Tuesday. November 30. 1020. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Five O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. (0 0 0 0 't O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v o 3 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O o o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 o o o o o 0 I OCAL HAPPENINGS From Neighboring Towns 1 . r 1 IONE S I ! r r I hanksgiv- ing Day This good old New England custom of counting blessings and giving thanks therefore, is becoming world-wide in ob servance. There are many things to be thankful for if you give the matter careful attention. If you have opened an account at our bank and regularly deposited your savings, you can be thankful for the snug sum you now have on hand for emergency. If you have not done that, you can at least be thankful for the fact that the opportunity is still at hand for you to start an account, and that a good, reliable Bank is ready to care for your deposits. .If you can't be thankful for that well, you can at least be thankful that you are not a turkey! First National Bank Heppner, Oregon j. .w. 4. . !- F. H. Haley received the sad news Tuesday morning that his father, J. B. Haley, had died suddenly that morning at his home in Eugene. Mr.. Haley left at once for Eugene. Mrs. Rasor of Walla Walla came Wednesday to be at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Weldon, who is ser iously ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craig near lone. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hamilton and little son of Portland came Sunday and will spend a few days visiting Mrs. Hamilton's sister, Miss Mildred Calkins, and other relatives. Mrs. Leland before her marriage was Miss Lulu Calkins, and is well known here, having attended the lone high school a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Wood of Port land arrived Monday and are guests at the home of the hitter's sister, Mrs. Herb Olden of Rhea creek. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have been visiting rela tives at Bend, Oregon. Mrs. M. R. Morgan and Mrs. E. R. Lundell are enjoying a visit from their father, J. M. Baker, and brother Lester, who arrived from Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilt motored to Moro Wednesday to spend Thanks giving with their daughter, Mrs. Ray Blake. They returned Saturday ac companied by Mrs. Blake and little daughter, who will spend a few days at the Wilt home. J. W. Howk, local depot agent, left Thursday on the local for Arlington, where he was the honored guest of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sailing, who served a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner. If all reports are true Mr. Howk cer tainly did justice lo the turkey and other good things. Fred Allinger of Oak Grove ar rived a few days ago and is a guest at the. home of his brother Charlie Allinger. Mrs. Mary Ball has purchased the Oscar Williamson residence property on Third Street and expects to take possession this week. Mrs. Ball will renovate the house by repapering, painting and wiring same. Mrs. John Hassner and two chil dren came Wednesday from Gresham to spend Thanksgiving with her par ents, Mr. and Mis. Ike Howard. Billy Gifford, general manager of the Potato Starch company of Beav erton, came Friday for a brief busi ness and pleasure trip. While here he visited his sister, Mrs. John Olden of Rhea, returning Sunday. Mrs. W. T. McNabb left Wednes day for Hood River, where she will spend a few days with friends. Mrs. Bessie Dundas of Oregon City arrived Monday, having been called here on accout. of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Mary Norton. Mrs Dun das returned home Friday, accom panied by Mrs. Norton, who will spend the remainder of the winter with relatives near Oregon City. Mr. . H. Baldock of LaGrande, su pervisor of the engineering division of the highway, was a business visit or in our city Thursday. (Too hue for last week.) Bert Mason, one of Ione's leading merchants, with his wife, left Wed nesday for Portland to visit with Mrs. Mason's, mother, Mrs. Godfrey, and enjou the stock show. Mrs. Kul'us Herrens and little daughter, who have been visiting rel atives and friends for the past, two weeks, left Friday for their home at Oakland, Oregon. They were accom panied home by Miss Bernice Fletch er, who will visit for a few weeks at the Farrens' home. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Buffington, and two sons motored over from Pendle ton last week and spent a few days visiting friends. They left Friday for Texas where they expect to make their future home. Mr. Buffington la an experienced well driller, and expects to locate near the oil fields where he will devote his time to drill ing. J. M. Torter of Rufue, Oregon, came rrtday and is a guest at the home of his son, Charles Porter, of Well Spring. Mrs. K. F.gmont, who has been spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. Art Fletcher, left lust Wednes I C. W. McNamer, manager ol Th eatre 4p- 1 'i j WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 . . IJKHK DANIKI.S in "You Never Can Tell" A story all about fine feathers and cold birds, innocent indiscretions and a very serious affair involving aina- vamp. A quick and da!iing comedv. 2 . 1 ...j.- V1 . Ml. . 1 :. i il &J, Z ' 'J ' 1 f THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 ANITA ST FAY ART iu "The Fighting Shepard- v Harming ami more rapt i ;it 111;: 1 rcr i Anita Stewart in "Tin- l i; in." Siu-p.irde-o." A Mm y l lilV ; ow in the r.reat WY-t, where nice and drama at e born. tan 10- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 CIIARI.KS RAY in "Bill Henry" V,hj will l.itinli and thrill and low jc anv kid at a rircu when ou m-c Clurlcs'kny in "Bill Henry." AN two-reel comet v, "Trying to t Along." SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4 FRANK KF.KNAN in "Dollar For Dollar" ANo I'athc RcK'v. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 5. F.NID I'.I'.NNKTT in "The Haunted Bed Room" N, we have not had this here l f rc. week ap hist failed too artne. A goo. I It ua .nlcrtir. a lew "X tory. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 mm o o o 0 O o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o Of thr lone meat market,, fcft Wednesday for Portland, where he will spend a few days on business and attend the stock Hhow. lie win accompanied by his wile. Mr. and Mis. Iloland Wade, who have been enjoying a two-week n vis it with Mr. Wade'a sicier, Mrs. K. J llrlstow. left Wednesday for their home at Wulla W alia. Mr. and Mrx. Will Barlow returned lionu- Saturday from a tim e-wet kH vMl Kpent at Oregon I'lly and Shep herd Spring.. Mr. Ilailuw'n health 1 much liiipnHid. Mih Jt BKle .liidi'i )V a former loin II I, but now of I'm Hand, wan miir- rl d at Vbi'.' oiimt last Mil unlay, No vember 12, lo Kusn ll JolniMin, The yminK couple will niuk thilr home in I'urtluiid. Mr, and .Mx. Tluillnian and ron ot WhIIhIiiii k, Wat hint-ion rame Kilday .ll.il aie (.'I'M lit Ihf lioine of th" (0111. t't nvi ,n. 'hi , I'.iul l!al.ir. M: l(. J, li',..nri ami Urn ioii of A 1 lliw'ioi) it n . Kiiuiiy ihi'J HI tu k tin il l.uii' in '.111 city lor th" l !",. Ill i I III I I" M llO'd ).ll. .'.r. annd Mi-. ihi,i M.ii. r I'll TlxiO'Uy l.y aoiit t-r I'oi'i.in l ! i ill V will i-t.l ;i ( !.,( fililiii t In ir I o d:i i. ) ' I . V. M, !! 11. i. t f I'l'f. .) Im-I 1 . . i.i l.t ln I' ll." at fulf il. Wal I n y in, dti.-r i.iiing H .ii t In inir t il y on b ! 11. Cecil from Portland on Friday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs at The Last Camp during their short stay in Cecil before leaving for Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. George Henriksvn of Rhea spent a short time in Cecil on Sunday. Cecil was well represented on Sa; uday night at the literary meeting at Rhea Siding school. Joe Marcus, who has been working for Everett Logan at Fairview ranch, left on Sunday for a short vacation among his friends near Blalock. Lester Goodrich of lone made a short visit in Cecil on Monday and found "34S still in the same old spot, stiller than ever. R. E. Duncan of Busy Bee ranch (the famous Cecil apiary) passed through Cecil on Monday with a ton of honey lor lone and vicinity. J. J. McEntyre and his brother, Mike of "KilU-rney," were doing busi ness in Cecil on Monday. Jack Hynd left on Monday for Portland, returning home on Wednes day, accompanied by his brother, Da vid, and sister, Miss Annie, of Sand Hollow, who have been visiting in Portland for the past few days, and also Mr. Joe Doney of Yamhill. They will all visit the beauty spots on Ce cil Scenic highway before leaving for their respective homes. Mrs. Jack Hynd and sons and the Misses Brislow and Shaw were call ing on Mrs. Tyler of lthea on Tues day. Miss Zella Kelly, teacher of Cecil school left on Wednesday for her home in Hood River, where she will spend Thanksgiving day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo "Krebs, also Miss Georgia Summer of the Last Camp, were among the dinner guesis of Mr. :tnd Mrs. Phi' Brady at their home near lone on Thanksgiving day. Dinner parties were all the rage up and down Willow Creek Thanks giving day, every home entertaining their different friends. The many friends of Oral Henrik- sen of Willow Creek ranch wlii tie pleased lo hear that he is progress ing fine afler his operation in Port lannd hospital and expects soon to be able to