Tour THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November 2, 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISOX, Kditor and Publisher Entered at the H"ppn;r, Oregon, Postoffice as E6coni-c!ass Matter Terms of Subscription One car , $2.00 Six Months Si. 00 Three Months . . ; $o.;o ADVERTISING DOES NOT INCREASE COST OF GOODS There may .still be some dealers in the Pacific North west who believe that the manufacturer who advertises ex tensively must sell his goods at higher prices than the man ufacturer who does not advertise. This belief has caused the dealers who hold it to refrain from carrying advertised goods. Some of them have hon estly felt that they could sell unadvertised products at low er prices, or give better values for the same prices, than they could with advertisd products. The dealer who be lieves this, however honest his convictions, is standing in the way of his own prosperity. Successful advertising reduces the cost of selling goods, arid by doing this enables the manufacturer to sell his prod ust at a lower price than he would otherwise have to get for it. It costs money to sell goods. Any process which in creases the demand and decreases sales resistance also de creases selling cost. The merchant who has a turnover of $40,xm) a year, with a 20 per cent selling expense and a 5 per cent net profit, can make a lot more money if he can in crease his turnover to $(o,orx) a year without correspond ing increase in overhead expense. The manufacturer who turns out a million dollars' worth of merchandise a ye'ir without advertising, and who by spending fifty thousand dollars a year in advertising can increase his sales to two million dollars a year, is going to make so much more money on his total operations'that lie can reduce his percentage of profits, reduce his final selling price, and still have more net profits at the end of the year. Successful advertising does not increase the cost of merchandise. It decreases sales expense and increases profits for the retail dealer, the jobber, and the manufacturer. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor- piation of Our Readers. 'IhiTc aro i-lKlit Incluii uf snow In till! UlOUIltllllll rvu'.!). vt ,.jut JJlllV. 1 Tlie JitrkHOii county farm ImridU, with 700 nn tuber ,h Um luiK't fiirm liiru Jr ,,, ,(,, fiittnO drove mill report that the ''.iwillu. iilthmiKh Kri'ftUy Improv ' d,1in not t ntlnlni'd iininuil. It In expect, fl tin- K' ni-ml nvit nn ol luiin till" Jiiir In tlu tun n of ('cum May county will nut tic almrl of & p r nut. Hi-mum' nf a Biiinlly nf murk the l'lmiliiii mill of tlie' Vull. y l.iitnliir iiipiiny ul I ).i II.ih li.m i l.i-.. il 0 n. I'hiIiik of II of P. -mil-Ion ilty htin lH Mill Htart iuvt ii k hiiiI l.liln li.iti' I'i.ii mull' uti (.Mir inure Mm kii II. h-, l' vi ar i.l.l .M1...I.V ln.y. kh kill. .I In uti nut. mi. .Mil' in 1 lil. nl 1.11 Hi- ( .i-.,..l.,i r.'.i.l. 1 1 ii r i 1 1 1 in. 111 I i.M.r Ki ink I ! li.i niiiii. .'?, a f.irm. r lm llti tvit inil.N Hunt to :lit uf P.iH ill. wu klll.i) In 11 In (i ll liui k klp.i Iillll lli'iinuii l'r i!icii, (' (inn tti. In r, HIM ln Ihiii ii-ar II. kI lli-r fur liny had kill. J to uf Mr iTr''' ln p A Mil uf potato" on ttiw properly .f i K, Ilurtl In Mountain Vle addition In Or..iii t'ltjr produced 71 JFIMld Ntr. .1 p'.lltl.l.' A prof. ..iimll) trained i. r..iij, K. V n S liol. tt. ia U-.'ii nm.iK. 4 to IHKIiut- tli' f':lii uf "1 li 1 lull. limi.l'i r i f I ' liiin. 1. - T .ilin Hi- .iih!n( f ur' (it lli l'i'i i.l if 1. nn 11 li tlie hi.u'l.i 111 i 1 14. It. ml l- 1 al A I lull I .it I u I .I.I . ',' !,' Oil, Hit U!l I 111' I-. II I nn I ! .1 i ! li ,." I ' t - I ;r i S. , i . l I I a il'.i. l i 1 tilt 11.1: '1 .4kn 1 it r V . ! : 1,1 11, ;. mill .f. hj'.lv ill- uf a m-'i'ul r-.iU. J ftotn Hfl" In tli.