Tuesday. November 2, 1920 - m ; ' ; S. E. NOTSON ATT( R V KY-AT-IAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON Assembling Skeletons His Vocation j. ruoi i:s.sio.L ai:is THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Let Us SKow You Our Line of X . f 1 DR. R. J. VAUGHAN dkvtist Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO J'HYNH I.VV anil SIKGl'OX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN JiAWVKK Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 6C5 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON XR. CLYDE R. WALKER PHYSICIAN' mill SriMJKO.V Phone Connections IONE, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN KYS-AT-IAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOItXKY.AT-I.AW First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON i-Titrc iNsvitAxc i: Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON MATERNITY HOMK I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf '302-. SUITINGS At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES These Suitings are of highest quality and excellent designs Come and get yours before the other fellow gets it. Satisfaction guaranteed in all our cleaning and pressing work Heppner Tailoring & Cleaning Co. I Main St. G. FRANZEN rrsc Heppner "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products Phone 467 1003 North 10lhSt WuIIj Walla, Wash V lJwm i X How would you like to assemble skeletons for a living? This man cfoes It nnd has been doing so for the past 30 years. He is connected with the Indiana Medical college, and his Job is to assemble skeletons from the sped mens used by the students of the college.t MOW KNOWN TO BE CLOUDS Up to Year 1900 the Projections on Mars Had Been Thought to Be Mountains. The first observers of projections on Mars had attributed them to the same cause that produces projections on the moon that Is, mountains. Such thdy were said to be in France aud at Lick. This view, however, was In 1892 dis puted by W. H. Pickering, who consid ered them to be not mountains, but clouds. This view was supported by A. E. Douglass, who observed them In 1802 at Flagstaff, Ariz. The mountain theory of their generation was shown to be untenable and their ascription to clouds proved lo be the correct theory In December, 1900. Only a sin gle projection was visible In 1900, 1903 and l'.KJd. As a mountain does not change Its place, nnd as nothing was seen where something had been vis ible, the phenomenon was proved to not be a mountain peak. Now the tfnly oilier thing capable of catching the light before it reached the surface would be something suspended In the nir that is, a cloud. Deductions, therefore, from the rnrlty of the phe nomenon alone showed that the pro jections must be clouds. Furthermore, the projection wos smaller after the lapse of 24 hours. The something that caused It was not ouly not attached to the soil, but was moving and dissipat ing ns It moved along. Clouds are the only bodies known to us which ac count for these metamorphoses. Clouds, then, und not mountains, are the explanation of the projections of Mum. "Mars aud Its Cuuals," by Per cival Lowell. - H v 3 ; I ; .V. J ISISIJSJ I a, tt - ,nt V EaifcaL'"'---. :l: CCtl' LONG LOST USE OF WINGS Ground Parrot, Found Only In New Zealand, Interesting to the Stu dent 'of Evolution. The wingless birds of New Zealand are particularly Interesting to the na ture student as Illustrating the process of evolution. Nowhere but In their native land could these birds huve survived, and, therefore, nowhere else would thry hnve become wingless. New Zealand Is the only region on earth where ttiere are no destructive milmnl. Itelng unable to fly. the birds could not, of course, huve escaped from any swift hunting nnlmnls such abound In till other hinds. It Is In teresting to note that the knknpn, or ground parrot, ow-e hail the utf of Its w but lielng a itniss ei-) feeder and tlmllng nn eneMiles on the gruimil k-nidunlly c ns, ( t fly lltll t,vi . tj lt tbv us i,f Its Kin.- rntl;fy, ll th It tnn rmi M-rv swifttv. 