Tuesday. November 2, IQ20 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Seven LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PI BUCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September, 18, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that john j. Mcdonald of Hardman, Oregon, who, on Au gust 2, 1915, made Homestead En try, No. 014698, for Sy2N'4, Lot 4, NEVi SE, Sec. 5, Lots 1 and 2, SW14 NE14, Section C, Township 0 South, Range 25 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above describ ed, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 17th day of November, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: W. A. McCarty, C. H. McDaniel, Raymond Steers, Robert Steers, all of Hardman, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. First publication Oct. 12, 1920. Last publication November 16, 1920. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PVBIJC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 17, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provi sions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Peter Farley, Serial No. 021603, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.50 per acre, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., on the 14th day of December, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NW NWtt, Sectionl4, Township 3, South Range 26, East, W. M. (Containing 40 Acres). The sale will not be kept open, but will' be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advis ed to Ole their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. First publication November 2, 1920. Last publication December 7, 1920. L. A. Booth, Receiver. NOTICE The County Court of Morrow county wishes to call the attention of the public to the fact that on its September meeting, in compliance with the wishes of the representa tives of a number of the Road dis tricts who assembled in the ourt room at that time for that purpose, did redistrict the County in order to make the road districts smaller and more suitable to the residents of the various districts. A number of the districts are petitioning the Court to call a special road meeting in the district in order that the people of the district may talk over the matter of the road situation of the district and vote on a special road tax for the improvement of special places in the district that may especially re quire it. The present regular dis trict money, which is a 2 mill tax, the same as before the war, is in sufficient to take care of the dis trict needs and a small special tax appears to be the best solutionl of the problem. Blanks for the peti tion may be had by applying to the 'County Roadmaster or Clerk., Such petition the law requires, shall be signed -by three or more freeholders of the district and presented to the county court not later -than its regit lar November meeting. Wm. T. Campbell, Judge. E. L. Padberg, Commissioner. Gf orge Bleakman, Commissioner reject any or all bids. The assessed valuation of the taxable property of the County is $14,582,795.28. J. A. WATERS, Clerk. First publication Oct. 19. Last publication November 9, 1920. JouniKl for KViuiraal.sr.i Victims. One of the oldest prriodicnls in the world is a monthly paper devoted en tirely to the interests of rheumatic sufferers. Islands Gnat Possibilities. Smiilin islam!, near Kri.stiiinsstmd Norway. Is a flat spot of laud pos sesscd of Immense areas of peat hog It is doubtful whether there is any where a better location for the pro ductiou of posit In lar-e quantities First Nsbr.iska Woman Notary. The first Nebraska woman to be ommissioiH't! 11 notary public was Miss Anna Saunders of Custer county in 1SST.. NOTICE FOU rVBLICATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Orflce at La Grande, Oregon, September 10, 1920 NOTICE is hereby given that RUBEN W. VOLLE of Heppner, Oregon, who, on August 23rd, 1915, made Homestead Entry, No. 015169, for NW, Section 32, Township 4 South, Range 28 Er.st, Willamette Meridian, has filed not ice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at his office at Hepp ner, Oregon, on the 11th day of No vember, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Dick Robnett, Otto Robnett, John Voile, and Joe Mahon, all of Heppner. Oregon C. S. Dunn, Register. First publication September 21, 1D20 Last publication Nov. 9, 1920. "Try It Out Yourself" says the Good Judge And you will find how much more satisfaction a little of this Real Tobacco gives you than you ever got from a big chew of the ordinary kind. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long', you don't need a fresh chew nearly as- often. So it costs you less. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco NOTICE FOH ITWJCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land OL'Ice at La Grande, Oregon October 9, 1920. " NOTICE Is hereby plvon that BRIDGET DOHERTY of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 5th, 1917. made homestead entry, No. 017545. for SEUSEV4. Sec. 5, E4 NE SWViNE. and SE. Sec tlon 8, Township 2 South, Ranse 29 EaBt, Willamette Meridian, has filed NOTICE FOFv PVBMiCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grar-.do, Oregon September 10, 1920. NOTICE Is hereby given that HARVE G. COXEN of Echo, Oregon, who, on September 9th, 1915, made Homestead Entry, No. 015203, for SE and SWU Section 14, Township 1 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the 8th day of November, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Julian Rauch and Frank Ayers. of Echo, Oregon, Harve Mcltoberts, of Lexington Oregon. W. L. Vlncen. of Lena, Oregon. C. S. Dunn. Register. First publication September 21, 1920 nnilrn nf Intention to make three vrnnf o.ihiih Halm to the Lal Publication Novemoer 2, 1920 land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of Circuit Court, at his office, at HoDnner. Oregon, on the 16th day of December, 1920. Claimant name as witnesses: John Keggan, Frank McCabe, Phil Htrl. and Phillip HlKRlns. con. C. S. Durin, Register. all of Lena, Ore- XOTICi: FOIl lTHUCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ol fire at La ijr.indo, Oregon September 10, 1920. NOTICE Is hereby given that HOWAKD J. iCLLICK of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 3rd, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No, 015237. for NWViNE4, SHNE4. SK4. and SEV,SV4. Section 12, Township 1 South. Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make five-year proof, to rslabllsh claim to the land above First nubllcatlon October 19. 1920 Last publication Decemeber 14, 1920. described, before United Slate. Com- mlxsloner at his office at Heppner. I Oregon, on the 9th day of November xoTicK fou ri nur.vriox Dipartment of the Interior. I'. 8. Lund Ofl.ee at Uranne, Oregon. September 10. 1920. NOTICE Is h reny lvm that f'ltAIH A'A t'. bYKTU. of Itennner. Oregon, who on July 9. hi? n.arf iir.nimiiead Kntrv. No. 01S424. for RWUNKU, SE"4NWV K. rtinn 11. TownshlD 4 Soulh. Uanue 27 Est, WIllaniHie Meridian. hss Bled notice of intiniion to msks thtw-year proof, to establish rlslin to the land above dmrrlbed. bwre stati Commissioner, at his .( ! Itonnnpr. Oreann. 00 the 10th day of November. 1920. Claimant namea ss ltn-: Ham McCullouh. II. A. Thompson. A. W. Drksira and Geone W.t)stra. all of Heppner. Orrgon. r a Dunn, twister. First publication . pOMtib-r 21, tiiO Last publication . . XOTICK Foil FtlH ICATto TpanmrM of the tnt-Mr. I. Ijind Of0r at l.a t.r.nd-. Or..n ttrptembrr I'). li'JO NtrTtCK Is M trior t,rn . . iit-iti nitlN Iftifiiirily IIaM ... ',', lir-.nn. h. uO -.trn.lH r sn. 'im. tnsdr Hm.-im-I I'nirr, S'l 016222 tor N V. ' " w V u.i.. 11 Tnanth.O 1 Hotlth. Ilf .... ttllUmfi. M"M'lin. Bird tmtlrr f In'mti"" to n .is ..,r tn ri'Mi'h ni .k. t .nrf w,Tr itorrrllMxI. !''' lulled ! I'"""'""""' ' V III It'll - r Ij.h dv of :. Wr " :u tin tiM' ' 1 ' Jr. .,1 Ml'h. ' I t.Ml ."' " V'"" H ft. v lf. ? !' ' W !. N.r.. ')(". r-.ft 1920. Clnlmant names as wltnessec: John Keegan, C. us Ayi n, and Mason Imncnn. all of tna. Ore. W. F. Pettyjohn, of Echo, Oregon. C. S. Itunn. Register. First publication September 21. n:0 Last publication Nov. 9, 1920. XOTICK OF UOM HALF, denied bids ill be received until tli hour of 10 o'clock A. M., the 17th dsy of November, 1920, and Immediately thereafter publicly op ened by the County Court of Mor row County, Orrsnn, at the office of aid Court in the County Court-house tn the City of Hi ppner, Oron. for the purchase of bonds of said Coun ty, Issued for the building of per nianrnt rouda therein In the sum of 1(0,000, the same brine In drnomln stitms tit 1 1000 eah, sail bonds tn brars dale Novrmber 1, 1)11, and to mtlurt absolutily without option nf prior ri-dfinptliin Novembrr 1, 1929. said bnds t bear Interest at not to . d ( t prrrent per annum payable srmi'inoually on Msy and Surttibr first, principal and Intrr-1 tmt psfahlr In t'nlird fairs (old ftiin at lh otflre of the County Trra.otrr or at the Firal Anry of the Stste of t)re'n In Ntw Tor It rt. ljid lil unit! (. nrruitipsnlt'd by a f-tii'd tt")( fur 5 pt r nut ff tto fjrr j! .,, ,,f it.. t,..n.. bid for at I 1 . 1 lifimn t t 1 n 1 Ir ft-rt- l"tl f't'initin of M..-t. tfl. M.r.'.f Mn?ft of f. rUnl. ri'T ii I furr.. tbr. 't I.I t :-. . -t t. rit . r;r! I to T ri 1 BRlCIil 1 McAtee O. AiKen, Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks POOL YOU ARE WELCOME 1 The Moral Risk When the time comes to Beek credit, a bank will want to know what you ARE as well as what you HAVE. That's where the moral hazard comes In. And you can't establish credit over night. Rather, it Is a matter of becoming KNOWN at your bank, of es tablishing confidence by the way In whith you have kept your account, regardless of the amount yon have to your credit. Get acquainted that's the first thing. Then develop that acquaintance into friendship. It will stand you In splendid stead when the time cornea. Remember ing also, that this bank offers you a complete bank ing service. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. r The Moore Hospital Mrs. KAY MOORE, Trop. EVERYTHING NEW, CLEAN and SANITARY BEST of CARE and ATTENTION assured all patients. LARGE, MODERN SURGERY Private Rooms When Desired All patient j-rixili'ltd toclionse their own jihj 'Mi iatis ;itnl Mirj;eont Prices and terms on application. Phone Main 94 llippii'T. n-n..n 640 ACRES 630 Tillable Small house and barn. Good well. One-half of place in summer fal low. Price including all stock and machinery $20,000 Good terms at 6 per cent ROY V. WH1TEIS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE T. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE ' INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO GOOO RESIDENCES IX llEW'SKll FOR SAMS. PRICED RIGHT. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF PRIVATE MONEY TO IX)AN. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 Heppner, Oregon - :.::i!ii!i. nm -Mt miwnmxi iwssK-i mm 8 mm mm B t 1 -N'i - iJTnn Here's the Secret Of that wonderful "round" tone On hearing The Brunswick for the first time every music lover exclaims at its wonderful full, round, life-like tones. Back of the grill is the secret an oval horn built entirely of wood on the violin principle. Sound waves arc amplified and sent out to the listener in correct acoustical "circles." No metal touches them.That's the sccrctl I .iwsaaa ; T j i & 1 1 : .1 if G)me in a dem onstration will con vince you why The Hrunswick is fio superior phonograph. OSCAR OTTO Music Huuic I t r