,1TrlS- Volume 7. Heppner, Oregon, Tuesday, November 9, 1920 CIRCUIT COURT 15 SESSlONJTHiS WEEK WHKl-XS OP Jl'S'l'ICK GIUXDIM. UEGULAU FALL GUIST .Tin')' Out All Night in Coates Case lilake Case Now On Trial The regular November term of cir cuit court is in session this week with Judge Phelps presiding. The criminal docket is unusually heavy this term, with several statu tory cases on the list. The Case of Jesse Coates, charged with statutory rape against Violet Coates, or Lemly, was given to the I jury Monday evening, and as this is written the jury is still out. ' When court convened this morntnp 1he cases against S. D. Ferry Preston Engart, charged with selling some horses they did not own, were called, and as neither of the men put in an appearance their hail was ue Tom Ingram, of llardman, charged j with aggravated assault, entered a i plea of guilty and was fined $50 and costs. Cora Kranz, charged with larceny from a dwelling, was given a two year sentence and parol led. John Blake, charged with statu tory rape, ig on trial today. The grand jury held over from last term was in session a good part of List veek and returned five true biiir- The body commended the well-kept condition of the court house, jail and public records. It also recommended a change in the statutes governing the legular terms of court so thai court could be held in June and IX" cember rather than in May and No vember as at present. This change ig recommended in the Interest of the farmers of the county who find the present dates coming in their busy season. I World's Greatest Ba'dkship ; .Y?i'Z r?.-- 'X:.'-: --'-o X -x?m. :i:v iw;.immwx:Xxx:xxxxxmxXv,xs & lmiMH . ---- 1 'jtMrF 9 and k - -r.T . - v v K-ws5.?rWMa l - ' v. &li t$ Number 28 DOUGHBOYS, GOES M DEViL DOGS: "LETS GO" t'OHMKH "I K;il TIN' TOOLS" WILL ci:li:iu; ti; aiuustick VILLI AM ): ERYXN lossil-llppimev Football Game, Jep-son-t'ostello AVrestling; Match und llii' Dance on Hill View of the V. S. S. Tennessee, considered the greatest fighting ship 111 How many Heppner citizens have forgotten the armistice celebration in this little old town two years ago? Not one. How many Heppner citizens expect to see a bigger and bet Iter celebration of the vanuuishment of the Hun this year than we had two years ago? Perhaps not many. Cut, the fact' is, this year's celebra tion will "skin" that, of two years ago by something like -100 miles. Two years ago we old souls, the ladies, Cod ble:-.s 'em, and the boys and girls had to ma'ke all the nor.ic 'ana furnish all the enthusiasm. The enthusiasm was ea:;y, spontaneous, but the noise got quite irksome along i around four or five a. m. But, just the same, we pulled It off pretty proper and Heppner is not A - A t J i( - H GOOD, ROLLED UP B!6 VOTE ;', JIKX A SO WOMKX KXPKKSS KI) ClIOU'l'", I'Oll l'UKSinHXT Haitling vs. Cox llig Issue Measures Had Scant Vote Only Two Carry In an interview ronowins me re cent election Mr. Bryan attributed the Democratic defeat to President Wil son 'and Governor Cox, and offered the suggestion that President Wilson r,luinld resign, allowing Vice-Presi dent. Marshall tho become president. Marshall. should then appoint Senator Harding Secretary of Slate, and then himself, resign, allowing Harding to become president. . ( the world, taking tlie lust tasie o: open niei-s as m ,.a usham(!d of the stir u made lha hattiin bridge, New York, for her trials and tests, ine vessel was iuuuo l-'AKM. IUHKAC WILL HOLD I'OHTANT MKLTING IM- three months ago. ENGINEER LOCATES ; night. ! But this year it is- differenc. Tho I boys are home again, and they have charge of this year's ceremonies ann lit tlHR h(pn whiHnprett Hint ttipqo fl- vival of better cooking methods, for . . , , lows who were In France and In talk Majestic ranges In Tils s:eep, will claim, that the occasion was a re- IIOITK (1I(SI;X WKST OF Jl'XI l'F.lt CAXVOX the Intention was to of 4 Ln i.itiinnQtt'if inn niiinv trnininir rHiiinit irrtt finer rpiwlv in boost the Majestic. Prizes , . a . , . n. . .r were passed out In the form of fancy , the rest q( products of the baker's art, and alto- . orml(1,TPO SMIUD WILL MAX AG K W. C 1 ARM llO.MK DIUVK T. V. Compi'oinise Measure t Make One IIoikI Serve IrrlKon-lhuml-Hum Set Aside Tlans for the Oregon