Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 23, 1920, Page Four, Image 4

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Tuesday, November 2 7,. 1020.
vS. A. I'ATTJSOX, Kditor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, I'ustu! Tice as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year S.cX)
Six Months ?i.oo
Three Months $0.50
Organized Campaign in the Senate for
Direct Election of Presidents.
I!y KDWARD G. T.OWHY, in Saturday Evening Post.
As (-oi)ii us the suffrage iiiiiciidnieiit is nitilieil and out of tin; way
there vill lii'L'in in Hie .-ciiiiti- an organized eaiiiiain to ul.oli.-l the elec
toral cillee. The i'i loi; '.'ii t s (if the ilan ei'ine from direct primary slates.
Tiny ic)n sent the same j.olilii-al tlioiifflit that brought ahout the direct
tlfdien of senators. .Now they want to take the next stx'p and bring about
the direct, election of presidents. They seek to make it easy and possible
to have independent candidates for the presidency when the voters of either
t,r both the two great rival parties are dissatisfied with the nominees of
the national conventions. They know they will have popular support for
their plan. Jt will be strongly urged in the senate and before the country.
J quote one of the senators who is prepared to take an active' part
in the campaign to abolish the electoral college:
"Everybody knows that nearly all political conventions are manipu
lated and controlled by powerful influences that have selfish ends in view
rather than the benefit of all the people. We have a practical illustration
before us at this moment. If a few men are able under existing conditions
to control the nominal ions of two great rival parties, as they have done
recen'lv, without consult ing the wish"s or the wants of the voters, then
the only right given tn the voter is that of choosing between these two
Kimples which are set before him. This is in reality a denial of the right
of su!!'iaLre. At least, tb right of suffrage so given is not absolute.
'if the electoral college were out of the way all that would be neces
sary 1u11ld he to announce (lie name of the independenteandidHte and to
comply in the different slates with the method provided by law for putting
the one name on the ticket. It would lie a very simple procedure, inexpen
sive and perfectly practicable. Every state in the I'nion which has an
official ballot provides for a method of putting names on the ticket which
are not nominated by political parties. Such machinery is already pro
vided for in every stale, and applies to every oTice except those of presi
dent and vice president, ami the reason it cannot apply to these positions
is because the electoral college stands in the way."
J. .J. J. .J. J .J. J J v J 'I- The usual services of the Church
J j will be held on Sunday, consisting
III K II XOTN DS .J. of the Ilil.le School at ten o'clock, fol-
.! lowed by Communion Service and
J I ! I ! ! !' 'I' I ! ! ! I ''"NH'hiriK at eleven o'clock.
The first In Islliiu ( Inn ill. The evening Services will consist
Flying Above the Clouds.
The full majesty of the aerial per- '
selective can only he realized when one '
is aliove the clouds and the earth is
shut off fniiii view. in living on :,n j
overcast day, when heavy hanks of '
cniniilniis clniiils lie at ,'i.OOO feet, it is
pov-il,le to experience within a minute
or two every dcjrree of fo and Snn-
:liine. When one is passim; Into the
clouds the lower snrfneeu ,.f i,;..t, i
lire almost perfectly Mat. there is an !
Instantaneous transition from shadow 1
to complete atmospheric opacity, sim- !
liar m appearance to a dense fop at !
the cround, but differing somewhat i
from It in feelintr, for the interior of i
a cloud seems to he drier, the air I.. !
saturated with water varior. than 11,0 ;
fairs which are met with at sea or 1
ashore. If the elimh Is cnntinnorl !
few hundred feet farther, the airplane j
passes ajrain into clear air, hat into !
air now of a clarity and brightness
worthy of Mediterranean skies and not
at all to be compared with the sky -at
sea level. Kdward 1. Warren in tti
Ohio State Journal.
Practical Aid to Industry,
Ten years ano no industry existed
that was capable of placing American
grown varieties of European grapes
upon the market for Christinas trade,
say marketing experts of the United
States department of agriculture.
Then the department devised a meth
od of packing the gntpes In redwood
sawdust in veneered drams, and of
handling the product under refrigera
tion in transit and in storage from the
time of harvesting until the period of
the holiday markets. Today the in
dustry ships tnwe than 500 carloads
of grapes annually. A few years alio
the supply 'of redwood was threatened.
Once more the department of agricul
ture nided. It experimented with va
rious kinds nf wood and demonstrated
that hi mice could lie satisfactorily
used. The supply of spruce is prac
tically inexhaustible.
of the Christian Endeavor Service at
seven o'clock and song Service and
Preaching at eight o'clock. Everey
one is cordially invited to attend
these services.
V. 0. Livingstone, Minister.
Christian Science
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock in I. O. 0. F. hall. Sunday
Sshool at 9:45 a. m. Testimony
meetings are held every Wednesday
evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All Inter
ested are cordially invited to attend
these meetings.
In a finish ilunipionship nntch, two out of three falls, for thct
.it the
;! SlrafcrOtflYiTIMf? Evcn-
iMv.r.niA tki.y rou. owing Tin: kf.gui.ar show
1 . t
Hinsido $1.50 ResmedSI.OO General .50c
Tire Prices Reduced
Following our usual practice of giving our customers im
mediate advantage of any reduction in prices on cars or ac
cessories, we take pleasure in announcing that there has
been, a marked reduction in the price of automobile tires.
As an example of these reductions we quote1
GOODYEAR 30x31 All
Weather Tread, $20
Our other lines of Tires and Tubes carry practically the
same reduction. We take no adv antage of price reductions
on cars, trucks, Fordsons, or accessories, but pass'the bene
fit along to our customers in every instance. That is the
definite business principal of all authorized Ford Agencies.
(EL war
Hera d
'""tTKn"""m " " - --it tiriT n 1 i r- 1 n n- in mm urn iimai Mam mild Bm II III It U HIi I
She Keeps Faith With You
Will You Keep Faith With Her?
Quietly, but effectively, the Greatest Mother in World is
toiling and drudging for you and yours.
She has not forgotten the crippled, blinded "remnants of the
war in army and navy hospitals. To the victims of disas
ter in war she still brings blessed relief.
She does more. She takes to her arms the victims of dis
aster in peace, the victims of floods.fires, tornadoes and
other catastrophes. Over 30,000 such unfortunates were
shielded and sheltered by her this year.
In preventing diseases through education, in saving lives
through careful nursing and by teaching first aid in acci
dents the Greatest Mother in the World your RED
CROSS is keeping faith with you; keeping faith not only
in your own country aye, in your own vicinity but also
in devasted foreign lands.
Will you keep faith with her? The good she has done in
the past has been possible entirely through the help of your
membership. Will you continue to sustain her as she con
tinues to sustain you? Then join the Red Cross or renew
your membership. Send your application on the enroll
ment blank below to your nearest Red Cross Chapter.
Tear off and send to your nearest Red Cress Chapter
November 11-25, 1920
H. A. DUNCAN, Chairman
Tear off and end to your nearest R. C. Chapter -j
In ivp..iw 1" "tir appi-al i..r immUr MORROW COUNTY CHAPTER, ii
1.. cam mi the humanitarian u-rk . the Hcppncr Oregon fi
U !'.! t'KnSS I i in lie my tiu niU rMnp v
. . 1 1 1 it 1 a a mo. ...........
,. S and dcMtc tn l'i' inii'iiol
a im-mk-r for to.M. Addrcx
Membership Fen Annual, $1; Contributing, $5; Sustaining, $10; Life, $0; Patron, $100
1 1