itl. t.l m-n tn shirt after t'.. wrr he. 1 l f had an old . I nlr. ami he tn (: )et ...r iter "n. ami Mr. 1'iirfets ,, . r iu ib.wn h'U h vaV It ft' I thltn oii.-.itiif .rtsl te. "Co )eit had letter l.-l lie !.n I mid 'i ..ur hl! .der Irt ftMt I Human hn ihn' ktt bow to a Wc have made some drastic cuts on a variety of articles of every day use from our stock. is to convert into money sever al lines which we will discon tinue handling in the future. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER 'helps Grocery Co. r . For a Limited Time We wilS give you $25 worth of new Records S1 taacEicH F. R. BROWN k H! I'T guakanti:i:i) low cost lu i: INSUKANCi:: I-IKC. HAIL. ACCI l)i:N T AND IIMAI.TH INSUKANCI 1U i i-'W'M 111 ttt in ' ,, M nn l 1. 1. .Ill MMIII I. ht f i, II H U! in IK j S'i'rr. (rrgin tiii: iit;ij'Ni:i; iikkald, only $aoo X yi:ak Weritf't turpi? K t'Jt.s. Ti e mrt ..! ii i uf el lit. Is i.d t I 1''. bun, 1 Th T 1 ! Ii-fxl l .! I I I . 1 . !. : rb I tt I lii Im I ' - I "r ,' if ft t .i,li "f tit.-. I f'l'r I - I l-t I. :, 1 "t ftl ('.t t . a -0 ,f 'fn . t t ' . -. 'If f:t- . 1 a ! I .-f . t I ft Jl a n f- l- 1 1 t" I Ml. I ' I I k l t t ih e tS If you buy your phono graph now and you can MigRcsi your own tern of payment, too! 1 lm Costs no more than the ordinary PHONOGRAPH There' no itrin2 to this offer; no joker in it. .Sis worth of Pathe or Actuclle records FREE if you buy a Pathe Phonograph (except the smaller models 3 and 6, which are not included). .No matter if you pay cash or extend the tenns on easy payments the 8:5 worth of records will Le Slivered with the instrument a quickly as you make your selection. J le Irt .!.. I' ! ,-, fe .ti nr r-on t I 1 I. CASE FURNITURE CO. 1 1