Six THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. November 16. 1020. t 5 1 DR. A. D. McMURDO SAM E. VAN VACTOR riivsK iw ...! sukjko.v ATTOitM-:v-AT-r...w Telephone 3 22 . .. , , T), , ; ; Office Patterson's Drug Store f,rst iNat,"n"1 1?!lnk IUdg- 1 ' iibi-wcBR. orkcon hkppnku. oukgox . F. A. McMENAMIN VATERS & ANDERSON J,. WW Kit 1 'IKK IXStKAXCK Office Phone Main C43 Successors to Residence Phone Main 6G5 C. C. Patterson Huberts liuildine, HKPI'NEU, OREGON HEPPNER. OREGON DR. CLYDE R. WALKER j am preI,are(i t0 take a limited PHYSICIAN' nml SL'KOKOX number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure phone Connections best attention to all patients. Wrjte or plione, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp IONE, OREGON ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf 1 - I'I'.Ol KSSIOX.U, MtltS DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DEMIST Permanently located in Odd- fellow's Uuildini; HEPPNER, OREGON" S. E. NOTSON attoknky-at-i.av Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK AT TOi: KYS-A T-I.AW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON isinigi -What They Mean DREAM CITIES. T IS not an uncommon experience 11 find ourselves in a dream oil-.'. "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products Phone 467 1003 North 10ih St Wc!la Walla, Wash. Perhaps it is one which we. recognize ! thouf.ii it may lie chanced bv the' dream phantasmagoria ; familiar build ings may lake (1:1 a xtranco aspect, ur stranjre city buildings appear in un expected places. Sometimes we rec otrnizc it as a city we have always wanted to see and never have seen; and sometimes it appears to he one of which we never have even heard. Not Infrequently a name for the place is sncKested in our dream a name which we are sure is new to us. It is a cheap way to travel and, the mystics say, not a had one. For. while to visit cities in the waking life Is i;n expensive operation, to travel to the cities of dreams is ac counted a most favorable omen and means riches ahead. Unless Indeed Ihe city he on fire; then take care of your finances or poverty will overtake you. It is generally agreed that If your city of dreams Is a strange one to you, and you are lost in it, you will shortly change your residence with, as a rule, favorable results to your business. All scientists do not agree with Freud that every dream is the .fulfill ment of a wish, hut it is easy enoit::h : to fit this dream into Its category. An analysis of our dream will generally , enable us to discover the origin of the j strange name propounded by our ; dream consciousness for the strut ge j city in which we may find ourselves, j Thus Ereuiid dreams of being at a : strange place called Elcisa and one further on named Hearsing. Eleiss ; Wits the name of a friend.. Hearsing I was put together from the names of places near Vienna which so often end I in "lug" ami the English word "hear : say." He hail been rending a poem ; iibout i slanderous dwarf named ; "Saidhe Ilashesaid." By connecting the final syllable of Hearsing with Flissa was obtained Vlisslngen the i.eriuiin V pronounced life F the Ger man name for the port of Flushing through which his In-other passed In coming I'mm England to visit him. (i'"i.yi'iultt.) Louise Fazenda j I . S , i v . ! m (lA $ 1 i Kf k fir 1 I S H r ' to 4 ) S' 1 IS 4 H Let Us Show You Our Line of THE HEPPNER IIEKALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR t?'" ,?IZ - - i ium - iiTT rn inrrmMiiMBiiMiiBii '" l" ' 1 ; t . .tin I ii" f'l.iit-;!:: "n tn.