Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 23, 1920, Page Eight, Image 8

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Tuesday. November 2T,. 1020.
Gesture Marks the Fighter ar,d Wins
ths Plaudits of Audier.oes, Ac
cording to This Writer.
!.( . . XI'.WS ITKMS
leaching in t hut district this winter
and living at the- Gorier home. Miss
Goi 'T a l) 1 li'-r brothers wore horrs
i t ;i ili2htful dancini; party Satur
day i- i.inu'.
Co :ry A .-i! t jfnnt, John Killien
!,v. , . :m. - S A. II' erikson
,1 - ;. ',;' ! :' :.I -! r '.- '" n' y il !"
: 1 :,!j v, 1 I. !)! ri'U-l i!i- In'oi-nntwn-!
.i ,-i . in !: I mmi M 1'ori !;:nu
T.. . Hu, 1 '.! H f.tiM pr.r Ir-Ti-l
S'llr'-y I '.-ill! L'. V.l.'Te lie j:t'l-r,'!'-cl
(1 -! v v.lir. linr;
rii n! ;; for .
I " I iir!M il I. one Thur.-
I; III'.'.
J. ". - r, v
j. ':' !.:! "I I:', :,:!!
yi-iri..- !n I i ' i j ; ; : . r
h,,t v.. !..
.1 . (.,,.! ... .' J ;
boi li !)'; iiurt h 11H
liii:,i!i: ?:i visitor:: 1."
Duli'l lnr,.r-t II,;, I hiu- i1;, 'ice ;, ., c ,.
IK xl I'lohiy evi-nimr. The Arli'i.'i.'-n
orhi'.;t ra and .Mrs. l.,)Wi''i, sutler vi,l
1 j ) - the occasion well vonh y,l,il,-.
John 1 1 ii;'1h'5 drove to I'i'it'IcIoh
Friday accom p;i nh d hy .fudr;o (1. V.
7'1'I)S, who returned to his homo in
the Kontid-Up oily after holding a
term of court here.
Mrs. Fannin Rood, former resident
of Hefipner, now of Portland, visile
relalivcK here hint week, accompanied
hy l,er niece, Mary Hoid. who is
vi-iil inu ,e:- from Kansas.
Miss, W'elh ai live: from Kansas
Sunday ovinia:; lo lake,. fn;-;i;(in .-
t'-acher in i!,e i ! . i p n !' ri-inol: rt
("iil I v vara l",l l,v I he man-in ee of I he
former Uwht-y, .Mi: h Melha firii'lil h.
Kev. ami :,. . :-',. 1":m-1iis arriv- I V, i
day ,. i, i 1 1- m low a I o visi I for a
moni I, or ;u wall i hrir son,' A. Al.
Vie.'ii ., and lamilv. Hey. !.,,.,. I,; a
m ini; I er of I he ,., byierian church.
Mia: Kiillnyn 1'allison sienl the
iveel' i nil hk I lie cuesl of her friend,.
.Miss Ituth Van Varlor, and Miss Min
nie ioii;er, at the Gorier ranch home
mil Hi of lone. JVUkh Van Vactor is
: on, !!.! rict i.iorn" rt- !
opi -s of Of le w Oregon j
si r i : i ; -r . am! will imw la- ,
I a uvbod v who needs 1 la- i
i 1 1 1 a i .e'nr cut y in the;
l. ;"M ; piiro'.nl m a line'.
M r". 1 ' rl ( 'raai'M' of !
M r. i1 mi '.1 fjiai mer j
Mflia'idi.-ed at Doardmaa i
I occii);n ion lo do I hoi:
' i he desert hlossom like
i a v:
dan, (
! Has !,,.
SI Pli'l i
to shnhe your fi t v h. n malt
' eeh in ini!, He.
hecn Hii.l of ta .'' a-r'ean
la:t Ihcy liac t, ,. , , v.i.n ): a
An eh-nienial sy: ,1 , ! nf P-M
i-.iiaken iit. il;:- camil-
iaile views? Ha i ; . . i -i.-; 7
eonsl ruci i ve iia-ii. V .'"" jiiat
saahes his fist, i h' i : a li-al-
er Iran.
a laai i' - t Is an i ai ef d
' criiicism. It is a 'anat io
vecnt- ,
arr noxv
ii heller y
a.'. I Si it .
-r. Ami
a rosa I roe.
I'rol. .fame;; Austin, who instructed
iiie city hand for several months,
h aviiur here on a vacation for heallh
reasons in August, has returned to
llepimer and may resume his position
wilh the hand. Prof. Austin is much
iniiiroved in health and says he is
;;lad lo be hack in Heppner.
Mat fans will he interested in the
wrestling bout at the Klar theater
Thanksgiving evenini; lielween Gro
shen of Iloppner, anil liauman of Lex
inulon. liolh these hois are locally
well known and popular, and there
will lie no foolishness about this
malch, as each boy may be d'-pend-ed
upon to do his best.