W. C. T. U. farm home drive are fast nearing cmiinlcilon. and nearlv every county In the state is now welt organized for j with Heppner. the county seat Engineer Glass of the market road department of the state highway commission, was in Morrow county hiHt week locating the much dis cussed north-south road to connect the Irrlgon and Iloardman districts gelher the affair was s-omething of a success. The hilarities will take their "kick off at the depot grounds at 1:4b p. m., v ten the Fossil hlghschool foot ! ball team will try to wrest back the honors Heppner packed homo from Fossil two weeks ago. This will lie The Geese Flew HIrIi Chas. H. Latourell can sell more Fords and Fordsons than anyone else in the county, but he admits that he me anfl well worth throe or can't shoot geese when they persist f"r tlmps ,llc P'1'' of admission, in flying a mile or more high. I Following the football game Nels Mr' and Mrs. Latourell went to the' Jepson, Canadian champion middle r,.i..mi,in inui o..!. and tnnW n trv t weight wrestler, who is not unknown 4 th? actual solicitation of the $125, (iiii) fund, which will be held during the week of Nov. 15 to 22. According to word Just received from State Chairman John E. Wheel er by Chairman W. W. Smead of Morrow county, tho quota for this county has bi-en fixed at 185flj That this amount will be quickly fllllHClibed Is the confident belief of Chairman Smead tind members rf the county campaign commliti-e. The or- ionization work Is now practically ivt and the forro of field worker Is in readinexs to take up the work 1 nt rnl! ..(1 i ti 17 the rotiniv ouotn. ' The W. C.T.I', farm home drive has i V liftn cluiracterlU'd by state officials ami child welfare workers ns one of the iiKict worthy enti rprlses evor un d. i tak' n In Oregon. The mom-y Is to be used In purrhiidn and ctatilish Inv a farm home in Itonlon county, uhi re di in li(, nt and oi:!ian chil- !M'n lll b" K'.vcn a itood home with all of Ihf bets hone tntluenrrs. ! r i n a I arranKfnn nts lor the esiub lir'.itiictit cf the home await th- suc T,n of the prwol dtlve, but from j the encouraitenient which has been j fi idved from nn-n and wonn-n Tn ev eiy part onf Oreon, State Chairman Whrrlrr tioixTta thfte U no thsnre fcr failure. Th farm home lll be pill In operation ratljf nt year, thus mvinK the orphan walfi of Or-on chance to b-come betti-r rlutens. Tills road has been und"f consider ation for several tiion'hs and at a meeting h'dd at Aliilne school house last spring a committee was appoint ed to arrive at some coinp'i mlse whereby one road could be built to satisfactorily wrvf the people of both Irrlgon and Iloardman. Tills com mittee finally arrived at a compro mise route to connect with th; Co lumbia Iliver higbvay at Meaner. Knglneer Glass, so the Herald It Informed, located the road on tb north side of Juniper canyon which ill tie It Into some toad leading out I from lioaidman. The sentiment In the north end of the county last spring wan Inclined to two roads, and It may be that the ac tion of the i nulner tuny give gi m r:. satisfaction In that end. Topa)'-" generally, however, will re-rrH that the compromise route re.n-hed by ih coiiuiilttn lat spllng could n"t hail' been carried out by the engineer. tho honkers, but the weather was too clear and the alrlanes In the upper currents were all open to navigation. Mr. Latourell says there ure llter- lly millions of geese thin season and ts soon as the weather gets stormy ind a goHl fog rolls In he Is goinn hack and collect his pay for the last l.rnnd Jury HM Hln Th? Mrrow county Ktntid iurjr was In tewion all f last wek digicin In t.i a rai'i'f I"" ""l riiore or uti-ai'iry rtln.inal charges. Old-r,.!en-d hf ar.d rptt st-slinK and plain MUfd,r or rten romtnon l , i ,. - to I.'- I. k t en- tie t,.iti tn thi f umy t- ,i ;! ! .. if HK'te '' - .(,.t ( .!' i , ! . : r 1 ' 1 n. k . . tf, H ; t t i l t.-,l - !i t.. ! I- to l-.t.l . t f f tk U T ot 1 t ' IIIHHToUN III HM ll M.AIt o ltltll NS ol.ll lloMI Tom O'Brien. wll Tinown yoynit sheeptttan nf I) it 1 1 r r-k, i.s In town Saturday, havlnc Jut returned from a ti p to Gilliam county duriri whbh h visited hl sls!