Tuesday. October 26. 1920 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON : 3 A . A A I. A W V K K S l l'HOI J) ANTM OM- GRAND Ol'ERA, HUT ,,.111 A A I'U.SOKY VA( I NATION . HOME SOXGS,TOOj ZTZSSaSSs " " ''"II j. IXK'AL NEWS ITEMS AMENDMENT I'loijtaiii Is Suited to Divergent I I A .j In view of the "lany "liHloadinp Tastse When McAllister Trio Q I A A A A A A A A A A A A A statements that have been circulated Appears Here 1 ' . , I ' ' ' ' ' 1 i-fL-ardinir the intention sind effect ort Whether one loves, in music, the ! B f! H A B ril M B Il - 1 the Ami -Compulsory Vaccination ' brilliant arias cf jrrand opera or the 3 tfljAt Ljk Njf& H BT MP 31 i I Amendment Bhould it be adopted by simple folk songs of the heart and , K H iQ B WW lft H BH Ml H ! iOS. 1 III IL3 bat mAT- V W m Vt sViW mr loflfl 4 U v w ill jb y I Ngw foal'? It. F. Ilynd is here from Portland on a business trip. Cass .Simp-oti, stockman of the Splay couiKiy, is in town today. C. J. O.-,!' n, one ol ttie pulihslui lite Madias Pioneer, is here today," havint; been called to Heppner sever al days naj by the sudden death of his mot Iter. Miss Y-mta Case, who is holding down a fiHO-aere homestead in the J. one Hock country, has come to jleppner to : (K iid the winter. Mrs. A. I,. A yens and Mrs. S. W. Spencer were 1 '(,t 1 !;i ml virilors for several days during I lie week. ELECTION RETURNS Will be received at the Star by direct wire Tuesday night. L. II. Martin came up from Port land Friday to look after business in terests and visit his daughter, Mrs. Ktiiisniati of upper Willow creek. Mm. It. ,VV. I.owrey, of Niagara Falls, N. Y who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. F. U. lirown, for some time, left, for the east Monday. Iloy V. Wiiitels reports the sale of one of (hi Hon; dwellings, recently occupied by W. S. Prtiyn, to Marion Cork. The consideration was S'lS'i5. Will Padbeij.; returned from Port land Monday morning where, lie spent a few days on business. Mr I'adber.g will finish harvesting his 7(i()i) acre ivheat nop in about two weeks if the present fine wcat'iei coat i n yes. Ceorge Swa.ggart, former old-time resident o.' ll.'Ppi.e", forth" past, yea t living tit Pii.die on, where he has ex tensive ,-i.i rty inlet 'esls, was a vis itor here lor i few days last week GRAND Ol'ERA, BUT HOME SONGS, TOO Front-am Is Suited to Divergent Tastse 'When McAllister Trio Appears Here Whether one loves, in music, the the Ami - Compulsory Vaccination ' brilliant arias cf grand opera or the Viriendm. 'it should it be adopted by simple folk f;ongs of the heart and li e m-onlo ('i' Oregon next Tuesday, nome, one win nnu ins cnoice wneii , the following statement, and opinion on Friday evening he hear3 the Mc niade and signed by 18 members of 'Mister Trio at the Star Theater, the Multnomah county bar is not Kathleen and DeRoss- McAlister and without interest: I Miss Ada It. Phillins who assists A.N'TI "CO.MPI.'I.SOKY VACCINATION ; them are musicians equally at home of vnc-l'n eitnf;r- J he dramatic looking al'le' proier y inieresfs hero Mr. Swaggiirf says he likes Pendleton fine but v lo', of his old tiilicum? in llippner .i;ik Lie other eye and of fer to bet thai, if the truth were known, lie still likes this little old town "finer." Judge Campbell and Koadmaster MrCalcb went to Pendleton Friday to Helect nome road machinery, Lucks, etc., offered by the government for the use of county road work. This county has been offered a 120 h. tractor which may be declined, be cause it is loo big to turn around on any of Hie state highways we may be uble lo gel lo work It on. ELECTION RETT It NS Will be received at the Star by direct wire Tuesday night. AMENDMENT "No form ot vac cination, inoculation, or other mod-J ication Khali be made a condition in this state for admission to,, or attendance in, any public school, college, university, or other educa tional institution, or for the em ployment of any person in any ca pacity, or for the exorcise of any right, the performance of any duly, or the enjoyment of any privilege." We, the undersigned, have exam ined the above Amendment,, and in our opinion, 1 This amendment does not abol ish the public health laws. 2 This does not abolish quaran tine. ?, It does not. permit food hand let ros lo refuse examination. 