Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 09, 1920, Page Five, Image 5

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    ' i"
lLd From Neighboring Towns
1 jtw fhr jfi
tom-niade Clothing
ed the following advice from Dun
. world's largest Wholesale Tailors:
' 3 w
T. W. May of Lone Star ranch
listed in t he lemoval.
t . a.
7 K
"- ft
Chicago, 111., November i, 1920
Mr. Lloyd Hutchinson) Ileppner, Oregon.
Dear Sir: Effective November 5th, we are pleased to
advise you that the following deductions will be made on
our entire line, as follows:
Class B C D E G H .
Class L M N O P S.
Class T U W X Y Z .
We wish to advise you that in making these big reduc
tions, our prices are way below cost, but we feel that wc
would rather take a loss and give our customers an inter
esting proposition to work on and help stiniulate business.
Very truly yours,
10 per cent
15 per cent
20 per cent
This means a substantial saving to my customers in
addition to my former reasonable prices, and it will be
well for you to call and leave your order at once.
The Dundee Woolen Mills arc in a class by themselves
in the manufacture of woolens and the tailoring of men's
high class clothing.
I am their exclusive agent in Morrow County.
Let me show you my samples and reduced prices.
Compare my $7.2.00 Suit with $100.00 to $135.00 Suits
bought elsewhere.
Pressing Dyeing Repairing
Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs of (lie
Last Camp wore among the dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. May of
Lone Star ranch on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd and party
from Butterby Flats, and Mr. and
Mrs. George Krebs and party from
the Last Chance, took in the enter
tainment at Rhea Siding school on
Saturday. All report having a good
Stanley Stulz of Hood River spent
a day or two around Cecil during his
vacation. His headquarters was the
Last Camp.
John Nash left Ewing Wednesday
for The Dalles where he will join his
family for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan of Four
Mile spent Tuesday with Mrs. Weltha
Combest at Cecil.
Geo. W. Wilson returned from, Ukl
ah on Friday, leaving for The Dalles
on. Saturday, where he visited with
his brother and wife at the hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson are now
improving and doing nicely.
Herman Montgomery passed thru
Cecil on Wednesday with a band of
sheep belonging to Hynd Bros. They
will wink-tr at Butterby Flats.
Roy Scott and Elmer Mohr left Ce
cil on Wednesday for Hynd Bros.
ranch at Froezeout.
Mrs. Ellis and daughter,. Miss Mary
of Ewing, were doing business in Ce
cil on Monday.
Henry J. Streeter made a short
stay in Cecil on Wednesday.
Highway Commissioner Kiddle and
friend, Mr. Kelly, and also State En
gineers Baldock and Winton, again
honored Cecil with a short visit on
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Willis rnd son of
Morgan were visiting friends in Ce
cil on Tuesday.
I'eler Ilnncrnficnd left on the local
for lone on Thursday to attend to
business in connection with the late
Peter Benson's estate.
The sympathy of Cecil community
is extended to Mrs. Everett Logan of
Fairview, whose father died at Mer
ril, Oregon, on Thursday morning
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan left at
once for the bereaved home.
"Mayor" of Cecil onT ins "deputy
left after casting their votes In Cecil
on Tuesday bound for the county
seat. After patiently waiting (hret
whole days and hearing nothing of
either party, the despairing wives of
these two prominent men took the
Mrs. Ben Juday and two children
left a few days ago for Weston where
they will visit for a few days with
the former's mother.
Mrs. Jack Pieffer is here from
Walla Walla and is a guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. Maggie Calkins.
Everet Zink came Sunday from
Portland and will visit with his' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Zink.
The lone high school football team
played Arlington Saturday on their
grounds and defeated them 27 to 0.
John Cochran returned home Sun
day after spending1 a short time in
Idaho trapping.
Mrs. Kennith Blake just recently
received a message stating her sister,
Miss Margaret Cook of Bend and
Raymond Itichl of Camas, Washing
ton, were united in marriage Monday,
November 1. The bride is the young
est daughter of Mr. an'd Mrs. A. W.
Cook, and is a charming young lady
who has many friends in our city,
having resided here a few years ago
and attended the lone high school.
The groom is a young prosperous
business man of Camas. Her lone
friends join in wishing them a long
ind prosperous wedded life.
Mr. nad Mrs. Andrew Douglas left
Friday by auto for their home at
Pendleton, after spending several
weeks on their ranch near lone. Mr.
Douglas has rented his place here and
he and his family will spend the win
ter in Pendleton.
The Misses Ethel and Dorothy
A gee left last Monday for Granger
Washington, where they will attend
the Adventist school this year.
Mrs. Earl Puryear and little daugh
ter left last Tuesday for their home
it Pasco, Washington, after spending
everal days with her mother, Mrs.
W. T. MicNabb, and other relatives.
Mrs. Puryear was called to lone on
account of the death of her father,
who passed away Monday,. Oct. 2 5.
II. M. Cummins of Hood :;:ver, a ror
mer cashier of the lone bank, s-pent
i few days In our city last week. Mr.
CummluH is agent for the New York
Life Insurance company.
