Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 16, 1920, Page Two, Image 2

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    Tuesdav, November 16. 1020.
Uncle ali
Pi H M H
1 . - - -
f rosly P
M fva
I t t I! ... 1 1 " ' 1 If 11
fry . "Do w.-t t . gS 1 I
1 'i
it;; s
mi: ti
Flump. Unit lms
paid the n-tiri'il
(in i!iv li.'ici;
0 y'.y.t- (jf si po-iiMKi
been itcliiiiK nil day.'
Iiii'iclmnr. ";iliil it lin:
mused mo more
attack of i-licuiiit
f is
IV 1
Ei'ii-f than thf
t;.-;ii. 1 can't r
it witn either
hand, and T have
been hackin? up
npainst every tele
phone pole and
natepusf, rnhhirm
like a hore with
the marine. A
man of my social
and commercial
standing doesn't
look dignified
while thus en
gaged, but when
a man's back
Itches, he has to
defy the conven
tions, and get relief the best way he
"I can understand just how it has
worried you." said the bntelkeeper.
"The fact that you couldn't reach
around and claw the itching place
with your lingers kept the matter
fresh In your memory and got on your
nerves. The pursuit of the unattain
able always is more interesting to us
than the easier work close to band,
l'liu had your whole person to scratch,
mid mlghl have bought a currycomb
for a (piarler, and had a good time, but
you couldn't hi! happy until you bad
reached the one Inaccessible spot.
"A while ago I Imagined I bad
heart: disease, and went and saw the
looter, lie knows I have money in
!he bank, and am considered good pay,
he conllrmed my worst fears, and
nade up his mind to have me for Ills
star patient, until one of us petered
Jilt, lie threw an awful scare Into inc.
m that I went borne swea'.Ing Ice cold
ilrcus lemonade.
"He gave me Rome medicines and a
M of Instructions. Among them was
jne to the effect that when I went to
jed I should always sleep on my right
ihle. He cautioned me over and over
gain against laying on my left side,
mil left the Impression, that If I dls
be,V("' hlin, I'd wake up some morn
Tig 'o find myself a candidate for a
'.ornl horseshoe.
"That matter looked easy nt the
'line, and I assured the doctor I'd fol
mv Ills bylaws to the letter. When
! went to bed that night, I stretched
nit on my rhtht side, and in ten tnln
Ites I was Inst suffering to roll over.
' don't believe I ever bad sncb a
iiiiikerlng for anything. It seemed tn
ne the height of human happiness
A'ould lie In sleeping on one's left side.
! followed Instructions for two nights,
mil then I decided that life wasn't
vnrth such sucrlllces, and I rolled over
ind slept on my left side, and nothing
lappened. I was feeling better than
isunl next morning when I got tip.
"Of course this experience lessened
ny eonlldenco In the doctor's Instruc
tions, and I concluded that If I was
olng to sidestep the instructions I
night as well sidestep the medicines,
no. for they tasted like low life III a
Chinese alley, and I threw the whole
t out of the window. Thus the saw
nines lost bis must promising patient
leciiuse lie banded out a rule that
vhmii'I strictly necessary.
"Sis'iikliig of the minltiihinbh. do
nm liimw what's the matter with Silas
i'lirlielow? II" lias everything a man
-oiiM n-k, a stranger In the town
,-voulil tmv. lie lias a beautiful home
ttld II wife who would be considered a
meet'ii nuyhere, and be has festoons
if money where It will do the most
"Yil be bus a secret sorrow. I
ti Ink lie's the tii"t melancholy man I
er saw. and his trouble Is that be
mi't niNe H good stand of whiskers.
Nowadays, when whiskers are oitiild
red hii Infirmity, It seems strange
hat miy tn 11 ti sboiibl crlcvt' ,,ver such
I tnstler.
"He sends nil over 1h 1'nlted
ttntes for Imlr growers. and half tin"
Imp Ills fmi" Is blistered or swollen,
nd still the whl-kers won't grow on
1I111. If .mi iiitnuli" bnppennl, and
K wol.e tip some inortiltiir to tlod bis
oitiiteiintiie nil revered with whlkrs.
led proliTtlitv hue them shmed off
sllhlli it week ; but t rc.i ti i the won't
irow. n won't In happy till In Rets
brtn "
mm: rim liiPf
i - r-f !
The Woods Kami-dom Reels j
Talk of your "call of the wild,"
"Nature" an' similar stall'!
Talk of '-Hie call
Of the forest" an' r.ll
Haven't I heard it enough?
Why am 1 cranky an' riled?
What Is It ailln' of me?
What's my complain! ?
Jest "the woods!" If It ain't,
What in the world kin it he?
Out of the woods It breaks forth
Call of the wild in the air.
What do I hear
With my listealn' ear?
Somethlti' t-coaxln' me there.
Wind has swung 'round to the north.
Sky has a promise of snow,
Moon en tho hill
It is silver an' chill ;
An' I am longln' to go
lireathln' the breath of the pine,
Walkin1 the hayroiul again,
Hearln' old tales
An' trampln' old trails,
F.unklir with men lliet are men
Men thot are phrdners of mine,
Fighters an' workers an' kings,
Men who have stood
l'.y toy side In the wood
At the iicglnnlu' of things.
Woods? I have lived, man an
l'p In She woods forty year,
Irlv n their streams
Where tli qtilckWKtiT gleams,
Kought 'em from store liooin to rear,
Tasted their pain an' their Joy,
I miik of their fun an' their woe,
Sorrow an' song.
All' it's there I belong
Lord, lint I'm criiy to got
- O
THF.I.LO was a violent specimen
of brunette, manhood who was
written up by V. Shakespeare after
he had departed this life, and It v:s
safe to do so. Nobody wrote up Othel
lo while he wrs In the ilesh without
being assailed by remorse und a
corps of trained nurses.
