Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 07, 1920, Image 1

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    Volume 7.
Heppner, Oregon, Tuesday, December 7, 1920
Number 32.
Ladies' Hockey Team Going to England
Says Present Wheat Situation Known
to Market Reporters Before
October 1
(Bsr L. A. Hunt. County Agent)
Tthe recent tardy revelations of
the newspapers regarding the fact
that the present wheat crop is over
sold and that the crop of the south
ern hemisphere is not as before re
ported, is only another proof of the
marketing propaganda with which
farmers are deluged when they have
anything to sell. An tnnouncement
in the Herald of last week was made
iOf the facts concernin gthis, but
'which facts were available before the
last of October. Of course., they were
known to the vheat trade, and of
course, they were known to the mar-
' ket reporters of our great papers, but
the word had not gone forth to re
lease the information to tne general
public until last week.
This is not written in a spirit of
"I told you so," but simply to show
up the "gang" and to prove the needs
of a better marketing plan.
Many farmers may remember that
these tactics were talked over last
winter in the Farm Bureau meetings
as likely to happen because they are
the standard tricks used for years,
and will be used as long as the oppor-
tunity offers.
The most unfortunate part of this
last development is the fact that the
banks, which the average farmer has
a right to consider his best market
advisor, have been drawn into the
game. ,
Either they have not read the sta
tistics which were theirs for the ask
ing, or they were doped Dy tne siusn
of lies" released by the wheat gang. v'f"The Borg Jewelry store U a land-
The whole world knows now that
the American Farmer has been cheat
ed out of his dearly earned harvest
by the trickery of the great newspa
pers of the country, who played up
two things. The false reports of the
crops and market conditions and the
necessity of returning to pre-war con
ditions, which, by the way, we will
never see.
The farmer has been the lamb be
tween two gangs of wolves. One try
ing to make a fortune out of speculat
ing in the value of wheat, and the
other speculating in the value of dol-
lars. Each gang playing Its own game
. , . . . , .
una Decauso encu i-uum m;ii m um -
,. . . , ,. ,h,
it ini-y mj-u hjbviii-i, witK uiui to uinn.
another story. j Mr. and Mrs. Borg have a host of
No local banker Is to be blamed for friends in this county who will deep
their part In the game. Banks have My regret their leaving Heppner, but
tried In the past to go against the j will doubtless Join in best wishes for
rullORs of the Regional Reserve ; their continued prosperity.
Bank to their sorrow, and since the .
ability of any local bauk to serve Its
patrons depends upon lis ability to
work as a dependable unit In the
banking machinery of the country,
ihe service of their patrons con.p'-l
ntreement to the ptillry of the Ue
itional Reserve Hank with which
they cooperate. The policy of the;
banks all over the Northwest has !
been practically the same. i
The National Faim Bureau expects '
to Introduce two amendments to the
rVderal Reserve law: one to give the
Federal Rwrve Hoard power to dl-,
reel the policy of the Regional llanlts ,
regarding priority of lonn. which ;
they do not now pome, and another 1
Is to make warehouse receipts of
whest available for security for r
discount paper, at wool receipts are
As every farmer knows also, they
launch a national whest market-
i plan for the i:5. crop on .snu
flry tlrt. The president of the Stale
"Farm Bureau will call a meeting of
wheat producers not brokers this
Inm to S how this Will meet Or-
.1 1 1 1 . lmma.1 llnlf thereaf-
ter. Morrow county must b rpr
sented. We will ss-nd at lsst five of
our best farmers. Wt will Inaueu
rat our membership rampalga lm
mediately lo ft th" funds to finance
the WOfk necesssry " PU these H
farlous rubbers out of business ror
gOfid. It Will Hll-SB f V '
. ... St An rnM vr
tisn. hut Ihst will te rn'ap u - -
only set th'ir " Remember Iowa
has 140t.no rn.mt.rrs sou m-
sirer g ' ush to f hsnss th Micy of
r,. it., tin ;onal lunk Oree-n bss
c.riiy S f'. n '"''1, h" '"
srmcrs h " " "'i,",
j s-s Itwllparh Help
The All-rhlliideliihla Ladies' Hockey
ery farmer into the Farm Bureau so
we can cut the gambler out of the
production game. Do it now.
