Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 02, 1920, Page Three, Image 3

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    Tuesday. November 2, 1020
William Hwlett Tells of Times When
He Wants to Be Left Alone With
His Thoughts.
Give me the denr blue sky over my
head, anil the green turf beneath my
feet, a winding road .before me, ant a
three hours' march to dinnes-and then
to thinking I It ls hard if I cannot start
some game on these lone heaths. I
laugh, I run, I leap, I sing for jov.
From the point of yonder rolling cloud
I plunge Into my past being, and revel
there, as the sunburnt Indian plunges
headlong into the wave that wafts him
to his native village shore. Then long
forgotten things, like "sunken wrack
OinndSU"lleSS treflsuries." burst upon my
1 T?eer sight Instead nf
iQfr silence, broken by attempts at wit or
dull commonplaces, mine Is that undis
turbed silence of the heart which alone
Is perfect eloquence. No one likes
puns, alliterations, antithesis, argu
ment and analysis better than I do;
but I sometimes had rather be with
out them. "Leave, oh, leave me to
my repose!" I have Just now other
business In hand which would seem
Idle to you, but Is with me "very stuff
0' the conscience." Is not this wild
rose sweet without a comment? Does
not this daisy leap to ray heart set
In Its coat of emerald? Yet If I were
to explain to you the circumstance
that has so endeared it to me, you
would only smile. Had I not better
then keep It to myself and let it serve
me to brood over, from here to yonder
craggy point, and from thence onward
to the far distant horizon? I should
be but bad company all that way, and
ryJherefore, prefer 'being alone. I have
V ft'eri It said that you may, when the
xJuoody fit comes on, walk or ride on
by yourself and indulge your reveries.
But this looks like a breach of man-
uers, a neglect of others, and you are
thinking all the time that you ought
to rejoin your party. "Out upon such
half-faced fellowship," say I. I like
to be either entirely to myself or en
tirely at the disposal of others; to
talk or be silent, to walk or sit, to be
sociable or solitary. Table Talk by
William Hazlett.
Academy Which Keeps Language Cor.
rect Decides to Admit "Gentle
man" to the Dictionary.
The French academy, which devotes
long sittings to the task of keeping
the French language absolutely cor
rect, and which regards all foreign
words Introduced Into the language
with horror, lias Just made an excep
tion In favor of an English word,
which Is henceforward to have a place
Jn the official dictionary of France,
ays the London Telegraph. This is
the word "gentleman," which is very
frequently .used In modern writing and
conversation rather than the time
honored gentllhomme, which ordinar
ily means nobleman, but which, In the
new edition of the dictionary, Is to
be described as meaning "a man who
without being noble by race, has lofty
tenements, elegant mnnners, and does
aoble acts." With regard to the word
"gentleman," It Is to be described In
the dictionary as "an English word
someNmPS employed In French In the
metaphorical and moral seuse of the
word gentllhomme."
This Is undoubtedly not the last
time the French academy will be
called upon to give an official welcome
to an English word which has become
current In the French language; for
example, the word "home" Is becoming
t great favorite, and the misuse of
the words "smoking" and "dancing"
for "smoking Jacket" and "dance hall"
fins become so usual thnt the English
origin of the words Is quite forgotten.
1 .
Th Alley Dog.
Ad alley dog they called him, t
tramp and worse thing still. Stones
they flung at him. On their porches In
t,h evening tliry aliuxeil hltn and plot-
sgnlnst Ms life. Am) all hoi-atme
JfVos ownerless end unkempt In his
"T?hvny shagglm-M. Hut, with all Ihrlr
stone throwing and brnndhhing of
sticks, lie atiilili'd good-naturedly along
end sotmht the company of the chil
dren, ho Utiew not Ids reputation
among righteous citizens and loved
In spue of his dirty nut. lie
played with them until utmppreuliitive
t'lunmirs tlinscl tiii'j anny.
And Ihen fine day his whole life
rliangeit. With group of bin rMM
Imites lie wi-nt to t!,e tHinlijr river. He
' n!'-iid !lnin pii pnre fur a nwlm. Svl-1-tiiy
lie until I tlmt one una nip:;
V'Mfi I. nnl. II- i-ii-, In:.! it,,. rir.
W lil.t li.ipt i mi nft, r tint ln Lit Ii.ii.it
kli'itt. Ife U mm i.ri'y Unit 1 1 l.ltle
Ihtjj m :in , in. I HimI . I, ,..v u
r'mtid ni' inl'r of t!, little Ixij's
No lonci-r In I h rn'.U .) rin nV. y i...v
j -gili'iru iln Imte initi plot I N ilciith.
Sfflw to W-ili'lir why. N...V lie bn
. je. to tuiii.U r. Hi- nu ri lr r-tli!
tiwl, nmit tn'j tin cniiii'iiiplstlv
nt riiiitrtit nt lnl st l.mli.j roui
Into his on. llllu nukes Jniirtinl.