Othello was a large man with a
muscled exterior and feet which had
to lie lilted out of stock. He was a
great vvarrior and was sent Into
Turkey every once In a while to In
crease the death rate. Turkey at
that time was animated by the same
humane r.nd law-abiding instincts as
those which now endear her to the
civilized world. It was on bis re
turn from a depopulating mission to
Turkey tlu.t Othello met riesdeniona
and married her ut one of the largest
church weddings of the season. Kor
a time it seemed as If the wedding
would have to be postponed, as Desde
motia wanted one of her close per-
VjHCrlfitAT i.T7it Sutmt lb
CmKt T out w( poind- NOT
Oh Yo Tintype- f
I lu, -vr
hoy, I Rjr 'ericjn.f
I 'Till 1 ' II 1 " "
Wtary of Whirlwind,
"Yon don't cm to llki tbi- Idea of
I whirlwind I'Stnpiilgn."
"I list ih men mention of It,"
fplled Farmer Vrtito.r. "Mn)h
mi d find It Inird In lliiderstslid. lie
r lmln' lled. I did, III rt if
ho rutintry wher rvrrjr tnic lu
(while v.i'i lime to get nut mul run
'or cj i i-'tie i illiir "
nnty of Tow.
IVit bet Wist. IM'l-r. )utl y you
..n'l wnM I" be in-.i l.iit tf th.
; title I Mi'i ?
Hrll.i I d V-t Jut no. ttnt.Vs.
f It nil fie line to )ei I d flllier
Vltlrs efforts have been
made to trace this name
for the popular daneeslep to the
pace or I rot of a horse, some
lim'stlgators going so far a to
locate a (s.rlaln Mr. Vox who
owned n bore which trotted In
n peculiar fashion ntid. heeaue
of wh'eh. be referral to one of
the Ili'Weit of datlees (ut tl.llt
time) as ti "fox trot."
Hut. while there was a nein
lintned Vox connected with th
origin of ttie term as i1oiinn..ti.
ly used today, he a aude.
llle (bitevr. not a hore f in
der. W hen this dniiivr ile.lred
to liitnsltus' a iiiimltfr "f new-
steps Into bis tntidevllle act.
early In li'M, hi loik i-ertiiln
p.irtlmn of the one tp and
Mibb-d to them a niimher of
vnrlntloiis ol h' own. Mtl.ng
the ititlre perfortiinitiK as "Th
K Trot, a hew diifc orliliuit
e. solely by tin" MTforiner
tliemsrUrs." flihtety " tn
take up somr'hlm new In th
liii of dsiirlliit. stalled tti
steps and It not bti be
for the rnttrf roimtry was f. I
trotting to llii" sincopsted met
dies M.h ir.-.eljr fitted IM
kind of atniis menl. The out jr
rrwnrd thai I'ot re,Tlr. was
Hint Ms nam, wlttunit the ran
Ital IfttiT, spreal l.M..
ra t oier two iNintUieiit.
' M I
Othello Objected in Hit Boorish Moor
Ith Manner.
aoiial frl -nils with a thick, wnvy vi
brato to hing "A IVrfecl liny" lis the
bridal couple entered, but Othello
objected lu his boorish Moorish iiiiin-
Mr. Sh.l'iespet.re states that Othello
ami ! Ii tiiotin would have lived to a
rlj old a ge If It hud not becii for one
lugo, who was a t'oiire periwiti with
thu ratU of llrt sergeant. lthelln
hud a large, green loiinp of Jciilouv,
and b.go plne. upon the smiie until
It rex'tulilrd an arc light. In fact,
ifdemoiiii wna a perfect lady and
thought as much of !.r IuisImhuI as
he did of her clothes, but he Itm.i-
t ntly gave a hh ket hnti'lkeri lilej
alth gtrawiM-rry Juii-x upon It
friend of fh fiitttlly tu.tm-d t'asslo.
and In return fir this frtiisrnu act
tn was uiiliiRtei ljf Oihello wltb
that deally shni, thu straw thk.
When Oth"lh di-"ern Ma mlstakr,
h cllitilw-d onto huh and crtrd out
for rreni;e after Which ha fell OH
his sword and ripltvd wl'h an Btin"l
Th l!f of ittbrllo steiiibl warn
te not to rMiiii their hushan la
tn Jinlmiiv, rp-t!l)r In teW of that
lau-a iiutiittrr of ci f affinities
lurk on erjr s.rner.
I oi .
id at'
rr a r. up!e of rleo-
Incont dtratf ").M
)4"il mill ! r t !;(. I.', t ut ft"d
ll-.f Hie .iMtr ! !..' t.ol f r S -tn;
hue. twin 4 a e'l do.'l !
i- ti V no r " i'. ni it
at ts. t
A' i.
H.a Wf ill f id.
la ( I .
5? 3-s3
Better take a slant at our window dis
play of Canton Flannel and Jersey Work
and Driving Gloves before the frost be
comes more severe. Something there
to meet every cold finger need.
Canton Flannel Gloves
LEATHER FACED (Very Serviceable) 65c
Jersey Gloves
s Grocery Co.
For a Limited Time
We will give
you $25
worth of
new Records
If you buy your phono
graph now and you can
suggest your own terms
of payment, too!
Costs no more than the
There's no string to this offer; no joker in it .$25 worth
of Pathe or Actuelle records FREE if you buy a Pathe
Phonograph (except the smaller models 3 and 6, which are
not included). .No matter if you pay cash or extend the
terms on easy payments the $25 worth of records will be
delivered w ith the instrument as quickly as you make your
1 '
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laaa a tut a
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f a-i V'I 6'9 a's'l I
in' htry on
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