Tueday,November 23, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPMFP nwr.rwj Standards of Dress for Girls Subscribe for the Herald only 2 Heppner Herald Want Ads hrt I ..." . Y " of interest to all Morrow countv. home the hr .. i V V V V V V V V V V S. E S. E. NOTSON 1'KOl I:SSH)AI, CA1U.S ATTOIJKY-.T-I..V STANDARDS of dress for children have been raised and fixed by :hose who make a business of produc ing clothes for them. The charming ind sensible things these specialists produce prove an education and nn inspiration to the big army of mothers, alio make or supervise the making of :helr little ones' clothes at home. As sn example of perfect outfitting for school take the dress, footwear and bat shown here nnd note how sturdy Jucli garment Is and how well suited to the lrttle girl. This frock employs a soft wool fah lc In blue and brown with an In Jlstlnct stripe to make a plaited skirt. This Is attached to a plain bodice made of the same goods and fasten ing with buttons In the back. Over this bodice the plainest and quaintest of little Jackets abbreviates Its length and spreads open at the front to reveal the bodice. The jacket Is bound with narrow silk braid and Is ornamented with small, round buttons et ulong the front edges. At the throat It Is fastened with a tie of narrow, plcot-edged rllilmn. The Jack et Is cut with large arm h.les which allow llio plain sleeves of the bodice to slip through them, so that the Jack et may he dispensed -with If need he, when schoolrooms are too warm. The sturdy ribbed stockings and thick soled shoes invite their wearer to wander where she will out of doors. I'lalds, now as always, are favor ites for children, and especially so for school wear. For very little girls, not much more than well started on the long road of learning, there are de lightful frocks made of plain woolens with long-walsted bodies that support knee-length plaited skirts. They have rather high round necks and three quarter length or shorter sleeves. Nrjj.Hework in parallel rows of ki.I.m border the neck nnd lower edge of the sleeves, cover the waist band ami occasionally are used for the hem in the skirt also. COfTIICHT IT VNTUN NEVWU UNIOft JOY IN OWNING OWN HOME Not the Least Factor It the Ability to Have Thingi According to One't Own Idea. Among the genuine comforts of lid Is the si'iise of ownership of the house In which yiui live. Fur this reason, 1 have made It n practice to own my house whether I regarded It as n su.nl Investment or not. r.ut It usually has been. The delight that comes from not havliic a landlord to contend wlib, or worry about, cannot be lightly c-stl-mated. I'crliaps you ant things little different In lb.- houe, and ev erybody hiot Ideas of I. Is own i:s tn lighting, heating and plumbing Knd -to oilier thllifs. llew ciitnfortai.li to be able to go ahead nrnl do with Muni n you like, he-lend i.f halng to worry ntiuut the Ioh of wh.ili-w-r joii put In, nr of being compelled to re-or. prop erty to the condition In which yoti found It. Itol.ert Lincoln oT.rlcti In I'.oMnn Ili-mlil. 1KITCHM - i' t . Aim. .,'. -X 1 U t irr;rr ., i.. -! ". , i. !c- ;vri!v j v i.h j r i'en. Vl,!..i. :, i I - v I ill, ii.j l.t,i-M iti'l l! L ) f....tn. 'Ih- -Lh I i . ... . . . i . v Ass njr: ri i ,-v.y, , I :. ::' (.', itr-ir I Us': .. i ;.. ! . . . 1 1 i .M . e i I'c;. It:'". Wr-wtt-rn N,.w-hit I'nl-m ) It Isn't ilciliiif what we woulit Th.it c-nnis fur must; III I - In it Kind and bruve and uooj Ar.ild the host. "MoM nf the thine that worry ue don't n.uiu-r unu'li." SEASONABLE COOD THINGS. A Klntple dessert lili li Is easy to prepare and Is good for the children Is -.-, Jely Pu'WiiO. !PrtJOrV?M eiipfuls of wider; add threefourib f a cupful of washed n.igii nnd rook I'D itiliititiH. If oiikcd f.ir half mi hour the mil-h will cook ilirotigli ipiickcr. Swei-i-n to taste, pour Into the mold and wre with i renin v lt u cold.' Bckfd Apple 6ald. ('ore upphs l.lld till the centers with Kitar lilel -"'i " i l l bid.e. C.