-r nenr Ifii Itm-k. Mr O lirii-n l a native of Hi. Kmerald Ide, and but recently read In the press dispatches of ih- burnlnc of town only a few mile from l.l old home during an outbreak be tween the Irish penplo and the II: It lh mldiers. l ordered lh Herald sent to l.l brotlur I'airir k , l.o r live on the old hortiMt ml t Corn mukla. CsrrUallen. t'mititr L' rim Titriik fi,rin ily lived t' ' bit cSl hiiin a j,ir ri'i t tak f'ri.-" '( t i fa"'i"t s ':aii (..!,', ,t,tt I i. it f, (III. k m-4lIIAti II l'i II J I limit f.i.l i-i a- I' . st-.re vl .. ! Ihilie O e iptiat4tii lif q '.. I f.- .I!f I 1 ' I- I ' . ' - t I ' ' i- i e tr,.i. t 1 t. r '.-. r ' t 1 ld; d i' . !. r'- t,m x . !'.. . ' ..-i ' j, , ; . ' , , - r I ' . t . t - In Heppner, will meet Joe Costello, who,, so the press agents say, is the undisputed champion of the Atlantic coast. Joe may find the placid wa ters of the Pacific mooie turbulent than he figured on, and thin again he may not. Anyhow, this promises to be really some match. Following the wrestling bout eve- nn. He didn't return altogether empty- ryhotly Is privileged to do absolutely handed, howev. r, for on the way H lrM' pieuse, so long as iney mane home he soled a big covote some two I'"'y unt p. m.. hundred yards away and Just to show his wife that he ran use the arsenal (hat decorates the walls of his office he pulled down on Mr. Coyote and hot his eye out. This Mory should be woith a goose ir two if Charlie makes his haul next nip. Ol.liHt HOYS' COM I !FM K AT ill I'i'M it f. r i:ah when the big dance will start at the pavilion. L'vcry citizen Is required by edict of the Devil Dogs to attend this dance or suffer the extreme penally. While the Herald has no authority for the following outline we presume to suggest that Mayor Vaughan and I all the ex mayors of the rliy, and the 'present councilmeii and all ex coun cilmi n. and their Indies, lend the grand march, and Hint plenty of old i tiii-e dunces l.e glv n plan1 on the program. This Is In Hie InM'iest of Die old scouts who bote the nriiils tire burden two year nt'o wlun nil Hi" young hiukle ic In Kranre or ' on the way. j Well, let s go! Supeiliiti ndent James, who acroni nied a d' b guli'in of hlirlt s IhmiI Imus to pi lllilelnll l.n t Week W b re ilny attndd the older boys' cou'er- ii.ii ot the V, M. C. A . report a most successful iiiefiing, and alo I lint the Hepptler delegation SUiee I- I ed In lih'ttlig the rurifi'K nee fori Lyreuni number at the Star lbeti r Heppner n' t yer. tunlgbt- I )n lr, mnr-lilnn The members or Morrrow County Farm Bureau will hold their first an nual meeting in tho I. O. O. F. hall on Friday, November 12. Represen tatives from all over the county are expected to be present to assist in formulating plans for the coming year's work, and to elect the officers and executive committee who will bu pervise the work for the coming year. The forenoon session will bo devot ed to reports on the work of the past year and committee woik and the an nual election. At 1:45 the organization will take up the discus-slon of affiliating with the State Farm Ilureau. As an nounced a abort time ago a tempora ry state organization was formed at Portland In October, and upon the approval of the vote of the member ship of twelve county organizations thtis will become permanent. Anoth er question which must be considered ) hou Ii0!I Is, shall the State Farm Ilureau af rillate with the National Federation of Farm llurcaus? This question will be left to the Vole of the mcmhctiv of the twelve county organizations rati fying the proposed state const it ul Ion. In presenting these questions and the plans and ambitions of the stale and national organizations the people of Morrow county will have the ad vantage of henring George A. Mans field of Jackson county, temporary president or the state fa nil bureau, ami Cluster H. Gray of Nevada, Mo., a member of the national executive committee of the national federation. The people of Morrow county have been wnti hing with keen Interest the elfutls of the national organization to provide a marketing Mem forK27. wheal, wool and livestock. There I j Sixty Day Leg. S about 5 per cent of Morrow county' wheat nop still mi loiiiil, and nt lenst hiilf of the wool. There Is not a man In th' livestock g.itne but what h.ix been bit by the liialk't slump, and