Two 1 m' I THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November 30. TQ20 ', ' IMI " iit?&A r ' 1 ddtelyU f f" 'J in'!?;; wmik r few HP HERE is a natural liking for I f f I ! music in the mind of every child, j jj ; t ? f (' ft ft f E ' ' i therefore fill the all-receptive child jP J j J ji' If fff 1 fi3 mind with harmony. Begin its musi- ' B ,f I !Pf I ' f liS M Jill if-TT.TI Ji r tfiiTtT T 1TU333J3E I ' " - ill roue T rpHERE 19 a natural liking for music in the mind of every child, therefore fill the all-receptive child mind with harmony. Begin its musi cal education early and correctly. With a Brunswick Phonograph and Brunswick Records in your home the means of producing music at its best are always at hand. It will, therefore, bo distinctly to your advantage to know Brunswick Phonograp! d Brunswick Rec ords before you make your choice. Come in when convenient and we will be delighted to assist you in, coming to a decision. Oscar R. Otto c o N We have made some drastic cuts on a variety of articles of every day use from our stock. ou 0 cr Present Prices of jC?X7jC?X?jC?X?jC?jZ7 Monarchs Are Fully 25 Per Cent Below Any Other High Grade Range is to convert into money sever al lines which we will discon tinue handling in the future. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER s Grocery Co. he I : ! : K-VV'i '1 ' . T ' V"1' M I'!' I 1 r Range Satisfaction The MONARCH Malleable meets every requirement of the American Kitchen. Perfect construction Kconomical in fuel Handsome in appearance Easy to operate. 'The Malleable construction prevents fuel waste and breakage. The ttrcous enameled linings protect a;.iint iissi. CAS!-: rUiiiMTURE COMPANY 11. ,vi s lhinu 1 urni- liin-s IK.idfjuar.rrs For a Limited Time We will give you $25 worth of new Records FREE-- If you buy your phono graph now and you can suggest your own terms of payment, too! ordinary PHONOGRAPH There'i no string to this offer; no joker in it. .$25 worth of Pathe or Actuelle records FREE if you buy a Pathe Phonograph (except the smaller models 3 and 6, which are not included). .No matter if you pay cash or extend the terms on easy payments the 8:5 worth of records will be delivered with the instrument as quickly as you make your felection. CASE FURNITURE CO. . G -y- 00' i Costs no more than the 1 i