The announcement that Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Borg are soon to leave
Heppner to become residents of Mis
soula,, Mont., will come as a surprise
to their many friends in Morrow
county, but such is the exclusive in
formation given the Herald Monday
afternoon by Mr. Borg himself. Mr.
Borg has purchased an interest ?n n:s
brother Frank Borg's big Jewelry
house at Missoula and will leave as
soon after the first of the new year
as he can close out his business Inter-
ests here.
mark in Heppner, having been estab
lished by P. 0. Borg, father of the
present owner. In 1881, practically
40 years ago, and has been continu
ously in the family all these years.
Oscar Borg is a native of Heppner,
and has spent his entire life here, and
he freely admits that it is not without
the keenest regret that he Is sever
ing the social ties and business asso
ciations of a lifetime.
The opening at Missoula, Mr. Borg
says, Is extremely flattering, Ms
brother's business having grown to
such an extent since he opened It 12
years ago, that he finds the duties of
. management rainer too mucn lor one I
A. W. Gainniell, a prosperous
young farmer of the Lexington roiin-
try, makes something of a sperlnlty
of pure-hrcd S. 0. Rhode lelnnd Red
chicken, and H rather proud of the
eeu laying record of Ihe pref-nt year.
Mr. Gnmniell hii'l fiO hens and pul
lets at the beginning of the present
year, anl for the llrsl six mnni'n ihe
flock laid eses as follows: January.
41; February, 69?; Marrh, tTs;
April, 634; May. 520; June, Ml; or
a total of 2)1 S-fi doten, or an aver
age of 70 4 cess per hen for the six
months ending July 1st. During the
latter part of March and the first
part of April thr were 20 hens set
ting at one time and s-versl with
young thickens. Chkken fsnrlers
will find It worth while to look over
Mr. Gammell't flock.
Nut Ice ut Annual M-wtlng
To tha stockholders of the farmers
A Stockgrowers National Hank: Th
- , annual meeting of th stock-hntders
of the Farmers (tuickgrowers Na-
- , tlonsl Hank will b held at Heppner,
- Orsgon. on Tuesday. Ih IHh day of
January, 121, J 00 o'clock p m , for
- tpe election lif Olrcn?s ir the rlt
suing year, and tt. transaction or
surh ftf lf h,ttj:tlr,a ntiit.,!.
, - ' " ' - r' lr '
1.1 ,i ifi-i. nee,,
It's a f4 lma to buy thirirs rtow
ten td K d price sales Srs i.n
.. i, ...... r m x-mt-,m lliiy
mi rrote lh ads in ife If . f
si r-ni in a i.p wi,re to 'iy r shi
team, which will soon sail for Englund to meet Britain's best lady hockey
The first annual meeting of the
Morrow County Wool Growers met
in the I. O. 0. F. hall Saturday after
noon at the call of the president and
secretary. The president being un
able to be present the meeting was
called to order by L. A. Hunt, secre
tary, and John Kilkenny appointed
chairman. A great deal of important
business was transacted. Elmer Wil
liams of the Biological Survey, wl.o
acts as inspector of field work for
the government trappers, talked on
the plan of cooperation with the
stockmen and Federal government,
and the new contract with the farm
era endorsed. Mr. Lindgren, animal
husbandry specialist of Corvallis,
spoke on feeding sheep more econom
ically, the kinds of sheep to raise,
general problems affecting the sheep
man of eastern Oregon. His address
wna well received.
The next question taken tip was
the wage question, which had been
referred from the fall meeting, and it
was decided that no definite wage
fcalos should lr lakin up, bir leit to
the Individual, but the opinion was
prevalent that 175 was the proper
wage, a few stating that they were
navlnff 1i.ua Ttiaa unpnl... f V.
.,",, .. ...
oioic nomM intiMii wan unnuir iij in
,..., ,, , . . ... .
present berause of sickness, his re.
. -Si.
If y man II. Cohen, market editor of
Ihe Oregon Journal, gives the follow
ing resume of (he wheal stiuallon at
PortlnrH last Saturday:
Wheat short sellers are faring
staggering losses today In Ihe pine
of profits- which they had nlcly fig
ured on paper.
