Tuesday. November 16. iqjo. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Five i o o o o o o o o o :: a .; j 9. v V.) : j : o o ; o o G U i o ( O O O " I cA W m ..... r . 1 ; , 'J M SI IS. i;;f i : M 5-':;V-'r. - '"'',';:Vl,;;'y'T?35.5 - N wri '.yr W -.Try . -n-r.r-i.rr-gr.T HLIi E ' wiri .. 1 r.'hat the Sphinx Says By Newton Newkirk. smelly old pipe." ' V horn there's much s in o 1; e 1 hero's of ton an Im perfecto Cahhago cl gur or a I it nr A I O A DOC MI 3 From Neighboring Towns a" -Thursday, Geo. A. Miller from lunile slte has tt t a fcu? l'if local for Arlin 1) whey,- i hi y joined Mr T)j c on 1,,r ,v,,n n Uo!" J ! ui" r.nil, W.ish.. use; j j visitiuv i'or sc i;;, time, ij ,!oo Vi iiiie of Mie Willows mid liah jj) Montiaiie of Arlington were Cecil ill vi-aioi-s on Wednesdav. busi- Savy Cuts Down Tinner Claim A damage suit involving a quantity of wheat, iu which E. H. Turner was plaintiff and Gustave Friedwald was defendant, was tried iu Judge Phelps' court last Thursday. The amount' claimed by Mr. Turner was $840.00. After hearing the evidence the jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the sum, of $375.00. Woodson & Sweek represented the plaintiff in the case,, and Sam E. Van Vactov appeared for the defendant. You won't miss the dollars you sare and deposit in a Savings Account any more than those you spend. A habit is about all you get iron"! spend ing money for trifles and passing pleas ures. While from the dollars you place in a Savings Account, you build an in terest earning capital a permanent fund that brings lasting benefits. n irst The blue stone lime metliod of seed treatment is preferable to formalde hyde for late fall planting. This is one of the many helpful hints con tained in the circular published by the department of plant pathology, O. A. C. This clrcular(No, 176) is on the treatment of seed for gniut prevention, and may be had by writ ing the college. Col: en ' Heppner, Oregon Mr. R. L. Mclntyre, of Altoona, Ala., says: "Di LeGear's Antiseptic Healing Powder quickly healed some bad wire cuts on my horse. I defy any stranger to find the slightest scar on him." - - Dr. LeGear's Advice and Remedy saved this valuable animal. Ho warns you not to leave a wound, sore, or cut exposed, but to dust on Dr. Le Gear's Antiseptic Healing Powder, which instantly forms an antiseptic protection' and promotes healthy healing. In Ii is 28 years of Veterinary Prac tice and Expert Poultry Breeding, Dr. LeGonr has compounded a remedy for every curable ailment of stock or poultry. Whenf-ver they require a remedy, it will pay you, as it did Mr. Mclntyre, to purchase from your dealer the proper Dr. Lo Gear remedy on a satisfaction or money b-.'.ck EUar a ntee. lone Couple Celebrate Wedding ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell cele brated tin u- fiftieth wedding anni versary i.'.'-t Monday. November 8, at their home in our eitv. A largo sathctir.s of iheir chiidivr., grand children and friend.-;- were pres ent. Frank A. Lundell and Anna Louise Johansdoter were married in Sweden X vomber 8, 1870, and 12 years later came to America. Set tling in California, where they resid ed live years. In 1S87 they came to Morrow comity where they took up u homestead in ttie Gooseberry coun try, where they successfully farmed until four years ago, when they mov ed to lone, where they have since en joyed a quiet life among their chil dren and many friends. . Seven chil dren were bom to this union, six of whom are living and were present on this occasion, together with nineteen of the twenty-throe lhing grand children, a ad one great grand-child. The (hildivn a' Earnest, Algo',1, August, Oscar, Mrs. O. E. Lund- stroiu, and Mrs. J. E. Sivansui, and all ive in and near lone with the ex ception of August, who lives at Pen dleton. The homo was beautifully deco rated foi tite grand occasion, am! a? tor the impressive marriage ceremo ny, which was performed by Rev Green, a Swedish minister of 1'ori- land, a bountiful dinner was served This Is an occasion that will long be remembered by all present. Guy Weaver, cashier of the lone bank, spent the week-end in Portland on business, returning Sunday. Mrs. Jack Picficr, who has been visiting h r sister, Mrs. Maggie ( visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Edward Mason. P.. A. Amy of The Dalle; ......l 1.1. H,l ill l-lll I II j III!.