Eight THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November -v. K)-?o. I . .. a J. IjOCAL news items -j. Pick Pott'T, and old time resident of Hi-ppncr, ciinif; in Sunday c-vuiiii.L' for a visit with friends. Mr. iinnd 7;rs. C. A. Minr.r -;ik out from J'ortisiril last week anu wi'l - stile in Uejj'mer mus winter. .Mi s. i;ila Miel.le, of Gk-nns Fen y Idalio, is li'T" oil a sliorl. visit with lier sister, Mrs. S. A. 1'at.Uson. Miss C)iiiim.r-.i, Latin inslrue f.r in ilie hk-,Ji seliuo , : i. )( the recent, liuli with tela .ves i Portland. Jar pei- Crawford, student at 0. A. (.'., spent a few days homo last week, enjoying the Than ksiiivnis holidays. Oscar Kielhley is reported to h( seiitjusly ill tit his home at Eit;ht niili', siiflerini; front muscular rheu nial ism. T. K. J'attison, of Port Orrhare, Washington, left, for home Friday' inoi'iini after a week's visit with relatives here. Horace Wells, eldest, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wells, is reported pery ser iously ill at the family home at May it rid Court streets. Miss Tin Mai'naret'.s academy at Pendleton, spent Thanksgiving with her sifter, .Mrs. (jrovi r tiwiiKKiirr. Mrs. P. .1. .luday, of Portland, re tuned to Iter home Sunday alter : pending Thanksgiving with Iter pur eiils. Air. and Mis. Sam Hughes. Dr. and Mrs. Allison oxp.vt to Iravi Thursday lor Morton, Washington, where the doclor has seemed an op ening in the practice of his p'ofc-i-sion. Miss Gwendolyn Uarbee, who is tit tending high school at I'ortland this win I or, spent the Thanksgiving in 1 i -(las wiih in r parents, Mr. annd Mrs. C. Darlx'e. J. M. li.iker, formerly engag'd in lariuing in the Fairview district south of lone, was in town yesterday on business. Mr. Li.kcr is now a rer.i 'eil of lleppner. Fled A. ( ,ise, who lias been il Portland lor some time under Hint nicnl lor a Imilily disorder, ' re' uniei: Wed.iesday to i pend Thanksgiving Youthful Blouses and Smocks OVI i:i:l.ortrH-Mch i unoitcr ionirf for mmn km ani IUhi 'r uoo4 (! nliuMT thai lt tlci-l iiel He I k-iu' f tol e irt . fnm ' t m njionrd. hut trvn rarffullf im1,-n I w-uiier hr 1 oiiii n, 1 tiin mi iiimi, aiel In (tn il'HH ! ' 1 r iu tlif lxl lefortiml i.fiilcli lie 1 ntr t.i found In tin vtal n. tt, ...r,.pr'li 1,1 tl 4 titl girl mil tM,ilt an m ttntiirtil M ( fiif tirf aor-l, rr; )..i'ti 'til. w-rftiA t IU of ih.in -r In o.. )-, i. M, t.,i,it !' I lh i,rT,i j r t'ra ol Hi" iii4 i ,t nn I ht In tb"" i-l' ' 01 'l,.. !,.,Wfi of I, orp I t.l . n k n'r ,m I, oil r'O..,, .) )t. r M iSn i4 ii4.4!' M.. arn tU (- ) u I - -1 4 I . I r. i I I ..-,.-.' J .)... of , ...,!. 01 ...11 wun nia lamny. .nr. aae is mucii 1 improved in health and as Jolty as ever before. Harold Cohn returned Sunday from 1 weens visit with relatives and friends at Poise, Idaho. At Nan pa Mr. Cohn Met Prof. H. H. Hoffman, former principal of the Hppner schools. Prof. Hoffman is now loadi ng at. Hurley, Idaho. lleppner Post, No. 87, American Legion, will give a smoker in 1 O. O. F. hall next. Saturday evening. December 4, to which the p"Mk: is invited. There will be a good fast, in -'.grain of wrestling and boxing events, arid refreshments will be served. Members of the Legion will be admitted free.. All other visitors! will be charged a nominal admission 00 of 25 cents. 1 Notes From 0. A.C. l ai-in Kcmliiders The farm bureau is not. a market 1 association, but. is interested in iringing into active operation such Marketing associations as are essen- ial to proper marketing of farm pro- luce. A national cominlll.ee of 17 litis been appointed to develop a grain market plan, and of 15 to work out a heller plan for the marketing of live- tock. Several smut resistant wheats have ieen found, and at least, one variety ; s apparently immune to the disvaso. i I'he real solution to the smut, prob-i em in Oregon Is the discovery and levclopnienl. of immune types adapt- d to commercial production in the liffer' til, wheat growing ureas. More ban a thousand different varieties mil strains have been tested so far. "Douglas county, Washington now ins the best Turkey peed wheat In the ttate as- a result of the car lot ship ment from Sherman eounly. Ore- ton," says Professor Hegnaur, ex enion agronomist at the Washing on Stale College. "Your station lias nude our runners a good many dol ars on Increased price received for ieed wheat," writes C K. Hill, super ntendent of the Wutervile lbranch italion to I). K. Stephens, the Moro lation man who developed the strain. and xr..!,, .lur, taut,. t-r..n. t and c. urn rtiilirid-rr, )arn frie-- mi I ant-.r, ,-u(h In t-antla ami mf ioaV a !ii CMiiblnatlon llb Ul'iw lth lh ri-enlaiii atl In aw Hal f. , ).oinf ndaa In illitr i-r .