The wheal grower Is i at d at tin
new 1 urn of affairs and while it Is
loo enrly to state definitely how far
the advance In wheal vlll b" torn-il.
the f.ut remains Hint I In- Irjili In
genersl epenly expresses th epltilon
that whent prices have no) on'y gone
; low enough, but too low.
Two ratU'M of wheat i t.' r.-cent-ly
sold In I'oriUnd by an export
house l-.ere at an extremely low price
to go forwsrd lo England. This sale
Is said to have b n made "short.'
or without the wheat on band. Th
sellers hoped or gambled that the
market would go s'lll lower.
They har lost their bet; the farm
era are winning and the situation
'whith appeared to b undermining
the American wheat trad Is gradu
ally changing.
I In order to cover." or deliver
their short sales of wheal to Ungland.
'the exporters who forced the i-
trrn prlr hr have been forced to
j go Into ih country for actual wheal
.Wheat they bad figured on paper as
being a.l to seegre at -ry In
- .ric was rx.l atallal.le f.,r rl
loadine !! si h. t ). i.y U.
- e , liia- I l.eil lS - S S 1 p
f . .. . . ..J It. , k . . .ft...
lasairist ihe wan and are holdirg for
dear l.fe
Tl short f li r la
t r ic
fnred to to into the niit,.,r and a
fr'it, 1 'I In 1 rrfti. a .til e! n.i.fe f.
T.r T1FI I'.Rq lf, y ,., tl li ,f
j'snd lin-.r's ln1iii H,.i sun t
en... w).st na !. n .i.;d in t,
Hold Meeting
port on state progress being made by
letter. The plans of ihe National
Farm Bureau Federation relating to
wool and the advisabilily of cooper
ating with this organization were dis
cussed and a motion made that tho
Morrow County Wool Growers go on
record as favoring the election of a
delegate to cooperate with this or
ganization; this motion was carried
unanimously. Under the head of
resolutions a resolution was introduc
ed endorsing the French-Capper
Truth In Fabric Bill, which was car
ried unanimously; another resolu-
U'a relating to tho Payne-Aldrlch
tajj'f schedule K, called forth con
siderable discussion, and It was unan
imously decided that no action should
be taken on this schedule at the pres
ent time. The resolution calling up
on the state convention to go on rec
ord as endorsing an effort to obtain
better railroad rates to the grating
grounds carried unanimously.
Under the head of election of of
ficers John Kilkenny was elected
president; John Kelly vlee president;
Ed. Nelll, treasurer; L. A. Hunt, sec
retary; and Jack Hynd, Ed Rugg,
and R. W. Turner, associate directors.
No other business of Importance
coming before the meeting, the meet
ing adjourned at the call of the
president. L. A. HUNT, Secretary.
Heppner sert Ion around $1.40 a bush
el, which would mean at least $1.60
Portland for stork.
Most of the short whent sales were
made for December (elivety and the
lime for shipping has arrived. The
sellers do not own the wheal; It Is
held by the farmers mid Du re prom-
lse to be a war Hi Ihe flnliih.
On Ihe Portland Merchant's Ex -
change Thursday's price were 5 to 7
cents a bushel higher I hull Ihe In.-
vloiis day In sympnlhy Willi a furtlnr
harp rise In Chicago.
WHEAT MtllkI T ll.M1l All 's
The past wei k has bun marked by
considerable unexpected activity in
the wheat market, dm-, according to
press reports, to light crops and tin-
favorable weather condition in
Mouth American countries and Au
tr.illa. speculators who lud sold
short Were sent srurr)ln to n.tn
and II I said two carcu-a now load
Ing at Portland were finally hoiirM
si country points at nuns tn cen's
sdvsnce over the prlre the sp.-iiilsl of the pass. ng"-r cnai h. The baggage
ors had sold at. 'man was thrown through the side
Heppner dealers reported strictly
No. I lllueatem worth f,0 II 51
hr" Monday, but Tuesday noon ileal- '
era were advlaid by their prinr iii.1
st Portland of a titti" cent drip
Hut tit I las credence is im press re
Je-itU S Unit the wh'al sHiti.n here
t.y either filers, b-iir or bsftser.,
and the question of wl.nh way 'I-
II a'e Will ('I W lhtn li e ft n i.n'h
i.r l whal n.ars if wii! i i-n
dnd a s'iri nf t hin- - ii
7hrr is f ..il.g In t.a I
fnf S'.li.e I u'-i-c sf tit
I 1 1 I
I r,i
i?c I ( i... n'r . ti a...r i,'
in ssr'y in Jimn'r it I.
