Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 02, 1920, Page Two, Image 2

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Tueadary. November 2. 1020
Great German Wireless Station
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Tlie Gprman Kovcrninent's wireless station at N'auen was opener with
elaborate ceremonies recently. Tlie station is tlie larnest in the world, and
has power to send messages nearly half way round the globe. The photo
graph shows one of the power generating rooms.
Spines of Porcupine.
Tlie spines of a porcupine, in the
usual position, lie nearly flat, with
their points directed backward, but
when the animal Is excited they are
capable of being raised. The quills
are loosely Inserted in the skin and
may, on being violently shaken, be
come detached, n circumstance which
probably gave rise to the purely fabu
lous statement that the animal pos
sesses the power of actually ejecting
Its lining like arrows or darts at an
Gasoline as an Insecticide.
It Is stated upon the authority of no
less learned a body than the bureau of
biological survey that all Insects ob
tain their oxygen supplies through
small holes in their bodies. When such
an oily substance as gasoline comes
Into contact with the pests the sources
of their oxygen supply are closed, and,
lacking breath, they uatuntlly die in a
short time.
Pronunciation of Z.
The pronunciation of the letter Z
as r.ee Is an Americanism. The Eng
lish pronunciation Is 7.ed. from the Old
French rede, which In turn Is de
tIvimI from the Latin reta, the name
of the sixth letter of the tlreek al
phabet, corresponding to the English
red. Khakespenre In King txar, net II,
Rcene 2, gives the English pronuncia
tion, which Is still In vogue: "Zed I
thou unnecessary letter."
Philippine Forests.
The forests of the I'liillpplnes nf.
ford the greatest variety of wood In
the world. Some of the hard woods
are unexcelled for beauty anil dura
bility and a big trade Is developing
In exporting the timber to the United
Eaypttan Mummy Cloth,
The extraordinary durability of the
ancient Egyptian mummy cloth Is be
lieved to he due to the fact that It was
finished with a vegetable glue derived
from the African locust-henn tree.
A Real County
mHE province of a local county news
ri ror ic tn nils no nfnrlv nc rwwih1
t'"t"-' - h- ' I
all the news of the county in which it
is published every week. To render
such service to its subscribers it is nec
essary to maintain a corps of corres
pondents in all parts of the county.
This is the plan followed by
and the steadily growing circulation of
this newspaper in Morrow county is
the best evidence that the plan is a suc
cess. Take a look at page 5 of any is
sue of the HERALD and sec for your
self if the above statement is not true.
If you want ALL THE COUNTY
NEWS every week in the year
You Want The Herald
The price is Si.oo a year, $1.00 for 6
months and you have to subscribe for
the Herald to Ret it. The HERALD
is forced on nobody. We want only
willing subscriber! who want the paper
because they like to read it and who
are willing to pay for it because they
think it is worth the price charged. If
yen are not now a subscriber or if your
subscription has expired we will appre
ciate your check and order. Thank you.
Heppner Herald
S A. " "k l'ullulu r. Heppner. 0:r :i
Hard Substance Is Needed to With
stand the Constant Friction Which
Wears Away Moving Parts.
The principal reason for the deteri
oration of any piece of machinery is
because- the constant friction wer.rs
away tlie moving parts and Interferes
with tl.e regularity of the mechanism.
A wnti-h. being a machine in which
absolute uniformity of speed is essen
tial, It is necessary to reduce this
friction to a minimum either thwugh
constant oiling, the use of ball bear
ings or some very hard material which
will withstand the wear and tear of
constant friction. The first two of
these methods are not feasible in so
small a piece nf machinery as a
watrh, so certain very hard jewels are
placed at various points to counteract
the rubbing caused by the moving
Watches are generally equipped
with 7, 1", 17, IS, 21 or 23 jew
els, the 15 and 17-jewel types being
the most popular. Intrinsically, the
jewels used In tlie manufacture of
watches are of little value, but from
the standpoint of service and the spe
cific purpose which they serve they are
Invaluable. The jewels usually used
In watchmaking are the hardest of
the precious stones, diamonds, sap
phires and rubles, and of these the
most generally used is the sapphire,
which combines hardness with com
paratively reasonable price.
Owner of Radiolite Timepiece Is Also
Possessor of Vast Power
The possessor of a radiolite watch
or one having a radium dial by which
the time can be detected at night. Is
nlso the possessor of n vast power
plant of no, mean proportions, accord
ing to a writer In the Electrical Ex
perimenter. There Is sutiicient radium
on vour watch to haul your train
home If It could bo properly applied,
says this author.
As the matter stands, the innocent
looking radium dial does not seem to
possess any extraordinary amount of
concentrated energy, but this Is only
apparently the case, and not actually
so, for the reason that while the
amount of activity manifested by the
radium paint on the dial is small, this
effect will keep up for 2,500 years,
provided the zinc sulphide, with which
the radium Is mixed so ns to produce
a glow, holds out that long. The zinc
sulphide In most cases gives out in
about eight to ten years.
ow. If we could but find n way to
:a!to the radium release all Its energy
fn a few hours. Instead of spreading It
over 2.o(H) years. It would not he dlffl
(tilt to make a motor that would util
ize this cilery.
Seeing Through Other's Eyes.
We all have our natural tendency to
ward a bias of one surt or another.