-, IIL' Walter Cochran and brother Geo. came home Monday after spomiia.g a few days in Portland. k. Jack liynil and niece, Miss Louise, Shaw, .--pent Thursday and Friday at. Ilyiijjl llros. ranch in Sand Hollow. Git r.'.u'y for a big dance, in Cecil Hall on November 27th. jrlington orchestra w ill furnish the music. Sup per w , Lowe, for all. i! hi pr -ryls vided by ly come. Mrs. T. H. Good time CECIL HARDMAN A large party of Cecilites took in : hte basket partv at Ei.-ht Mile on' Tw J""1"1""1 oniors (,f hi-h Saturday evening and all report hav- KH"!"1 ,0k ;,d"ntl of J'rarp in a rood time. Vacation by having a party for the , ... 1 freshmen and sophomores. Evervone Keith Logan spent Saturday and i .... , ,i, .,., . in ,.,..,,, ,. ,,,".,, Sunday at his home a I Farview ranch , , . lhey had a jolly time plaving games betore returning to his studies in i , , .... , and then enjoyed the bounttlul sup Heppner. . " i , . , , . . ... per w uicii me entertainers province. Ed Iiristow (one of Ione's most Friday afternoon the high school prominent storekeepers) and wife ' i,Md n. thirl v minnie nmwani tn whicli and also Miss Olive Wade; (ho parents were especially invited. with The program was given by the gym nasium classes and consisted of stunts by the boys and folk dancing by the girls. Wednesday, Nov. 18? Ve present to our friends and patrons . i o Q O o o 0 o . o 1- sday for hei Wed! Walla. s. Unkind Wade arc a Walla and are gues s sister, Mrs. E. J. and family. of Walla Walla, were visit inc Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe at the High-! way House on Sunday. ! Miss Mildren Middleswart of Rhea was the guest of Miss Zella Kelly at ; the Last Camp for the week-end. j - Misves A. C. and V. M. llynd and. Pernice Franklin, students of Hepp ner high school, spent the week-end at Htutehy Flats. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEntire and family of "Killarney" spent a short time in Cecil on Sunday. Wid Pulmaleer and daughter, Miss Clela, of Windynook, and also -T. Wilde of liroadacres, were business callers in Cecil on Wednesday. Pert. Purnside, who bro'ke his leg while playing at. school, has been suf fering' considerably. Rood Canyon school has been having a number of accidents. This- is the second pupil who has broken a leg. Mrs. Stone man, the teacher, dislocated her shoulder last week while playing with her pupils. The high school Is planning to have a Thanksgiving program, to which the p ti nl it will be invited. A special ef fort will be made to gel the parents J. M. Allyn of Oak G is busy go come out, and an nftsn.pt. viH lie kins, le"t lai home at Wail Mr. and 1 here from Wa of Mr. Wad Iiristow. Mrs. Ida Cochran and daughter, Grade, h it Sunday lor their home at Pendleton, Inning been called as witnesses on the Hyiuer case. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sperry left last week for Forest Grove where they will enjoy a visit, with Mrs. Sper ry's paretitH, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey. Mrs. Ralph Akeis nd little daugh ter n-t nine d home Saturday from Pi ndleton where they Kpoiit Hi-veial weiks for tin; bill' til of Mrs. Aliers' health. Mis. Mary Norum h is In en quite Kl-il fur the pill-1 V.i . bill the ;(, report la i-lowly v 'o rin a. A II rt A tm . ot J'ert !,i nd was ca Mi d V ': i - on account of tie i i l.i- iiiint. M- i. Ms r I in in o b inie I 'i olai Mis. C. C. Chirk, ; ei imp Nun. illlH II. "Up In Ma ry s Attic O o The Picture You'll Never Forget . Capers and culis, babies and beau-ties-ycu'll laugh to the end, then you'll cry fcr more-it's the clever est, cutest story that v has ever been screened. A Picture for the whole family Jl'iy Sick Joy in the Collar 11' hen Von Can .Find It "Up In Mary's Jttir?" 30c and 50c In r I .eo.in. Ml:- Sl"ni,;V with (!. Jul ii ill. Mr ii nd Mr .