4 If does not allow persons af fected with smallpox, leprosy, syph ilis, and other diseases to go upon our streets, in hotels, theaters, churches, schools or trains. 5 .This amendment does not pre vent vaccination, inoculation, or oth er serum treatments to those who de sire them, but it. does prevent one from being compelled lo submit l.hese forms of treatment. (Signed) Maurice A. Kelts', W. T. Vaughn, Junius V. Ohmarl, Loyal 11. Mc Carthy, W. O. Sims, F. C. Mc fJougall, Geo. I.). Young, John A. Jeffery, Hamilton Johnstone, Ralph A. Coan, E. U. Birken beuel, J. O. Stearns, Asliby C. Dickson, Wilson T. Hume, Clar ' ence H. Gilbert, E. J. Menden hall.'W. I?. Shively, H. K. Walton . (The above are well known Port land attorneys.) element predomin ates in their brilliant program. Oper atic arias are given in costume and musically and dramatically, are ien dered with exquisite art. Vocal, pi ano and cello numbers- and dramatic readings are also featured. The Mc Alisters are known broadly in Amer ica where for years they have been outstanding figures on the Lye urn platform. Kathleen. McAlister hi s a dramatic soprano voice of wide range which she uses with authority and intelligence. DeRoss McAlister is one of the truly capable tenors of the day. Miss Phillips is a cello soloist of un usual attainment. The McAlister Trio truly outstanding and Us program is so varied as to insure an evening of rare delight on the occasion of its appearance in Heppner. to SPECIAL RANGE OFFER During the week beginning No vember 1 to 6, Gilliam & Bisbee will give a fine set of cooking ware to ev ery purchaser of a Majestic Range. The price of the range will bono more than at any other time. This ipocinl offer of free set of coolung ware with your Majestic Range is good only during Demonstration Week, while the manufacturer's-demonstrator is at our store to explain the many superior and exclusive fea- : tures of the New Majestic Range. We invite all who intend to buy a range this fall to come and take advantage of this special offer. Star Theatre Thursday, October 28 J EPSON WINS OVER DODAX SINGH It was a hi yu match -.as' Saturday night al the Star when Nels Jepson and the Hindu went to the mat In a rouplo of warm bouts. Nels, who hail HillToreil n defeat a week earlier at the hands of Ted Thye, came out vicloriotis In the latest mulch,, his poweilu! physique proving too much for his linbiineil antagonlsl. Singh proved himself a inlghly good man at I hut and the match was well worth Die pih" of admlshleit and llien scene. The mulch went bill two bouts. Tim prellmliuirleH were also Inter esting. Wright won n lively match nvi'r I'." i 'otier. and Hie boxing con text, wh b of shell duration, got a em il hand from the crowd, AnoC .1 match Is tallied of, lo he held soi ii- three weeks hence, he twe-ui .1. p oll uuil Jack Kennedy of Condon riilE ISA KING A great many women who are nat urally fine cooks, never really accom plish prize quality baking, because! they do not have the advantage of a I completely air-tight oven. - During the week beginning November 1. a visiting demonstrator of the famous I Great Majestic Range will be at Gil liam & Ilisbee's store. This range is I riveted in all parts, so that no heat escapes from the oven. The baking results are wonderful, and with sav ing of fuel besides. Also u gift ot fine rooking ware, a complete set, goes with each Majestic Range sold during Demonstration Week. The prii f the Range will be the name as always no charge for the set of rooking ware. A IL:tGl Kilt HOUSEWIVES Il Is Indeed a leal bargain when you can get the Majestic Range that you have been Intending to buy and have Included without any additional charge whatever n full set of fine cooking ware. Thin i-pedal offer will be made at C.llllam & llishcc'a dining Majestic Range Demonstration Week, beginning Monday. November 1. Ro sure lo come. Select your Majistlc from among u variety of style anil sl.es ami gel your set of rook bu na r as a gilt. MARY PICKFORD v HEART O' THE HILLS " 20 and 30 cents As a Citizen of Oregon You Need the Port of Portland If you ownctl a store you couLl not make a big success unless your busi ness methods were as modern as your competitors'. Unless Oregon devel ops her shipping facilities she cannot, expect to get her share of the world's business. .It rests with the citizens of this state whether Oregon shall de velop her wonderful resources and reach out