-.I. c.-i n i , with i ,-:y i ,it i,n..-,n,it. ;.. !. i I--I li ;'-. ;.,ru'li Wi.h V I..;. . .1 I li l'.il lit:-) . ri,-. tp'vtl ?f .1 i : -. ,, , ; f,; , f ' t ! v . !, ..V .,. '( : -. i. ; t- !... ,., "'-r i:i t ' : '. . . .. .. "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMID" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St Phone 467 Walla Walla, Wash. 'I r v -I- ! .J. .J. I Office in Court House DR. R. J. VAUGHAN i DKXTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON HEPPNER, OREGON THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR 1 V r-'i-! ;' ... 1 FbuntaiirPons Gilliam & Bisbce Hrppner, Orgon f- ur t r ; 1 I' .t if t 1 .1 ii'M I n liil.'. t' y.: . , ,; ... n 't t: .. j.. 1 . (,,, tt... i'.iv li-itiii !.,.. 1, r 1 r nil !!,. it,. tf' -I i. I. Hf I-, . ! . II 1, , ,1. D-itt d Mj'h-iiiie Cfem 'it hi f '.r I .... i, 1 ,v riij ' ,1 ,,f l.i'n v.l i. ', .,, I.,, , ,,(,;,.. 1 ,,, 'll - il : li 1 I l.li 1 I , : ,,.,re nf t:.Mf .ti-i.i, !..l r';t j t"':f . ',-, VM. 'i 1 i.i- in; fill if if, 11, n-i ISd-i I ii !,.(,...,,,?,.' ,.f , , , , (,,,, of I l'f a li I. : t . i. III !'.. I 1. . ,r. .1 !;il til. d l;,,tI.,;..i l;ini, j,(, III (,'.! I t ; ,,. J, L Sbt s, ... . , H e I-- ti,,-., t' .- !. ...i 1 , (.,(,. (,..) , .1 at ' i 1 ' ' 1 ' ' "... '. . .r ,, J ! ... ' . ! 1 1.1 . , f I. ' I i ' I I f. P t j " ; r ". I t I 1 "NOW-A-DAYS" says the Good Judge A man can get a heap more satisfaction from a small chew . ot this class of tobacco, than he ever could get from a big chew of the old kind. He finds it costs less, too. The good tobacco taste lasts so much longer he doesn't need to have a fresh chew nearly as often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put ut in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN' mid Sl'KtiKOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN l-AWVKIt Office Phone Main 643 . Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. CLYDE R. WALKER rHYSICIA and SURGEON Phone Connections IONE, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKXKYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON' SAM E. VAN VACTOR A TTO I X E Y-A T-T, A W First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FlltK 1XSIIUXCK Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON MATE11NITY HOME I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR I 1 i I I 1 I y y 1 THE BRICIi McAtee CO. Aihen, Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks POOL YOU ARE WELCOME I n I 1 .1 hfo&rdti -rrimH foil r.-vviK i;-i- ,4: - ' :'iV-.- - ' : i 1 , c '.-., . . . . ;. .: , - , , -. '-' .... ... - 1. 1 1 - IX, 1-. . v y 1 i " A. 1 : ." . ) "kT5 '-r'rX 1 t31 ' : ;l v, run ii.k Tw Anipl.firr, j LrmUi -4 ft-cr, tullrr f jn-, ' rnfirriy frr- frm.t wfa'l.i: ,' nrif'I. A titrmt a i- am rnir nt - ; ..... '. , 1 Can a horn be square? Not on The Brunswick. It i.i rounded, tapering into an oval. This Brunxvick Tone Amplifier, cr "horn," is built lo conform to acoustic principles. Tone i ; dcvclopd r.ci.jntific-.riy. Th-. Am plifier i built rnti:c!y U' v.',kJ c. p. ci.il'.y cho:;-n, sc.r.oned .Mid mould A. it connects directly with the. tone :::m. There i:? NO CAST MKTAL threat on The Brunswick, i'o uwnatural ;md inetrtllic noi-Co arc absent. Such advanced idcis as these, together . with many others, make the Brunswick Method of Keproduction :;upremc. You'n'c never licard the finest in tone if you haven't heard The Brunswick. And proof h easy. Merely come and hear it. Make comparisons. Don't be satisfied with the culinary. Times change. Phonographs change. Betterments have come. B .( ,re you dc-idc, hear this rem uk iMe Brun -wick. Then you'll make a i-uJyni;; deci.ion. OSCAR R. OTTO f.9 0-i :':'vi i ' :! r . : - . '. i ' ".'' "l '. - i-.,' f r , . ,