Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 09, 1920, Page Three, Image 3

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    Tuesday. November o. 1920.
Total Electoral Votes 531; 266 Votes
Necessary to Win.
' Republican
Arizona 1 -
CoLmiJo -
Connecticut . -
lelawure .. i
3i!uh . J
Illinois ..
Indiana .... 'i
Iowa '
Kansus ... f
Maryland J
Massachusetts it
Michigan ,?
Minnesota ij
.Missouri in
Montana ... 1?
Nebraska . . Z
-Nevada i
New Hampshire"".'." a
jNew Jersey " ,
fc New Mexico ----- 5
0.ew York ,?
onh ikota
'Oklahoma ..."."".' fn
Oregon J2
Rhode Island s
South Dakota c
Tennessee ,S
Vtah ii 1J
Vermont J
Washington '" J
West Virginia Z g
W isconsin ,t
Wyoming g
Alabama 1?
Florida I
Georgia ' ,5
Kentucky ,5
Louisiana '. " if,
Mississippi .. J,,
North Carolina 12
feouth Carolina ...
Texas ,X
Virginia .-ZZZZZ!Z'.ZZ"" 12
'. ; 17
New York Election of Nathan L.
Miller of Syracuse as governor by an
estimated plurality slightly in ex
cess of 70,000 as shown in revised
figures assured the Republicans of a
clean sweep in the election.
The vote tabulated gave Harding
1,830,513, Cox 779.0C3, or a plurality of
New York City went Republican in
the presidential contest for the sec
ond time in its history, McKinley hav
ing turned the trick on Bryan in 1S9G.
The largest popular vote previously
received by a presidential candidate
in New York stale was 870,070, which
Mr. Taft polled in 1E08. The previous
record plurality was made in 1 06
when Mi-Khiley led Bryan by 268,375.
United Slates Senator James W.
Wadsworth Jr. was leading hi3 Demo
cratic opponent, Lieutenant-Governor
Harry Walker, by 323,991 votes.
Surrounded by Family end Friends,
Senator Receives Returns.
"Marlon, O. Warren G. Harding
Tuesday bad the greatest birthday
party of his life.
Surrounded by members of his fam
ily and a circle of neighbors nnd per
sonal friends, he received quietly at
his home here the tribute of the mil
lions who had voted to present him
on his 55th. annien-ary with the pres
idency of the United States.
The smile of confidence he has worn
for weeks broadened as he received
the early returns and began to re
ceive a flood of congratulations hail
ing him as the president elect.
While the senator was at dinner a
commutes of employes of the Marlon
Star, his newspaper, called to present
him with a rnld printer's makeup rule,
uni he came out on the front porch
r.nd, with his voire rhr.!;lns with emo
tion, thanked them for their devotion.
' --Harding's Plurality Over Cox Over
(Vntnbua. O. The t pi;llic.in ava
il: tioh" of vi,t s that i ci pt over the
m.tlon Tuie'iiy, -ou'lnui'd to i: up
rii;..'i'r!tii's I y re t' "'aiid In H ;.atir
H-rdl: 3' boM " n'Jle f..r hits id
Not a vt -iV.k :m ratidldatr for suta
office was defeated, an! returns In
dicttcd the possibility that the entire
Ohio duiftailon In lbs tint rongrcM
may be nepulHtirt. la the present
toncrem. litre are aiilit Democrats
and 14 Rer'tMlfiTil trlil Ohio.
. IIitTna s Pl'triHty over t'oi has
Ex Governor XT.lisT tilursliiT t:i
approilmate tha JCO.noO roar to his
rara against W. A. Julian for the teat
to be Vacated by Rtnstof Harding.
Iowa Btrorflly Republican.
! Moines -rVoro president on
gut to minor atata OtfWee !i"a ha
gnna Repuhllfa by oerwhlmlr.g
majorities On lha batts of returs.
Harding atajnrltr In loa anil ba sp
trtnla.ily n0Q0; mmlnV ma
jority mu b around 20.' 1"0 si. J -ti-dalls
b aln;il iln'iW. politic
iiti)-r;;i"' f priirtina
Cstifa"" Cots Repubtiesn.