Key. Sleven 1). Phelps, I), p., who
I from Iowa iIiiHiik Ihe
.s. .ii led an i a I ere, a i n e; ri noon
al ill" I'. dira'ed church last Sundav
moi nin:;. Dr. and Mrs. I'lielis hit
Imre Ur.it iim He ir son, A. M. Pheljis
.and family, and it is underslood he
'will preach every Sunday morninn
while in Ihe ciiy. Dr. Pludjis is neiir
in;; his eit'htielh year, but is physic
aljy vigorous and menially alert as
i many much younger pien.
lesii'oy somethitiK. Is de
ieim a fiooii kiauV x;
to make a laha: ri-ht is
Ilian merely savin;.' it is
it is a touyaier job, uinei,
it affords lil He opporlunii v fur effec
tive gesture. 'I'D" mob will not ask
.vou for a eonstruelive proyrain if only,
in a biu', virile, outdoor way, ynu con
voy the impression that jam are liieri?
to knock soiiit-thitis down, and knock
it hard. You are :i lighter; a tighter
of "file people's battles." It is proved
by the fact that you are slinking your
The' greatest of our great men might
have been greater. For example, take
Lincoln, lie had a splendid list, the
result of hard, mnmuil labor in his
youth. Had he chosen to shake it and
been photographed, even without mo
vies lie would have come down to us
of this day as a man of "the virile il
type," rnl her than us the patient man
of sorrows He missed many chances.
"With malice toward none, with char
ity for till" how much more d'i'ective
might Unit have been, for instance.
had a gnarled and sinewy fwt
ipienily punoliinti d It! As it
many good j pie didn't ev n a'
him. Timy thom.ht him v.av.
And weak. And '.Viiwd llmir 1
saying there wasn't enou .a of
lighter" in Lincoln.
wns, Phi-id
Vou will be interested in the dis
play of Dresses, Mouses. Skirts,
Coats, Suits and Corsets now being
shown at my store. Conic ia and
and look them over. j
Mrs. L. G. Herren. 27-tf
Chase Away Your Glooms
: "'i'n
ThnKsgiving Evening
Fair Pavillion
Two Unparalleled Main Attractions
.-Till' HKIDCET CHORUS TROUPE-A Levy f uuuUnu; vivuci,,,,, country
l.iss, I'.at ui!l ,,i tlt- Mi,!i!,i rn.lu-siu -Ikiuh-. ;m.l tlncw Lillian u into the
'I L will miii,' ati.! d.iii.'e at Ire innt intervals Inline; iJu. i-vcninj;.
iiUKMUWIM UAVVAUArM f.l I Ii 1 KliLS TIk'm' LU'lll Kinrn liavo itivt .
' -1 ..' i M'.is.,t,-.s ,.tir I l:ar t'.Mis. nlnl to K:;U e the (H'rasicii. I ',!
I '''
Side Shows and Concessions ! l!
: i-Vr Ml'.N ONLY I'.t.dl.i r '
",: i i .i: : ii .1 ,! .n't tvi! v cur vuu-
' ' : ; -. i' v -u't r "i ai . I" lr,t n.-t
I ' ''. i. tl .i'i , -ti!! Inr v.
m . i. . . : ti.
. - J'..r WOMDN (iu t ladies) ON
LY - -; .1',.! . ,..i:.!.. .!.. an-!
.. H I i i i ! I ; -I I I '.i! I - ' r.i I
' . ' 111: . V c I.li.'W .'!'! a'.'i I r )u I c.
, -HI'.AUTY PAUl.OU-v-. :: ...
v 'in v ant In ii .,..
! m...!.ip .'., ;;
i i - a'
v -i 1 . i m I!
ant . ; v. .1! ;t i ..!! ii.:).; 1.
: " ! . i : : 1 i ' ,
I .1 i
'I ' ' 'I !!. '.,'!l V 111 I V I ,il t' i-
nor dog MACiiiNi: i .
"lie t ii.I, a Mries ..f a"!iiel .1.. vilj1
f..l!.'vv. an. I -rt Mo! ..ii are t-r i il'vvii li
t iil li"t tl.-K and a I ; 1 1 1 .
6 SAN DOW, the Crcat Strong
Man A lh.T,an j.i .mi.l - i a uuie tutu-
i'..r this .Mam. IK- wiM nIe three
st. U el wheat as it' t !i. vv e! e trances.
Ills Tli.slik ltle, ,;I)n, , ;,: t-,,tlist i-J
ti ne vvli..!e ttukevs with all the tfim
r.miK,. 7 TOOTS OOTSIi:. the Fattcct
Woman in the WorKl t'niaraiiteeil ti
vm ilt si niti!f -. uti.l. At m vear
t ai;e tins t eniat k.i'.le e-.!i!.--!y vvet'h
e.l . lie Iran.!: a'ul eve:itv inr ltnuii.U.
H A I mi pirs. candy, drinks, and
v. xvv other t!. tn,;.
Otht r Show Motly a NicKl
:-; c" t y
Wirthoior Sifk Blouses at $5.00
Fashioned of Georgette, Crepe de chine and of heavy satin
made with the utmost care cut on lines that insure per
fect fitting and styled in a manner that is authentic as
well as distinctive, each one of these new WIRTHMOR
models that have just arrived presents a genuine savings
opportunity. There's a pleasing diversity among the styles
one of which will surely satisfy every Fashion whim or
No salesmen are required to sell WIRTHMOR
Waists the contract plan eliminates all selling
expense as well as numerous other costs usually
incident to the making and sale of Blouses. They
represent superior values, because of the very
unique and economical way in which they are
made and sold, combined with the makers desire
as well as our own to keep down prices to the
very minimum.
Lower prices all over the store in accord with
market conditions
For the Best Results Cook Your
n fl
In Pure
Cooking Utensils
We have a good stock of these splendid utensil at
prices below today's market, including
Roasters Percolators
Teakettles Bread Pans
in fact most anything the particular cook cat' desire
The use of aluminum utensils insures tiic acr.c oi
sanitation and the ultimate in satisfacton
Case Furniture Co.
Ilcppner's Hone Furninhing Headquarter
t it-t