Six THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November 9. 1920. : S. E. NOTSON pkofkssioxal A!tm v attokx ey-at-i.a w 2 ' Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON DR. R. J. VAUGHAN dkxtist WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOUXKYS-AT-I.AW Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building JIasonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO SAM E. VAN VACTOR PHYSICIAN a.,.1 SUIGKO.V ATTOIiXEY-AT-l,AW Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN WATERS & ANDERSON I;AVYi:U I'IHE IXSCKAXCE Office Phone Main 643 Successors to Residence Phone Main 665 (j. fj, Patterson Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON HEPPNER, OREGON rn? nvni?R watvfp maternity home UK. I Ulh 1. WE,R.H,K T am prepared to take a limited PHYSICIAN and SURGEON number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure Phone Connections best attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp IONE, OREGON ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf i S SUITINGS At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES These Suiting-'1 .'ire (if highest quality and excellent designs Come and get yours before the other fellow gets it. Satisfaction guaranteed in all our cleaning and pressing work Heppner Tailoring & Cleaning Co. Main St. G. FRANZEN Heppner 41 ft HARDING SWEEPS and will ei STATES CONSIDERED DOUBT FUL ARE CARRIED All States North of Mason and Dixon Line Go For Harding. THE COUNTRY NEXT PRESIDENT REPUBLICAN CONTROL CF SENATE CERTAIN t'i New York. The next president oi the United States will be Warren G. Harding, present Republican United States senator from Ohio, and the next vice president will be Calvin Coolidge, Republican governor of Mas sachusetts. That is the verdict of the millions of voters in one of the great est victories of the Republican party In the history of the country. The unprecedented Republican vic tory, growing by leaps and bounds hourly since the polls closed Tues day night reached its maximum pro portions when late returns dispelled the doubt that lingered over Tennes see and New Mexico and definitely placed these states in the Harding Coolidge column. With only three counties in Ten nessee missing, 8enator Harding has a lead of some 10,000 votes over Gov ernor Cox. Inasmuch as the three counties yet to be heard from went Republican four years ago, returns from these are expected to merely in crease the size of the Harding plurality. Thus is the Republican dream of half Cox and Roosevelt Vote Confined to Southern States. Is "PERMANENT AS TME PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North lOlh St Phone 467 Wul! j Walla, Wash t - - A i . j Texas; re-election of a Republican senator from Missouri. Among Republican senators elected in hard contests were Lenroot of Wis consin, who was opposed vigorously by Senator La Follette; Spencer of Missouri, who defeated Breckenridge Long, ex-assistant secretary of state, and Jones of Washington, senate com merce committee chairman; Senator Phelan, Democratic, California, was de feated by Samuel M. Shortridge, Re publican, and Senator Smith, Demo crat, Maryland, a veteran, lost to O. E. Weller, Republican, Senator Nugent, Democratip, Idaho, was defeated by ex-Governor Good ing. Harding Strong In Border States. In the border states Cox lost every thing except Kentucky, w'hich he ap parently has carried by far less than the normal Democratic plurality, de spite the expectation that the en franchisement of women would make Democratic states more strongly Democratic as it lias made Republi can states more strongly Republican. r f V Let Us Show You Our Line of Plows Drills, Seeders and other seasonable farm machinery and implements ir- If -H WARREN G. HARDINQ a century reulized. The solid louth has been broken. In New Mexico, with only two coun ties mlHsiiiK, Senator Harding has a lead In the returns Wednesduy of 3000. i Along with Arizona, Missouri and a i fuw oHht Htates which the Demo crats dil not ulve up until the lust , moment, in addition to New Mexico and TenncKHt'C, this gives the Repub licans a Victory so gigantic that even the O. O. r. leaders found it hard to realize. Republican! Carry All Northern States. The HardliiK-Coulidgu tii kot carried every state north ut the Mason Dixon line and every ulate west of the MIs RlMKippI river with the exceiitlon of Ar k.niH.iH and Louisiana. In the prenl lentlal rifcht the returns kliowed that thn Cx Koonovult ticket had lout at leant nlli( Htatcsi which iTf-Kldi'iit WlUon dirrii'd four years hi;o CaMfiTiiln, Colomdo, Idaho. Knn .w, .Maryland. New ll.impuhire. tthlo, Vtali and Wa. hltif-lon. t Srii.itcir 1 1 .ir;l in n mid Governor Ciiiia.U'' ;il limi' 4"4 votin In the clevtiiral r-nlruc. (inly nine b.furc In the hfliiry nt it.