When we see through other's eyes we
nlo' add their bias to our own. There
Is a possibility that one bias will eoun-
I ternct the other. If so It Is well. It
I Is also possible that one bias will add
; very greatly to anoiher. Then what an
I unfair verdict you unit render. Poor
I Judgment is hure to follow and shame
' will lay at your door before you dream
It possible. Yet niont of tis are to more
or less extent gull'y of the habit. It'i
so oay to take our start from where
others leave off. We ore compromised
to the extent that we lean on their
judgments. It Uu't fu'r und often
lead to sorrow.
lon't make too much fun of the
other fellow's glaei. lie may be bad
ly biased, but then you have no mean
of knowing how )ou n,k In his eyes.
We lire all inure or less Influenced !
- our heredity and environment. So the
' wise thing Is lo get nil the fncU hm
! nlblo before we puos Judgment.
Unique Moccasins.
Trnves (,f lb). I'usnuiiniiumMjr In
dian at the I'leuvuit -,,im (Me.) res
ernUoti do a thriving hmuiev miotic
suiiinirr VMtors by ,o ml of tuoc
en!t! made from t1 fn-t f immiI.
fHl are proline In rnwiiqii,Mdy
buy. The Ih.I.hik kl'l many uf Ibein
ri h )ear. The liO.e, nrr hDnn Rm
.! for rliK purpo... j the feet
are wurknl up Into f..tinir ImjiIi for
thetr own uu and for ronuuerr. The
fact tht Hit I ! H. or
Ball, left for r,'h of th five lu
make tJ. snirle f footwear
uuiitue and !r th-in an appeal to lb
tourist hj vl.it (h, rwnatioa.
Virtues f f (rV
E reputed:? lnrf.Hit, six)
Naus..sa pl.jH t.n , ,h,
OatiM tlx. went OnU.l
Helen vf Trvy at the next re aa
dula. and tU un l(l 1. ttl- coiupMniiae
brtwr.0 in, j ,)Ht ,
I rater l make titKltli tlt) u make
In lr!r, io (M'snd , rhnjreo
h run Urvf.x.t ff i,.y g u.y
tt e il i f l,e uoe and it,, enterprise
if the ..'t,ef til., (,( lrr, nothing
'" Irtil.K.lifl ( IB Without
! on I to. k 1 I ! t Uruul.
A i-jM Of M. .
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Morriiiigs ;
old .fingers
Better take a slant at our window dis
play of Canton Flannel and Jersey Work
and Driving Gloves before the frost be
comes more severe. Something there
to meet every cold finger need.
Canton Flannel Gloves
MEN'S HEAVY ...35c
LEATHER FACED (Very Serviceable) 65c
Jersey Gloves
BOYS' HEAVY JERSEY . . . ...4oc
Phelps Grocery Co.
Juvenile Wisdom.
The essays of sctiool children fr
quently Impart very curious Informa
tion. One boy wrote. "Sugar Is made
from linen nigs." Anoiher, "To keep
milk from turning sour yon should
leave II In the cow." A third young
ster. "To make butter we must bent
up some eggs in some milk and set It
In the aim. When the eggs come to
tli. too, nun It off "
First Us. of Clorlou. Banner.
On Jun. H. 1TT7. the continental
congress passed i resolution adopting
our original ring. John Paul Jonea
claimed to liav. been Die firm to raise
the nw fiug over a naval eel, and
probably the flrst use of the Stars
and Stripe on laud was at Kort Stan
wlx. where linsllly ImproUsed has).
Der was raised on Augimt S, 1TT7.
Snakes' Power, Over Birds.
The bureau of biological survey
in tea that snake .do not charm bin)
In in understood ene of the word
"charm." Th. Instinctive fear that a
b'rd r sninll animal, such as a rab
bit, bn for a snake paralyses the
muarles nf the bird or anluinl and
prevent li enpliig from the snake.
The word I of tirwk derivation
and nienn "view "f denfh," A ui
In Hrjanl poem It might be Inter
pret e I a "a meditation on th. sub.
ject of dealh."
Mr. Ford Owner j
You can get your Ford
overhauled at our shop
at Ford schedule prices
Ford Garage PSC
4, .
Th. riPt lrttlaui CtiBrrh.
Tb. usual pYtlta of th. Chart.
Ill b. held oa t.nd.r. CnnslstlB(
of tk. Itlbl. fkbool e. o'rlork. fol
lowed bf Communion Herrlr. sad
Pr.arblD( at eleven o'rlork.
Tb. vnln )ertlee. l!l ronilst
of th. CbrUttsa l ndvor Hrrvice at
even o'rlork and on( rWvire and
)'rvrhin( at eishl o'rlork Kvetey.
on. Is cordially ltnit4 to attend
theae service
W. O. l-iinine. Mmintrr.
1 thrlun silence
, Chr'.tin t,itrrr . f I. . are held
tv.or..ns at II eo
II I' bail "o'.-UV
n ?!! rj
i I tr j t .!. .af
vrty Sunday
ocl k in t o
.d t
1 . . ! e I
Suits and
$30 to $75
We have without doubt the best values
Fall and Winter Clothing
ou can find in Morrow County. You
will find our line the best-made for the
money at prkes ranging from $30 to $75
e .1 r ! . :v k j.t th, b. .!!.
of I'll.'f" l".oe-n All H.lrt
r.lr, fe niljl'r it ! f i I
i,tw r s r r