Mr, and Mrs. J. T. KnappenbcrK
returned Thursday to their home at
Portland after inuklng a brief visit
with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Esta Ilanernliend of Morgan
was a business visitor in our city on
Lyceum number at the Star theater
tonight Davis, niiigU Ian.
POI ND fin Sand Hollow mini Inst
Wednesday, leather covered chain
mid padbxk. full this office. 2K(f
Mr. Uuy MNr-, I'rop.
Hwiylhlng n w, clean and Sanitary.
It'-M of rare iikuim-'I all patients
! I'llnlie M;iln III. Ieiinel, Oregon
will receive
car of Gilbert's
thing Coai in
w days.
Lumber Co.
pner, Ore.
.ni NTIn I.WMIS!
Ymi Will !. lli'i UMcd III the diH-
pl.iv of !iti-tfi, l:loir, skim,
("nut, Suiin .i ii dir-eta now ! -in::
liiwn at li.y i-inte.
and look them u r.
Mre. I.. (i. II.
(.'nine In ti nd
17 if
4 4 4 4 4 4
local lor Ileppner in search of Ihelr
hubbies. Search still going on at
lime of writing.
J. M. Melton of Lookout was abli
to lie present at (Veil on Tuesday and
cast his votoe. J. M. tells us be cast
his first vote on Nov. i, 1X01,. for
Abraham Lincoln.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Pettyjohn and
sun of Moi gun were visitors hi. tin
Last Camp on Friday.
Claude L. White of Portland is
busy mound Cecil vicinity taking or
der for winter clothing dining the
week. He was the guest of Mrs. Jack
Hynd during his stay In Cecil.
("Til was a lively spot on Tuesday
during the election. Many little In
rlili-iiiH in i n i i ll during the day. Most
oie-pii i'iiis of nil was w hen Leon l.o
gan "f Four Mill' mid Kenneth l.o; . n
of Cecil wire Keen Inlillllliil nil l!l'
tup of Ibe depot. Spei tatol K Were
! ;i,ly In! ppii-rli.t lioiii Miner '.il,
till! Hum- Wi'ie fnl t In oniillg. Tin -e
ri nl l-'tni n had n i ended to icnine a
Inii'i'V. In II nali i-, nil li nf fi id, ele ,
whii h IiM'tnmie liny hud placed
In ic on Halloween, mh lin y were so
;een lo leinove nil thing Inln their
il.ii iigam. J. . (ihimrn mm hiho
( in ii ii .on( :h
j. .. .j. .j. .j. .j. .. .j. .j.
Th Tin (rltlaa (tmrrh.
Tb unoal tfrvkM of lh Charrh
will b hld Puadajr, comilMliif
of lb. Dibl PfhiK.I at ta o'clock, fol
lood br Communion pi?r and
rrarhln( at Un n'rtftk.
Tht nlof Hrr will ronnlnl
of (ha Chrintlan I.Bdor Htl at
fi o'rlnrk and .nf Hiira and
I'rmrMnf at llit o'rlnrk l.t'y
nn la ronlilljr I n I 4 ( attend
(h artr.
W. O I.llatnn, M a r.
(hrlil Ikkmi
( hrlpiuti ftf Imra rn ara h!t
Try P'lMa? n.iirninf at II 01
jori-M-k la I () ( r. bull Pur.dnf
t-'.'m at 1 4S a m. T-Hitt.onT
rlr ara M aaatf ftada1af
nlni at I I'lknk at Iba bnraa
f Mr r.iia W.'im All la't
a4 art nrtallf latiia-t to 'in
iba. atiap
Friday, returning Saturday. Whll"
here Mrs'. Banernl'iend was a guest of
Mrs. Corson.
Mr. George of Salem cnnie Satur
day and is enjoying a visit wilh IiIh
daughter, Mrs. Art Fletcher, who
lives near lone.
Miss Beatrice Sperry left last
Tuesday for Portland after spending
a few days with her parents, Mr. ami
Mrs. (". II. Spei ry.
F. II. Haley, local manager of the
Standard plant, Fpent a rew days last
week in Portland on InisincHH.
C. II. Sperry, InoAl grain dealer,
transacted business In Ileppner last
Last Thursday evening the ladlcH
of Bunch GraMs liebekuli loili'e eave a
! Halloween social it I the lodge room.
.Those ie:ellt weie the Itelii k.l 111
i and tlnir I.iiiuIhi. The progiam inn
,ililii of niines and iniisir, afn-r
wlli a lli'lleinllrt liiinli was HI ll d.
! Mrs. Ida Chi In. in, (urineily of lone
but HOW Id Pelnllelnli, came .--'.it ImI.iV
j ii ml Is a I'liesi at I he home of In r
, unit In I , ..li s. Ami Blli ble.
I.vceimi ii 1 1 1, 1 1 r ! I tin' Star tin all r
tnliii iit Davis, tmigli inn.
"You Save Money
says the Good Judge
And get more genuine chew
ing satisfaction, when you use
this dais of tobacco.
This is because the full, rich,
real tobacco tasto lasts so
long, you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often.
And a small chew gives nioro
real satisfaction than u big chew
of the ordinary kind ever did.
Any man who uses the Heal
Tobacco Chew will tell you
I'ut up In two ttjlet
VH CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
KIUI IT CUT is a short-cut tobacco