return home. State Engineer Baldock and Sur veyor Smith have been busy around Cecil with work in connection with the graveling of thet new road. W. G. Palmeteer of Wlndynook was a busy man around Cecil on Sunday. A. O. Llndstrom and also Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morgan and family were Ce cil callers during the week. M Mrs. Everett Logan and children of Fairview ranch arrived from Mei- rill, Oregon, on Tuesday. Mrs. Lo- coiiipanl. d by her mother, Mrs. Ciim inins, and sister, Miss Merle, who will visit around Cecil for an indefinite time. J. W. Osboin of Cell, Cliirenc. winter 01 Miaily ll. il,. Italph Wlnl.r, and ahu I.eon l.ogan of Four M.li, paid Arlington a vlsil during tin we. k. School Notes The game w ith Lexington Tluinks givng afternoon closed the football season for our school. The team has not been defeated this season, and on ly scored on once, making 109 points tfi its opponents 6, which is a remark able record to make by a green team, only two having played before. Mr. Heard, our coach, must be given a great deal of credit for this showing as he has had odds against him all season, only a few boys to work with. We hope he can do as well with the boys in basketball. The proceeds of the Country Fair, given by the high school on Thanks giving, was about J 00 clear, after all expenses were paid. The football game on Thanksgiv ing gave us about $35 clear. The school has be.i asked to take part, in the drive which started on. Monday for the purpose of getting funds to help In the completion and equipping of the new nursery build ing for the Albertina Kerr Nursery Home in Portland. A committee of high school students will be appoint ed to tag the people on the streets Friday afternoon nnd Saturday. Oregon Sir to Chamber Will Meet December ZH-W) Announcement is made that the regular annual meeting of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce will be held in Portlannd Tuesday and Wed nesday, December 2Sth ant! 2!)th. Every commercial organization in the. state which is affiliated with the State Chamber is expected lo be rep- sented by one or more delegates at. this meeting. The State Chamber now includes in Its membership prac tically all of the commercial bodiest in the stale, and in addition an indi- idual membership of 3500. 1CK.MK.Mlll H Your light and waler bills are duo and payable on the first of each month. By courtesy Ihe time is ex uded until the tenth of the month. If you find your service disconnected ifler the 14th of the month you will know it. Is because your bill haH not been paid 31-32 Heppner Light nnd Water Company. Not li e to I. Iglit mill Tower I wr Our new voliiigo regulator, which wiih oid. nil from the runt lust Au gust, lias arrhnl by i pirm and will be liiKtallnl wllliln a few ilavs. Tin HiHlallailon of h r.iiipeoiii improve our n. run- ami glw our pa lions I.iII.t KullpfnHion than Iihh tiern l(iilil.. Ill thr lincl. 31 II. ipnr l.tl'hi'uiid W ater Coiiipini) Suhitrt Ihe for the nil the roiinly Hewn. II. 'laid li lid i only 11 a year Heppner Kerald Want Ads bring home the bacon. WANT AOS WANTKI)-To buy, hogs, alive or dr l.atoinell, Ford ner, Oregon. Iwo or thfi e lat iss.'d. Clii'. II. Agency, II. -Mini If LOST-- Waterman fountain pen wilh- oul cap. Finder p.ae teliiin to Dorothy rattii'on or l.ave at II. r ald oflice. 3 I if LOST Pair of cr glasKi s In rase. Suitable reward If left al Hits of fice. 1 1 p. I I.I.OVH III "I'l'IIINSON cl.i'im, (I.vim, piisxi'H and ripa'D in v " '" i-H'l la di. s' Holding, i'iil hfiiclion irtiar tiiilrid. 2'l 31 KOK HAI.K. Kurd Touring car lir filet t-liiMh- roiidlllon. -.niiiti ' of Snd.T, l!-itnr Soda Woikn. If FASiroNAIll.F. DKKSSMAKIMi - -lii'ino.l. ling and Ladiex' Tailoring. Mm. Clin. il. ('Ihim Ii Mi.el. ;7lf WHEN CHILDREN EAT .J. .J. .J. .J. . CECIL v ! ! j , Mr nd Mr C Wifi.M ti4 Urn iljr Irom thrif ramli omt Moitn. ltii1 in Ofil for liuit tiiti n .'urdajr. Mr ! Mi.. n.il.i. O.N.il nd 'H.li t iihr .i,i,i,ti I if. l(t ii.ii in Hiunit V tlri.'i of It-1 ji r n) M lJ'" liw of S lO.J ! U'tty , I ,, n Kt'i. of 1! 1" ' . p. k 4 Mi. r h M M VI r T II t Or ltt'.ir lt'.i V.'f K"l t't r, ,.. l.n ' Is f'or'Un f-.t ii i' r. o !uin.4 I l.rf h... m !l.. ..! M f 1 1 rl I t' . ti I 1 1 hoi.. .f K'l I r l,'. ff n.n n f )) t kf hoir l ll'tt"" ' fii1T. f n4 U f A U ', ". (tkt4 lj T. W. M'l'-k, Oi4 Heppner Bakery Bread Ihfy are usually hfxilthy ttnd h.ippy bf(iu.e the ir bodiet arc hi II nourislird. KCEP YOUR MONEY AT IIOMC by patronizing Home Iniluslrii .ind your ton Hill b prosprrou and progressive lr(ause its business Inidy will be nourishrd. Bill BEPPKEB-KADE BEEIOL ONLY 10 Jl LOAF IIUI'PHKH IIAKCKY, M. W. Iljmmtr. Prop. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeoo