Tuesday. November 16. 1020. THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON Three C Brief Story of School Hats If ?fl'H. ri ." v- . "V I 5 " ..-, x J Till; story of lints Unit are worn liy school flrls is brit-f this sea son nnd its main mints 11 my bo gath ered very (jniekly from tliu (.'roup of lints shown hero. There sprung tip be fore school bells Iicxn n to rin.i; a tle iiiiiiid for lams, that included those for school ;lrls hut was not by tiny means confined to Ihotn. In answer to this call etiine tains ami more tains. One would not believe so p-ent a vari ety in ot. kind of hat could be made, and the school p'rl found in them ex tictly the things she liked. These tains are made of various kinds of cloth linvihj,' n slia'.-'.v, velvety or sneile like surface, and are finished utT with yarn pompons, yarn or silk tassels or are without any ornament. There 'ire some velvet miVls ninoni; ll, em. Two protty laiiM i-hown in the pio Hire hrlng out i!i.i di'Tei' nr,-; tha: liipear In the const met ii.n of the tarn. The hat at the left lias a crown made tif sections of sl:a,;iiy cltnll sewed lo- .uelher and topped by a wool pompon. It is mounted to a straight headband. The inni at the rij;ht has a crown made of only two pieces, one of them so arranted that the tain Hares off the face and falls to the right side. The hats In trip center of the group and at the lower left hand corner are popular felt shapes finished with hands of gro? trrain ribbon. They are made in a variety of pood colors, are very durable and "classy." The re maining hat is less simple, having a draped crown of dnvetyn and a turned np brim of angora eh.th. Two yarn balls suspended on a eroclie?.-d cord that hangs from two loops complete this ambitious af.air for ihe young miss. COPYHIuHT IV !STU;N NEVSPMOt UNIOM sto:;,:'J 3 the rem BraCABlNETE Don't IioIhiu: to the un-.n army of thoxe who intend to do tlitui: ju-t as soon us ll,..y ,'inl linn-." If yuu wat O'.n- j., a (". n e.'i It In och ,iy, anJ that is by t:il,ii,ij it. I. bo. I. WHEN C0MPAY IS COMING. We all e:i;oy entei'iiiliilng our friends and lii.e lo give them somo- tlbn. iboiee and a l'...le tj$3j'r-''l ""' "' "'e ordinary. ' (V S six r sovi-ii-poimd fo.vl, gK-ft lf '"ml. In this maimer. jf (X'l "Ib be tend'T ami of lite. t.avoi. 1 nj.iiiit tin' i.iui, ah In cold v.iitri', dr llo'i ou-l.ly, ih. :i Kca-on it'.i p.'pi'iT. It : loll l.i fl air; fry In hoi fat until Liw', n on both sldi s. ,'iir I I iv. place In 11 lon-tlng p; 11 (,r a i'.;pp'og pan. sprinkle mer II a ci.blul of , - b.'i'l oil Cue. t - tn!.'. - .i..iif.:' .f 'lllll.ei-1 ulei.ll a',1 '"Mr v.(ii. h 0 v , ti r ; ever ultti :!; r pi o I I. b.e lowly uii' il t. i. i. r. It n ,i r pi.' more v.-'er. liii.n.-h v'ott i.'-iy lease v !,. 0 "i- 1 j. 'i ; i' i.. j .e.-!ii!! ; .".I f ' ' . I. CatamclKi Swct P-.'.nt-s s'a Chtni.:t - T... 1. 1 I 1 at I 1 I ..id !": : 1. 11 . v a' -T s 1 ! I. t " O..I, .i. I.", tie M ; "'., In '1 . '. i' .Ti V J I WIlKX I fast cmo d csa cmi. try lonra tlt.ie ago I tin!; was I lively gooda place, D.eryting no co-tii mi mi 11 u li and I makii pb 'ita leeving wcetli m ;1 ,iis a day on da railc. end. Hut hl'a til It, M'oa year he go nil dn 1.11:11. Dvorviihg l.i up ei 11 da price Ilka lly iimi liii e. I see one dat nlr hlp mal a tail p!n one day li" lo-a In hi :;d. When he hum. n wan broke 1. .11 and p'ci a da ,hi.).. And f: 01' pr. e guti.i mi higb low . dat al. -hi;., I du f..r , nr.-. I !...e l.e .'.. eelt t:i s'ii(i-b, l.,ti. . I.i.v I". Il"" ha -!il',t we. lb .la i: -f ! .- in I....I :i t:.i - i " t.r u. l. i I. . ..el, ,: i, , I I,, I a .1 1 . 1. A, . e.-f li b I- . r U!,i:i loan II' " I I IUl ..' 1'i.w'l hUT III n il!c. Ian 1 1 ' I il .CeP IIII'I I'lltljef til H CHI. lOiel; !!'! Ici'f n ."ipful f l."llhi! wir.r. cm (illy, a tie- ! itin tuny I. urn the I.Hli'l; Cook Until lli. lt". 