- k'.', ami t'h Hulrf Vne.n or tuti iotlar lhr la al lmM hi lrniiniin on tmn Tha nd 1 1 rtoit n.. m nirr1ml I. 11 (ta la k la of lt,ln fr a- h.w! Il la loan In Mm ami i!ar r Paniirl, Mh lh banal k f9lin of 1 r.. aMif .r'.t aitn li" 'ia rn.l n.t lof. ih fwin; and It la ' g.. ; lul rl.otr I l-l,li i at , iiirfl.l,mn f II r lti.-r a fi -e,.t la -ut i-- li if . J a oft rw-n-t'fc i f a'xl 1 1 ' '! In a l i' l .! , XJfl' " fWz' v,r'A bp' jA II j !1 iiu. In the great re-adjustment of prices now going on we are going to treat Greatest Sale of Winter that they have ever had and this at a time when every one needs just the can only list here a few of the many bargains we are offering you. . You visit our store. .BE SURE TO SEE THESE BARGAINS. Coats and Dresses $50.00 Value Garments, now S45.00 V aluc Garments, now S40.00 Value Garments, now $35.00 Value Garments, now $30.00 Value Garments, now $27.50 Value Garments, now $25.00 Value Garments, now All Children's Coats at Reduced Prices SEE THEM Unional.sand Kov oralis Reduced from $6.50 to 4.95 Reduced from $5.00 to $3.85 Reduced from $4.25 to $3.65 TWENTY PER CENT REDUCTION ON ALL SUITS, OVERCOATS, SWEATERS, MACK INAWS, STAG SHIRTS, T30YS' UNDERWEAR, DRESS PANTS. TEN PER CENT REDUC TION ON HATS AND CAPS, FLANNEL SHIRTS. Women's Silk Hosiery Fibre Silk, colors black and white, special .$590 $1.75 Silk Hose, black and white $1.50 $2.50 Silk Hose, black, white and brown $1.95 $3H)Silk Hose, black, white and brown $2.45 S3. 50 Silk Hose, black white and brown $2-95 Sl.txi Silk Hose, black, white and hn n $3-45 ( I ,uurv ta extra.) WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S Sweaters All Sweaters reduced, a splendid line of colprings, styles, and prices Sid ;, a!t'. 11. .w S13.75 Si V.bt now $12.00 Si.'ii .iltii', now Sio.oo Siomi Value. mv . . . $3.75 . ....$6.25 S(".ii Value. tnw $$. Vahie. now S3.75 . S 7 Value, iii.w $2.05 Si m Seariv now $7.95 SS 7; ScatK now $7.35 AH Knit Caps, Toques, and Tarns 25 Cents Less All Leather Coats and Vests S5i KcrrMbIe y'incli C. it at $37-5 5345-' !'' bred drcM ct at $27.50 v li'.uiirr ct at $18.50 ir. GREAT I . $37.50 jl $35.00 $30.00 $25.00 . $22.50 $19.00 $18.00 Materially WATCH FOR OUR NEXT ADVERTISEMENT n Corduroy Pants Best Grades "Boss of the Road" and "Can't Bust Em" Regular Price, 7.50, now at the exceptionally low price Cotton Piece Goods iK-vmiMiire and Croccnt Cloths 3.' in., now 45c Mi. tin r Pride Kmr.per Cloth, i'ow . .( 35c l'est Domestic Ginjjhams ...35c Iel Apron Cheeks 25c Anioskcaj ( hitin 25c I'.UacInd Mulin. 27011 15c r.le.uhed MuMin, 3' in 25c Women's Shoes Finest Kid Lace Boots, New est styles and most popular colors. .Luxury tax extra. SHi.51) Shoe, now ...$12.50 $15 Shoe, now ...$11.50 $14 u Shoe, now ... $11.00 $1350 Shoe, now ...$ro.oo Si. 50 Shoe, now . . . .$9.50 $10 in Shoe, now . . . .$8.75 AH other I.adicV Shoe ami Oxford at a saving to you of 50c per pair l'th Slipper, popular color, fomfv or leather oK- ?,ti alue. now $235 the people of Morrow Co. to the Merchandise things that we are offering. .We will find many more when you Women's Underwear All qualities can be had in long or short sleeves, high or low neck, and in sizes 34 to 44 Cotton Union Suits, heavy fleece, white, $3.00 value, now .$2.15 Wool Union Suits, all wool and part wool, me dium and light weights, $3.50 to $4.00 values, now $2.75 Silk and Wool Union Suits, knee or ankle lengths, $4.;5-$5.oo values, now $3.95 Two-Piece Underwear, ladies, misses and chil dren's vests or pants, cotton, very spl. $25C ea. Wool, very special 65c ea. Men's "Sleepy Hollow" Gowns and Pajamas, Good Quality Flannel Nicely Finished Priced $5. 50, now .... ... .$4.45 Priced $4.50, now $3.45 Outing Night Wear Children's Outing Sleeper special gjc Children's Dr. Denton's sleep ers, special $1-35 Children's Outing downs, sizes 2, 4, 0 years $1.45 Men's Outing (iowns, sizes 10. 12, 14 $1.95 Women's Outing downs, $j.75 and $3.00 value $2.35 Women's Outing Pajamas. S4.50 values . . - $3-45 Men's Dress Shirts "BEAU BRUMMELL" at these prices . Sio.(k) Shirts at $7-95 $.( Shirts at $6.45 S7.00 Shirts at $5-45 Sou) Shirts at $4.65 S;.(x) Shirts at $3-85 $4.50 Shirts at $3.45 S.V75 Shirts ta $2.95 $3 m) Shirt at S2.35 $.'.50 Shirt at $1.95 Men's Overalls First fp-ade heavy blue bib Overall '. $2.75 I.iRht weight, blue and tripes $2.50 Men' full cut heavy bhle bib, Black Bear brand, very special at $2.00 Men' first grade waist over all $2.50 1N0R COMPANY I - I -I ti! f r I I m t S't.H 1, r