Hi" people sun ly wnnl some re lief. This In your opportunity to bear the f.irls from lieadquarleir. Ite side these men I'nul V. Marl and F. L. Itnllnrd will also be In attendance. Kwiy Inriner In the county should hear tbl discussion. L. A. HL'NT, It was a real presidential election in Morrow county last Tuesday, the combined vole cast for presidential candidates being greater than, for any other set of men or measures on tho ballot. Save in cases of county and district offices where thero were no contests, Senator Harding was high man with 1188 votes. The negatives vote on the single tax measuro alono topped his count, (here being 1198 voters in tho county who did not want single tax, or ten more than wanted Mr. Harding for president Two hundred voters voted in favor of. tho single lax measure. J. A. Waters, as usual, received the biggest vote in the county, with Katie, Minert, for treasurer second high with 1363, C. K. Woodson, represen tative, with 1348 third,, and S. E. Notson fourth with 1329. The only contest for a county of- rice was that of sheriff, In which George McDuffee, republican and present incumbent, received 1071 and C. II. Sperry, his democratic opponent received 540. Watkins and Colvln, prohibition candidates for president, recolved 25 votes, f)ebs and Stedman, socialist, received 5!), and William W. Cox and August Gillhaus, Industrial labor candidates for the same high office, drew 9 voters to their support. Following Is ft summary of the vota In the county: President Harding 1188, Cox 4R5 Watkins 25, Debs 59, W. V. Cox 9. U. S. Senate Chamberlain 629, Hayes. Ind. Dem., 18, Slaughter, soc, 48, Slanl'leld, 1010, Svenson, Ind La bor, 8. Congress Graham, dem. 363, Sln nott, rep., 1132. Sec. t,r State Koser 1301, Sears, soc, 112, L'pton, Ind. labor, 51. Supreme Court llran 12S0, Ilen- H arris Hut), Mcllrldo 927. llrown 295. Food Commissioner Ilawley, rep. 1057, Viiiiliehicii, hoc, 1 2 K. Public Service Commission Cor ey, 1 134. Legislature Woodson 1348. Dlst. Att'y Notson 1318. County Commissioner Davidson 821. Pndberg 698. Sheriff Mrjjuffco 1071, Sperry 540. , Clerk Waters 1466. Tteasurer Mimrl 1363. School Sup!. - Sliurte 1213. Snrveioy Hiikey 46. Coio.ii r- Case 1 225. Following Is the vote on the tneas tt res: fompuJnoi y Votli'T Yes 4 S 4, n ODD FELLOWS, ATTENTION! Pendleton Prize Degree Team Will mnfrr the first dt;rto f.r Willmv I.'-'lHf, No."!, Nit tir.ty I'Wiiin, Nov i ri 1 1 r Win .. 1"'!lt in t;Mi (.:! ( r inorf r.wrv n.M i t ;:.,w M'.rjdW fitini v v.ill l. ,t,,t ! nt! w a tv. tin t . t. 1. . .t itlii'l.:tcs I'.r v. 1 i !; r ;t lp i ! t i he t ' i -i in! i -r i i v r liellglilfiil I olndiloiiwnl A lllilslml entettiiillliif lit Ihst n i ruined the amlienre most di lubt rulty wa that riven t the Slur last W drivsday evening under th" u-t spleen lif tti" ClUe (lull, benefit I p ifuriharne for ih public library M. n.-ir'r hi(tis ro'.piTntid Willi the' lull nlertaniM hy lnt. rspi i!ng II. e I e iiil number With a rpbridid n- ii show j--j.li i.!- l r !! I I I" I in n ' .,.,!. ' ! ! i ' '.!.- Glid, Yes 53 2, no 5K7. Olel.iil-tunrllie Yes 517, ll 1)172. Single Tax Yes ;ini, no 1 1'iK. Four YeirCo util e term yc:k6t no f.26. Port of Portland ys '.23, no 567. 4 Per Cent Int yes 147, no 1202. Ilird Itefu-e yes 3'ls, no K64. Divided !,:. Hess,- yes 331, n 722. Miirk. t Com. yei 314. no 821. Predatory Animal and Itodiiits ye 79 5, no 411. Si hool Supt.' H.i'.n y - ye 565, no 772. Only t iro n enMirett r-irb d In lh enmity: Fixing t ims of all toi-tity oftiriiil st font ymrs and ll. e im ,is- ure provldliig a Lit of I ulf a null for the i ii t ion of preil.i'uty i uimi-ln nd fodenis. I WIIIIN s,rlt I I I ih MsiiMG Illtollll Us 7. ! I ell ,. .11 I I :,n . I M .rr-.;l M i j - i t r 1 1 n , Mnv He M..s of 11 II fi ll.phf" '.iile fi r fed f. lie I I t I i - M , t s i ! ' ) I'..' In A. M. VllWlA -3. Geacury . but 111 ll... s i.l I i ,,., I. d t! , i l, . i J t -I I ant l: ' t I, n - f H.. t,.,., I d-il.t. d i, l c it In l a;.' if . r t of i' M..i v. cm i pi.t ne. I . t If S.tt Ml i;i V I'.ol n- J-I'e i,f I!.,, J l...d i'i" I.-,,.- of lli. ir V I,-, Ll I, t . I,. I.. !.. ' t .1" I t t'l" i) V I. .. !.!.. r . I be ' 1 ' In It r ..nuns t l.l leli, . ,. I.. . n I. . ' t are of the tin n.