Tuesday. November 30. 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Three l Beauty Chats J I" ' D"m ' j j F, EDNA KENT FORBES 1 1 IlC REXALL StOFC WHICH IS YOOt COLOR? hf -T-.-. 1 SrS . " I ' COMBINED WITH II A 0 T Tn A O A IT 17s ll A Thousand and One Items a t Reduced Prices 191 1 - 1 1 3 1 ONE of tlie disadvantages which offsets the many advantages of the ready-to-wear trade in the conn try is, that all women wear certain set styles ami color combinations, re gardless of their fitness. The small blonde who ouht to buy a dress of .simw soft .-hade between violet and Line, sets an ordinary sort of bine Fiuit makes her commonplace instead of distinguished in appearance. The tall, dark woman with the same rich coloring, t'.mls the same style anil col or, and buys and wears an identical dress. Ten to one she should lie wear- HOLIDAY TOGS At a Big Saving Every fabric has been greatly reduced in price and in addition Trousers FREE SAVE $18.00 to $42.00 On Suit With Extra Pants All fabrics are guaran teed ALL Wool. Your suit will .be .genuinely Hand Tailored to order by UNIVERSAL TAILORING CO. The ALL WOOL Line The service of two suits at much less than the former price of one. Or der now while selection is complete. Extra Trousers FREE HEPPNER TAILORING S G. Franzen HEPPNER OREGON Try several colors against your face until you find the most becoming. ing a bronze color and lines that cling, while the small blonde should have something fluffy and frilly. If you buy your clothes ready-made you can only pick the best of the limited choice. If you have them made to order you can select styles j and colors to please yourself. If you are colorless, pale skin, and niotise i colored hair, avoid neutral shades, and black. A soft color combined with something c;uite vivid is best for this type, which can stattd neither too dull nor too bright colors. If you are c'.ar!:, rose pinks, brow-as, pastels of any color; black if your 1:: l::ts color; cream white, yel lows, will he lovely. If you are blonde yellow Is Impossible. Ulack, dee) blue, violet, dark brown, gray blues, plnns, lavender, preens of u soft tone those nre most becoming. If you are lucky enough to have auburn hair, greens of any shade, rich browns, gray, gray-blue nnd green-blue, lcvender, orchid, coral pink, never plnln pink, cream white If touched with color. Study yourself to see which shades nre best. (Copyright.) served Bt a ACIcsn Notebook --a Good Grad A neat, cleanly wriicn notebook make a bet ter imprewion better grade write il ith hrkcr Ten. No bloU, no ink-nained finien. The "Lucky Curve" feeJi ihe ink monthly, bil'ff- i.-r.Ud, it can Ilea when carried Press thf butum and it I f.U'4 PACKER Fountain Pens Gilliam & Bisbce Hcppncr, Ortgoo 2 eKlTCAm 'QE)IAETfPg (CO. 120. Wntirn Newipuver Union.) No exigency, however serious, will present to this nation an Inaurmount able crll. Every problem la solv able. UtudJUHtnienl demands the beat there li In m u nation, mentally and spiritually. We shall adhere to the true, clean things and never aban don our high Ideals. read branrhes fall from the live oak during the hur ricane, but the liber of the tree tight- I ens, and the roots drive Into the soil. J This nation Is a succrsa; It Is still the ; hope of the world; It must be made a i yet greater bh-r-ftitig