t T ueday, November 23, 1020, THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Seven (Ui'.nn, -' I - : . I Pl-i -.lit 11-tnlp.: :m vi r n i ';-;oJ- . , 7,,0 ! LEGAL NOTICES ! Z:: ' F v i V( ' j, t , - si' I':!?.-; I ' . l iv.yi Lj Carrv 1 as. iw. a'.l of 1 .-.J 1920. or 14, 1920. II ivj.-m : a- ii t. .. s-Mras..- Ifra' a Kr.-fcii. i ' i 1 ' - ' . I.mcl () we p .-i l r.im.i o.v.mi. r irst r.umseai ion, -. . :i, I c f A- s? ;--v . "1 k- v si r. i d l'-'--- "- .v ... K mil vwm inviB-,aaw .uiu r, is iui'.-v:r.in im:i - II ttF. -V -ftW l ' ' 3 IrW.M ill? i S, iV'. III I.. .. I r,?. x. V r&Cf Kr. 1 U praise v:u:i kc,v.z TGVirj .. u,:UKii-1 . ... rM,,u,t V". 1 ' ' U it' (':..?! .lfctit r, v .. V t-.-. sV.'- k ifli ii - ' -4 i. i J . . . . . . 1 ( T ivn h m . , O". t c ", r Pill TV .l V- t " ' W t f - h1 sif cvi i f J :;.va sr? : unwise t- ;;cv to Let visitor aw ay - i i kA t ' i'VJ k4 Pi J h i With hnp-sion That Citiz,,,, ' ' 3, for SK Vl SK U , Boo. G, i: j ! ' " b V1--.. r1 I AV f " ! tion S. TowHsliiu 2 South, Han.o 2H i L fc.V: S--r .....,.- ... ........ ill ml en a priv;uo v;ov of i:s clnsiMi'd slu'lo- J Nnvpmh'pr1 2 I'll i New Elks Temple, Heppner,Or. i i I For members ofthe Order and their ladies only Pendleton 5-Piece Orchestra will be present. ' Initial dance on the new hard maple floating floor finest dancing floor in eastern Oregon TICKETS, $2.00. All Elks Welcome H. A. Duncan, B. P. Stone, Gay M. Anderson Committee on Arrangements tons nil ymi havo to do is to praise it, ami the ritizni you huppon to bo talk ing to will at once point out its un pleasant tVattuvs. Ci'itici.e tin; city, on the oilier hand, and every one will at once rise callnntly to its defense. lie illustrates his point by the ease of Detroit. One reason, ho says", why Detroit attracts so much tourist trav el is that it advertises itself so pleas ingly, and it really has a charm which is appreciated by none quite so much as by Detroit. The only way you can fret anything but enthusiastic eulogy of the place, he says, is by yourself protendlnc a violent infatuation for it. The writer in question has discov ered nothing new and it is not lmpos- sible that lie might find Indianapolis also an illustration of his theory, for its citizens are sometimes given to "knocking" when they talk about this citv to visitors. They will mention some of its good features, but will off set them by calling attention to the things it does not, but should, possess. The visitor may not leu these lacks by himself If left alone, but lie may not, and it is poor judgment to bring them to ills notice. The old saying that the best foot should always lie put forward is a applicable to a city as to an individ ual. The mother of a defective child endeavors to draw attention to his merits and away fronj bis defects, and Ihi! policy Is good as to a town. If fault must be found make it to per sons as much interested as yourself In seeing Improvement made. Let the strnugor go his way with the feeling that the residents like their home city and are happy In it, and that, there fore. It must be a desirable elty to dwell in. It is the best possible way to advertise a town and nothing Is gained by deprecation of Its merits. If a man can not honestly say a good word for the town he lives in he should go elsewhere. Indlimupolls Star. act, Willamette Meridian, lias filed tot ice of intention to make inree- year rroot.to estamisn cianu 10 tne nd above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of Circuit Court, at his office,, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th day of December, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: John Keggan, Frank McCabo, Thil Hirl, and Phillip Higgins, all of Lena, Ore gon. C. S. Dunn, Register. First publication October 19, 1920. Last publication Decemeber 14, 1920. NOTICE FOR mUJCATlOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 28, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that FRANK E. McDAXIEL of Hardman, Oregon, who on Febru ary 28, 1917, made Homestead Entry No. 018509, for N'.SEVi and SUM SEH, Section 25, Township 5 South, Range 24 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters. Clerk of Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 1 7th day of December, 1920. iea; ioi S.so!a'..xl Tract ' l.A.M) SALE Department of the Interior, V. S. Land Oi'.'ice at The Dalles, Oregon, September 17, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of tho General Land office, under provi sions of Sec. 2453, 11. 8., pursuant to the application of Peter Farley, Serial No. 021GO", wo will offer at public sale, to lite highest bidder, but at not less than $3.50 per acre, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., on the 14tli day of December, next, at tills office, the following tract of land: NW'A NWT1,i, Sectionl4, Township 3, South Range 26, East, W. M. (Containing 40 Acres). The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when thoso present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making: the highest bid will bo required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advis ed to tile their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. First publication November 2, 1920. Lust publication December 7, 1920. L. A. Booth, Receiver. Subscribe for tho "Herald" anil get all the county news. Heppner Korald Want Ada bring homo the bacon. A 1. THE UNIVERSAL CAR FORD TOURING CARS $650 With starters now Selling at .... Without starters, $576.70 On the following terms: $250 cash, balance 10 months maturity 640 ACRES 630 Tillable Small house and barn. Good well. One-half of place in summer fal low. Price including all stock and machinery $20,000 Good terms at 6 per cent ROY V. WHITE1S REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE F. R. DROWN acnt for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL. ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO (ilM)ll Itl SII);N( I H l III ITM It I lilt H.U.I-:. I'KM I l lEII.MT. A i.iMiri.n amit or ritivAii: mom.y to im. Office l'stairs in Roberts I'.uilJin I 'hone ft 13 Ilc.jncr, Oregon why walk when you can ride while paying for your car? Ford Points Smallrr original Investment Smaller operation and up keep tprn Greater all around utility THAN ANY OIHtR;CAR We have just received a car load of Touring Cars Also have Runabouts and Trucks in stock Latourelle Auto Company MAPPNER Authorized Ford Sales and Service The Moral Risk Whrti th tlm. ffiffi'i to lk rrt'l.t, hank lll I to know h.t jrU AltT. . wll ht jmt IUVF.. llt.t'1 bt. th tmir.l hit.r4 tow id. An4 oii f.B't !Ml.h rt Hit T tilgM. Il.th'e. It I. k tnalW of lmll KNOWN t yr txtik, nt t.lillhln ritfMlr lf th r In Mh h... kl't jF'tur .'miint, r"1!" of th. tnunt "M to ftrnr f r1lt fj -cilr'4 - hl ' ! fi"t thine Tt.'n tbip th.l t i't'n'' IMti fiirl Mp l( iH LM f' In ;.l'ti.M 4 l. !'. Ho, r..r. :.t-.(.l,t. Iriif !i, M.t tl.H tuftk otf'M m c .ir l.r.k IliC ! l 1 H OREGON n Farmers & Stockgrowcr National Bank IIKI'K.T.IJ.OI.T.GON. . . .