- tin ml uf T M inliii. ii. :lit'r, mho In '. I. till fur .li't (In a..i'Util i f III l. m i,r ( I'll, h 'n . '!.. In ln( . nn r at II. atrrtnn ll.r l'a If f l".!ala Hiarrh rn fanv mill not opi rate there tliin grimon; " A Ki'iuTitl farm iirmlurtH show, to be held In K'JKi'iiit IkrcmbiT J3 to 18. In being jilaiinid ty tho nbTleultun.' council of tlii) county grange. ! Slate highway bonds In the mini of $l,f.ii0 000 Mil! bi- mild at a niet'tlng of the Rtuie highway iminil8lon to he hi lil In I'urllund Noveiulier 6. Wllhln a inoiuli un lion foundry lll hi' In opi ralliin at Collage Gnv e by Ja.n-9 F-em y. n .M u t3 Dninllri A rrmilnil up to three tout). Uiililicm tlyiiHinlt' d (ho nafu In the it ore uf J. din lli'dil-ii. p t niawti r and i.u'i-. r mi t i'hiuil of Si'iHtHburg, and rsi afi d wl.ll b-tweeii JL'ft OOO and J-0,- RWMor hat It Hint 1500 mn will find t tiiuloyuii nt in the cotntrui'tl.m of the railway from Wlllamlna to Oi tunic Itoiulc before the winter I ovi r. . Nl.tritifl. M and North II. ml Atn-r Iran I KliHi n nt Jointly will olic-i vi tin n-i-iiinl Hiinlvcrnary of ArinU: i ilay with i r. iiionli and cnl-rtal:i lie lit. t'oiiiiii-ri lal ornanlttiloiiii In run jiiintloti with the rninity curt liau b t a rot tract fur 30 ii.ui .onkl In to It Um d ill Uil' rttrill Hie li ..ll.i nt Conn county. The ( utility liearil Of i tl'l.ill. at Ion has In. r. am d the axu. until, nl nuiltint I In four .t On li'iil toti.n.iiliiiiii iin raUtiK In t'liickniiiiia in un') h) m.r half tiilHli li ilullat Tlie tci Iht uliorlage U not mi pn at Ihl year na It u lant year, accord tug to J. ('. Altiuik. aRlntatit director of the ct-nli.ii JUUIod uf tbr lul cl alt )r of Orrumi A number of nock ralirr at Thr PulVa ara Mannluc ou rnlrrliti llmr ouilibrid alock at lb International lltratock rihlblt mhlih will b held In I'orllatid urtt month. Atiaolut" (irolillililen of Jaiianeae Im nilm 4tli'ti n urgrd .y timrie A Mblte. adliitant acnrral uf Or-gun In an ad lii-M ui in. ml. r uf (he Albany (Hiat of lb" Aiti-tl.Ati liglmi A cmi li.. U- h. I.l In (he r..tii mm. It bun' In Albany Aitii.mi.e day S"'i..i..r II, un4. r It." illrn'li'O of tbe . inn i ni'.ty farm lunni and (he Ail'iiti 1 1 an.- r uf cute tli. li e. II:.' in ma!.-r ii .' I i-tre and ti.. In any may r M!tl fur the . i.t .l (.f lyi.h.'id at .r..t,t i t. iai-til In tal. m. an-nrdlnc to ir It U city hcaltb uf fr The fuiton w'er ritrny et Col Ion. baa flird mltb t'tr. y ( uii.-r, Hate cnilii r. a.i;iiailun rorrlr,g hr p- piopriation of water from Canyon ' crt'-k for domestic and irrigation pur poBts. This d-velopment contemplates ; tho coriBtruciion of an eight-inch pipe j line, approximately two milts in length. j A chv k for $.?0i.59, covering Bale I of distillate and aso'ine in Oregon by j the Standard Oil company of Cali fornia, for September, was received at the office of the secretary of state. The boc'v found recently on the beach near Fort Canby has been iden tified as that of Mayer Johansen, a fisherman who "was drowned at the mouth of the river on May 6 last. Clayton Long, expert horticulturaliBt of the extension service of Oregon Agricultural college, will visit Clatsop county November 17 and 18 and make a survey of the loganberry possibilities of that county. Salem is to be the center of the manufacture of equipment intended for the destruction of flies and rodents. The company will be known as the American Fly & Rodent Destroyer, and has a capital Btock of $100,000. Two masked and armed men enter ed the Shippington pool room at Ship pington, a sawmill Buburb of Klamath Falls, held up a crowd of 35 patrons and escaped with loot variously