for bigger markets, or remain practically an inland state. To become a real port, a 30-foot channel must be dredged in the Colum bia and Willamette rivers from Portland to the Pacific Ocean. .This will enable farmers, stockmen and lumbermen in the interior of the state to teach the markets of the world at a lower freight rate and greater profit to themselves. The taxing and bonding power to make these improvements .can .be granted the Port of Portland only by the people of the state. You and rsciy other eitien will benefit if you. on November second, von: 310 yf.s on tiu: hallot Tin: pokt of Portland DOCK COMMISSION CONSOLIDATION HILL. I '.,..! ,VK 1 r.it ii'u lit 1 Oregon Port Development League. L. W. Trimble, Secretary. LET us show you these new models in both long and short coats. They come in all the popular cloths and color ings and the prices are very reasonable. 1 1 Tv&'ftt Si 8 -''1 ! A 1 ) ! t New Tricatine Dresses THESE COME IN EXCLUSIVE MODELS ALL DIFFER ENTAND VERY SNAPPY STYLES. New Sweaters COAT STYLE OR SLIP OVERS AND FOR LADIES, MISSES OR CHILDREN. A LARGE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM. . New Klosfit Petticoats ALL JERSEY NEW MODELS AND WANTED COLOR INGS BETTER SERVICE AND SATISFACTION THAN ANY OTHER PETTICOAT. Mi nor Company The Telephone Situation In the engineering of a telephone plant switchboards, conduits, cables,, pole lines and general equipment we have always tried to anticipate the growth of a community and provide therefore by advance conduction. This course has enabled us to more promptly comply with the requirements for service with better construc tion and at an ultimate expense less than that involved in waiting to meet demands as they arise. i In the war period we were unable to maintain this- reserve plant, as the very things we needed for telephone purposes were required and necessarily taken for government purposes. The demand for telephone service did not decrease and our reserve facilities were practically absorbed In meeting It. As every business man knows, the problems of reconstruction following the war have been acute and prolonged to an entirely unexpected degree. Unusual conditions ore prevalent throughout the entire manufacturing, mercantile and social world. The telephone Industry has had to meet all the difficulties and handicaps of retarded pro duction, distribution and transportation. This advertisement Is not meant to be one of apology, but one of explanation and even accomplishment. In the face of an unprecedented demand for telephone service In the last few months, hampered by the exhaustion of our reserve plant and diffi culty In securing materials, we have r.dded more telephone thus far this year the state of Oregon than In any similar period of telephone history. In the slate of Oregon. In the eight month ending August 31, we have added 6863 telephones. In the eight months ending July 31. 1917 before the war we gained 36 55 telephone. In the state of Oregon we have approximately 2600 unfilled application for tele phone service. A lmllnr ltuatlon exist all over the fnlled State. We will con tinue to secure all the equipment possible, and the desire of the public will be met, a soon a It 1 humanly possible to do so. The Telephone Company regret the Inconvenience to prospective ubsrrltwr. It 1 a anxlou to give service a the patron l to receive It. The Company I doing all In It power to remedy condit:on and furnish service In accordance with normal standards. , The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company We IHt't'. Dnnl M g"llle t r'mn le'h BHtes "H Cf"nr II. I'tmn aster Htl fe ilr't nf smtt,..i.i HI remote le ibn. sf f hrti H. !, .Ulrrf tioiit.l te ru t.'t hri' 't! "ft rleih. An M'-him l(t.-f nre ri l nude bf c'M'l''l .M ef How'! ell te one ef Kl'ti M.e. if; ID no .V 1 TxowgM li'l t J' Qusniy. Tt trnii.i'.ni ! of lert'hf p.-ti t,,1 emen te It.le f'r Ih.-m. rlr Hren fc-nf-ellf t'fill. ' hoi enr rl"tM wv.i sr. (he eir'nr of srhnnt f ttieiliM. of f .lot i im lntIX1il heft i Mil r.e -tf.--v was in liie f t f. i tli .vn'n'y llxrwn N The tiemlriil linr. -.irf of an rt. a't I .!. fn,!r if spiT-xiinste f eieui i.f i,irh ti i f t,',. .sa:i,)lll teu,. .!!! ri.su.if f'f inimvrr tne H,.t Cemmon. Ar.H;t t tft't Ile hrrr Is .) il tn ttlt f the Jim.-tr cf tie rlnUt lm i! Mi:,ir nf rjrnirrt d tlOeJ 1 ' s, I tii l.;f.