- rloili i:nl: juii v.'-ri oiu to a.ny- -111 hii - -ty-" Even a "movie" queen must have a first night In a real Pullman. Some have this experience before they are "movie" queens but it's really more exciting to be a real queen first and have the first Pullmanf ride come as a sequel to fame. That Is the way Louise Fazenda arranged her life. She went to San Francisco recently for her first visit; it was a sort of a vaca tion for her, following four years of hard work In studios of Los Angsles. () OiisflMi HJ (t'lipriKht.) eeciers and other seasonable farm machinery and implements Peop es naraware Company ! Simple bi t Distinctive Frocks r9 7 (- f V T' ' J. 1 . Good Things for the Family. So'ieiin,ic cii;c of compressed yeast In nni' fourth of a cup of lukewarm j water, add one cupful of scalded anil i coolcil iu!IU and one and one-half cup ful of Hour; heal until smooth, fever ' and set out of draughts to become l'L.'ht. Add one fourth of a capful each of melted shot'leiilii:; anil stmar, t lira org volks beaten ll'.-hl, otic tea sp.,n!:iil of It. II, e grali d rind of a lemon and1 Hour to;' n b u ;li - about Ihne ciipliils. Kinad until M:,oolh and elasiic. Cover and s,. us;,!,. ,, In cniiie I'olliil,' III bulk. Turn llpsiili' oo,n 011 the Itiold'o:: bcat'l. rod Into a roi I : . 1 1 u ' 1 1 . 1 r sheet, brush uiili hi, bed biittei-. i!i e'l.'e v. lib Mtuar ami eiiitia men iii'cd. Sii'lnlli villi ball' a cup ful of cl;!T;, iitnl roll lis a Jelly roll. ( Mil Irto I Ii ecs an he h tela:. 'n :;'ll nor I'oill'lli of n cup of shorten It:,:. I"':it ill 1 lie lolll tli of a I ini nf bl'iAVII s;;' ., I si.;i I'UMUI,' OH Ihe ti-lde of a cast Iron !'i l'i ; pun ; la In Ihe bei s luel v. hell ,',,ul,. , in loii!,. I l.aif hour. 'I I:.' litl'l blllli r "l!d ;.! -e t'le ho'l. ol ti e bet s S, ie te'ie d op-.i'e i:v a t.a.'ed f'tU' HI'. Mr. Ford Owner You can get your Ford overhauled at our shop at Ford . schedule prices hi. bail Ch Ic Fi-pcvrin. I', ,. , . . o.lo :i : add ! ollv Ad-adj;ctive3. Iid you ever stop and consult the dictionary while reading advertising matter written by experts? Sometimes we nearly giggle our fool le ads off over some of the adjectives employed. The other day we were asked point blank, In type big oiniught for a farm ale bill, if e bad ever seal such "start ling values" as wre shown in .', 1 ie!ioi!j's kind of underwear! 'Startling" gei i,' Cood old "sler- iii::" is virti Ihrcelbare ami iHmhIv wo-i'.d l.olice it, so it bad to lr; "star- , tihe.'." ''o begin wiih, can you imagine ' yolll'seif. lil.'e. (e'liriotis, lleillg "s',.11'- j: tied" by any underwear's value'.' I ',. i Von mig'.t be "ideased," if it was , 00 1 mw 11 11 1 n icr i .t 1 , Von woittihi't care two whoops about It if it V"s the underwent' of some one ebe, would you'.' Voa wouldn't even so much its hiiow iihout It. if you nr.' the modest urn! polite person wo hope you are. We can ima-'ilie one'i lieing "star tled" by underwear, hut not III that way. The shdd' ti di-p':iy of mi,voi!i'-s In thiMtc gaiiii"iiis in piildic Is not tho least sturtinu: tbiti-.