esti mated at between $700 and $1200. Delays in securing a roadstead to its holdings on the water front in North Bend will likely cause the Men asha JVoodenware company, which con templated constructing a large plant this fall, to abandon the idea until spring. The Columbia Valley Power com pany, with headquarters in New York, has nWe application for a permit for power development on the Deschutes river in Wasco and Jefferson counties. The application was filed with the federal power commission. It is unlawful in Oregon to hunt for or have in possession mountain sheep, goat, antelope, elk, moose, caribou, female deer or spotted fawn, except for scientific or breeding purposes, ac cording to a legal opinion given by I. II. Van Winkle, assistant attorney general. As a result of the three-inch snow fall, Lake county farmers In the Goose Lake valley will suffer a loss of more than $100,000. A three-inch covering of Bnow is the only protection for thousands of acres of wheat still stand ing in the shock which probably never can be harvested. Improvement of the PortlandTilla mook highway, which was made lm piuinahlo because of the operations of the WlUaiiiinii & Grand Hondo Rail road company, . being pushed with all possible ipt'tij, according to a letter received at the offices of the Oregon public service coirmlsslon. Oscar Hair, engineer on Southern Pacific extra freight No. 25C0, was killed Instantly at Parkplace when hie engine and three cars telescoped and wi're thrown into the ditch after a flange on a gondola car had broken. Illalr's engine was running as a help er, and was mar the center of the train. Arrangements for establishing the proposed farm linme fur dependent chlldr.n have been completed and are d'. pendent now upon success of the campaign drive for $120,000 which the Oregon Woman's Christian Temperance union, rponsors of the movi mi nt, will Inaugurate during the week of Novem ber 15 to 22. 'I l.o pear crop fur the Medford dis trict of the ltugtie river valley fur this scaHun will (quiil that of last season year, 7G7 cars, uf which up to date 7411 have been forwardid to the eimtern auction markets. The season's apple jl! -I.l. ...I.... ........ I........... u III ....I- L c i ii i I'l'iu ii"'. ui"" ui, ui uiiiy ue otic half that of l.ut year's shipping crop of 475 rats. Tlie sale tf Coiul liens of high class timber located on the Eccks loggin? railroad, which is being extended into the Ni lialem country from the end of the United Railways line, has be n consummated, the purchase lnvolvir.s transfer of 250.000.0u0 feet of stand ing timber. The consideration was given at $1,250,000. William T. Reed of Kansas City, Mo., has filed with the state engineer ap plication to const.jct the Winona reservoir on Jumpoff Joe creek for the storage of 2872-acre feet of water. The development contemplates the con struction of a dam of 83 feet in height at 'an estimated cost of $100,000 for irrigation of land in Josephine county. ATTENTION LADIES! You will be interested in the dis play of Dresses, Blouses, Skirts, Coats,, Suits and Corsets now being shown at my store. Come in and and look them over. Mrs. L. G. Herren.. 2 7-tf , NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, under the laws of the State of Oregon, have taken up the animal hereinafter described while running at large on my premises, on Hinton creek, in Morrow county, Ore gon, to-wit: One unbrolte sorrel mare, weight about 1000 pounds, age about 4 or 5 years, branded B on left shoulder. That I will, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1920 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, Unless the same shall have been redeemed, at my ranch on Hinton creek, 5 miles south east of