-rds fifi.t N. mm,
; It at nee f..r lie ,!
' t!al I
iter I
Unmet t Goldstein, of Portlaml, De
livers Oration Splendid Musical
Program by Local Talent
"Their faults we write upon the
sand. Their virtues' upon, the tablets
of love and memory." is Elltdom's
loving tribute to the honored memory
of departed brothers. And this is no
formal tribute to be remembered on
ly once a year at the annual Lodge of
Sorrow, but every night in the year
wherever Elks may chniance to gath
er, whether in lodge room or banquet
hall, 'mid social scenes or in business
place, when, the first' Chime of the
hour of eleven strikes all other in
terests are set aside while a loving
thought is given to the memory of
those who have passed across the
Great Divide lo ' that mystic place
which lies beyond the sunset of life;
and as the last stroke sounds every
Elk rises to his feet and with bowed
head and In hushed voice repeats the
words, "To our departed brothers."
Heppner Lodge, No. 3 58, observed
the occasion of Elks' Memorial day
last Sunday afternoon, in common
with every other lodge of (he order
la theUniled States.
An added interest attached to the
occasion because of the fact that this
was the first public lodge ceremony
held In tho new Elks building.
The big lodge room was filled to
capacity with members of the order,
their families and nfends, and Ihe
entire program commanded the clos
est attention from the audience.
Exalted Ruler Charles B. Cox pre
sldedo at the ceremonies, being as
sisted In ritualistic portion, of the ex
ercises by Esteemed Leading Knight
B. P. 8tone, Esteemed Lecturing
Knight B. B. Kelly and Esteemed
Loyal Knight L. E. Mikesell.
Rev. Stephen Phelps, D. D., vener
able pastor oT the Federated church,
acted as chaplain for the occasion In
prayer and benediction.
Barnett Goldstein, former assist
ant federal prosecuting attorney, and
a member of Portland lodge of Elks,
No. 142, was the orator, his address
being a triumph of eloquent utter
ance, touching tribute and beautiful
Mrs. Paul Gammell, former In
structor In Heppner high school, gave
the beautiful reading, "Thanatopsls,"
most effectively.
The musical numbers consisted of
the opening march by Mrs. Waller
Moore as Die numbers entered Ihe
lodge room; the quartet, "There Is
no death," by Mrs. Iinrbee, Miss Lane,
Mr. Goodman and Mr. Morrison;
Vocal solo. "SiinM-t nnd Evening
, ,,- i,y Mri). iiarbec: ,i,1(,f -Ever
Bt t,, Miss Lane und Mr. Good
I ,.,; V,.H M,, -(mr Yesleirtuys.
! i... m1b, Kin'elinan : und Ihe nlami
1,,,!,, "The Swamp Angel," l,y Mrs.
The Interesting exercises were
closed Willi the closing Olle of I III'
lodge. Ml II 14 ll Ihe members, followed
with ihe h. in dli i Ion by Rev. I lr.
ltd) hii i;ou win t k
A bud wink occurred to Ihe wist '
humid train on III" blanch Thursday I
mining near Moigon. A large box ,
car loadnl wllh wheal Jilinpnl the!
track on a curve and twin-d rum !
