Eight THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November 9. 1020. Ruined by the Italian Earthquake T i as '.. Sr..,.-: ! v;W ( - i i s ' . i -T'lVr . .V-:. X f 'J M r IX'AI, NEWS ITEMS Th-rc will be a business im-ft in of I lie i:)i.-fopal (luild at tl: home of Mrs. A. L. AyT3 Thursday uftt-r-nouii at 2 : liu u'clork. W. If. Wilson, well known attorney of -Tli'J Dalles, was here several clays last week as letjal representalive of I'oiey in the hotel lease ilinl. T. E. Sherman was in from Lena Saturday, and hence forth will set his ropy of (ho Herald through the I.ena post.office. Tom is ranching In that suction. I-'r intt Eni'Jeman was up from lone Silt in day looking up some il'inix-ial he eouhl kill aiiile over the election results. When last soon lie was work inn Mi'ke lioherts over, hut .Mike pieaded not guilty. Ralph Einley is h"re this woek do ing jury duty. Mr. Finley has just completed 1 he seeding of SUO hitch to wheal on his ranch single handed and was just ready to start hauling Ills wheat to the wa t ehouse when the jury cull came. Meat for Dinner Thanks, Doc Dr. A. D. MeMurdo, well known disciple of Aesculapius, made a pro- THIS ISN'T IN HOLLAND , r.r. ', I I - 5 4 s i& 9 1 5r View of the main street of Kivizzano, Tuscany, showing some of the ruin caused by the earthijuiikes which destroyed many towns in that section ol Italy. fessional trip to the mountainous district of southern Morrow county last week where he performed a ma jor surgical operation. The opera tion was eminently successful, but, as sometimes happens,, the patient ah - died. The palieni was a fine, big, fat buck deer, and again (he Herald family had heat for dinner. In making the statement that the I'l nial doctor "made a professional trip to the mountains," we speak ad visedly, for he it known, if is a pr.rt of his profession as well as his relig ion, to go deer hunting every fall, and, of still more importance, to al ways return wllh venson. This writer has heard reports of other Ileppner. hunters returning la den with the spoils of the chase, but us we have been furnished with no proofs of tliesi stories we hesitate to publish any details. The Herald Is very particular about being accurate In this hunting story business. spread in the dining room following the work meeting. E One of the few Dutch type wind mills in the fulled Stales Is that he cnleil on 11 farm near Elgin, III. It mid 11 plcluresipie touch to the sur roundings. The mill in more than fifty years old. llepiiner llebeknlis Entertain Ladies of the local Rebokah lodge entertained a number of guests from lhirdmim lodge hiHt Friday evening at a regular work meeting when a nnumber of candidates were admitted to membership. A large delegation wits present from Hardmnn lodge. About 70 persons enjoyed a splendid From Wood to Silk. Whole forests have heen cut down to supply the world with pencils. . hut timber In still larger quantities is now required for the manufacture of silli stockings and other attire made of ar tificial silk, for which wood is the raw material. Econo a 'i ' E-iTipirt. As much wisilme nmy he expended 011 a private economy as on on empire, and us much wisdom v ay he drawn from tt. Kmei'sim. WHO KNOWS THIS RING? The ring here photographed, of 14 carnt gold and without trademark, was found on the body of an Ameri can soldier now burled In France. The war department requests that the jeweler who made It, or anyone who recognizes It, conmiunlcute with the Quartermaster (lenernl, Cemeterlul Di vision, Washington, D. '., so that the dead hero may be definitely Identified und the ring returned to Ids relatives. 1 JCJL2 I'l 'i V v. . V - :- . .. . - r r VALUES UN-ORDINARY IN Wirthmor Silk Blouses at $5.00 Fashioned of Georgette, Crepe cle chine and of heavy satin made with the utmost care cut on lines that insure per fect fitting and styled in a manner that is authentic as well as distinctive, each one of these new WIRTHMOR models that have just arrived presents a genuine savings opportunity. There's a pleasing diversity among the styles one of which will surely satisfy every Fashion whim or fancy. No salesmen are required to sell WIRTHMOR Waists the contract plan eliminates all selling expense as well as numerous other costs usually incident to the making and sale of Blouses. They represent superior values, because of the very unique and economical way in which they are made and sold, combined with the makers desire as well as our own to keep down prices to the very minimum. THERE IS JUST ONE GOOD STORE IN EACH CITY THAT IS PRIVILEGED TO SELL THE PRODUCTS OF THE WORTHMOR FACTORY. IN THIS CITY THIS PRIVILEGE IS OURS Lower prices all over the store in accord with market conditions I Minor & Company . Mm mm j Armistice Day Celebration Ihorsday, Nov. 1 1 , ?20 i.!' BENEFIT WRESTLING MATCH i STAR THEATRE 3:30 P.M. i 1 ptJfL J EPSON Ch;Ui,l,H'n Mi.ldK-wuKl.t .f Canada ! 1' - , MEETS i w ". - J I'lidiputi .I Cltaiupinn l U. j Wn-sih-r ui tin- Atlantic iVw J J L VV J I LLLV IN A FINISH MATCH, BEST TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS THREE GOOD PRELIMINARIES .1'. t Jill Ml I I H I iidl-l'tlled Mel.tb wi ltlil 1llll tll ! lb' ll.iiili it,tl FOOTBALL GAME-Heppner High versus Fossil High DEPOT GROUNDS. GAME CALLED PROMPTLY AT 1:45 P. M. Big American Legion Benefit Dance FAlPv PAVILION. 9:30 ALL KINDS OF ENTERTAINMENT TO SUIT EVERY TASTE. REFRESHMENTS OF NEARLY EVERY SORT ON TAP, AND EVERY MINUTE FILLED WITH Go SECONDS OF JAZZ AND FUN -I ... I f :: " v. NELS JEPSON Can&dlnn MiJti!cvcir.ht CH?.npbn 0