to thu sons u ' men. -Will 11. Hays. ! SUGGESTIONS FOR SUNDAY NIGHT SUPPER. i In the tnnjiirlt.v uf liome, Stmdny dinner Is the lint t tneiil of the wt k i because till the family lire tit holm' ami have leisure to enjoy It, ft Cept TllHiS Hit- iier wm ked iiiotber, b" bus ! prtpure It. Mtn ti of Ibe uurk tuny In- ilntit: tiifuro nml t'mli inay llll- n hblli'e III Ibe ,re MrittllMI tf till' IIKHtl. if I billions Is done. Kveti wltli n pmhI dinner Inter hour tliim o-ohI. folliethllitf Is lie. dei to il!Nfy tilt- f It 1 1 1 II) liutik't-r In tin- en-mi jt, . A very iib e nrrtiiiuctMeiit, wtiere tt.p rl.ildieii an- old ii.eith and tin- father ' !..!'. It, I" I" !..! turii in pl.iiiiili.i Mel rr U.& the I.tjr r:.- -r. If "Tied 'l Mil" fii-hieli, ajii f tM-- inl l.ilil.lt,. t'n t i!..i' iiii)r I' le: '.. j.t . I i! , V I, 1 ,1 ..' lie ic-.il i.r,,;, be r.. I l!i tb.. t:v. ! (in- I, if, :f r".l. ir "i i.ii.t. A ! .i w n.-"ii III i r-. n ! t nil ! (tie t.ii iil ! r iit ur'i:i..ity !..;:. !. ..- A I'ln'ti-r .f ntelM b Ik nnd j.it t rr id !.'mitf,'Ii f ir ion .I ij, ..f i Hii uf t or rln "liil. t,ttt rl.l.. tiii , ln d nii. Btid frii t HI ib-.-ft m iimr.'l4 for si iltMls ni')r. ftiji rti'ar!. t!h llt! rM. ft.sk timM !! rt.rt, all n-r-$ I f.,rl.nd n4 r!f, Tliejf tr -;' w-rted. Vth wnl!nstlitt lrsler ut r.ilrr. th lifiii dtii. r n mdi" Mtitnutit of Illi:(f. rrjrd lill nail, Th (iml vho la flautist Mrfiufti lo ! Ititltd to blji it u j-r !.! n O'lirf M(iltItlfi(. A n. ! Ut.(j Mi h Is ' a t" tuf Is ,titfT-t !". tit, f i si'-l tj Iii-t.., i h t.trtnji:i't. !. Mb!t rl a,d f rn I. ( ta J"1 Ts lti!fvr l. tfoe-ssj m tfl ' ist tti rstii tftt lh t f tn -V 1t4 tl t ewsiet'isioei ejtrSj j,t 9mn4 a ort4 tM2 r it It. tf ar trm H;, rwm4r4, s imm tf f 04 m Bnunl rl re ttk4 fartA "III l.t' ..! !!..' I- il IT j i f lie. ! I If A Thousand and One Items a t Reduced Prices Ranging From 19 to 99 Per Cent TKursday, Friday, and Saturday December 2d, 3d and 4tK THREE DAYS ONLY A Novel Way to Advertise This sale as developed as an advertis ing plan by the United Drug Company, owned by 8..000 druggists. Rather than spend large sums of money In other ways to convince you of the merit of their goods, they are spending It on this sale in per mitting us to sell you a full-sized package; of high standard merchandise for 1c. It costs money to get new customers and the loss taken on this sale will be well spent if the goods please. NO TELEPHONE ORDERS received for items on this sale. The conditions of this sale are such that all purchases must be cash. Be sure to attend this sale. Hundreds of other ar ticles not mentioned in this ad will be sold for one cent. THESE PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE WAR TAX THREE DAYS ONLY The Way We Do It You buy an item at the regular price then another item of the same kind for lc. As an illustration: The standard price of Itoxall Tooth Paste is 25c. You buy a tube at this price, and by paying lc more, or 2 fie, you get two tubes. Every article in this sale Is a hih-classed standard piece of merchandise, Just the same as we sell you at. regular prices, and have sold you for yeurs. STATIONERY $2.00 Symphony Lawn Notes, assorted colors, 2 for 2.ol $1.50 Symphony Lawn Papetrlec, 2 for $1.51 $1.00 Medallion Linen, assorted colors, 2 for t.