pletelr ou r, throwing the ni xl fol
lowing car. a gondola, across the)
track. d railing the baggage and x j
pn-a car as well as Ihe front lruTs i
' rr r"1 Ai s'unmd
!"y l.e l..i. out was umojur.ii ...,e,-
wle. j agi r or ine lo w niar theater. Uvea)
A Mr Knight, whose home la said ( freqiieiii proof that nmhiri,- Is to-,
to be near llnard'iiar. a subcontract- good for lh patrons of ,ia pUi-e In
or on the highway wmk, who had 'the way of modm 'luiptin nt. Ma
I., ', n ill si ib ran.p fur m veral days latest effort being the itisullailne of
,1, l u ( ltik 0 to The lull's t.ospi- two !'., rs Cll inoilnn picture pro
tal lor iraiii ini lie was on a col Ject'irs fur use In his bouse,
in lie t.aggjge rat when lh rrj.h j The Powers iraihuna are reci.c-
can - si.'l was I'isai-d about In a live
If I. sl.ni I. but Is though' not In iai
. i I ar.r si ' -.-is Injury, fi n ml
. i . i on H e tram r 1st d tnm
ii j it s. It l sid !-tie Iri'l'
, lanf.n if I r.ir.
-. t sns-la, l lre tisivnt
Mi.' ! (Ui. n 't.
kl" I
I -.
System KeiMirted in Good Shape Ex
cept ..Poor ..Construction ..on
Ditch Creek Line
City council held iheir regular
meeting Monday evening when rou
tine business was transacted and cur
rent bills audited and allowed.
The most important business of the
evening was the final report of Clar
ence Hickey, who represented the
engineering firm of Burns & McDon
nel, of Kansas City, in charge of con
struction of the water system.
Mr. Hickey's- report, which was
comprehensive, going Into the subject
at considerable length, was to tho
effect, that, generally speaking, the
system is a good one and has been ,
turned over to the city in good con
dition. With tho exception of minor leaks
in the concrete and redwood portions
of the pipe line, which are to be ex
pected in all new work, tho only crit
icism offered in the report was in
connection with the Ditch creek di
version line on which Mr. Hickey
stated the construction was faulty,
and in many cases not In harmony
with his survey. The pipe, which on
that line is of light Iron, was not.
properly laid, and there are many bad
leaks at present. The report stated.
however, that Ihe sum of some $400
which, according to the terms of tho
contract with Goist Bros., who built
the line, is yet due them, should
be retained by the city as damages
and tho contract cancelled. This
amount, Mr. Hickey's report stated,
will bo ample to make necessary re
pairs on the lino and put It in good
The report also went Into the mat
ter of the development of springs
along the upper end of the line by
which a very considerable amount of
pure water may be added to the pres
ent flow,, thereby guarding against
possible shortage during the summer-
months and also lessening tho
amount of Impurities the creek water
may contain.
The present method of chlorlnlia
tlon should also bo improved, Ihe re
port stated. In order that tho amount
of chemical used be regulated lo cor
respond with tho flow of water.
Mr. Hickey's report was accepted
and placed on file, and his connection
with the water system terminated.
About 100 ex -service men and Iheir
friends were presenl at a smoker giv
en by Heppner Post, American le
gion, last Saturday evening, and tho
occasion was one of the best of Ha
kind ever given In Heppner. On
visitor remarked I hat he never saw
100 loen together before who seemed
lo be having such a good lime. An
excelli-nt program of athletic events
was pot on, and the ImI that Ihe con
testants were all home In. is iu.. . to
the llllereM.
The Legion boys ate winking on a
plan to secure amiable quarters for
a gymnasium and culh rooms not on
ly for the Use of t In lr lm iiibers but
also as a place wh re the yniini; boys
of the town can spend their vi iiings
amid proper surroundings. Tin1 Idea
la a good one and should mn-l with
gi m ml favor. Our bos Would lm
belter off In sin h a plnre than on
Illii slli els.
II. O. Hlgsbee, sole oiu r and liisn-
nlx 'd as the l.i.l wmd in r t r n
0 . iilon picture im in, an. I f I pp.
In t pa'mns of ll.e star ' n-i. l lake
smite s.it i-f sr l ii.n (..,.,, I',,, knnwt
die thai lher-i i p i.ini I',.,r .lc
lure show is i. p. . r of ai r In t'.o
Ulge fil.ia
lei j'.ur f"hr;B't us s ti't-1 1 early
aid Mr" lime, inuhie ai'l ii.ni.i y