Vanishing Indian Ltnausgt.
Nol'r In AtiiTiiti hs there Iwn
urn a r):vir!ty nf lu'.'st lnii.-ns.-ri
In Cullfuriiis. lint tin Intifusgpf
ara no rtipt'liy d,n ri ,fc.
ml of thorn ar kii"ti otily l.y flr nf
i. and others by only 3) or 30 Hin
lTt, and hsrdiy a jisr
ithotit nuria dis'.1. or n Inn
risf. ci:tig to iit, thntieh th
dmth of tha Istt Ihdlodtisl sMa to
peak It. TfTorts in I :r sT tnsd to ra
mrd all !!, Isntf-itft fr tba uki
tf Iba ItgM tbajf ll.ri.tf on tha snctenl
bistort of Ilia I'scloc Cot tt 8 jo tbi
htm tort llaraid.
For a Limited Time
For the first time in the history of the phonograph busi
ness you may purchase the best phonograph in the world
and get
Select Your
All the new
Records are
Costs no more
than the ordinary
THE &r j& j&
of all
You Can
Your Own
Costs no more
than the ordinary
With any Pathe Phonograph
Except Nos. 3 and 6
There, is no string to this offer; no joker in
it. Twenty-five dollars worth of Pathe or Act
uelle records free if you !uy a Pathe Phono
graphthat's what we say, "and that's cxictly
what we mean. N'o matter what you pay for
your Phonograph except the small models 3
and 6, which are not included. No matter
whether you pay cash or huy it on easy pay
ments, the S5 worth of records will he' deliv
ered to you at once, right away, as soon as you
select the records and choose the phonograph
you want.
All you people who are thinging of buying
a Phonograph In-fore Christmas this is your
lig opportunity. I'.ny now, get the advantage
of easy terms, and get your records free.
Come in now. Choose your Phonograph.
V 'II give you immediate delivery on the in
strument and the entire outfit of records
ready to play.
Case Furniture Co,
"Adtsnrliif j.-rt hstf rnf1 in
In forrgo it,a inrury nf tmtr," mid
div-seril nonisn Mid. "'Iw slnw 10
rsih" mlsM ! i nna's fuM si j
ry n..ij of 11 f. I.nt 11 is shint !
ty otvrntisl m th mii1.l f- r.
Bts nf si r r svt tip f.oltit (miImh) j
u 11.W fjmirm. 4 sir in 1110 IB St frut
t harm btwn msil rtnutty III by (1
Itif y to mf tmrr. Now. fof ml
Bsith s hK I tedvttor t rvotrtia
It Etrharif.
Tl rrlt .f tat., -tot ss
fur (liilin.j i)'l irltii:. to fimka liv
nmilm.til.i. ihrrs l smt )srn tm si.1
rloth. n. till Ikis ro(itttiiJ to t ths
wl linWnnt tiw uf .ui.' rr
ini lh ils)S of II. Orrk. sml U
bistis. ini th l-t (tsr nn
MSr for 11,11 ,uriM. rrrfi1lti t
li t'nitH tiist fwlnglrsl sun,
dnrtmM nt tl lntrio. T1.rn1
fsn Pnm , s,.nn M Arts that II will
r !! C.iw tii la th pom.
Cai to' C ertyi Wno Wtm.
Ill 1. 1 -l li'.aa l4 ,q ,, r.ili.rs
lt hi-ii ni,, 1, ,f it, h:i ra soar
of this jtili.fl' aul ,i,;, o,j
In tit hspi) l'fiir !n,u. It. In of.
!f lo ol.anr ia rhi.('i t lu.i.f,
Wh.( Na.tl
A fork Mil i-ii tht Has.
f irslM'.i ( tl I.... tl, lar.s. ft.sl
mifhi to m hm r-m. boi wo
'Old tf Stand f.,f siirfe SMMiSsf
a'r.M Hnalam Tnaiaraat4 j
Li I Nsughty Child.
Wliti Tartar lr,!'r sa HrHn.rwJ
ftifl iovt sii drii.k h will tsks Mm
lr tli and lai lilm up to (,
Wfa M.v .v
?'r. Hio r Iwn hd .a ih.
T STilr) 'ori.Mril ! I al.lta, )M
ttxarltf sf ua la i nnntrif firr4
6rm pit IhrtMis. -M d ill a
parks and fiathroo.
In Itr'.iifK i...irn whan ,frtn a
hatl.fjt. , a rllf.K!f
rs.-ful. sa ark .III ( lb, ,9,t.r
f tl. rv. l.l.lg IU u, nj.i,!!,,
f tl(ilin.
ptti.t i.4 . Iriim.
i't Tunklna aM it .,. , , , u tltf
Mtrt ,t.,f,, to,,, , u
tiling to nk s him '., a
al s h Is tat rlfua ll-t