Heppner, in said county and state, sell said animal to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand, for the purpose of paying the costs of taking up, holding end selling said animal, together with reasonable damages for injury caused by said animal running at large on said premises. L. V. GENTRY. Dated and first published this 2nd day of November, 1920. Star eacre AVEDXESIIAY, XOVKMUKIl 3 The Rathapfel Unit Program A complete motion picture entertainment Comedy, Epigrams -Magazine, Drama, THl'IISDAY, XOVKMBKH 4 Constance Talmage "A Virtuous Vamp The cutest vamp story ever told. Also Harold Lloyd Two-reel comedy, "Bumping Into Broadway." FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Paramount Artcraft Special "The Career of Katherine Bush Story by Elinor Glyn Also Two-Reel Comedy SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Dolores Cassinelli in "Tarnished Reputations" Drama of Studio Life and City Lure SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Dorothy Gish In "Nugget Nell" Star Theatre j WANT ADS I'nil SVI.i: Kind Tom iii c cur In hiflcla-w ci.niliiii.n, Eiiquito of Snyder. Ii ppner Soda Win In. tf LOST .iiii:i' ciMiio bimuh at Slar (lie. iter or un tlnrij. Still. ibl.i ri'- m.ird fur return In Mrs. S Sp-ncer or I', k S. Hank. "Olf it KOII SALE Kurd. Al condi tion. I'rlcp $4 5t). Sup Utuia Oslen lli'ppni r, Oregon 26 28pd I'ASTl'KK KOU ItK.ST--Horses tak en fur p(iira. on my ranch thirty milis fmm lli'ipncr. $1 to per month Good watrr and feed. In qulr al Herald pfflc. JJpd K X I K It I KNt'KI) ufflrp mil (,. aires poult Ion In Heppner Ivm of refrr enres limn MalnKZJ or write P. O. bo t:i, lleppmr. :-Jpd I WANTIli rp.ii.t,,,., ,,,. fr! Il.'liel,il hollo ill nt fc l':'l ur Sll- ' ilrcs li..l.,l;,, t.;i,, 4 ll.'l'Mi r. i Hi k. n ;o(f j Toil f.W.r. A huti... n.l l.i tots , Kruil. tn. and ,,,, , . Urnl s.r..'n Mr. A. K Hmn. -J4tf i ll'Sr l..i.' fflr ararf Km ler will be m, !.!- r warded If left al Ttutni'.iin lit,.. .',ir. KASIIION l.i: IMiKSSMAKINU Keii, and l.a.l r.- t lorln Mt Currrn, Church aiit. J7t( She Keeps Faith Yith You Will You Keep Faith With Her? Quietly, but effectively, the Greatest Mother in World is toiling and drudging for you and yours. She has not forgotten the crippled, blinded remnants of the war in army and navy hospitals. To the victims of disas ter in war she still brings blessed relief. She does more. She takes to her arms the victims of dis aster in peace, the victims of floods,fires, tornadoes and other catastrophes. Over 30,000 such unfortunates were shielded and sheltered by her this year. In preventing diseases through education, in saving lives through careful nursing and by teaching first aid in acci dents the Greatest Mother in the World your RED CROSS is keeping faith with you; keeping faith not only in your own country aye, in your own vicinity but also in devasted foreign lands. Will you keep faith with her? The good she has done in the past has been possible entirely through the help of your membership. Will you continue to sustain her as she con tinues to sustain you? Then join the Red Cross or renew your membership. Send your application on the enroll ment blank below to your nearest Red Cross Chapter. Tear off and send to your nearest Red Cross Chapter RED CROSS FOURTH ROLL CALL November 11-25, 1920 H. A. DUNCAN, Chairman Tear off nd lend to your nrct R. C. Chapter ENROLLMENT BLANK THE AMERICAN RED CROSS In rc.Hine to your .nj't'.il fr incmWr lo carry on llu humanitarian work of the Kl'D CKOSS 1 cncloc my tncmhcrhij fct. ,f $ and desire to lie enrolled a lucmiicr for MORROW COUNTY CHAPTER, Heppner, Oregon Name AtMrc MmorKip F Annual, $1; Conlributinf, $5; Suttaming, $10; Ufa, $0; Patron, $ 1C0