-am.- 'I liu.-d.iy p ., of t . i- Ci;,. - U i.I'h. fir l'.itland w ll.mi- It! II I a llii-d I-, ii l.v paying his annual visit among his Ce cil friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor and also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of Heppner spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krebs at the Last Camp. J. A. Iversdon and also O. Llnd strom of Morgan were busy men in Ceeli on Monday. Georue Hardi all ot organ also honored Cecil with a visit dm in!', the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs of the I.a-d Camp Weie visitors al the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I ieiiricksoti at Rhea on Sunday. Mrs., Jack llynd, who has been vis iting in Heppner for a Tow days, re turned to liutterby Flats accompa nied by Miss Uliinche Iiristow of Heppner on Tuesday. Miss Iiristow will visit for some Ik.ie before re suming her duties In Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and family of Rhea spent onday mid Tni'Mlay In lone anil took in the Gol den W'.diling peli lira i Ion df Mrs. I.ticl"ll't father Hid lumber, held on Moiplay at (heir homo In lone. Clili'old ii.'iiiii-illson of V.'ilhr.v 'nek ranch look In the Anni liio I' - a ii it ii a In H' l it n e r on Th a pm 1. 1 v. The many fiai-nils of the file lluyd I.oimii Midi In sti nd I heir i. ip, r swnp.ithy tu bis ben an d t.ie ilv in i In n- rie ii , ,,.. itoid l.i.gnn. ai' i r li.iiin.- Iiei-ti In HI health for seine made lo start ganization. a Parent-Teachers or- - of I'll-' I II r. Mi-, tiok.i pc -;h at (In .ii. M.-. ii Siindiii' V ' I III! II ill! P ll-M"'. K. r- . t , m i s I' iilS lml I i pass-- i a m .i l our Mil", i a lid V. an bill on V. - dm- -day 1 ii si- n an i si I :-. , A.'i p r. j i l.'l I ill. in. .i !.' - , W ill' Chi i at bis Iff .1 Mmid.iv. N i d In A 1 1 1 nr 1 1 Noveiiib. r s.et. I' ll. hi I : -1 1 i . p l.i on BOARDMAN The Armistice Dry celehrat ion hold in th osekool auditorium was well at tended in spile of the stormy weather prevailing. There were patriotic iioir.'R, recital Ions, prayer and a short, address by Itev. J. W. Hood, followed by the fi attire of the day, an address by Lieut. Waller Givens, of Kent, Oregon. Mr. Givens was chaplain of the 2-llh Coast Artillery. lie is a speaker of (lie popular typo and all enjoyed his ipeecli, voting it all loo i short. His views on tin fact that tlm v. nr was stopped loo soon- and that liuiiilrrnnts. thoiild be carefully checked up, and forced to fully adopt 1 this country or leave It niter a six month's period of probation voio i-s-I ially Well received. ' I in 1 1 din:.' act I lily coal in in k sli-.iilily. F. F. LiUz Is i-M'.n at in,-; a b.p eim 'it I nr a four loom Imipe, and I,', lie Shaw of Wii'iu has piiri'ha.nd lull on llepiiner si net f 1 1 mi 1 1. i:. Hipper b' l nil ci . ii s 1 1 tl el ii it) c.f .i pen ri iijiiiii iiio-b ni house with ii lull basement. Tl- Ki-d Cioss emli. i : hip Itull Call I-' f t a 1 1 1 n i! ol I m il, m i i ui. i n ii. 1 1 ui s lieiiu: 1 .Tiiiilei! tin' Hi t day. I" i 10. .11. in it al M li.l C 'I- p I Cn,i I I, a V la, Hie , h e. p. ny .1111 He I, .11 I,.. 1 1 o 1 1 1 N i in I III: .1.1 .1 , .-ml ill 1.1 I 1 1 I.. "II I.. .I'll llll.-l. y : I'll" pi d In W III Mom plans I . i ii i i-'-k tl I n a I i la Is ill hp' t aiii-b I P'li lia ' 'I in a r In 'i-nii. ui mi fin- I on , pi": t ma i .i 'e.,. .1' . 1.. al ! t ' I"- ni t '.f I' at Hi ll pii. v. I . i r. ii. t .... I h II I - 1. 1 Thursday, Nov. 19 Mo Jn zarti the Miiic t Lyceum iNumoer 0 T.,j -!,,-. "XnJSi-.r coooooocoooodcooooooocoooocooocooooooooocccooooo o i-. Q ij .i o ) a o o c 'i 0 a a G .; n c, a o o o I I -I I." ill !'.( II Villi" I jlCi . . - - -" J 'llif r II - (tilKlla 1ulf. Ii. le I' I I I lu ll' I.,',!" y. I l.v c i i- 1 1 . !. i.ii. . ) i ti :i I.', hi. k " i. i r ct I i.i I. .1 I.i i. I t-.l- . , i ,ii I - it. u i V. . II I, III I II ill v 'i fx '77. pi .( p.. 1'.. i r i... i,. t r. . si f.t -. - 'i ..f t - t i flu t ( ' '! t 1 Pal In r-..f. ft I n t,n lit. . tl till t I f -f f- t -Oil I -I tl