- n.Hi.m h.m I'iIh vn!i- I i Mirpa -iid. Thiit v :n In pit:', tin- r m lh Ucjiiib li ; n liiMi. W !nm Wiln.m rn: '. 1 ti j 4 ''. Vi'i.-s i-i !';. . f"-" t!. I mi i.f-i . t ! -ir. Tin-uloro u I Ih-IiI l. ir linTinr. Iiatini; re- C'ii-'i .i.,i i-i. hi 1'H4. 111.- yi-iir ir i '?.:: pu nif-ii to rxprt ncritlnn t'p li.nh aier mirk of poll Ileal i m li'.nor n,l vi'-iur). Ilanlihi and CoiiIUIk mrrli-J It Uti. takinn Minim with thm to trlunifli lh mnirnorxliliii of : utri ml numrniuii natortal and rnnsr- tonal rn'1ulti- Eet Trta vim td onf Hnibllrin rDtrrmati anil cirsl T towns t lUrJIn plnratlt). sitkuukb lh tat of cour. lr4ttlon:iy lwm o. rat if Cot snd noffurvrll mill but 1ST Rtpublksn Plurality 7.0000OO. will!" ll prti.y i dtri br it ( kir p.amttr ml ITr lui jtni Ctt ! I 4' H j Th -'t gii4 Mt-4l ' fM'ti N Tf. I tllv? t(4 is , si :,..( nit t ftvw Aiit Stm i Vhtii tit Ntj4. frr Uit I ltl t I IB" lltwillr Ms44iss ir ,tt mt iat I i.ik f U s I Saurl. ritiMiw 4 frts li t D,-n.M4lf Mm MojcHic Kwt, ot Our S lhi, Wrl.7. Z I 'J. ,n- ; ' The "ThoiourthbrciT -- ft t. It w t.ib ' i i ii i ,i ,i i W is thrf i t i mrf of it-r-1 i . f. .if mi ! i .. li. an lfl n U-wlVi:t.t4 ft tt ! h4t. ll U. ft ft, rN i I (' fti,. . Ut i.t few 4 t,lf i in ., of , t u i:i- l.HMi i. ,bvW II I t)i tt t. t ftliit llA(' ' hr '! Ifft I 1 i "' ' t. i. I lftv4uc. V. tus ij tWftft 1, , 11 mi u !. Hiv- r .rn !. I v n t.t "' - ' " ti t ... t I t(f I ftiivl vi i IW ( ff fr Wf N" ftM ft1 ts l in I iiff fttfriir tftAing fti t lmu tl4 ft i sr. -iK'tit Imning. i,te ft littf ft lrv, im1 M !, I x'ur f u ,tw-i ! NHirti, ftfti'fti t'ii mm Lot fftk!4 t"fftl tftsttw tft tvlfU w I lftfcstfti bOtiUI-' 1Vti;iiVlfftri n ll'l(cWiMW(ttMr I f t fs -n.f in l-fcl .! ft. I M..f-M4 tlVu4M Uilift WlUu.ftll ftuft, C- r -v Ni Ht'-tir - thgi i is " i Mt rn r- t.? it t . ( i. , -n,!.. tl m1 1m iftl itl'f U UHf -l lut.i f tfti r V: i.t i. GILLIAM & B1SBEE . X .- - .7 Peoples Hardware Conipany it LOOK! Ford Owner CALVIN COOLIDGE The other border states Mary land, West Virginia and Mis souri Harding curried by pluralities that are phenomenul In view of the normal Democratic strength In thiB territory. Not even the most wildly optimistic HepuMlcan leaders looked forward to the plurality of 50,000, by which Harding apparently carried Maryland, a state which lias gone lu'puhlUan In a national election but twice since the Civil war. Missouri In another state which the Hepuljlleans won but twice In the lant half century and tlu n only by a hair, but whki Manlit'K b is captured by a plurality ritr.iilnn Into unheard of fit!iirrs. West VlrsInU, where Hugh's squeezed thrnuch with b'Ss than IIOuO to the good. Ilardlui; has won by SO.OuO or more. Kansas, w liti the double board sys tem, by wh'.i h ballots lire counted us cant, came in wll'i the fii it fairly ompri'hi nsixp return which showed ami the Kepuhllckii tlcsel leailii::; tlierc. Hardi.-.g Landslide In East. In Si York anl N ir.icl ml, sn l:i Oc.lii mill liii!-.;.ni. tli llaniiri; ma jorllies refni u l.uul-illil? Ill ll- e.isl. As the I., m! I ' i!e !n ll.i- r.:t eon Inn. tu rullvm n;.d the r-.-l liniiin tlulih (..liiP It would extend wrV ward, the Ii-ii.eratir iii .t ti n k '-r In .r Y.nk iiu.'d uniiDum-rnicuts con cP'llns tin! elm tlon of I Unllng. licporta frinn llltnoli were that the llepubltcatM had smept that ntstn from th nietropulttsn contest In t'hleagj, hir a clean victory was si-urfj for all office, lo thr rural regions, KlTlni Sxnator lUrdltig a Irad so Isrgs that if the ratio kept up for unreported preclnets his majority otor Governor Cox would be mors than IO.Oud. Lea rimsll waa elected aefernnr by a larfe taargla over et Senator I.ewia. Wil liam li Mi Klnley was elected I'nlted ittstee sesator t Krd lerent e Y. rlberwaa. Altkauih UlRSeasta re purled thst Hsrdisf spparsstif kad earned thai eit rif a S.elsns mtfrUf. ike Ra pablieaa eie'S I'oaiet. ep4re frr sera ssd ess r ts aiker '"eae You can get your Ford overhauled at our shop at Ford schedule prices Ford Garage Phone 193 aHll'fcHI I MmifBWIHalTTWJTWrBiir est Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she U luin; mi if .she lmys her Meats ;tt this .shn which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSQN, Props. as mse tla'ea kala eieed k Ike Naa pevatasi iet e Ui' reports vers tka' taei p ; fa faiss e tke kear'eet rararded a as af tka rvt'ia s'sea sstit war a-ars Joel ke'pe m m) Tseadse ks Me ter Vend. sppet4 ' at. aaeSM4 Ha ! la SS aetaea Its at exiles af VtareMaft. BURLAP SACKS For Potatoes at Sam Hughes Co. ONLY 5 CENTS EACH DeUer Com Early SAM HUGHES COMPANY iC C w, ti 1 P h I n fi h li 3