(ll 8 5c Kerndiile Linen, white, 2 for 75c Lord Haliiiiiore Linen, while, 2 for "lc S5c Line Tablets, noiled sizes, 2 f.r line 25c Line Tablets, Hst-orled sizes, 2 for !! loc Ink Tablet, for school.. 2 for .... tic 11c Composition Hooks, for school, 2 Tor 1-f lie Note Hooka, for school, 2 for 11c l'racilce Tablets, for school, 2 for lf 1 or Pencil Tablets, for school. 2 for H' 5c Pencil T;:bli'l. for srnmr 2 for 5c L'-.id Pencils, fur honl. 2 for 'If MISCELLANEOUS .Vie I'ouniuln P' ns, 2 for Sic 2 Powibr Puffs. 2 lor - f 1e T'mli llrmh'i., 2 lor - Uf T,oc luuor limit's. 2 for Ute 3 Mulinii' d Skin S"i. 2 lor . :ltle S T.r Tar Shampoo. 2 I' f itHe 1 V Itoll T'ob I Pal i r. 1 k.'I, to"! t i.i.l.'. 2 lor Hie t. (i,i k:i T-c. t; tk.ii.fn, 2 U.r ''" 1.'.- Wit '..rg r iii i!id. 2 ft.r . . I If TOILET GOODS Household Remedies 60c Alkaseptif Solution, 2 for 'He 3 5c While Pino pud Tar Cough Syrup, 2 for iMIt! G5c While Pine nnd Tar Cotij :h Syrup, 2 for Klc $1.00 Parafine Oil, 1 pint, 2 for I.Ot $1.75 Pariiline Oil. 1 quart, 2 for " $l.o0 A roi tat ie Castor Oil, pi., 1 pint for 1.01 75c Sem fig,. 2 for ""' $1.25 Vczei.i.i Lotion, 2 for l.l!l fine floldeu Llniiineiit, 2 for H 25c KpMHH Sails, 2 for - .Mir Ajilt lit Tiibletii, 2 for 5li: 3 5c I.uKilive Aspirin Cold Tiitibls, 2 for Me 25c I.iua.he Colli T.ilib l i, 2 tor -' fin. 'hpi pi i,i Tablet", 2 for 'He. 35c llniilui lie Tablets, 2 for ;t"' $1 20 IUh lllliiltisin Tabids, 2 for . l.i!l 2 5 it Col!iioiind Cjilhaiiii Pills, 2 or Cue Kiilmy Pills, 2 for 50 An. 1 1 ft tic Italin. 2 for fine Pile Cert', 2 lor 25e CiiUr.h Cute, 2 for , 25e Com Cert-. 2 ftr tini- With ll.i I onion tit, 2 tot tiOe Kcf. til lli'lteo lit. 2 for Me Mir SMr Jlln l!l. Mlf t. lot! : t 2 i ..r I 2 t'n It . I'. f, ',r ( 'ih . ,t I C ' ... t it il. i n i it. 3 .r P ti ..t. I t,i. ft. " Jiii I'.K-f t... r. 2 !-r . f. ir Vi.iS. ! tut ir l a.- 4 r, 2 (or itr r'haitiii.fia l a,, , r. 2 tuf .. 2-,f ! Xrnii P.l. T.fi.., 2 for T. Tn f t Attnii. li'i .. ii l'tttf, 2 f-.t , V tnl! Itlr Tak iin l't.il"f, 2 for . 5 '.r Ji)nt.' I ai Ima't l Tl"t I'mstl-r, S fur fKl turata T. !! i P'tad. . 2 lr ., 3'r ls.JI Tttlitl Crtan. 2 ft.r . . .... b'ic lljrtiittti f I. .n il. I .!, .t.ii, J fur . . ... II 10 '! Mir T.tii, i (ttr . 2',r It.a. Tfttth I'it.r, : fot 3'r li k.f T'im ! . 2 Iff , 2r It.mU p.atl T-f" Ptatf. 1 fft ?. liifc.t T "! P'tl.f. Sfttfi e , I til f.i.t nit .'.l.e "n fil .'.If 'ftf .tic ;tic vu I ol . ,WK 5lc I II i'tf t'tc Jy lb SPECIAL SALE GOODS Ruljber Gootl, Spcciu 1 Sale i,t i j i : J . K.'ii I' . 1 " "' 1 1 ".i :: Mt K. i. !. I I t.-.i.t , i nr.- t ! I 2 tt. K .!. I. t.i. .. i... ".il t.iiit.i.i .''iii ( !' I ', ' i n1 I i ' i ' i I I., t 1 it. . I "' : '! I ,,l I, . f, I. . k It.. I W..I. r p.. Hie . . - " I .', ?, t,t. i. II..I V,....r Itiiil.. . ........ !"' I 12 . t 2 v i"i Mo1 Wnt'T lit. it. 'If . l tit 12 7. 1 ijt M i- ti i It..! Wii'.f piittlt. -I' 12, '.il 1 '! Mat!,iilii I leitit.ull SflliKf . ... I till II in 2 141. i.. ti (f.ur.U.li :Jtoii-i. $.!' It Will I K HI Hill It ,t Mills l.t llltMl I If I fill Ittil $:ltn Candy, Special Sole M' Ul 11 2". I ft l.Ur!C At.it.. Ctit,. i.tatt . .... ... MMr 12 2 I fit fi lth t I.trfoinif r.,at lltaril Nl tf I ft. Iliinif'a klntftait M imt , . . .,f i.tiiltt't ttt.'t , " PATT E1RS0N HEPPNER SOM OREGON Hit