THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November 30. 10.20. 'S. E. NOTSON I'ltO! LSSIOVAI. ('Attl)S ATTOIXEY-AT-L.V Office in Court House Let Us Show You Our Line of DR. HEPPNER, OREGON R. J. VAUGHAN DKNTIST Six Uncle Wali's I XX SURE CURES loineToin TIMpsT ii t i 'i rmamntly located in Odd It 1 low's! Building HKl'l-NEK, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK AT'lOll.NKVS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. i'UVSi: McMURDO AX and SI lU.EOX fOJ.f JINGEESON cure any disease bv (ll'llce PaMei mine oil's 1 0 2 Drug Sl.oi' HEPPNER, OilEGON V. A. McMENAMIN 1, aw ykk Office phone Main !43 Ke'-iib lice Phone Main tiGii Kob'-rts P.uildinK HEPPNER, OREGON DR. CLYDE R. WALKER rilYSH'IAN and SIT.C'KON Phone Connections IONE, OREGON I SAM E. VAN VACTOR I ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW j First National Rank Eldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON 1 ike jxsrit a.( 1; Successors to C. C. Paltejson HEPPNER, OREGON JMATEHX ITY HOME I am prepared to take a limited number1 of maternity cases at my home 1:1 east Hepiitier and assure best attention to ail patients. Write or phone, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Pox 142. Plione 3!)G. 23tf hot water, cr. "He is oflicinll College of ,- rv ! says he can drinkiiiL' " aimomieed the bald honrd has had every disease that y recognized l,y the Iloval CITY HAS ITS DISADVANTAGES No "Neighbors" There, as There Are in the Smaller Towns of tho Country. "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers SeWcr and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products Phone 467 1003 North 10th St Walla Walla, Wash. THE BRICR McAtee (EL AiKen, Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks POOL YOU ARE WELCOME "Just Between You and Me" says the Good Judge V f A small dtcw i J-A'j) f tob.lCVO l.lsiS Here's genuine chewing satisfaction for you, hook ed up with real economy. tins das- much loin; hew of tho i i Jin irv kind - that's he- c nive the! full, rieh. real tobacco laMc lasts S0I0114. Any man who uses tho Kcal Toluecii Chew will tell oii that. I'ut uf 11 u o tlylit W-l CUT ii rt long lohacco UK II IT' CU T ii u short-cut tobacco Physicians and Surgeons and lias banished them all by that simple means. "Anythimr he comes a curative a::. 'id it a mat: be lieves; In it hard enough." said the star boarder. ".Jasper .Jones says he was tor mented with rheu matism for ten years, and tried e. V e r y t Ii I n K of which we read In the nlmtiWK'K, and nothing did him any food until lie got a horse chestnut and carried It nwii.vl in his imcket. Then the rheiiliiatisvn disaipeared, iind hasn't played a re turn enslavement since, I have talked with Jasper often, tryinv to point out j the folly of his. claim, but he refuses ' to yield an inch. 'I used to have all j hinds of rheumatics before I jrot that bor-:e ches'mit,' he say-, 'and now 1 ' haven't a i'-'-'"'. V'II( w.,uhi ask ; belter proof than Unit';' Mild i.el.A ...twm.ft '-'.h., 1,.- I ; Mrs. .lienors. It may be thai a 'u.irse 'chestnut In the hip ioe!;et is u specilic i for rnemnntism. It Isn't ;-afe to de nounce any theory as a false alarm, j "Ira Urlfway used to be always vniiinlnv about his diseases, until It became unpleasant to meet him. He couldn't talk about anything else. He Ignored the crops and regarded the weather with contempt, mid devoted nil his great enervy and talents to a discussion of the tlilnv that were hurtlni! him. Then all of a sudden he began lioiistlnir of how hale and hearty lie whs. He explained that the road to health was absurdly easy, anil there was no excuse lor sickness any where. All a man had to do, he said, was to tret up early In the innrnlnv, before Riinrlse, iind draw In a hundred lontr breaths of the crisp mornlnif air. "He made the discovery himself, anil It wns more Important than any mod ern Invention. His sincerity Is shown by the fact that there was no possible jrrnft connected with It. A man can't sell the morning atmosphere at m much per breath. Ira's irreat discov ery was free to everybody. If I were irnlnjr to Invent n cure for iitiythltiK I'd compound somcthlni.' that could be put up In bottles ami sold at a dollar ii throw. The man who Invents a fresh air cure Is ruunliiK benevolence Into the croiind. "Ills cure was so ehiup that t de cided to Irv It. as I was suTerlnu from a broken heart mi'l a sluiri;lh liver nl llml period. I my ahinn clock for an hour before sunrise, iind vol up In the Mile, bleak dawn, ami put my Ik-mi! out of the window t In hale the prescribed hundred brenth" I Iind r -lied the twenty seventh brenth when a dl-lpnled bee or up, on Its way home from n nlvhl of rev elry. Mime me nil the ni"e. and I In such hn-ie In put a porous plnv j ler on Ibal or,-. in I tint I didn't fm-ti the Irellllllelll, ami never tried It ' iivaln. "llul I knew iniiiiv MK'h who clnliiied they were cured of exiTObliut ' from the imiiiii". b''f nnd mouth d s- ie, by the hundred breath In-ill-Imlil. "Tlicre was a i rtni on my f i'b. r' A blfr town offers ailvantavcs. There ! are unusual facilities for spending money, impressive bnililinvs to siivvcst's iiiipur;an'-e amf sliow houses wliere one may be euleriained, at a price. I y experts m ilie eiitenaiiunv i u i lies w. Th.-re are smooth sirei-ts 10 ! H bus encourage tiie i-onsuinpi ioa of vaseline and smooth promoters, to eni-ournve the cultinv of eyeie"th. There are peilesl rians vcarinv the latest styles and newspapers clmekUug over the larest scatiilals. Hut tin-re are no neivhbors. In a :it y a vood neivhlioi-hood is a part of town .inhabited by people who have plenty W spending money. Jn a small town Ii vood neighborhood Is ono in habited by people who make good neighbors. A good neighbor Is one who bids you good morning, calls to ask what he can do when you are sick, borrows your garden tools, keeps his chickens and children at home, never plays phonograph after ten o'cloc1', 7a night anil takes a mild interes n u 0f your affairs. He cabs. yoU 'j-imli if yoli happen to be a 'ma, and feels free to enter ye',,. iums by the kitchen door If 'lllllt s (, more convenient u-''i''. Are there any such In great ci'.tes? When the wife bakes and has unusit- j allv L'ood luck the best loaf goes to ! the neighbor. It expresses friendship and her commendable pride In goon raftsmanship. After a few days the oaf returns in the lorm of a clierry ple, hot from the oven, or a bowl of dumplings cooked In the home-made blackberry wine left from the boiling of n ham. If one of the children cuts finger the-neighbor has Iodine. He offers It freely, for tomorrow night he may forget to bring home a can of to. bacco. .Small-town people are one bl& fam- llv. If their mode of life inaKes se crets Impossible, It also lessens the number of things that should be kept secret; and their Interest In one an other an Interest that might be very annoying to a big-town man Is In Hplred by kindness rather than curiosity. The man who asked "Who Is my neighbor?" was not a small-town man. else he would have known. Koiiert Quillen In the Saturday Kvenlng l'ost. Plows Seeders and other seasonaore larm machinery and implements oles Hard 'Company ware i ii 1 1 M I I $ : z. LISTEN!! Do you ever think to give your motor a fresh drink of oil? .You will find it makes a differ ence. We are prepared to wash your motor with flushing oil at a low cost. MAKE WAR ON THE ANTS Dettructlvt Little Creaturet May Routed by Hot Water or Kero sene Emulsion. Be Ant are quite troublesome In some localities. They almost destroy large ureas of otherwise healthy grass. There are two methods of routing this eu I'tnv. One Is to locate each hill and Hiur bollltig water over It. or kero.ene eniuNlon where the hot water Is apt to Injure the plants. Hiiulphlil" of curium ciin be ued. but It Is more ex penlve than the n"he" rcuii'dio. Thi i Insecticide bus Ilie iiihiintage of belun more t'lietraling and folbus the In irlnicles of Hie tunnels of the hdls Iberefore dctroj Im: all ibe Inlmbl-tants. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE FELL BROS. PORD GARAGE MACHINE SHOP Phone 193 I i n i u 'Xi'zi ', ,1-tn. lilnl I d"t 'l II i'h utp ...l.t nml n f'- "''' win!.- i ;- i .Mi-l .!. Iltel tlo M I --.- I'l -' ' V Iilcr I" lb" II'" ' l'"l l"f I' M ' ..i- i. i . i . i ' , 1 1 1 e, , nr.-i w. i . . I, I belli. 'I I'.'- !'(, I . 1,1 I'l l C I-- ' '''' 'I l o t' . l I ll" 1! ' ,'irlc in- be oil I I Remove Seed Pods. It wclns Uliliece-nr) I" i;.'V""l tbpJ em h day yn relume Mill ib-nd leaves and llnwers I II! umiie f.ill'l Knribners do Ilegieel lbi pl lle I'f the vork. Von tn.ui If imi dea l do lids two ihiie: lire sure to leipl eii- Kit "I V'Hr gal'b-.l lui'i'i. ii a I u I your ll -. r. "e)-bip ""i-d l-e'l". al"l '1 i" t "" of l-e p' I I.I V. , 1 t me nil . nn. i" : ll. I'l,.) lie , r .-.-! I... 1'v "I a I f t ii 1 I I 1: in f Lot 1 1 '" r r i'. 'in ii t i I ii ) Ii il I I i l I " i ! " i .1 ll w i' b ,1 I l. "! ' 4 )e:.f I'f IH,I 1 SH I 'I be t. I b'l i.'ll.'l. 'n-r Ibe .-'e ' !ni, iiT.f.-1 rvii'' i thrt I r. lhi l-f I I I ' I'l I ff ! f.-r i . k uf- I i I I I t tt n .- '1 t,m; M'h - t b". Mr J'ti;. r lint m arv mitl'd tit l-ritrr quality of t.iltlef on tM lM F., R. b ROW IS CUAKANTKKD LOW COST Lll i: INSU KANCr.; YUiV., HAIL. ACC1 DP.NT AND HHALTII INSUKANCII I..H.O I I li I III I I'M Ii lull tll . 11,1)11) 1 1. .lit t I immi n i Mm r or i nn tu m.m 10 imv M ! H' t" r in U. t'iit r.uiMtr. 1 Ici j iu r, t rrn. evy e Cscape. I1llmh Tbl f nt abaxil a t."l i"n tHilillft IHI bf, tlhrlt b liul. a n I A , II a ttt- alloy b tm" '"t&A Hen nrr Till: hili'J'NKR HKKAl-U, ONLY i:.oo A YEAR Just l.l.e 1e 0' Me Uil-'-e a I" h I . - -I I" -f . , . V r I I f I ' "I ' frf an. a f ' " ' I I f4 c.l If ' - I ! I' I In.- ! I iti H a 1 1 The 0' O ' t-a - I . t ' l 1 U- fc at y"tf f l"t ft t4 ett r . ' !' ,lel , II..- A- f (t.'ii-.'i-li. ! While ll.e iTH. in f.r i. h tii'. """ ! ff fii. ty ilie prlit "! i-f ali rl .). !m- lr j,r.l e u. n. i-r i.'! r put. ue iwii'- fit, all "f l' '-' b'-"',I nn-nnni- tin fi.r eMior r.'f-vi"n I'quaily Hu 11 la i!m! r""i'"'i ba an lin- .riant .'a-t In ibe .biiioinl for law r..i,tam of tm In r.irmeuC atiJ riiein.-n. Choice Cuts of the ! Best Meats KVLIRY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she i ili'inic v it 1 0 buys lu-r Meats at this h"i which i fiiiiihu'tiil iti cnnioiniity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. T i'! !" Ru'es. Tt mall l""li f'iir Anirfl. a b .. Ilil''l "f l-r" a 'li 'f hrt- i.ia. rteMrt' ai. I h.m. la a ('!'- f"' leiil l' - "r mrn a'a ."in lio. h f'.-ia ll--'f n.M M r-i' '' """" " ' !', at .t r1 l I I ( Blt'l b.. ll.r f ,--ft.a I -"-f I,, I ,., ,.f .! . '- t et'f in i.i, I n frii'. i- r -r ; I 1 !n te !' ).r sn. '. S. lti'i I l ' tl b-ft t . !,- f-u-Oi..t a l'. Ct"iaf t b ftafy (., I it ttm !- to !' Itt ,,.tt fmmtt 'b en t Iwater BURLAP SACKS For Potatoes at Sam Hughes Co. ONLY 5 CENTS EACH Better Come Early SAM HUGHES COMPANY Arm'