- v.c know cf. ' KMMl! Oi u mv n . lTO-Tiorara-.iT.rriwirir-i Ilea ,c lam we li, Hi' 1-eeli willk'.tlK for fnii r or ii," bio on a welldight i d "tiee". w iih a wv.nig lady behind in 1 lb; t we bad a Im'I f linpt'i'ssing f:i orably e en whin we luiir loiaid thai one of oar (spi aklng plainly) garleis w;is drag ging the ,.icirent, we bae been "Miii'tlcd," and mi woitbl iinboy else lane been If we l ad mill loudly what our Impulse ( We liae ceii I ecu worse tl an "siarlleil" when we- iiioliuitiirily glanced tow:i , llie d, .rr ,ng youtiii lady mid nop , c loKed v i- ij W ili'l e I I't slnilei! I 'i';li d!v. I'.l.t was I lie J oil I- bo'.y "slartll 1" ! the I of i"ir . s-.-r'f No. W I M she I-,- Ford Garage Phone 193 r yon ..j yi la bi ll! ' Ii 1 It 1 "te Lull' ' i bi t'.ir I lo toe el 'I 1 'nil I t I" '2 3 .', ti I. I I . f M i IH, H 1 b.-lh in I , e : , - 1 .1 1 t - 4 rj V" I of I of one ! ,. s. ,',.,.., ,1,, r l ev lire limde nf W.-'l '.I.O I! !lt .11 iUell l iiiol lp. I o .. ,!,!. ( ,' I'e tl it Is .i 'r.Hii.lV III. t'.p.l.t.l ill Ihe i'.l.i .f Woiecll. Ti l f i ,.. k i,l the 1. ft b,, n't Hv, fi.rf, V. l! el .. tt "I ( II . p . f I II' ef f, 11 , . ,.'., , .' I , ,!!,! bl Ol II - ' I I (.fell.:' w 'I I'liNi d le'. ! two t ,l.h e;e. mi, di.'P b it',,;,, hi ,! I leas) (, pi ul of ,-ii!..i imd ; fei erofin of b'llien I 'r.o t Ol II "l.t'!l,e ef t. 'IMHI r'nd i!ii i;, r n o! 1. 1 i itu i n n- .. Ilsist In phoeef I' e V'O !il iiti'l .i few tiibti'. , tali ef . r. in, i d il-iti' u Idrl to k'H' I'U'l.. ' I . t nt Ho. k el tin- I. tt l,,i i iiT -w -. I,..,.!.- of .i, ,., i iii ,-e. ! CUjh. La trtul i . i- t 1 1. ,. lo'1 , I . I i . lr ' ... . .a.. i T :..,f mi. I niTi f .' , i,i. , e ti i . . .;', w ,.r in j f. . i'i ... or ,,..i.t. -n- I I " ...-I. .'. . e it I ' ' . '..It e., !e ' I . ..... r ... .... i ,, , fXp .-. t ' ' -.. t f.-r .'. I J I 1 .'. t ..'.;. r .... . ! . i . . .-.,. , . . . I I . ' " ' I .... ... I ... , ,, t ' ' ' I ' ill ) Ml I 4 Ii 1 MILITANT MARY (1 Ur J me It my .jt t.. u.. i SCI, Wl V JT'liUJ 'rs ty I WAKEP V)J) A.7J TCuliifJ he THE-LAY Dl CAKES -I : ,.i:'.'. :; ! a" e . ! . .! I . b- t ai ! '.' r a tie- ' ' ' ' L ' I s J I ,.e s , . . hv I H . I It.. .!.' , ,, I '1 ' ' I e , "I II .1 ' : ' I '. I . '.el I t thl" I. I , ' II ef the l,r, I ,. 1 ei, , ...... I'.et '' II 'le !" lit li e V. '';.,' of ei:P ..l'' 1,0. !e . , ,ir ': A I r e I of I, .11 I. Im .-I i. !ue Is im.r "t - I . st" t. lt ri. t w Ion Bel It in di l'lnif Mllll II II HI Wl l!e, Willi rrmkril. Soim- !i.ith rhiing their to. Ik of n l n.'.i i !iV. .. ' v?.'i vA) ! rM Cuts of Best Meats 1 Evi:uYiiousi:vii'i: wants to scrvi: tiii: ! I't st in MCwts to hrr laiT);Iy. . b!:e can he .-.ssurctl the is d.iir.g- sii if -lie !.'.', .. hrr Meat- at this s,, ,, v.hiih is 0'"il;ii'ii il in ci'iiini 1 1 1 ; I y vi::i irg'!ttii i.'nti.'ols . .inilary r.i.u kiting. Central Market McNAMEF? & SORENSON. Props. BURLAP SACKS For Potatoes at Sam Hughes Co. ONLY 5 CENTS EACH Bettf r Come Erly SAM HUGHES COMPANY r, K , i i