1. I'll! the iit.N, n . upfiil nf nhellt'il, bliiie li..l nnd rooked " he-Hi. Hi In a linking ili-h In li..T, lih the Klriip: .rlikle with all fH'l bake 1111MI ery lender. WlUrfllon CochUll. I'm the rhll!."l lll.'b'll III I'll" llire.' f..lirth of n In. Il 111 thb kti.', t ick 1)01 !h then Willi 11 mll rutt.r Hump i.ut Ihe i'I"'' 'ci ii to 1111 i"ii tlrnitpcl 4;!,. : laitiklff Willi cti. f.Hll..irf' HK-ir lino xrip n lh t fililill.i I'f I) d I 'T. Mmkni.'liKI lorr ! 111 1'ioe of II.- nlir la. loll, li s n tn,;. II lo'iild Call c-ti!-I. r na l i: no oraM.-e f.r I tll-ifl 'fe; ir in.'-li l'C a ;! t "t t.dal. pfpppm,rt C"if lc C'tm. A-1'1 In p t''y fro" 11 I I 1 II l t ai t.nlf ni f il oh "f f'- fi.l". b. li e; i' I ( lit tl.'-ll 'Hal 'i!V l-h-l ! inol i'.. rib I l .. -,! '. .1 of fll' n a. I.t irk rsr. :y in'.' 1 P-". I'a- n.n'.l n1 i i.'.' ' ' i' ti. .!. bh wh'pr'd rr.n u. 'i I i'h T- r, "P.' ! y ' '' fnt In I' f "1 'f ' i O'ol " H I' foTjh !!. T ! I 1. a .1 i II I.... 1 I !.:. - i t i...' in, ! o b e el,.' li i I. "' i ' .' b.i. lie -in v "i '.- i .Hi.! ry I..', a way fn.ia d.i l! .il.llK. I'I. " V"ll l.i."W v h n 1 firvt eo. i.. ,'. . :i eoimtry hi .m m r .w n.i .hi wloli work nlr. ad). I in i -euiiry n liern hill t 'I n. mi e IT' fin fr..ui ihi Indian" iv frleii ay d la. linn, inaka ph-ntn flL't.t ftltfn u. coin.. I'.. mer liert lie ruy now I'mb- Sinn, k.h'vb !'erjr ..tie .in tarn itiKl pl. tiiii iiioih y nnd n y Hill preny inmi. S i I u.'Ka tr.'iiin Idip for liii'ibe ! f a da iro'il.le. ;. f il Indian wiinl.i d roiiiiiry .inl( I V.uk n" a.M..n .... i.tnkii Ii.n-oi (.r.p..Iti. ef he K.Uii !.iil;i in. 'toy inebl !, j.iijr l.M.ie toore pr.ct r.ow. I .innii'i. Y'.il I bo v atii,i tit. a .hit lni " tj u.e'li ..),. i v f an II.. e, , !ii fra;! lintel i.iel ii i lii I--:.. ia..t., I'r.-. if ...! I... i n K Cii . i i. i.m '(!, ..in:i U'.. If.i I, d:t I ' p. v'i If l f - i. li k. 'hi .' i ."'.' i' ".I I 1' I I I .! . 1 bf i'. dr- ' i I o'e I. ' - ' r i'i .1.. i .it, M e.- , .v. f li 4 if' ' ' .1 tel.. n f.-r I i.. ! ..t '...! I ' X' f O't' '.-t CfCiuH.On, t. a. 5!'. ' .'r 1 (.:. r-.J ' 'I I I. '. :.fV ' -fjr It.'i' . II" . .. i . I... .-, P. ' i .li : . r im ..r"i a ' '; i ' ... if. )..i ; lie '!!t r.f m In il'Ji Ifn ttlt'Ii. B - 'V.f l, I - l IMI XMS'tG- jT-'" at your neighborhood grocery - &JftiW i ' 4 v ' ' WCT I '"rs,'r,i ."A-.r vvt : .p .r . rlaus a Part m ihe Preparation When the trimmin's you're a-fixin use Olympic for the mixin' OLYMPIC Flour more than "serves the purpose". Its smooth uniformity insures extra -ordinary results even tor a restive occasion. ,L jV'f ',A'k",''; i','v':'''v '; 'l v -' j If' ','.' '''-'!'' Cife; -V-iv. .r'-'-j i- i'V? B AV;: ,. - f y :'c .''.VA-v 0 ' . t.'i -i, : l:: f " i -v - :' i.).;lV v. ...... ,. ., H if..-' Ij'l.v-f VI ) 1 4 3 V I . ' 1 : i is - j m mi .ikth l i t - v ... f I! 1 V I ' c --i.v :r 1 1 .... - w J Brunswick Ttmn AmnLfirr, LrirXir.it fnwr, fulirr Ion-, I rtitirrly frn (rm iwtmlUn nuisrn, Zf iratificM.'ty d-. ! in'. A ifml a Iveru r mrtit j I . m tm - .r ; S ',r-.! t: . 1 ti Net cn The Hrun: "-';. It i:; r..:r.'.'. d, t'.p-rii:;; i.ito ;.v. ov.'.l. 'J T 'i luv-v.-ic'-. Touj Arr.-i-lili-.r, or "hern," i.; Li.iit t ) ;.'::.'. nn to aoi: .t.o j'::n;i'i'.,i. Ti,;.: 1 -d-vcys : : -;:inc;.!iy. 'i 1 .-..m-I'-ii'.r i ; cniir ly c f wood u ; i-i ,!iy ciio cn, . c.'i.-.oncf! nnd inotiid.d. It a:;iif.i;t:j directly v.itli the tone :.:m. There i.i NO CAST MI-VTAL tliro it on TIk; Hrun:jwick. Do unnatural and metallic noi:;cs arc absent. Such advanced ideas as ther.c, together with many others, maku the Hrunnvick Method of Reproduction supreme. You've never heard the finest in tone if you haven't heard The lirunswick. And proof te r.j. y. Merely come and hear it. Make comparisons. Don't be r.atisficd with the ordinary. Times change. Phonographs chan;;e. licttcrmcnt:; have cemc. Jhf re you deride, lior this rem uk able Hrun:wick. Then you'll make a uiUalying decision. OSCAR R. OTTO " ,. erwpi-A.fA,'f,- j&ir i- - bjv "i - $MM&smf : it m A