Ban Krrt;o California has t n
Otrh(m!r,'r lipullfaa U-'uros
lo.l,cat4 that H..fdlt and Cuulf
baa trru I tn '' by tuif i!iao
:o.00 iir.iifl M P'iorr',!
el lha Dmo-rsts inrusjiVecit d-ii
1, raturna 'tu. 8artrii.
aaa PhHaa II Ml.
" ';r J fiJ JMJJi 3 JM. Xsi
I f n I mm,
tlllBliilll;HlllllI; " 9IM
m Wm til -hJ L J m
and Hoosicr saves time, too. Its orderly arrangement, its oversize
drawers and compartments, its many exclusive features, save backache
and prevent "kitchen fag."
In a word, the Hoosier Kitchen cabinet used and approved by two mil
lion women is America's foremost kitchen convenience.
If you would get out of the kitchen earlier in the daywould coin some
of your hours of drudgery into "time off" for rest and recreation, come
to our store; sit before the Hoosier; notice how naturally and logically
lioosicr's arrangement responds to your desire for kitchen shortcuts.
See how much needless stooping, reaching and walking' it will eliminate.
and then
t Sent
Case Furniture Co.
Imprevtd HauMhold I
Tt.rn different ;"! tmirs frnm ar
liftrtf t!l of nrtlumr, SHwarmr.
eslHtia hm irmrt nl lrf to II. frrt
rar, or M. lor. sr. now rtm.l. mw1
.a ! th. Ii c"umi 1vl'- lit at
Ohio manufacturer. 11 ! l"
tromsititlo e.i! of tie bell ia
a"tarta arirtura. oiia ef M.
carHea tta lll clatr. bi!a ib
Chef eoa'trute a bf. fopulai
llertanlra MsgaKna.
And 6litl Dolt J It.
A rnn In Ai.ii,e !'ii fl!iH hf t
WMl'TV f'-r lf-.thif aid anorthf It.
i-.tir"h, N"'li'tii ilnfie to O.. rtT
frinnn f'r pnttinu Mm to sleni.
It'.' hnvKi'l I'l!.til.. MT 17. 1S7 J.
fnJOfM liniatien.
rtmllt llf1 oi. i fit an1 qil'
rwadjr to i t ll. As t.e is, .r
on br litt'afi,iiio ai-l. wtth
big aifh: "Ob. Imi I lava to rlp. T
Awful Pes. .fcilitif,
IT moit.rr ln .t '( il i tn.n'1
nii'li wl at h .'I !, int !!. t,ti:
llmjory rjiinithi-l "If j'.ii i : . f W n,e
eat unoll.i f I, ti. t..-i.i a. I !! )
liutt.'.i kr1 In tn 'f.rmnt' a l.ka
(ratt'l(Mi " l! Ttw' rl..
Natural Abltt'
url a t.tural
,r,-. it ut tn. I prui li.g I i attiilj
Ta !.
Vcu "itw.
It bad t.wn m.fiii t all dr. and
fltisl'.jr little Ne'tte eI.Mt: tniniii..
ben 'J'kI g- all Ida Jui ane'
out of a rlmid l t ha d oltti
ii r
I,n,i,u. rtiral Hijp t. fi-.1, pitill,
I it. .iii. mIIow, s"t) or f.'aa. tl..
tad I! i, a tti. rarrat aod m wt b i li
ly prll
I ... '
Ar'.Vita.ng I -,
In ll.taru. ilia .'i, rllara fof
bid k'll t rl'hft il, ml:,',,,t, l,rra
f.ni'la. re a'!'" a , ! f n. 'ir-a m iil.lt.
ad, or on tiaWi. v I'm'., a ul
an order tu lfa furblddiog
alvalrta' ort tra'na t
t'an; Helo5.
V.irff ti' and I'i'ii oil rma arroaf
a tiia ana abo t!ea r .(,ilr baa a
frM to l.'l a ii i.lnlotia.Tulrla