'I u..in blr! are o gentle ami m iini-.in. I. mis r hnvliiK any iiwml. tint If n tn-r-mii .:i in .,,r ,, ,,,! .1- . et It will pr. ,lv link p ben, I nn- hT lu Mini; iiinl iin to j, The "''"I" '" 'N.bnt In tal var, I t!,e :,.. ,.T ,;,, , .lr,.r,.lv Y,..,, t -l 1 1 ---it Irf It may bVpTofitaTile to tliein," but folks In the North feel that the Louisiana residents will find it more profitable to continue to raise sugar cane and the price of sugar, remarks the Hartford Co u ran t. Owls Lodge in Oxford. Owls, as Is proper in the case of birds of such renowned solemnity nnd secluded habit, have always exhibited a particular liking for Oxford, where more than one college, hut particular ly Worcester, has Its colony. Recently they have established a new colony In the Ivy-covered walls of the Bodleian library and the Tower of the Five Orders, in the Old Schools quadrangle. Members of the Podley staff now oc casionally find relaxation from their duties by rescuing the young birds which find their way down on to the pavement of the quadrangle, and- are unable to fly tip to their nests. West minster Gazette. Washing Rugs. When either rue or small carpets require washing dissolve four ounces of good white soap In four ounces of boiling water. When cool, add five ounces of glycerin and two ounces of chloroform. Uottle and cork well for use. When needed add one teaspoon ful of the preparation to a pall of tepid water and wash the carpet with a flannel and soap In the usual way. One wash will have a wonderfully cleaning and brightening effect. Stretch out on a flut space, tightly nailing the corners or sides If neces sary. Safe Baby Carnage. The Moro mother Is never troubled by the fenr that her baby coach It out of fashion, for she never has one. She throws her children on her shoul der, one on each side, perhaps, and the youngsters cling to her hair. TYPICAL CANTEEN GIRL Plows Drills, Seeders and other seasonable farm machinery and implements Peoples Hardware Company SHUTT- is carrying on a strictly legitimate Real Estate Bus iness. Ho will not offer for sale any land that ho would not be willing to buy himself at the terms offered. SHUTT- lias had over 2:? year's continuoiKs research of Mor row county land conditions, owning and otcrnting ranches, nnd as tax collector and business man. Whenever he recommends a buy, you ran bank on It. He ho built up a big reul estate business by ctfjuure dealing und efficient services. If you have land to sell or buy, see E. M. SHUTT Estate Man 1'p-Ntutrs in the Court House. I'hone Main 023 ' 'm in. n. in it. lib). . I . . -..- . ' -htl-l ..t I- IV t ,i I It lit i ' Ini-I v ' . . H.tb,. i lw.,..' t--t w i ,, !. . i . .. ,.. . !- tf- - II , 'I "'-. In ti l IMi l. i.'i"'i.i. ! t , ., 1-iH.HJ II. i .(, kn'.epu i.il, ,,. . . I.. tl I i . . r.. l.l. I . I I l.u f 1. I-.. I . Il-ll-l r f ! W-l. .p.i.4lat - I. .It. It. I i.iMiml. f. n t . I I If 1 1-4 ' f. I ' V !, I.t. I ii il-. .. I . t, , . ... ... . I i -IW. i I .... w... ,U U I. I I..i..,.i.m lil,t ,IMllul.,iliilit:,iii h.i Ii I Hill. '.' i a, ir. Hi linn ' n i If ihf ., , , i II! i-. n fi, ,., ;,,!V ... ,, l.ii. H wl.y in :ite i i.r 1 l.r..-i. it...--! .-Ill w. nie t In In. i : in Ii ..... (' ." ., -l'CTi f'J I?,!.) '".' IIVI, 'lut tr -li l.rr.l IrlU I I l Ii. ' I I l. IV I . GILLIAM & BISBEE Big Demonstration M.jcstic Ranjc$ at Our Store This Week Sold Wilting Bimhco In Leu tinns. The ili-nr!imi,t i.f i .rt, ,H ,,,it '' l--'l'"f Ibis i..i,ilir il,i IM.tl. liM t.u In I iiiii.iiins .!),. !,, ,-h n,. 'i. Jn iu t. l.nit.'Mu. t,ll)r jr.mn tl r .,,,1 ,!( , itl. '. ( , sr'ell.- n ( r..tlHlli.. V.. .ti..,, , ,n,p fr ,,,, f l'.IUlnli,l lul-.. .t,., .I,,,,, , I i l s tula. I I), n (lr ,) ,, ,f I r r!;!it liti-t ).,,- !J,r t',. nr M, h nmy ! ...) f"f t i i ,r ,irr' th -.t.u- r,ht . k.,t ,,f frm l I . Til ln !hl rks It.c tt'iUi, , r. ,., n,f U. 10 l.iliij iij i,rt..i ,,r f,,f p t '" J "t efX .i-lif I, rrr ...i hi.-r, 1,4 ta a iwurc of j!,!i t. A- St K ' - 1 J r Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she is doing so if she buys her Meats at tliU slvji which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMLR SORENSON, Props. ctiMteinirr 20EZXOE Mi Mlttli- lliinh nf Vh!iii;tilv, irim-rly t'r. mrrn-ii w..rl.r. who v lw wl.(. tn I fr tli reinlii-!i.i f s t I'li-nl riiniwn girl III Ih riil,.itnl hili.lBtiirr ihikIi-I i.f tin- lUtt 'r. iniiirvn it l...ii.Um, i'tsiHT. flr-t Aim-rl. n isn.p from Mi h th Itnl t'r ring fif. hi ui thnuighuat thi inuntry r il tlt timopy i't tl itMHlfl in rnpiimry nf tlie r..ii f..n the nnlwii uti I. n'.'im.l had (itm thi'in. TI niln lulnm rmilrrn hn iinn lrti-1 III 'Ui.--. lii the Riiivmn st th tt-l . !.) iM..til lx-i(usrrr In Wsh--.m. III b ft fit Umt o4 i ' i -fl'sia wmil rrur-Ti. BURLAP SACKS For Potatoes at Sam Hughes Co. ONLY 5 CENTS EACH Better Come Early SAM HUGHES COMPANY c